Chapter 16

The Next Vongola?
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“Honey, how do I look?” Jungho asks as they depart from the luggage pick up area.  

“You look great. Don’t be so nervous.” Jihoon answers. 

“I’m sorry. It’s just that I haven’t seen her in like, twenty years? I don’t know anymore man!” 

“Well too late appa, we’ve arrived.” Hyoyeon comments. 

Taeyeon who was in front leads everyone to the exit. They walk through the sliding doors as Taeyeon looks for her parents. 

“UNNIE!” The scream attracts everyone’s attention especially Taeyeon who was honestly not embarrassed. 

Hayeon, the culprit of the scream runs immediately to her sister’s direction making her parents and Xanxus, follow her. 

“Hayeon!” Her mother calls her, but she ignored her as she reaches to Taeyeon who drops everything to get lower to give her sister a bear hug. 

Hayeon seeing her sister in a ready position she jumps landing on Taeyeon causing them to fall on the ground. 

“Hayeon! I told you not to run so fas- “Her mother stops as she sees the so-called familiar face. 

Jungho, still nervous as hell scratches his head from habit before speaking first. 

“H-hey Kuuna, I-It’s been a while since I saw you.” Taeyeon’s mother doesn’t move an inch still star struck. 

“I see you’ve grown a lot.” Jungho gives a smile. 

Everyone was looking to see her reaction especially Taeyeon and Hayeon who were still on the ground. 

Kuuna felt her emotions splatter when she saw Jungho. It’s been years since she saw him or any of her family members. She felt her tears start to come out as she ran to him to give him a hug. 

“Oppa…” She mumbles as she hugs him tighter not believing he was in front of her. 

When Jungho saw her tears he immediately let out his as well also not believing what he was seeing. As Kuuna was hugging her tight, he was rubbing her back. 

“You’ve grown a lot K.” His comment makes her cry louder clutching his jacket he had on. 

“Hey, uh, is that her past boyfriend?” Taeyeon’s dad asks Jihoon.  

Jihoon can only chuckle at the nervous man beside him.  

“No that’s my husband, he’s your wife’s cousin.” Taeyeon’s dad lets out a big sigh holding his chest.  

“Thank goodness. I thought she was going to be taken away from me.” This makes Jihoon look down at the man.  

“Taken away? Why would you assume that?” Taeyeon’s father can only chuckle rubbing his arm.  

“I’ve been annoying her these past few days.” His comment makes Jihoon laugh out loud.  

“Mason Kim, it’s a pleasure to meet your family.” 

“Jihoon Kim, it’s also great to meet your family.” 

“Hey, we have the same last name.” Mason comments which make Jihoon laugh. 

“Yeah, it’s too bad we aren’t related.” 




“Hayeon, this is your uncle. His mama’s cousin.” Kuuna carried Hayeon to her waist. 

After the tearful moment at the airport, the family arrived home safely while Reborn had left to buy some stuff he wanted. They all were settled in the living room sitting close together. Hayeon who has always been shy sticks close to her mother clinging tightly to her neck. 

“She’s a very shy with new people. Come on honey. Just a little peek.” Kuuna encourages her. 

Hayeon on foes let go but gets off her mom and runs to her next saviour, Taeyeon. She climbs up the nest couch to her lap then sits hugging her neck like what she did with her mother. Kuuna lets out a big sigh as Taeyeon chuckles ribbing her sister’s back. 

“It’s fine, maybe the few days we’ll be here she will get used to us.” 

“If you want there are a few houses down that are currently vacant. You can stay there in the meantime, but you so must pay, unfortunately. Because we don’t have any buyers for this area.” Tsuna suggests. 

Jungho nods. 

“That’s great we’ll get be in walking distance with each other.” 

“Do you want to go now or later tonight?” 

“Maybe right now so we can settle in. Hyo and Nicole can stay here in the meantime.” Everyone nods at Jungho’s idea. 

“Alright, I’ll show you to the houses available. Taeyeon, how about you call everyone to come over if they can.” Taeyeon nods. 

“Yes, boss.” Tsuna leaves with Hyoyeon’s parents and Xanxus who felt like helping. Taeyeon’s parents also left curious about where they're staying. 

Taeyeon then starts going on her phone but frowns. She turns to Yuri who gives her a nod. 

“I’m on it. You just call Tiffany and I’ll call the rest.” Taeyeon nods and dials Tiffany. 

“Hello?” A groggy voice replies. 

“Oh, sorry did I wake you up?” Taeyeon looks at her watch but sees that it’s only 10 in the morning 

“N-no it’s fine. Did you need anything Taeyeon?” Haydon then grabs her sister’s phone.  

“Morning Tiffany unnie!” Hayeon says excitedly.  

“Morning Hayeonie!” Tiffany relies now upon fully awake. Haydon then gives her sister’s phone back apologizing.  

“No, I came back from China this morning and we have a few guests we want you to meet. If your free to come over and join us?”  

“Sure!” Tiffany says excitedly. Taeyeon then looks at her watch again.  

