Twenty One

Walk On Memories
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A/N: Hope everyone is doing well!

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"Su~~ho~" Kris singsonged. "We there yet? Wanna see Lu~Han!" He whined, stomping his feet like a child throwing a tantrum.

The said man sighed for the umpteenth time that night, eyes glued to the road ahead. "Yes Kris, we're almost there."

Feeling restrained Kris fumbled with the seatbelt, frowning when he couldn't undo it. He gave up and tipped himself sideways in his seat, jabbing his finger into the other's arm. "Don' lie to me." He warned, speech slurred.

"Sit properly." Suho reprimanded, freeing a hand to push him back in place.

Finally, at three in the morning, Suho parked his car in the driveway of the Park family's residence and shut off the engine.

Slumped in the passenger seat was Kris, semi-conscious and beyond drunk, but thankfully more calm and quiet.

He shook his head and sighed heavily as the blonde's murmurs of "Luhan" sounded like a broken record on repeat the entire ride.

It was ironic, that the person Kris claimed to despise the most had become the one he begged to see. It was tragic, that everything he came to believe in concluded in lies. If only Kris knew all the decisions he made would result in such a mess. Unfortunately, what ifs don't exist in life. No matter how difficult the path may be, he would have to face the consequences. 

"We're here." He gave Kris' shoulder a gentle shake.

The latter unwillingly opened his eyes, blinking in the darkness.

Suho assisted Kris out of the car, struggling to balance the giant as they stumbled their way to the front door.

They were greeted by an unkempt and bewildered Chanyeol. "Suho? What are you doing here so late?" He quickly became more alert when he noticed the taller man standing beside the other. The redhead crinkled his eyebrows in disbelief. "Is that Kris?"

Suho managed a sheepish smile. "It's kind of a long story, mind if we come in?"

Shuffling aside, Chanyeol scratched at the back of his nape uneasily. Baekhyun was most definitely not going to be pleased about this.

He guided Suho and Kris to the living room couch before excusing himself.

Moments later he reappeared with a moody Baekhyun, the smaller male practically leaning all his body weight into his husband's side as they descended the staircase. Luhan followed after them, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

Once Luhan was in his line of sight, Kris' eyes trailed his every action; almost as if he were afraid that the former would disappear if he blinked. 

The three settled down on the couch opposite to Suho's, who stood up and bowed to signify his apology. "I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep and bothering you guys so late."

"You better have a good reason for bringing him over here." Baekhyun snapped impatiently, glaring at the oblivious blonde. He was irritated about having his sleep disrupted but more so furious that Kris had the audacity to be showing up on his property after the hurtful things he'd done and said to Luhan. He openly loathed Kris and he would continue to hold a grudge against the blonde unless he was given a rational explanation of why he should be forgiven.

Suho began to elaborate what happened during the last couple of weeks. 

The day when he delivered the divorce package on behalf of Luhan, he'd warned Kris about Jocelyn. He informed the blonde that he spotted Jocelyn with an unknown man at Starry Night cafe. Not long after that, Suho was notified by Damon that Kris was found unconscious whilst Jocelyn had been a victim of a car accident. Although Kris never revealed the details of what happened, he assumed they had an argument about that man, which he later found out was named Isaac. Unfortunately, Jocelyn lost her baby in the collision and was hospitalized for temporary lower-body paralysis.

Kris startled everyone when he humphed angrily, sensitive at the mention of those names.

Suho hushed Kris, patting his leg rhythmically, as if to tell him that everything would be fine. Once he was pacified, Suho proceeded with the rest of the story.

Today, Isaac visited Jocelyn and Kris accidentally discovered the truth that Jocelyn's baby actually belonged to Isaac. This resulted in the two men fighting, the hospital's security guards had to come and break it up. After Kris was thrown out of the hospital, they spent half the day at the bar. Kris drowned himself in an endless amount of alcohol in an attempt to forget everything he'd endured. When he became drunk, he wouldn't cease chanting Luhan's name. The bar was preparing to close up but Kris refused to leave. He was adamant that unless Suho took him to see Luhan, he wasn't going to move.

After hearing the story, the room was enveloped by complete silence. All negative feelings subsided and were replaced with looks of pity. Suho was slightly surprised that not even Baekhyun had any remarks to make.

The tension in the atmosphere was slowly but surely escalating as no one knew what to say. Kris' gaze was unwavering. This caused Luhan to feel uncomfortable and he had to try his best to refrain from squirming in his seat. This detail did not go unnoticed by Suho.

He cleared his throat and stood in front of Kris, the latter automatically scowling when his view was blocked. "It's getting late, come on Kris, I'll take you home." He took the blonde by the arm and attempted to haul him up.

"No."  Kris folded his arms across his chest, purposely whipping his head away from Suho in a childish manner. As expected, he remained stationary. 

