Chapter 5: Jealousy -> throwing football to someone's head

The painful love that freed my soul


“Appa! Let’s go!!!” In Ha shouted from downstairs,
She looked at her ugly uniform shoes she hated to walk around in,

“Ah! Wait! In Ha! I forgot something!”
Her father yelled from the kitchen and grabbed something in a bag that said Seoul Urban shoes.


“Appa…. What’s this?” In Ha asked and pointed to the bag.


“Ah…. This, is your gift. I bought a new pair of shoes for you to wear to school.”


She actually felt excited for once in a long time.

“ This….. I picked it out special! This young handsome boy picked it out for
you! You have to wear this, he smiled a lot when he sold it.”


“Really….Araso! Let’s open them!”
She smiled, slapping her dad on the arm lightly,


“ Neh!” He grabbed the shoes box in the bag and took it out,
he was so eager and confident to see his daughter’s look on her face.

In Ha looked over and he quickly took the shoes out of the shoe box.


“TA DAH!” He smiled revealing the pin set of boots.


In Ha froze at the sight of the terrible ugly Ronald McDonald shoes. She expected something from Nordstrom! Instead he bought her some shoes that looked like was bought at some thrift store!

“This…..THIS IS AMAZING!” In Ha lied to hide her disappointment.


“YAH! I KNEW IT! Try em on!!!” He smiled,


“N-Neh…..” In Ha nodded and placed her foot in the shoes as her dad helped her put it on.

“Wah! You look amazing! You’re a fashionista!”


Her dad really happy and it must’ve been hard for him to find shoes that suited his price, plus it was from the heart…. What was In Ha going to say?


“Thank you Appa….. You really know my… Taste….” She wanted to vomit in .


“I knew you’d love them! You’re like my Cinderella princess!”
He smiled doing a thumbs up,


‘What’s wrong with me? Usually I’d yell at Appa.
Ugh….. I guess I have to start acting like the common folk and
appreciate what he gives me.’


“Let’s go now!” Her father pulled her out the door,


“S-So early!?” Bomi asked,


“Neh! Hurry up!” He scolded and began pushing her out to the door.

‘Oh my god! The last shoes were better than these!!!???? What is this!? I can’t be seen in these shoes, especially those Queenkas getting in my case!”







As they drove to school, In Ha immediately took out her cell phone to text Yoona,

To: Yoona
From: In Ha

New shoes from dad! Please bring an extra pair!  I can’t be seen in them!


She took a picture of the shoes and sent it to Yoona,


“Who are you texting dearies?” Her father asked curiously.
In Ha didn’t really have any friends except her dad or fashion designer,
She always thought she was better than other people and stay isolated from them.


“U-Uh….. Just a new friend I made!”
In Ha smiled and immediately sent the text.



“Yah! Regular!? I’m In Ha! I am no commoner!”


“Neh, Neh~”


Her cell phone rang and In Ha quickly flipped it open, knowing it was Yoona,


To: In Ha
From: Yoona
OH MY GOD…….Uh, I think I have an extra in Taecyeon’s car!
Please wait for me! Hide behind the stall or something!
You can’t be seen in those!


In Ha sighed, she was finally approaching school.
The least she wanted….


The Queenkas were already hanging around the enterance, flirting with boys.
And a lot of people, mostly fangirls seemed to be outside… They were all waiting for Myungsoo to come out of the bus, they were holding poster, cheering for him since he had three weeks till the huge game.


“Oh god…Otokeh……”
She whispered,


“What are you waiting for? Go!!!”
Her father smiled,


“Uhh….. Okay….” She nodded.
But in her mind….



She slowly got out of the car and her dad was waiting there, to see her
and everyone’s face to see her shoes. In Ha wished a car would just run her over right now… What was she gonna do…


Luckily her prayers were answered,
Taecyeon’s car quickly zoomed in and blocked In Ha’s dad’s view.
“Morning sir!” Taecyeon greeted.


“U-Uh M-Morning!” In Ha’s father was surprised from the sudden entrance.


“In Ha! Get in!” Yoona opened the door from the back seat,
the windows were tinted from the back seat suddenly and she quickly jumped into the car.


“Neh! Bye Ahjussi!” Taecyeon smiled and drove quickly behind the other school entrance.





“Yah! You’re a life saver…” In Ha hugged Yoona and quickly put on the shoes.


“How are you gonna do this everyday? Your dad’s gonna drop you off other days too….” Yoona pouted,


“I’ll find a way!” In Ha smiled, finishing tying both ends of her shoes.


“Oh! This is my boyfriend Taecyeon by the way!”
Yoona introduced.


“How you do? “

“Hey, thanks so much for your help! But…. Why aren’t you dressed in school uniform?”


“Taecyeon’s already had a job! Isn’t he cool!?”


More like an Ahjussi!”


“You’re friend is charming Yoona.” Taecyeon chuckled,


“I’m Yoo In Ha! I’m---“


“Neh neh, the face of ulzzang and model for BB cream, Yoona told me everything already.”


“Oh….. Did she….” In Ha glared thinking she was
ad mouthing her.


“Yah, I’m your friend! Why would I talk about rude stuff?!”


“We’ll talk later, right now we have to get to class!”
In Ha lectured and ran out of the car.


“Bi polar much?” Taecyeon whispered,
Yoona smiled and kissed her boyfriend,
“I have to go, take care things at work Taecyeon!”

