
A Pile of Drabbles

The news about SHINEe's Kim Jonghyun is too heartbreaking. I'm not a big fan but this is too much.. I just can't believe it. Hours before the news broke out, I was even watching their variety shows.

I don't know.. I want to say something for once because what happened to Chester of Linkin Park broke my heart and now this. We don't know them personally. We never get to see them behind the cameras. We only see what they want us to see and that just doesn't apply to celebrities but to everyone who's going through the same struggles. Yes, depression is no joke and so is the other mental illnesses out there. I know it's hard to reach out to someone or anyone. I know it's easier said than done but please. To anyone out there struggling, please at least try. There are people who are willing to help. And if you know anyone who are going through this things, take the initiative and reach out for them. Be there for them. Let them know they are not alone.

You are not alone.

If you don't know someone or don't have any idea if they are going through the same thing then simply being nice can help. Greeting them a cheery "good morning" or sweet "good night" or just a simple genuine "have a nice day" could mean so much to a person than we thought it could.

My condolences go out for his families, friends, shinee members and all the shawols out there. May you rest in peace, Jonghyun. Don't hurt anymore. 

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 1: Life has a way of going on even with our pain 😔
Chapter 8: Im crying omg
Chapter 7: I'm crying, I loved it so much but it's so sad. Well now I need something to cheer me up! (Let's continue reading~)
The description is a fact, though.
xxanonymous_aerixx #5
Chapter 2: Aww :<
Are all the other chapters angst?
xxanonymous_aerixx #6
Chapter 8: Omg what?!!
zoebyunnie #7
Chapter 8: Short and old was the best for me I loooove kidsau and complicated even tho it was so sad ( I ing hated Chanyeol in regrets I'm mad af)