Code Red

'Till Death Do Us Part
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Walking into the cafè, Seungwan notices someone with a short haircut, her eloquent posture attracting many male costumers even though she was only sitting down near the window. She never wanted that girl to be in her own cafè, but she lets it slip since Seulgi isn't back to work yet and she's not that heartless to push the girl out of the said place. 

Slipping through the various costumers and putting on her apron, she smiles at the tall girl in an office wear. 

It was rush hour, and she perfectly understood the flooding of costumers, the panic of her workers and the hot heads of  those impatients pre teens who think their time was more important. If she didn't, why did she build up a cafè when she can't understand the costumers herself? What she didn't understand was why the girl at the window not leaving yet, why she was not standing up, almost running, because she was late.

"Hi, what can I get for you?" She asks, her smile never wearing off of her face. She notices the taller girl look through the written menu on the black board and then looking back at her again. 

"I'll get a Caramel Macciato and a blueberry cake slice to go." Placing her order and shouting the orders, she turns her head back to the girl asking for her name.

"Sooyoung." She says, her small figure looks great on her, and her short hair was shaping her face perfectly. Seungwan smiles and writes the name on the cup with a black marker and tells her she can wait at the area for take outs.

After finishing the packing, she calls out the name and hands it to the lady in office wear who to be called Sooyoung. 

 The ins and outs of customers were slowing down, and her workers were already handling the serving on their own, so she slipped her apron off and whispered to Lisa - one of her trusted employees - that she'll be in her office. This was their routine in the cafè, once Seungwan arrives, she'll help in serving through out the rush hours in the morning and at the last few hours at night. If she's not at the kitchen, she'll be facing the costumers, or maybe in her own office calcuting the sales of the cafè and balancing her workers' paycheck. 

Lisa nods her head, asking if she should bring Seungwan coffee. Seungwan replies that she should bring her coffee after the three costumers Lisa was serving. She walks swiftly to the office, avoiding a certain person who was sitting near the window. 

But fate was not at her side as the girl at the window steadily reaches out for her hand. Being held at the wrist, Seungwan does not have the strength to pull her hand back as she doesn't want to create a cat fight like scene in the cafè she works and owns. 

Sighing she looks at the girl, who was slightly taller than her. 

"What?" Her voice was cold and monotone, as if the girl harmed her in the most violent way. The girl doesn't speak, but tightens her hold. 

"Soojung, what the hell do you want?" Seungwan asks again, the venom in her voice obvious as if to scare the girl off. The girl gulps. Seungwan was never the impatient type, but everytime she sees this girl walking in to her cafè every morning since Seulgi's accident,  her blood boils and all she can say in her mind was go away.

"I want to talk." Soojung speaks in a small voice, her eyes directed on the floor as of she was having a staring contest with it. 

"You ar-" 

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_eunice_ #1
Chapter 19: I finished reading it only to find out it has been last updated 6 years ago😭
1060 streak #2
Chapter 19: Just finished reading this one. Hope youre doing well author!🥹
Chapter 19: Waiting for next update
Chapter 1: I like brave seulgi
575 streak #5
Need to read this
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 19: I love the tenderness Irene has towards Seulgi in this chapter. I really like the part about Seulgi observing the clothes people wore and how there's happiness with pain and hurt and how Seulgi picked herself up with that mindset. It's sweet how Seulgi enjoyed Irene's suggestions and was open to hear what Irene had to say. Other than the idea of 'home' in this chapter, I adore the star/moon idea by Seulgi here, like the part about seeing Irene as a morning star and the moon at the same time; Irene's just a constant in her life now, someone who brightens up her life. Love the idea of 'home' for Seulgi. My heart!!! I like this part: (She just wishes hard to the evening star that she becomes Irene's home, too.) Enjoyed this so much!
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 19: Will comment on this soon!
seulrene_daze #8
gcpt21 #9
Chapter 19: CUTIES
cjmoo_ #10
Chapter 18: Hey there, don't beat yourself over not being able to update! School's really tough, so do focus on that. :) Your readers will be here waiting for you (and hey, we're here because we like your works!). I hope you have lots of rest amidst your busy schedule. Take care! :D