
twenty two. 

“Thank you.” Joohyun said, looking at Bogum who raised his eyebrows at her sudden statement.

“For what?” He asked, putting his coffee down on the table. They were having lunch at their usual café during the break and although it was meant to be awkward between them, Bogum tried his best to act like nothing had changed so that she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable.

“Everything.” Joohyun replied earnestly. She was thankful for too many things, for his presence in her life, for his patience and devotion to her, and for everything he had done for her without asking for anything in return. She looked at Bogum who looked back at her with a sad smile because he knew what was coming.

“But I…” Joohyun started but stopped, unsure of what to say. She bit her lip, finding it difficult to find the right words to use. The silence hung in the air between them and she stared down at her hands.

“It’s okay.” He said, smiling. “Joohyun, it’s okay. I know.” He reassured.

“I’m sorry.” She said. She didn’t know what else she could say. “I’m really sorry.” She said again.

“It’s okay.” He said again. “You know I just want you to be happy.”

Joohyun felt tears welling up. She really didn’t deserve his kindness. “Thank you.” She said quietly. “For everything you’ve done for me.”

“It was my pleasure.” He replied. “Thank you for allowing me to be by your side for the past year. I was happy.” He smiled when he saw Joohyun’s doubtful expression. “I know it’s stupid of me, but I really was. I enjoyed every moment with you, and you will always be a special person to me.”

“Thank you.” Joohyun said softly, her gaze gentle and warm. It made Bogum realise that she had never looked at him like this before. She always had walls up around him and although she didn’t treat him coldly, she never had much genuine emotion towards him. “You are one of the kindest people I know, and I am fortunate to have met someone like you. I really hope you find someone who deserves you and I know you will make them the happiest person in the world. They’ll be lucky to have you.”

Bogum gave her a smile that was genuine, but it was still tinged with sadness. “I always wished that I could be the one who made you happy, but I realised eventually that no one other than Seulgi could be that person for you.” Before Joohyun could say anything, he continued.

“But I am happy for you, really. I’m glad that you were able to find that person who can make you this happy.” He saw the way Joohyun’s expression brightened at the mention of Seulgi and his smile grew wider because she was proving his point. This was the first time in a very long time he had seen her so happy; she was practically glowing.

“She has always been the one.”

“I know.” He said. “I think we all knew, but so many unexpected things happened, no one knew how things would turn out in the end.”

“Yeah, but I guess what is meant to be will always find a way.” Joohyun smiled. “Despite everything that has happened, we can still be together, and we can be happy.”

“Of course.” Bogum agreed. “Have you decided when you are leaving?”

“Not yet.” Joohyun shook her head. “Seulgi still has to take care of a lot of things before she can leave, but hopefully soon.”

“Are you excited?”

Joohyun gave his question some thought before replying. “I’m just excited about spending the rest of my life with her.”

She received a text from Seulgi right after and became preoccupied with texting her back while the bright smile never left her face. It was that smile Bogum knew was reserved only for Seulgi. He wondered if he would ever find someone that will smile like that for him only.

He thought to himself that it would be nice to have a love like theirs one day.

Seulgi leaned against the lamppost with her hands in her pockets, looking up at the clear evening sky. There was no snow tonight unlike the first night she came to Joohyun’s workplace to see her after she had been released. Seulgi smiled wistfully at the memory of that night when she came to see Joohyun, stupidly hoping that she would accept her again, only to be harshly rejected. She could still remember how heartbroken she had felt, and how she really thought all hope of a future with Joohyun was lost. But months later, she was here again in the same spot and so much had changed.

Seulgi saw the building doors open and she looked over to see Joohyun walk out. The moment Seulgi laid eyes on her, she felt a massive smile spread across her face and it was like all the stress she had felt from the day’s events was lifted immediately. Just the sight of Joohyun was enough to make her forget about everything.

Joohyun looked up from her phone as soon as she saw the message from Seulgi saying she would pick her up after work. She spotted Seulgi straightaway in the distance and she felt her heart start beating faster as she smiled uncontrollably. She had missed Seulgi a lot and this was the moment she had been waiting for since the day started. She took hurried steps towards Seulgi until she was finally in her warm embrace once again and she felt Seulgi sigh in content, hugging her tightly.

“I missed you.” Seulgi said before Joohyun could even say the same thing to her.

