Chapter 5

The Next Vongola?
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Tsuna was in shock. He had never seen these flames before.

“A-appa, stop joking.” Taeyeon’s father then brings his hand away and everyone can see that it was Taeyeon who made those flames appear.

Xanxus then pulls her wrist and observes the flame.

“Impossible. Sawada-san, look at this.” Reborn brings the phone closer displaying Taeyeon’s hand.

“H-how is the Flame of Wrath appearing so calmly?”

The orange and dark orange stripes start to change to a dark red with the variety of tones of orange on the edge.

“W-wait, it’s changing to the Hard Flame.”

Then at last the colour changes into a pale orange colour and the edges become gradually darker.

“Taeyeon, what is this?” Reborn asked.

Taeyeon shrugs as the flames fade away.

“I felt a bit light tho. Is that bad?” Everyone shakes their head.

“No, it’s a common effect for sky users to feel light.” Tsuna said.


“This is what I meant that we aren’t normal Taeyeon.” Xanxus lets go of Taeyeon who looks at her father again.

“What is this? Are we supernatural? Umma do you have these? OMG! Does Hayeon possess these powers?!” Her parents shrug their shoulders.

“For now, it’s only you and your father who possess these powers. When you were born, Tsuna-san had given you some of his flames. But when your sister was born, Tsuna-san wasn’t here so, I’m not sure.” Her father said.

Taeyeon looks at the phone and sees Tsuna giving her a peace sign. She then sighs and hits her forehead.

“Tae honey, because of time and Tsuna-san is busy man, we need your confirmation.” Taeyeon nods at her mother.

Reborn then walks and hands her the phone. She holds it and sees Tsuna again.

“Kim Taeyeon. I need you to make a choice.” He said as Taeyeon nods.

Tsuna takes a deep breath and leans into his webcam.

“Do you want to become the next Vongola boss?” Taeyeon raised her eyebrows.

“Didn’t you guys tell me I am going to become one?”

Tsuna leans back and bite his lips.

“Your mother is having second thoughts.” Taeyeon moves the phone and sees her mother who had a worried face.

This makes her bite her lips and look back at the phone.

“I will do it if you agree with my terms.” Tsuna almost immediately came too close to the camera which caused Reborn to smirk.

“What terms? I’ll agree to them.” He said excitedly.

“Do not and I mean do not get my family involved with my doings.” After her comment Tsuna can only laugh out loud.

Taeyeon gives a frustrated face.

“What’s so funny? I’m being serious.” Tsuna stops laughing.

“Your-your father said the same thing. Don’t worry this deal already happened even before your parents were married.” Taeyeon again looks at her parents.

Her father gives her a ‘peace’ sign while her mother gives her an actual smile. Taeyeon groans and looks back at the phone.

“Anymore terms?” Tsuna asks.

Taeyeon thinks but nothing really comes into her head. She scratches her head in frustration and looks down at the table. Ultimately, she sighs and shakes her head. She passes the phone back to Reborn who takes it happily.

“Great, now that were on the same page, I need to know about the guardians. Have you found any Reborn-san?” Reborn sits down on the table and ponders.

“Well…Cielo (sky,) is of course Kim Taeyeon, Sereno (Sun,) Liu Amber, Pioggia (Rain,) Kwon Yuri and Nebbia (Mist,) Choi Sooyoung. I only have them so far.” Upon hearing the names, Taeyeon gives a questioning look to Reborn who obviously ignores her.

“Hm, good choices so far. But, we still need the lightning, storm and cloud guardians.” Reborn nods.

“It’s still early and my choices for now may change accept for, sky.” Tsuna nods.

“Okay then I guess that was that. I’ll see you soon Reborn-san.” Reborn nods and then the phone becomes black.

He hands the phone back to Xanxus and gets off the table.

“Three more eh?” Xanxus asks.

Reborn nods and smirks.

“They’ll come soon. Don’t worry.”











Reborn had given Taeyeon a regimen to follow for mornings during the weekdays so she would not need to train during the evening.

And well currently she was in the nearby park doing some pull ups on the bar.

“Eight…nine…ten!” She finishes counting and dismounts from the bar.

She stretches and shakes her arms trying to massage it after pulling herself up. After she stretches her legs like she was instructed and brings her hood up.

Reborn had mention that it was easier to sweat when she would go jogging with her hood up. As she does a few high jumps she then jogs back to her house. She enjoys the view of the early sunrise and how her neighbourhood looks more innocent then it does when it is the evening.

She eventually reaches her house and goes inside. She goes upstairs and takes a quick shower. After she rushes to getting ready for school and quickly packs her bag with things she needs for today. She then runs downstairs and greets everyone. She grabs her breakfast and pulls her sister who was watching her early cartoons to the entrance.

