
A Pile of Drabbles

He took small determined steps towards the taller as he looked deep into those orbs that he always found himself drawn in. His owns eyes already shedding warm tears after tears as he tried not to let out any sob. His lips quivering as he unconsciously bit down onto it, drawing some blood that only he could taste but it didn't matter because his attention was all on the taller man standing a few meters away from him.


Chanyeol had always looked handsome but the man only looked like a surprised puppy with his wide adorable eyes and mouth slightly agape. Baekhyun had briefly admired his flawless features before stopping in front of him.


"Baekhyun.." Chanyeol breathed out as if he had been breathless and he felt like he was because despite of the messy look the smaller was in at the moment, Baekhyun never failed to take the taller's breath away every single time they came face to face like this.


Baekhyun took a deep breath and wipped his tears away with his sleeves but it still kept flowing out before looking up at the taller again, eyes full of unfound determination and passion. "I've decided to be selfish," he started. "I want to be selfish even just once. Even just this once I want to do something for myselfㅡfor my own happiness."


He paused as he saw the taller start to grin widely with his teeth slowly showing one by one as he waited for him to finish whatever it was he wanted to tell him. He subconsciously his dry lips and took another deep breath in an attempt to calm his rapidly beating heart before continuing, eyes set yet again firmly on Chanyeol's. "I love you," he weakly said as more tears flowed down his reddened cheeks but the heavy emotions behind those words were strong as he repeated it, "I love you and I won't deny myself this simple thing anymore. I love you and that's a fact. I love you so much that it always overwhelms me how someone can feel this much. I love you and I'm done hurting the both us. I love you so much that I know everything will be worth it. I love you-" he paused as he felt his throat tighten with all the crying he was doing.


Chanyeol then took a step forward closer, eyes never leaving the smaller's face as he bit his lips to stop himself from grinning too much. The smaller had stopped talking as he gazed downwards but with every word that had left the older's lips made Chanyeol's heart burst in pure happiness. He reached out a hand to gently cupped Baekhyun's wet cheeks and to make him look back up at the taller. "Baekhyun," he said as he looked into those eyes mirroring his own now glassy ones.


"I-I," Baekhyun swallowed the lump in his throat as he lifted a hand to hold the one that was cradling his face gently. "I just love you so much, Yeol that I'm willing to set aside everything for you. I.." he trailed off as he closed his eyes and leaned into the taller's touch more. "I love you too much that I'll take the risk. So, Chanyeol," he opened his eyes again and locked their gazes but the taller had no real intention of looking away from him in the very beginning. "Will you be my boyfriend?"


A deep low rumble of laughter could be heard then as Chanyeol shook his head in amusement but his other hand was coming up to cup the smaller's other cheek as he stared back at him with a wide smile. "You're really one heck of a person, aren't you?"


Baekhyun sniffed as he furrowed his brows. "I asked you a serious yes or no question."


Chanyeol laughed again and Baekhyun nearly doesn't mind if he needed to repeat his question again if he would be able to hear him laugh this close. "Idiot. Of course, the answer is yes."


The smaller frozed for a moment but soon he was smiling his brightest ever as he started to cry again. This time more loudly as he couldn't contain the happiness in his heart anymore. "You're the only one who can make me feel like this," he confessed out of the blue.


"I'm glad," he muttered before circling one arm around the petit brunet to pull him closer. He then leaned down and captured Baekhyun's lips with his. The brunet smiled into the kiss as he gladly reciprocated the action with his own burning love and passion.


When they pulled away, they were both panting for air but smiles were still plastered on their lips as they drowned in each other's love and warm embrace.


"Finally. You're mine," the younger muttered breathlessly, wide grin never leaving his lips. "Took you long enough."


Baekhyun only smiled brighter, heart fluttering in pure bliss.

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 1: Life has a way of going on even with our pain 😔
Chapter 8: Im crying omg
Chapter 7: I'm crying, I loved it so much but it's so sad. Well now I need something to cheer me up! (Let's continue reading~)
The description is a fact, though.
xxanonymous_aerixx #5
Chapter 2: Aww :<
Are all the other chapters angst?
xxanonymous_aerixx #6
Chapter 8: Omg what?!!
zoebyunnie #7
Chapter 8: Short and old was the best for me I loooove kidsau and complicated even tho it was so sad ( I ing hated Chanyeol in regrets I'm mad af)