Winter Train

'Till Death Do Us Part
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Winter. Oh, how you loved winter. The way the snow falls over your head, and the way you looked with snow all over your hair. The winter season was your favorite season, with the hot chocolate in our hands, cuddling together to fight the cold with our own body heat, with jokes you think are not funny, it makes me miss you. 

It makes me believe I still miss you, and I still do. 

And it makes me hurt so much that I still do love you. That I haven't moved on as much as you did. 

That, I can never be with you, because you're happy now. 

But it still hurts, Soojung. It still hurts that you had to hurt me to let me go. And it makes me sleep with tears in my eyes and a hole in my heart everytime I remember you, your eyes and how you smiled. It still hurts so much that you can smile so genuinely, while I had to fake mine. It still hurts that I haven't accepted that me and you, even with all our might, will never be the pair that destiny made. 

But I know I love you.

I still do. And I will always love you, Soojung. With all my heart's pieces you have broken down into bits that will never be fixed again. 

And so I sleep. 

Then I wake up with the dream. 

Irene. She's taking the subway and that train will be hostaged. 

I have to stop her getting on that train. 


Outside the subway, I wait for Irene to get here and have some hot coffee in my hands. Not only for me, but also for Irene. 

I see her with the train ticket in her hand. So I swiftly approach her.

"Hi. I have tickets for a concert! Wanna come?" I ask her, trying to make her stop from getting on the train but she eye rolls past me. Rude. 

"Here, have some coffee." I catch up to her in the train. , I have to get her out the train. I scan the whole cart and see a suspicious group of three. One with a cap, two with the hoodies. And a girl with the familiar pair of eyes, but I ignored it, thinking that she's just a person I've seen in the café before.

"What are you even doing here? Stop following me, I am begging you." She turns her back on me and the others are eyeing us. Same with the suspicious looking men. 

"Irene." I call to her softly, acting like hurt from what she said. 

"What?" She angrily grunts to me, enough for everyone to give their attention to us. 

"Do not forget that I saved you from strangers taking advantage of you from last week." I whisper to her to avoid being the topic of the chitchats in the train.

"Right. But you kissed me, and it's the second time week. Maniac." She folds her hands to look at me. The gesture reminding me Soojung was like that, especially when I get her annoyed or something. 

"That is because I like you, so much."

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_eunice_ #1
Chapter 19: I finished reading it only to find out it has been last updated 6 years ago😭
1060 streak #2
Chapter 19: Just finished reading this one. Hope youre doing well author!🥹
Chapter 19: Waiting for next update
Chapter 1: I like brave seulgi
575 streak #5
Need to read this
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 19: I love the tenderness Irene has towards Seulgi in this chapter. I really like the part about Seulgi observing the clothes people wore and how there's happiness with pain and hurt and how Seulgi picked herself up with that mindset. It's sweet how Seulgi enjoyed Irene's suggestions and was open to hear what Irene had to say. Other than the idea of 'home' in this chapter, I adore the star/moon idea by Seulgi here, like the part about seeing Irene as a morning star and the moon at the same time; Irene's just a constant in her life now, someone who brightens up her life. Love the idea of 'home' for Seulgi. My heart!!! I like this part: (She just wishes hard to the evening star that she becomes Irene's home, too.) Enjoyed this so much!
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 19: Will comment on this soon!
seulrene_daze #8
gcpt21 #9
Chapter 19: CUTIES
cjmoo_ #10
Chapter 18: Hey there, don't beat yourself over not being able to update! School's really tough, so do focus on that. :) Your readers will be here waiting for you (and hey, we're here because we like your works!). I hope you have lots of rest amidst your busy schedule. Take care! :D