“I’ll pick you up at 11:30, will that be enough time for you to get ready?” 


“Alright and I can also pick up Amber as well.” 

“Great I’ll wake her up as well. Thanks, Taeyeon.” Tiffany then ends the call not letting Taeyeon reply. 

Taeyeon can only pull back confused looking at her phone. 

“Wow boss, already making a move?” The voice makes her shake out of her thought. She turns to Yuri, the voice. 

“Huh, what?” Taeyeon puts away her phone. 

“I said that you’re already making a move?” 

“Move, what move?” Everyone in the room accepts for Hayeon slaps their forehead. 

“Boss that means to get Tiffany to fall for you.” Taeyeon does an understanding nod after with her mouth open but then deeply blushes.  

“I-no I’m not. I was just offering her a ride, n-nothing more.” Her comment makes Hyoyeon laugh but is immediately hit by Nicole.  

“Hm, sure.” Yuri then gets up and laughs it off as she goes to the kitchen. 

Taeyeon still confused turns over to the other two. Hyoyeon was still silently laughing with Nicole giving Taeyeon a small smile. 

“What’s so funny?” Hyoyeon again laughs but louder.  

“I would tell you but it’s not PG 13 friendly,” Hyoyeon replies. 

“Unnie.” Hayeon gets Taeyeon’s attention who looks down. 

“Yes, my daisy?” She asks to backcomb her sister’s hair back. 

“Are we going yet?” Her question makes Taeyeon raise her eyebrows. 


“To pick up Tiffany unnie and oppa.” 

“Who said you're coming with me? And what did I tell you about Amber? She’s a girl. It’s rude to call her oppa.” Hayeon can only pout at Taeyeon as the only way to win the argument. 

“That’s not going to work this time buddy.” Taeyeon ends with flicking her sister’s forehead lightly and chuckles at her sister’s reaction. 

“Boss you should head out soon. I’ll watch Hayeon with Hyoyeon and Nicole.” Yuri interjects. Hayeon then lets out a cry hitting her sister. Taeyeon can only look at her sister in confusion. 

“Why are you suddenly like this? Did something happen to you when I was gone? Where did my obedient sister go?” Hayeon continues to cry this time not hitting Taeyeon anymore. 

Taeyeon looks at Yuri who shrugs. 

“Is she usually like this?” Nicole asks. Taeyeon shakes her head. 

“The only time she cries is when she gets hurt. I don’t know.” 

“Maybe she just misses you. You saw how she greeted you.” 

“Fine, alright. But let’s get you changed first.” Taeyeon finally gives up. She gets up carrying Hayeon to her bedroom. 

“Alright, let’s see what’s good for you to wear.” Taeyeon then opens her sister’s closet which was full of clothes. She ponders on what she should choose for her. 

“Unnie this one!” Hayeon interrupts her thought. 

Taeyeon looks down to see Hayeon pick out a cute pink dress. 

“Tiffany unnie really likes pink so I wanted to wear it since we are seeing here today.” 

“How do you know she likes pink?” 

“I asked.” Taeyeon nods at her answer and then helps Hayeon change into her dress. She also combs her hair so then she looks more presentable. 

“Unnie I need to go pee you go downstairs first.” Taeyeon raises her eyebrows at her. 

 “Are you sure? I can just wait on your bed.” Hayeon tries to push Taeyeon out. 

“Okay, okay I’ll go.” 

Taeyeon leaves and turns to face Hayeon but is faced with the door. She pouts as she goes downstairs. 

“What happened I heard the door close pretty loud.” Yuri comments. 

“I don’t know anymore. I’m gone 3 days and she’s already acting weird. What if I’m gone a year or 2 what will happen to her?” 

“You seriously love her don’t you,” Hyoyeon asks as Taeyeon sinks down on the couch. 

“Blood related or not. I-Well the 3 of us want the best for her. Now that we’re financially stable, it will probably be easier.” 

“You’re really a good person.” Nicole comments. Taeyeon chuckles as they hear sounds from the stairs. 

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Hi everyone. Sorry for disappearing for so long. I know you all are curious about to the story. But I am BACK, kind of... I got a full-time job after grad! Yay! I will try my best to update the story! Sorry for making you guys wait so long. Thank you to all the silent and non-silent readers.


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1149 streak #1
Chapter 18: 🥰🥰🥰
Modusx #2
Omg a story based on some of my favorite childhood anime’s! Time to get readin.
1131 streak #3
Chapter 18: OK let me reread it to refresh my memories first hehehe
mutiapuspita27 #4
Chapter 17: Author please i need the next chapter
1131 streak #6
Chapter 16: Damn so the present Taeny are in the future and the future taeny are in the present? And what's worst is future Fany married the enemy? Hope the present fany isn't in the enemy's territory cause if she really is then she's in trouble
Chapter 15: waaaaaaaah the 10 year bazooka. this is getting interesting now. also, i wonder if sunny and hyoyeon will appear here? hehe
Chapter 7: Syoung as Hibari and Slugg as Mist? Hmm. Interesting