Day 58.

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“I still cannot believe that the guy you’re always complaining about is froggy Minho!”

“When I agreed to share my contact with you, it’s for work purpose only. Not to gossip around like this. Besides, he’s older than you, put some manner over there.”

“So I guess I’m right after all, you do have a thing with him, Miss T. Look how you defend him still.”

She threw the poor pencil on her hand. Her eyes stuck on the sketch she’s been working these past two hours. Looking at the result, she decided to drop her limb to the bed.

“How would I know you knew each other? Wait, let me rephrase myself. How could you be my boss’s sister?!”

“Oh that thing, my mom sorta gave birth to me eighteen years after him?”

Eighteen years?! If that happened in this decade, it’s probably Jonghyun went too far with his girlfriend and had a beautiful little baby daughter. I mean, kinda adult Jonghyun cradling a tiny human in his arms?! Come on!

“How do you think Jonghyun was dealing on his last two years of his teenage baby sit a sister instead of having fun before exam?”

“Are you being serious right now? That’s my brother’s issue! Check it out with him!”

“Good Lord! Why you never told me that Jonghyun’s your brother?!”

Taeyeon’s frustrated, but Yeri got frustrated more listening to her dance teacher’s nonsense words.

“His picture is basically almost everywhere in my living room!”

“Well, I never had a chance to look around your house. My only duty is helping you mastering the ballet jazz for your final exam, not observing someone’s home. Besides, your living room is freaking huge. I can fit my whole apartment there.”

“Oh, please. First, stop exaggerating my parents house, it’s not that huge.”

“For you!”

“I am not finish! Second, how would you check your surrounding if you seemed always in a rush whenever you came? Third, stop being a kid and treating me differently after you found out that your boss is my brother. We are different people, he got his own .”

“You know what? You do sound more like a Choi.”

“Since you’re thinking that way, for your information, I’m pretty sure Mr. Toad himself treating you that way for a reason.”

“Because I’m an intern which basically a welcome mat he could step on anytime he arrived not in the mood at the office?”

“Woman, you need to calm down.”

At this point Yeri started wondering which one of them is the teenager.

“Calm down my . If this is cartoon you’d see dark smoke fuming from both my ears and nose.”

“And if this is cliché weekly drama my Mom always watching every Thursday, I bet my hair he has feeling for you.”

“Oh, that one is actually not wrong. Anger is feeling after all, Honey.”

“No wonder you always complaining on how people seeing you as their personal punch bag. You’re filled with so much negativity. World doesn’t need more of that, Miss T.”

“How old are you and why did you start lecturing me about my life?”

“I am seventeen next month and that’s because you’re being childish right now. Was that enough?”

She met so many students already since she started teaching. Some are nice, some are pain in the . But Kim Yeri is really one of a kind.

“Listen, not everything you watched on your TV is reference to my situation. If this is fairytale, a rich young man from a famous family already chasing after me and beg for my love. Then after three episodes of people trying their might to separate us, we would finally live happily ever after. Now you to bed, Young Lady. It’s school night!”

“But promise me you’ll give Minho oppa a chance?”

“A chance to become a decent human being? Probably. To become an ? I don’t think so.”


Day 58.


From Sookie :

I have a conference that I cannot miss. This is about the new vaccine research I’ve been joining. Junghee doesn’t allow me to go unless she’s going with me. Can you please taking care of my son next week? It’s for three days only. Taemin has lots of deadline he’s been sleeping at his campus for a week. Please?


She reread the message again and again. The nightmare she’s been trying to avoid is finally catching her. Staying in that house is the last thing she wanted to do. And the chances her mother came over would multiply. She doesn’t want to fight with her in front of her nephew.

“Why the long face?”

Amber flopped in front of her with a box of donut. Taeyeon shakes her head and put away her phone immediately.

“My sister. The nanny duty is finally here.”

“Aw, sorry to hear that.”

“No worries. I can always dodge it and give it to my brother. Forcefully.”

Amber smirks to the image of Taeyeon’s wriggling her brows, “I know you are the kind of my people! Donut?”

“Gladly,” she grinned and reached one, the same time Jongin pulled one as well. He just returned to the office from Jeju yesterday.

“Well, ladies, fancy seeing you here. It’s been a while we catch up like this. We’re missing—“


Bora dropped herself next to Taeyeon, laptop followed a second later to the table.

“Actually I’m about to say coffee.”

“You girls seemed to have lots of deadline.”

“No kidding. There is this one loyal client wants to upgrade her kitchen. Sunny asked my three options for Thursday.”

“Holy molly, it’s the day after tomorrow.”

“No kidding. And Henry is not helping. At all. He’s been screaming to his screen for whatever reason it is.”

“I know, I know. This repeating no-kidding is irking my OCD and I’m not happy so please stop,” Jongin then turned his head to Taeyeon, “And you?”

“I’m backing up all Suho’s works. He’s overwhelmed with the additional drawing request and the interior details. Although I’m still in denial, I actually have some rooftop house design I need to revise as soon as possible.”

“What happened with the rooftop one? Did you tell me the other day it’s actually working well?” Bora looks concerned to her.

“It was. Until Minho’s entering his PMS period. I’m so so stuck. I made some options. Some revision. But Minho kept returning it to me and said random things which sometimes had no relation at all to the project. Hyungsik had his hand over him, the owner of the city hotel in Hongdae asked for some garden expansion. He had to switch from the Jeju project.”

