

“I have an offer to make to you. A job offer.”

“A job offer?” Seulgi was intrigued. She had been thinking recently about getting a new job that could pay better. Was this her chance?

“Yes. However, it’s not an easy job. It will require a lot of patience, time and sacrifices.”

“Most jobs do.” Seulgi accidentally said out loud and the man, Jaejoong, just chuckled to himself.

“We need you to join J Corporation.”

Seulgi blinked. “Wait, are you from J Corp? Are you recruiting people or something?”

“No.” He reached inside his pocket and flashed her his badge, making Seulgi’s eyes widen.

“You’re-” She covered quickly when he gestured for her to keep quiet. Her head was spinning and she felt like this was something she would only see in a drama. Why were the police trying to make her work for them?

It was as if he could read her mind. “J Corp has been undertaking many illegal activities but we have been unsuccessful in finding solid evidence against the chairman, Jung Sangmin.” He explained.

Jung Sangmin. Seulgi knew him all too well, and just hearing his name would make her hands clench into fists and her blood boil.

“We need someone to act as an undercover and earn his trust, get close to him. Then when the time is right, when there’s enough proof against him, take him down once and for all.”

Seulgi nodded, looking intrigued at the plan which sounded easy enough. “Let me discuss this with my girlfriend first.” She said.

“No, this has to be kept confidential. No one can know about this except for you and my team.” He responded firmly.

“W-What the hell?” Seulgi spluttered. “I can’t do that. I’m not good enough to hide such a big secret from people.”

“We’ll pay you generously if you agree to work with us.” He said, seeing that she was backing out.

She shook her head vigorously. “No, I don’t care about money. I don’t want to hide anything from my girlfriend and I hate lying to her. Plus, I don’t like that company and I don’t want to work for that man. I’m going to reject your offer.”

“Who wouldn’t want money? It can get you everything you want.” He tried to convince her. “Think about it, think of what you’ll get out of this.”

“No. I don’t want money, and I know Joohyun wouldn’t wish for me to accept this either.” Seulgi said curtly, turning around to leave.

“What about Bae Yeongho?”

She froze in her steps upon hearing the name that Jaejoong called out.

“I’m sure you are familiar with that name.” He said, knowing he had succeeded in capturing her attention. Seulgi turned back around, staring at him cautiously as he continued.

“10 years ago, Bae Enterprise was the top company in Korea, until the rising J Corporation used dirty tricks to dominate the other companies and rise to the top. To defeat their rival company, J Corp scammed and forced Bae Enterprise into bankruptcy and the Baes were ruined, causing the many years of hard work by the previous generations to be destroyed. Bae Yeongho, the head of the company at that time had to sell the company rights to them but Jung Sangmin wasn’t satisfied and wanted his rival to be gone for good. So then-”

“Stop. Stop talking.” Seulgi’s fists were clenched and she spoke through gritted teeth. She didn’t want to hear it. She hated even thinking about what happened in the past that still brought pain to Joohyun even till this day. How could she forget the amount of times Joohyun gets nightmares and wakes up in the middle of the night crying out for her father? 

“You hate this company and you hate that man for what he’s done. Don’t you want justice? Don’t you want to see him get punished for what he has done?”

“I do.” Seulgi replied firmly. “But I can’t do this to Joohyun.” She added, the determination fading away quickly.

“You will be doing this for Joohyun, won’t you?” Jaejoong persuaded. “Not only will you be getting justice for the Baes, you’ll also receive a great deal of money that can allow you to live comfortably.”

Seulgi fell completely silent, the gears in her head spinning but she was still unable to make a sound decision.

Jaejoong reached into his pocket and took out a folded piece of paper. “I don’t expect you to make a decision immediately. If you accept my offer, I’ll be here on the 10th at midnight.” He slipped the paper into her coat pocket and gave her a pat on the shoulder before walking away. 

“How can I possibly give you up?”