Joohyun smiled, leaning back to look at her. “I missed you too.” She said, her heart swelling in her chest as she stared at Seulgi with a smile that never left her face. She still couldn’t believe this was real; it all seemed too good to be true. She really thought she had lost Seulgi forever back then and even when she returned, Joohyun didn’t know if they could ever go back to how they were before. But here now with Seulgi, even after all that had happened, Joohyun felt like nothing had changed and it was as if they never lost any time.

Seulgi brushed the hair out of Joohyun’s face, laughing softly at how she was staring at her without saying anything. “Is something wrong?”

“No.” Joohyun shook her head and still smiling. “I just want to make sure this isn’t a dream.”

Seulgi laughed because she was just thinking the same thing. “It’s not.” She pinched Joohyun’s cheek lightly, smiling at how cute she looked. “Come on, let’s get dinner and you can tell me all about your day.” She said, holding out her hand for her to take it.

As Joohyun took Seulgi’s hand, she thought to herself that she was so lucky to have a love like this; a love that made her so unbelievably happy.

“When do you think we’ll be able to leave?” Joohyun asked in a soft voice. They were sitting on the couch together, quiet music playing from the record player in Seulgi’s living room. Joohyun was leaning on Seulgi, her head on her shoulder and she was holding Seulgi’s hand with both of her own.

Seulgi hummed, thinking about how to answer the question while she watched Joohyun play with her hands. “I’m not sure.” She replied finally. “I still have to sort out a few things at the company before I can leave.”

“That’s alright.” Joohyun said with a smile, tilting her head up to look at her. “I’m happy enough like this.”

“Me too.” Seulgi squeezed her hand. “There’s nothing I want more than this.”

Joohyun stared at her for a while, the smile on her face widening as she thought of how lucky she was to be here with her. She let go of Seulgi’s hand to tilt Seulgi’s face towards her and she kissed her softly.

“I love you.” She said.

Seulgi blinked and for a moment it looked like there may have been tears forming in her eyes. “I love you too.” She replied and Joohyun’s smile brightened. Seulgi felt like she had waited an eternity for this moment, but it was worth it.

Seulgi’s eyes never left hers and Joohyun felt like she could drown in her warm, sincere gaze. “I have always loved you and I will always love you.” She said, so assertively that there was no room for any doubt. There was a pause while Seulgi considered her next words carefully. “Can you promise me something?”

“What is it?”

“No matter what happens, promise me that you will trust me, and you won’t doubt my love for you.”

Joohyun briefly wondered why she asked that, but still nodded. “I trust you.” She affirmed. “And I promise.”

They had been through so much already, but it only proved their bond to be stronger and despite all the obstacles in their way, they still found a way to get back to each other. It made Joohyun certain that they were meant to be and nothing could stop them from being together anymore. And more than ever, she trusted that Seulgi’s love for her was real.

Seulgi smiled, “Okay.”

Joohyun wanted to kiss her again but Seulgi turned her head to glance at the clock on the wall before she could. “It’s getting late, we should go to sleep.” She said, moving to get up and Joohyun whined in protest. Seulgi laughed, pulling a reluctant Joohyun up with her. She followed as Seulgi brought her back to her room which was the large guest room in Seulgi’s apartment. Seulgi stopped at the door as Joohyun walked into the room as if there was an invisible barrier in the doorway preventing her from stepping a foot in. It had been a few days since Joohyun had moved in but Seulgi was still very mindful of keeping her distance out of respect because she didn’t want to make Joohyun uncomfortable.

“Goodnight then.” Seulgi said with a smile, letting go of Joohyun’s hand although secretly, she didn’t want to part ways. But Joohyun held onto her hands tighter, refusing to let her go and Seulgi looked at her questioningly when she felt the firm grip. She laughed a little when she realised what Joohyun was waiting for and leaned in to kiss her goodnight. She felt Joohyun smile against her lips and her arms reached up to encircle her neck, bringing her closer.

Seulgi ended the kiss shortly and tried to say ‘goodnight’ again but Joohyun pulled her back in before she could even finish her words. Seulgi hesitated for a split second before surrendering to her and kissing her back. Her arms wrapped around Joohyun’s waist, holding her closer if that was even possible as she felt Joohyun kiss her like her life depended on it. It was the first time they had kissed like this since they reconciled and Joohyun felt herself only wanting more and more of Seulgi every second that passed.

It was Joohyun who stopped the kiss this time and she had to take a moment to catch her breath. Seulgi looked flustered and she removed her arms, stepping backwards to stay behind the invisible doorway line. “I should go back.”

“You don’t have to go.” Joohyun said and Seulgi only blushed even more.