“Breath, Tae, breath.”

“But that’s impossible. I worked on the calculation for its cantilever last month. Thirty centimeters more, we would face stupid penalty from the city council.”

“That’s what exactly I’m saying,” Taeyeon gulped down half of the water in her bottle. Her phone’s blinking, his brother’s name this time which makes her wants to ignore it more, “I gotta finish this sketches for Suho asap because I think any time now, Minho would send me to Hyungsik.”

“We’re so doomed,” Bora clicking madly, almost threw her mouse for a moment because the screen is not responding for a moment.

“I thought Jeju is the only mess we have to deal,” Jongin was able to escape from Jeju’s duty. Until the minute Kyungsoo stepped on the project site and summoned some back up.

“Without Jonghyun, Jinki’s losing it. The other day I accidently eavesdropped his conversation with Kibum. The man was apologizing to his fiancé for not coming home three days straight.”

“So where did he take shower? For all I know Jinki’s always looking draped.”

Three of them dart their gaze to Bora with different faces. Amber looks like she’s done with her best friend. Jongin rolled his eyes, the first time Taeyeon saw he did that. And Taeyeon is actually tiny bit want to know just like Bora.

“What? Aren’t you wondering the same?”

“Honey, Dear, the more important question is, where is Jonghyun? He’s supposed to fly this space ship. Jinki definitely needs his co-pilot!”

“You don’t know where Jonghyun is neither? I thought it was only me!” Jongin almost chocked on his second donut.

And I thought it was only me as well, Taeyeon keeps her curiosity for herself.

“Nobody knows beside Jinki. He said Jonghyun has something personal matter to take care, urgent he said when I asked.”

“Minho must know!”

“Yeah, but who wants to ask Minho?”

“You got your point.”

“There you are!”

A smiling head popped by the corner and walked to their table. Taeyeon wants to submerge on the concrete floor knowing what’s going to happen next.

“I need your favor.”

Jongin pretends to check some important messages on his phone, secretly hoping the words are not directed to him.

“Which one?”

Jinki stopped momentarily, “Actually, four of you, Amber.”

“Really? Including me?” Amber and Bora shouted together then looking at each other in a very very confused manner.

“Yes, ladies. Including both of you.”

Jongin still locks his eyes to his phone’s screen until Jinki sat next to him, “Well, first, Kim Jongin. You can stop looking for your phone, it’s not gonna to save you from whatever I’m about to say.”

“Did you just call him Kim Jongin?”

“Are you Choi Minho?” Jinki looks so pissed off, “How on earth people are more concern on the nickname?”

“I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that you’re too fond of him and started to call him Kai as if he’s your adopted son.”

“Nobody’s going to adopt anybody!!”

His tone is pitched to some octaves higher as if someone stole his last piece of chicken.

“Whoa. Chill, Boss, we’re not telling you to pick up some adult on the street and keep them home.”

“Then stop talking about adopting or having a baby.”

“Well, literally no body talking about having a baby.”

“Whatever. Stop mentioning baby, okay?!” he shifted a bit and opened some drawing before him, “Here is the as built drawing for the beer garden we made last year in Hongdae. I want you to look this up and cross check with the pictures and calculation. We’re talking expansion. Vertically.”

“But I’m still working on Hyungsik’s Jeju project. I’m waiting confirmation from Kyuhyun right now.”

“Forget that one. This is more urgent. I need to do the pitch presentation tomorrow.”

“Are you out of your mind?! That’s not gonna happened. I need to physically check the site. Those pictures are taken during the opening. Who knows they’re making any adjustment?!”

“Good point. You’re right. I’ll call my driver. We’re leaving in an hour. Go print all the documents we need.”

“I can’t complain, can I?” Jinki’s smiling but he’s shaking his head with his might, “Well, at least you provide the ride and come with me.”

“Record that and play it when our dinosaur returned to the office.”

“Where is he?”

“Undisclosed personal matters,” J

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970 streak #1
Chapter 12: What did Taeyeon do that Minho is eibg an to her?
970 streak #2
Chapter 2: I think Minho also has a crush on Tae! But at least he apologized for beibg a jerk.
970 streak #3
Chapter 1: I finally started reading this. After all, LWFWE is done.
Looking forward to this "love at first sight" thing of Taeyon.
januarysunshine13 #4
Chapter 22: Welcome back!!! This story has a special place in my heart.... would like to see more epilogues.... and want to meet the baby!!!! I would really like to read about Jong and Minjung's life..... they seems so lovely..
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 22: Yeah! So happy you add this epilogue. Love this first epilogue! But since it is the first one , waiting for the next one too. ;)
Chapter 22: Huaaaa... I can't wait for Kibum!! Must be really fun xD
Chapter 22: Thank you for the epilogue but it's too short ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 21: Amen!
Chapter 21: Amen! this is one of my fav 2min story ♡♡ you really did a great work author-nim! and yes..!! would like more for epilogueㅋㅋ thank you for finishing this story!!
januarysunshine13 #10
Chapter 21: Awwww,, its over.... thank u for this lovely very few works the writer can make all the characters likeable.... but u did it with this.... I wont mind if you make more fics from this universe so we know whats the crazy gang doing in their lives!!!!!