Joohyun’s eyebrow quirked up at the strange statement and she chuckled. “What are you talking about?” She tucked some strands of hair behind the taller girl’s ear. “The stress and tiredness must be making you say weird things.” She teased.

“Yeah, that must be it.” Seulgi’s voice was distant as her thoughts drifted.

As her girlfriend gave her one last peck before skipping back into the kitchen to check on the soup, Seulgi stared at her from the back, finding it one of the most beautiful sights in the world and smiled again to herself.

There’s no way I can give you up.

I wouldn’t give you up for the world.

And as she watched Joohyun fall asleep next to her, looking so peaceful and content, it was settled that night: Seulgi wasn’t going to accept the job offer. Because nothing was worth giving Joohyun up for. Almost instantly after making her decision, all of her stress disappeared and she was able to sleep without a worry on her mind after pulling Joohyun closer and feeling her nuzzle her face into her neck.

The next morning, Joohyun was surprised to find Seulgi out of bed early despite it being a Saturday. She found Seulgi making breakfast for them, in an obviously good mood as she cooked the pancakes and hummed a song while cutting up fruits.

“Good morning.” Joohyun smiled, leaning on Seulgi’s back and wrapping her arms loosely around the taller girl’s waist.

“Good morning!” Seulgi beamed, her tone cheerful. “Are you hungry? I’m almost done.”

“It smells really nice.” Joohyun commented as Seulgi managed to turn around and give her a peck before smiling widely at her. “What’s with you today? You’re in such a good mood.”

“I’m just happy.” Seulgi replied with a grin. “Come on, let’s eat.” She said, bringing her over to the table. Joohyun couldn’t help but smile at how happy and bubbly Seulgi was this morning. “So, what do you want to do today?” She asked, holding her hand on the dining table while eating with her other hand.

Joohyun fell silent for a bit and looked at Seulgi who blinked a few times. “I’ve forgotten something important, haven’t I?” She asked sheepishly.

“It’s my dad’s birthday.” She said.

“Oh, that’s right.” Seulgi mentally scolded herself for forgetting something so important. She gave her girlfriend’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Then let’s go visit him after breakfast?” She suggested. Joohyun nodded, smiling at how every year, Seulgi would accompany her to visit her father’s grave on important days such as his birthday, his death anniversary and occasionally on holidays. Joohyun was so thankful that Seulgi was more than willing to go with her and keep her company, not to mention always being there as her support when she cried.

They bought flowers on the way to the cemetery and after saying their greetings, they sat down so that Joohyun could talk to her dad for a while. Hands clasped together and never letting go, Seulgi watched with fondness at the way Joohyun spoke to her dad, occasionally squeezing her hand to reassure and comfort her.

“I’ve been doing well, dad. Seulgi takes good care of me so you don’t have to worry.” She said with a smile and Seulgi laughed.

“I think Joohyun is the one who takes care of me more.” She admitted.

“True, you’re such a baby sometimes.” Joohyun replied with a smirk, nudging her teasingly and Seulgi made a whining noise before throwing herself into Joohyun’s arms.

“Then you better always stay next to me otherwise I’ll cry.” She said, looking up at her with those large, adorable eyes and it was impossible not to promise her that she would.

As they walked out of the cemetery, hand in hand swinging lightly, Joohyun asked Seulgi if she really didn’t mind coming here so often, especially on her rare day-offs. “You don’t have to come every time if you don’t want.” She said.

Seulgi shook her head lightly, smiling genuinely. “Visiting is the least I can do to show him how thankful I am.”

“Thankful?” Joohyun’s steps slowed as she stared at her puzzledly.

“For you.” Seulgi replied. “I wish I could thank him properly in person, you know? Tell him how thankful I am to him for bringing you into the world, raising up the most beautiful and amazing person on earth and for giving me my other half.” 

In response, Joohyun punched her for making her cry again.