Suho huffed out exasperatedly. He knew Kris wasn't in a good mood, but he was starting to lose his temper. He turned to face the others. "Sorry guys, he still needs some time. Why don't you head to bed first?" 

Knowing that Suho was trustworthy and responsible enough, Baekhyun nodded. Drowsiness was overwhelming him and he yearned to be back under the covers. "Remember to lock up when you leave." He then ushered the other two to get up. 

Luhan glanced up at Baekhyun, utterly confused. He was having difficulties processing the information Suho relayed to them. Kris must be devastated, as would anyone, having to experience such an extreme rise and fall of emotions; but he failed to make sense of why the other would specifically ask to see him. There was a strong nagging sensation bubbling in the pit of his stomach, which caused him to wonder whether he was doing the right thing. 

Seeing that Luhan was being dragged away from him, Kris panicked and stumbled over his own feet. He tumbled with a thud, but swiftly reached out and hugged the brunette's leg to his chest. "D-don' leave." He shivered, teary eyes reflecting apprehension. 

Everyone stood unmoving, skeptical of both their eyes and ears. 

Suho was the first to recover from the initial shock. He knelt down to match Kris' height. "Kris, I agreed to take you to see Luhan, but staying with him overnight wasn't part of the deal." Trying to reason with the drunk blonde was utterly ridiculous, especially since he rarely listened to Suho when sober. 

No matter what Suho did or said, he had no effect on Kris. He was out of ideas and looked up to the rest of them for assistance. 

"Why don't we just let him stay for the night?" When it was evident that they couldn't come to a consensus, Chanyeol caved.

"Who's side are you on?" Baekhyun grimaced. 

Chanyeol tiredly encased his long arms around Baekhyun's shoulders and planted a kiss on the top of his husband's head. "The faster we can come to an agreement, the sooner we can go back to bed." 

The redhead made a valid point. Defeated, he deflated against Chanyeol's chest. But even if he agreed, the final decision wasn't dependent on him. "Are you okay with that Lu?" He asked worriedly. 

Luhan nodded, giving Baekhyun a half-hearted smile to assure him that he was fine. The nagging sensation from earlier dissipated and he interpreted that as having made the right choice. 

They all relented, which came as another surprise to Suho. He thanked them and apologized once more for the inconvenience they caused. He informed them he would be back in the next couple of hours to fetch Kris and bid goodbye. 

After receiving Baekhyun's approval, Luhan had to pinky promise Kris that he wouldn't leave, before the latter would allow Chanyeol to lead him up the stairs and into Luhan's room.

Having endured such an uneventful day, Kris was finally lying peacefully in bed, seemingly asleep. Sitting on the edge, Luhan carefully pulled the covers over the blonde and tucked him in securely.

"I took Tao to our room so you can sleep in his bed tonight." Baekhyun stepped in through the doorway stifling a yawn.

Luhan nodded with an apologetic smile. "Thanks guys."

"Let's get some sleep." Chanyeol patted Luhan's shoulder understandingly.

As Luhan stood up, he felt a powerful force preventing him from moving forward. He turned

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Just wanted to let you all know that I added a little something to the ending of the last chapter because it didn't feel complete. Sorry to those who have already read it!


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Chapter 21: And foolishly again, he create another piece to hate.smh. such a
Chapter 22: I gat to admit how cringey this chap is but anyways was expecting it either ways
Chapter 21: Ah this is satisfying !! Atleast joyce can finally be untangled from all the mess, fighting girl!!
Chapter 19: Well to me this is what happens when ur heart is a , when u cant just choose one heart to hold dearly. I dont know why he hated luhan (because i skiped the letter scene, which i am not sorry for) but still no one can change the fact about joycle being kris first love and still his real love. Although i sheepishly know that its gona change(which wont be quite convincing if u follow the plot without having "krishan" in mind, but ofcourse its actually a "krishan" ffic. and to my conclusion although im not through with my "analysis" yet (if i can all it that lol maybe i will continue in the next chap).so my conclusion on all the chap i have read till now is i dont blame joyce for anything nope because kris never actualy focus with his heart from the beginning although he knows he truely loves he let him self to be swayed by emotions (gawd im tierd my fingers hurt lol, sori for the long comment, i hope it brightens ur day authornim')
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 24: suho and xing need their time, like the others. i am curious how you continue. luhan, kai, all of them there.
teufelchen_netty #6
Chapter 23: poor man. he has much troubles and thinks a lot..
i hope he wont be to late
Chapter 23: What....???!!! Wake up Kris....!!!!! Don't you dare to leave Luhan and Hunnie....
Wake up....!!!!

My gosh....!!!! I hope there's someone goes to his house now.....

Beau1996 1381 streak #8
Chapter 23: I hope Kris' realization for his true feelings hasn't come too late...
Chapter 23: What ? No no no no no kris you cant just die like that , you are not the only one who suffered ,you should talk to to luhan omg
Chapter 22: Finally there is a hope for luhan finally have his happiness