“Oh brother…” In Ha mumbled, looking at the two love birds.

“Bye Bye~” Yoona smiled leaving the car,

“See you two ladies later~”
Taecyeon waved and drove off.


“Ahjussi I tell you!” In Ha scolded, walking in school,


“Will you stop?” Yoona smiled walking along her side.





“So how long have you and this Ahjussi been dating?” In Ha questioned,

“I told you to quit the Ahjussi talk, he’s an Oppa, Oppa!
Plus, we’ve been dating for three months now.”


“I see, you guys mate yet?”



“I watched a thai drama and the girl always mates with her boyfriend, I saw it a lot in other dramas too. Boyfriends are who you mate with right?”


“I forget you’re home schooled….. Ugh, a Boyfriend is someone you like.
Someone you want to be with, you text 24:7 with them, hold hands, walk around, go on fun dates, and you want to be with them forever.”


“Where does the mating come in?”


“YAH! Mating is for low people in such a early age as me, me and Taecyeon are taking things slow~”


“Ah I see….”


“So, you never had a boyfriend, hearing you don’t know what it really is.”


“……. Ani, I never had that kind of thing before,
Males are a waste  of time though, I’m too busy focusing on my future to become a star, the center of every city! MY FACE SHALL BE ON IT!”


“Wow…. You are truly an interesting girl….”


“Kamsamdah~” In Ha smiled, flipping her hair,


“Thank god she’s really pretty, or she’d be annoying…”
Yoona smiled walking next to In Ha.





            It was third period, everyone was playing flag football. In Ha however was in the far back standing there, observing what people were doing. She didn’t play a lot of sports, she hated getting her nails dirty and hated anything to do with sports.


            “In Ha!” The coach yelled,


“Neh teacher?” She asked,


“Play in the game! C’mon!” He blew his whistle ten tomes really loud, it scared In Ha and she quickly got in the game. It was a coed game, In Ha was in the middle of the field, just staring at people, running around. She had no idea what to do.

            All of a sudden, it caught her attention that Hyuna Queenka and Myungsoo was on the other team. And seeing you have an excuse to tackle someone, she kind of started to like the game.


All of a sudden, the ball went to In Ha and she immediately closed her eyes and snatched the ball.
“I caught it? I caught it!”

“Good now---“


In a second, she was immediately tackled by Myungsoo and both fell to the floor, Myungsoo grabbed the ball from her and smirked from victory.
He was still on top of her though,


“YAH! GET OFF!” In Ha shouted,


The girls gasped that she treated Myungsoo like that, he was loved by every female population in school.


In Ha brushed herself off and stood up,
“Point to team five!” The coach blew his whistle.




“That’s the point princess~~~” Hyuna smiled and walked next to Myungsoo,


In Ha breathed as her nostrils flared,
She couldn’t stand seeing that Hyuna girl,
especially next to Myungsoo.



When the game began In Ha’s poker face was plastered onto her face. She quickly waited for the ball to come to her. When she saw another girl grab the ball, In Ha immediately tackled the girl down and grabbed it from her,


“All right! Go princess Ulzzang!” One of her teammates cheered,


“SHOOT!” The coach yelled.


In Ha quickly threw it towards the goal,
however, her hand coordination was totally off, instead of throwing it forward.
She accidentally threw it to the right, where the wind blew and hit Myungsoo’s head.


“AH! OMO! MYUNGSOO!” the females screamed and ran towards him, offering an ice pack to him, In Ha was pretty weak though, so it couldn’t have hurt.


“You did that on purpose!” Hyuna yelled,

“I did not! It was an accident!” In Ha glared,

Hyuna scoffed and turned away, running to help out Myungsoo.
In Ha couldn’t stand seeing this. Seeing this Kim Myungsoo guy
treated like a king! She was just as good-looking as him, why wasn’t
she pampered too? Ever since she's been in this school, Myungsoo was always
treated like a king, it irritated her to see another ulzzang face to compete with,

Once she turned around and saw Hyuna hold Myungsoo's hand to comfort him,
Somehow In Ha felt even much more irritated, was she jealous? She stared at the football in her hand
and wondered if it was necessary to do....


'No In Ha.... You're trying to be a better person.
FOR APPA!' She said to herself, pumping her fist, she dropped the ball and all of a sudden
a foot ball from the other side hit Hyuna's head.

"OW! YAH!" Hyuna screamed rubbing the back of her head,

"Sorry Hyuna!" The other team apologized,
In Ha clapped her hands and bursted into laughter,
"Oh how I love you sweet old Karma!!!" She yelled.

In Ha left the court and decided to just go to the locker rooms, seeing that class was going to end soon.
"I should probably say sorry to Myungsoo though...... YAH! HE HATES YOU REMEMBER!?, he doesn't want to talk me, I bother him...."
She shrugged the thought and skipped to her locker.

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clyne22 #1
Chapter 6: please update soon
Chapter 6: Omg! I don't like In Ha personality! >.<
please,,, continue your story..
Chapter 1: Update soon
Update soon!
I love the story ;( Please update! Thanks ^^
misschinatown #6
Hi, new reader!
love it~
Update soon...
ow great fanfic...update again^^
PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!!! REALLY INTERESTING STORY! <3 MyungU hahaha In Ha is IU right? hahaha
seriously,i kind of like this story...its just...beautiful....keep updating!