
Walk On Memories
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A/N: How has everyone been doing? I feel like I've forgotten how to write, so sorry for the crappy and messy chapter.

Also, thank you to those of you who subscribed, upvoted and commented!



The relentless chirping of birds automatically caused Luhan's face to scrunch up into a frown. He unwillingly open his heavy lidded eyes and immediately regretted doing so. Groaning, he squinted as the blinding rays of sun filtered through the curtains. After giving his eyes the time to adjust themselves, his surroundings became more clear.

Two feet from where he was situated stood a 50 by 50 inch flat screen TV, a high definition stereo system, a Wii, play station and XBOX systems. The living room was comparable to that of a miniature theatre room. What people would normally deem their dream room, though spacious and tidy, to Luhan it emitted a feeling of loneliness. The new leather couch that he'd been sleeping on was too hard for his comfort; but it was either that or sharing the only available room with Kris. It was a no brainer.

It had been about a month since their wedding night and with regards to their relationship, there's still been zero improvements.

There was no mention or confrontation about the events of that night. Luhan pretended as though nothing happened even though the memories would still linger and resurface in his mind. He was relieved, thankful even, when it seemed that Kris had absolutely no recollection at all.

Suddenly, the flashing screen of his phone effectively caught his attention. He reached out to grab it off the elongated coffee table in front of him. It was a notification to remind himself that today was Kris' birthday.

5:14 AM, Luhan decided it was time to start making breakfast. He stiffly got up off the couch and stretched out his sore limbs before trudging his way to the kitchen. He'd already known what to cook for Kris and even prepared the ingredients he'd use the day before. Kris would be leaving for work at seven and the brunette would need all the time he could get.


As Kris descended the staircase, a sweet and delicious aroma wafted into his nostrils. The familiar scent hit him with a wave of nostalgia.

"Wow mama, that smells so yummy!" Seven year old Yifan exclaimed, running into the kitchen.

Mayan's lips upturned seeing the excitement on her son's face. She grabbed the steaming plate and gestured for him to follow her. "Try it, it's a new recipe I learned. But be careful, it's still hot." She didn't forget to caution him.

With a fork, Yifan took a tiny bite. Normally, he would cringe at the taste of vegetables, but this dish was different. The vegetables and meat were mixed in perfect proportions. And the soup that poured into his mouth as he bit into it made it even more enjoyable. "I love it mama!" His eyes gleamed in delight.

Hearing his answer, she had been overjoyed. "I'm glad Fan fan. Happy birthday baby." She pulled him in close and planted a kiss to the crown of his head.

And since that day until the age of 15, he's always had vegetable pork dumplings on his birthday. But he hadn't eaten his mother's dumplings in years, much less smelt them. Kris' heart began racing. It was impossible, however, the smell was unmistakable.

"O-oh Kris, happy birthday!" A startled Luhan greeted upon seeing the blonde.

Only then had he noticed he'd subconsciously stumbled into the dining room.

Reverting back to reality, Kris' hopes were doused the minute he heard Luhan's voice. His eyebrows furrowed, a glare glazed over his eyes as he angrily balled his hands into fists.

"Kris?" Luhan called him again, though he shouldn't have bothered because even if the said male had heard him, there was a slim chance he'd receive a response. "Breakfast is-"

Without waiting for Luhan to finish his sentence or sparing a glance in his direction, Kris slammed the door on his way out.


"Happy birthday baby! Muah!" Jocelyn giggled into the receiver.

The couple had resolved their problems and were once again on loving terms. The spare time Kris was supposed to spend with Luhan was instead being spent with Jocelyn. She eventually forgave him after seeing how much effort he was putting into their relationship.

A smile automatically stretched out across Kris

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Just wanted to let you all know that I added a little something to the ending of the last chapter because it didn't feel complete. Sorry to those who have already read it!


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Chapter 21: And foolishly again, he create another piece to hate.smh. such a
Chapter 22: I gat to admit how cringey this chap is but anyways was expecting it either ways
Chapter 21: Ah this is satisfying !! Atleast joyce can finally be untangled from all the mess, fighting girl!!
Chapter 19: Well to me this is what happens when ur heart is a , when u cant just choose one heart to hold dearly. I dont know why he hated luhan (because i skiped the letter scene, which i am not sorry for) but still no one can change the fact about joycle being kris first love and still his real love. Although i sheepishly know that its gona change(which wont be quite convincing if u follow the plot without having "krishan" in mind, but ofcourse its actually a "krishan" ffic. and to my conclusion although im not through with my "analysis" yet (if i can all it that lol maybe i will continue in the next chap).so my conclusion on all the chap i have read till now is i dont blame joyce for anything nope because kris never actualy focus with his heart from the beginning although he knows he truely loves he let him self to be swayed by emotions (gawd im tierd my fingers hurt lol, sori for the long comment, i hope it brightens ur day authornim')
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 24: suho and xing need their time, like the others. i am curious how you continue. luhan, kai, all of them there.
teufelchen_netty #6
Chapter 23: poor man. he has much troubles and thinks a lot..
i hope he wont be to late
Chapter 23: What....???!!! Wake up Kris....!!!!! Don't you dare to leave Luhan and Hunnie....
Wake up....!!!!

My gosh....!!!! I hope there's someone goes to his house now.....

Beau1996 1372 streak #8
Chapter 23: I hope Kris' realization for his true feelings hasn't come too late...
Chapter 23: What ? No no no no no kris you cant just die like that , you are not the only one who suffered ,you should talk to to luhan omg
Chapter 22: Finally there is a hope for luhan finally have his happiness