They were eating dinner at home that night when the news broadcast gave updates on the flourishing J Corporation who had just struck a deal with an overseas company and how their stocks were rising nonstop and all that. Seulgi saw the way Joohyun’s mood darkened and the moment Jung Sangmin’s interview came on, she marched over to switch the TV off and Seulgi was just thankful she didn’t punch the TV.

“You hate this company and you hate that man for what he’s done. Don’t you want justice? Don’t you want to see him get punished for what he has done?”

At the recalling of Jaejoong’s words, Seulgi’s mouth went dry and she downed the rest of her glass of water, shaking her head and telling herself that she was absolutely not going to change her mind now. Not after she had been so sure just this morning that she wouldn’t accept the offer.

“That Jung Sangmin really deserves to be in jail.” Seulgi commented casually as Joohyun sat back down, testing the waters and watching her reaction closely. “He shouldn’t be walking around free like this.”

“I know.” Joohyun stabbed her chopsticks into her rice, anger evident in her eyes. “For everything he’s done, he deserves to be locked up for the rest of his life.”

“You..” Her voice cracked from nervousness and she cleared , trying not to look suspicious as she asked this. “You want that?”

She looked up, giving Seulgi a strange look due to the question. “Of course I do. He’s the reason dad isn’t here today.” She sighed afterwards. “But it’s not like I can do anything. No matter how much I hate him, I can’t do anything to stop him and it’s really frustrating.”

But I can. Seulgi thinks. I can stop him.

“Then, do you ever think about…Like, do you want Bae Enterprise back?”

As the only daughter, it was evident that Joohyun would’ve inherited the company once her dad retired but she never got the chance to since her father and the company were both taken from her before she was even of legal age.

Her answer surprised Seulgi, but at the same time it wasn’t unexpected. “Not really.” She replied in a soft voice, poking at her food for a bit. “I mean, I wish Bae Enterprise still existed because it’s a family business carried down for generations. But I think I might’ve passed the responsibility to someone else.”

“You wouldn’t take the opportunity to lead the company?” Seulgi asked with wide eyes. “Imagine all the money and power.”

Joohyun simply smiled, “And imagine if nothing ever happened to my father or my company and I remained as the same Joohyun in high school? Where would we be now?”

That made Seulgi crack an amused smile and she blushed a little. “I would probably still hate you.”


“How could anyone forget the legendary arrogant, spoilt and rich princess Bae Joohyun?” Seulgi teased and received a glare from the girl she hated for the majority of the time in high school but fell in love with during their final year.

Since Joohyun was born with a silver spoon in and thoroughly spoilt due to her wealth, it came as no surprise that she was used to having everything her way and acted like a brat whenever it didn’t. She wasn’t a bad person; everyone at school knew she was kind-hearted and had no evil intentions, but she just wasn’t someone people enjoyed being around.

Seulgi and her clashed almost immediately when they first met, with Seulgi stubbornly not submitting to the princess like everyone else did. It was almost cliché, the way Seulgi never did what Joohyun wanted just to piss her off more. She really hated Joohyun though, mainly because she came from a non-wealthy background while Joohyun had what felt like all the money in the world yet was never grateful nor appreciative of it.

Before their final year in high school, (with Seulgi counting the days until she would never have to cross paths with the brat again), J Corp made their devastating attack which ruined Bae Enterprise and also took Joohyun’s father away from her forever. Joohyun’s only family member now was her aunt and overnight, she went from princess of the world to a mere commoner. All of Joohyun’s ‘friends’ were unreachable as soon as they discovered she had no money anymore and she had never felt so alone before in her life.

She was sitting on the edge of the rooftop of their school building, thinking that it would be easy to just end it all now. That was when Seulgi appeared, confessing nonchalantly that she realised there was no one kicking the back of her chair in maths class anymore and got worried. They talked for the longest time, skipping almost all of their classes and Joohyun learnt a lot from Seulgi that day.