“I just don’t want to rush anything… In case you don’t feel comfortable.” She explained, casting her eyes down.

Joohyun laughed, stepping closer and holding Seulgi’s face with both of her hands. “Why would I be? It’s you. There’s no one else in the world that I’m more comfortable with.” She said, smiling when she saw Seulgi start to smile. “Stay.” She whispered, looking into Seulgi’s eyes. Seulgi was already too smitten to say anything and just nodded. Joohyun smiled, taking Seulgi’s hand and pulling Seulgi towards her so that she finally stepped through the doorway.

“Thank you for being so considerate.” Joohyun smiled, pushing the door with one hand and putting her other arm around Seulgi’s neck. “But I don’t think I can wait any longer.” She said and kissed her again just as the room door closed behind them.

Seulgi lay awake in darkness, staring up at the ceiling. She didn’t know what time it was, maybe a little past 4am or maybe even 5. She sighed quietly, closing her eyes and listening to the sounds around her. There were a few cars outside on the road, the very faint sound of music from one of the apartments below and the sound of Joohyun’s soft breathing beside her.

She hadn’t been sleeping well recently, but that was nothing new. There was just too much on her mind; too many worries and regrets and fears. Although she had been much happier recently, with Joohyun’s presence in her life once again, the happiness came with a price. She wished she had more time, she wished this could last forever.

A long sigh escaped as she recalled the conversation today with Jaejoong. It had been bothering her for the entire day, a constant nagging in the back of her mind.

“Have you been happy?”

Seulgi nodded as Joohyun immediately came to mind and a smile formed on her face. “Yeah, I have. Really happy.” She said honestly.

“Joohyun is living with you now?”

“Yes, how did you- Actually, never mind.” Seulgi shook her head. She had learnt better than to question how he knew things.

“It’ll be safer for her to stay there, but you know that it’s still not safe until this is all over, right?”

“I know.” Seulgi mumbled.

“You’re not planning to just run away with Joohyun right?” He asked, half-joking but also half-seriously.

“Why would I do that?” Seulgi didn’t hesitate before answering. “That wouldn’t solve anything. It would only make matters worse.”

“I’m glad you still have your focus on your assignment.” He said, breathing a quiet sigh of relief. “Anyway, I looked through the files you sent me a few days ago. How much evidence do you think you can get on Jung’s Ponzi scheme?”

“Hopefully enough.” Seulgi’s eyebrows knitted together. “I have been careful recently so that he won’t see me as a threat to his position and in return, he has been more reckless with what he’s doing. I’m sure I will get something soon.”

Joohyun made a soft noise, somewhere in between a sigh and a whine and shifted in her sleep. Seulgi held her breath, too scared to even move or make a sound in case she woke her up. Joohyun didn’t wake up but she pulled Seulgi a little closer, her arm loosely around Seulgi’s neck and her face buried in the crook of Seulgi’s shoulder. Her breathing evened out again and Seulgi relaxed, turning her head to look at her. She carefully reached across to pull the duvet up and cover Joohyun’s bare shoulders, making sure she wouldn’t get cold.

It felt a little foreign, the feeling of sleeping with someone again after sleeping alone for so many nights. But then again, it was Joohyun, so it could never be too foreign and Seulgi had missed this. Maybe that was one of the reasons why she couldn’t sleep – because she wanted to be awake to appreciate every second of being able to sleep with Joohyun in her arms. After all, no one knew how long this would last.

Seulgi sighed again before turning to kiss the top of Joohyun’s head. “I love you.” She whispered, as if that could solve all the problems in the world. As if that could erase all her mistakes, all her wrongdoings and all the pain she had inflicted on her in the past. As if that would compensate for what she would do later. If only it would.


a/n: I don’t know how its been over a year since I last updated I am really sorry :(
((i didnt actually think i would update again, but i felt bad for not finishing what i started))
the next chapter will be the last and I promise I will post it within this month (or the next..)

thank you for waiting patiently and for reading! i hope you are all doing well! stay safe 

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74 streak #1
74 streak #2
Chapter 21: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
74 streak #3
74 streak #4
Chapter 18: Damn
74 streak #5
Chapter 17: I cant take it anymore. :(((
74 streak #6
Chapter 16: Brb gonna shed more tears
74 streak #7
Chapter 15: I trust seulgi!
74 streak #8
74 streak #9
Chapter 13: Intersting and scary chap ok ok

Authornim, I have stan twt tooo!! Can we be moots?
74 streak #10
Chapter 12: Damn scary