“Yah, yah, yah! There isn’t a need to rush Tae!” Her mother yelled.

“There’s no time. I should have sprinted home.” Taeyeon said as she finished her breakfast.

Hayeon on the other hand pouts as she puts her shoes and bag on. She mumbles incoherent words saying how the cartoon was almost finished and she couldn’t get to play with Reborn.

“Yah, no swearing.” Taeyeon sister.

Hayeon continues to pout and kicks her sister in the shin. Taeyeon can only exaggerate the pain but her tie was pulled up by her mother.

“Do I have to fix your tie every morning?” Taeyeon’s mother asks.

Taeyeon can only nervously laugh and scratch her head. Her mother sighs and rubs her head.

“I cannot wait until you find someone for yourself. I don’t have to deal with this every morning.” Taeyeon laughs even though Hayeon was still kicking her shin.

“Well, enjoy your day kids.” Their father who was behind their mother said.

The siblings look at each other and smile. They then give their parents a thumb up. They then exit the house and was met with Yuri waiting at their gate. Taeyeon opens the gate and Hayeon goes and hold’s Yuri’s hand.

“Morning boss.” Yuri said as they begin to walk to Hayeon’s school.

Taeyeon groans.

“I told you not to call me that!” She complains.

“B-but you’re my boss now!” Yuri counters.

Taeyeon rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, I get it but, can you call me that when we aren’t in public? Like call it to me when it’s just us. I don’t want my daisy to know about my doings.” The two look down and see Hayeon swinging her arm with Yuri looking at the cars pass by them.

“Fine.” With the win, Taeyeon can only sigh in relief.

They reach to the Hayeon’s school and Taeyeon hugs Hayeon.

“Have fun alright?” Hayeon nods and then kisses her sister.

“You too unnie!” Taeyeon gives a genuine smile and nods.

Hayeon then goes into her class line and waves at the two. Taeyeon and Yuri wave back as they watch Hayeon go into the school.

After they turn around and head to their school.

“Can I call you boss now?” Yuri asks.

Taeyeon immediately groans again.

“Come on Yuri, we’re in public remember?”

“But it is just you and me.” Yuri counters again.

Taeyeon now lets out a sigh.

“Fine, whatever.”

Then a black car slows down beside them and starts following them. Taeyeon and Yuri look at each other.

“You know this car?” Taeyeon whispers.

Yuri shakes her head.

“No, my cousin drives a red Ferrari.” Taeyeon lets out a whistle.

“Woah, fancy car he’s got there!” Taeyeon exclaims trying to distract the black car someway.

Yuri can only nod and chuckle.

“Yeah, I sometimes get to drive in it. But, I only drive around town, he warned me not to drive to far.” Taeyeon’s jaw drops.

“You-you get to drive! That sounds awesome!” Yuri gives a confident smile with a thumb up.

“Yeah, I know right! A lot of y ladies always come towards me whenever I fill up gas.” Taeyeon then lets out another whistle.

“Oh, you’re into women too?” Yuri asks.

Taeyeon shrugs.

“I think their beautiful but I’m not sure. I haven’t had that you know, rapid heartbeat or butterflies.” Yuri then sighs lovingly.

“Awe man, I get it every time I’m near Jessica. I’m saying this now but, I’m calling dibs on her.” Taeyeon brings her hands up.

“Alright I get it, you dig her!” Yuri nods.



The car near them are still closely following them with their emergency lights on.



“Okay seriously, what’s with this?” Taeyeon said annoyingly she stops and faces the car.

“Yeah, it’s kind of getting creepy. We’re not even

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Hi everyone. Sorry for disappearing for so long. I know you all are curious about to the story. But I am BACK, kind of... I got a full-time job after grad! Yay! I will try my best to update the story! Sorry for making you guys wait so long. Thank you to all the silent and non-silent readers.


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1148 streak #1
Chapter 18: 🥰🥰🥰
Modusx #2
Omg a story based on some of my favorite childhood anime’s! Time to get readin.
1130 streak #3
Chapter 18: OK let me reread it to refresh my memories first hehehe
mutiapuspita27 #4
Chapter 17: Author please i need the next chapter
1130 streak #6
Chapter 16: Damn so the present Taeny are in the future and the future taeny are in the present? And what's worst is future Fany married the enemy? Hope the present fany isn't in the enemy's territory cause if she really is then she's in trouble
Chapter 15: waaaaaaaah the 10 year bazooka. this is getting interesting now. also, i wonder if sunny and hyoyeon will appear here? hehe
Chapter 7: Syoung as Hibari and Slugg as Mist? Hmm. Interesting