Before parting ways, Joohyun thanked her and then hugged her impulsively while she promised that she wouldn’t do anything silly and that tomorrow, she will be back to kicking her chair in class. Seulgi laughed and also promised that she would always be here for her to talk to if she needed her, and when she gave her a genuine smile that warmed her heart, Joohyun thinks that may have been the moment she fell for her.

Joohyun soon learnt how to be humble, modest and selfless, always being grateful for what she had even if it wasn’t much. She became the person she was today, and it didn’t take long for Seulgi to reciprocate the feelings she had. They were practically inseparable for the entire final year of high school, with the two of them helplessly head over heels in love with each other much to the annoyance of their friends who wouldn’t admit truthfully that they made the cutest couple. They made it into the same university, moved into an apartment together and the rest was history, really.

“If that never happened, we wouldn’t be here today.” Joohyun said, reaching across the table to hold Seulgi’s hand. “I’m not saying I’m glad my dad left, but I think it was a good thing that I didn’t inherit the company because if I did, then I wouldn’t have you.”

Seulgi beamed, caressing Joohyun’s smaller hand and they shared a smile in comfortable silence until Seulgi asked another question. “Are you happy with where we are at now? Financial-wise, I mean.”

Joohyun wondered why Seulgi was asking such questions but still answered truthfully. “I am content. Although of course, a bit more money would make things easier and we could live more comfortably. But it’s not something I’m desperate for.”

“If we were to move, what kind of place do you want to live in?” Seulgi asked. “Hypothetically.”

“Somewhere near nature, maybe.” Joohyun hummed, tapping her chin.

“A tent?” Seulgi joked and she played along, agreeing that it was a good suggestion and that they should really consider moving straightaway.

“What’s with all these questions all of a sudden?” Joohyun asked after their joking and laughter had died down.

Seulgi hesitated before replying nonchalantly, “Just thinking of our future.” It wasn’t a lie, but it also wasn’t completely the truth. She could feel the guilt creeping up on her for having to keep secrets from Joohyun when she was so used to being completely transparent with her girlfriend and telling her absolutely everything.

Thankfully, Joohyun didn’t question anymore after that, although she could tell that something was on Seulgi’s mind for the rest of the night and her mood had changed quite drastically compared to this morning.

She couldn’t fall asleep that night and lay in bed with eyes wide open while listening to Joohyun’s soft and steady breathing beside her. The clock ticked to 11:30pm and Seulgi had finally made up her mind.

Getting out of bed quietly and grabbing a coat, she pressed a kiss to Joohyun’s forehead before slipping out the front door.

“I really hope I’m making the right decision.” She mumbled to herself as she made her way to the location printed on the paper. It was a little past midnight by the time she arrived and sure enough, he was already waiting with a knowing smile on his face.

“I knew you would come.”

Seulgi bit her lip, was she that predictable? She walked over, taking a few deep breaths to calm her jittery nerves.

“Let’s get this straight, if I do this, I can put Jung in jail for his crimes and also get paid well for all of this?”

“That’s correct.” He confirmed.

“Then…” Seulgi outstretched her hand. “I accept your job offer.”


a/n: sorry that this took a while!
we finally got a glimpse into their backstory though

and now the big secret is out oooohh how many of you still hate seulgi xd
I feel like letting you know seulgi's reason for doing this will only increase the angst and frustration now oops

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got featured :O thank you so much to everyone for reading and for supporting this fic <3 love you


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74 streak #1
74 streak #2
Chapter 21: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
74 streak #3
74 streak #4
Chapter 18: Damn
74 streak #5
Chapter 17: I cant take it anymore. :(((
74 streak #6
Chapter 16: Brb gonna shed more tears
74 streak #7
Chapter 15: I trust seulgi!
74 streak #8
74 streak #9
Chapter 13: Intersting and scary chap ok ok

Authornim, I have stan twt tooo!! Can we be moots?
74 streak #10
Chapter 12: Damn scary