Chapter 4: OMG NEW SHOES!? :D

The painful love that freed my soul




In Ha’s chopsticks broke,
“In Ha! That’s your third chopsticks this meal!” Her father scolded,


“B-Bien Appa.” In Ha apologized,


“Be careful this time.” He said handing another set of chop sticks.


She nodded and picked up her wonton and chewed furiously,
“Is the meal not good?” Her dad questioned,


“Ani, It’s just…… There’s this boy.”


“OOOHHHH~~~ Boy secrets!?”


“Appa, stop trying to be like Umma.”

“Bien, I’ll stop, what seems to be the problem.?”


“Well, I see him at the bus and he drops this picture I saw that belonged to him,
so I picke dit up and hande dit to him the next day. He suddenly gets angry once I handed him the picture, tearing the picture apart of his parents and what seems to be his girlfriend. He called me a stalker and ert, then threatens to call the police on me!”


“Hmmm… Well, maybe you bothered him somehow in some way, he’s probably short tempered. And maybe he tore that picture up into pieces because it held something bad in the past.”

“Ah? Is that how it is……”


“Well, what made him call you a ert and stalker?”


“I woke him up countless times, stare at him, and chased him down today.”


Her dad rose a brow,
“Wah~ Maybe my little flower is a stalker and ert.”


“YAH! Appa!”


“I’m just kidding, don’t let that boy get to you!
Just continue to smile and be the flower Ulzzang daughter I raised!”


“Ah Neh~”

Her father suddenly stood up from his seat. In Ha looked up as she
was chewing on the tofu and rice,

"Appa, going somewhere?" She asked with a mouthful of food,


"Yes~ I have to go somewhere, I remember I need to buy a couple
of things."


"Ani, it's not shopping In Ha, plus you need to finish homework."

"Aish...." In Ha pouted. 
She continued stuffing food into and glared at her dad.

"Aiggo, you don't scare me you cute Ulzzang~ I'll be back!"
Her father smiled and left the apartment quickly.

"Why is he in such a hurry?"
She talked to herself and sipped her cup of water.





Myungsoo entered the shoe store he worked in with a tired and exhausted look.


“Myungsoo! You made it in time!” Sunggyu, manager of the shoe store applauded,
Myungsoo just went to the changing room to change into his employee outfit,


“Yah Myungsoo, my sister was talking about the big game the other day. I heard you’re going to compete with the champion winner last year, good luck.” Sunggyu  smiled and pumping up his fist.


“Thanks…. It kinda feels exhausting though…. I mean the entire school and maybe other schools will come. Plus this relies on my college.”


“Yah, don’t work too hard Myungsoo, you are always working hard in everything given to you.”


“I’m fine….”


“ So whose coming? Any family or relatives?”

“Uh…. No…. My parents are working that day.”


“On the day of their kid’s huge highlight of his life? Strange….
What about girlfriend or something in particular.”


“Ani, I don’t have that kind of thing going on.”


“Bwoh!? Seriously?! No wonder my sister and her friends fangirl about you so much, A good looking guy like you should have a girl with him.”


“I haven’t thought of it for a long time and I won’t start anytime soon, since the huge game is about to start.”


“That’s true….. Yah, how about I take you and Sungyeol clubbing after the huge game? We can hook you up~”


“I’m not going to date a girl I found in some club.”


“So serious…. I was talking about getting some!”
Sunggyul clapped and did a small ,


“Manager, you have issues….” Myungsoo chuckled and finished changing into his employee uniform.
Myungsoo placed his belongings and clothes into his locker and slammed it.

"Yah, you're not excited aout those kinda things?

Myungsoo rolled his eyes,
"Don't make unreasonable assumptions..." 

He then left the locker room and heard the door ring,
a customer came in.

"Myungsoo! Handle this customer would you!?"
Sunggyu called in the middle of a phone call.

"Alright!" He yelled,

Myungsoo saw an old adorable man walk in the shop, observing shoes,
Myungsoo smiled since he respected the elderly. He walked up to him with
a plastered grin upon his face.

"Ahjussi, can I help you?"

"Just looking for a pair of shoes"
His eyes smiled as he looked through the shoes for girls.

"Oh? For who?"

"My sweet daughter." He smiled

"Ah really? 
Well what does she like?"

"Well, she absolutely hates her school shoes and I was hoping to buy something more suitable for her taste."

"Her taste?"

"She likes pink, PINK PINK PINK! It's all around her room, she likes flashy things and anything 
that has something stand out."

*So she's probably a five year old*
"Ah I see, do you know her shoe size?"

"Yes I do, she's a size seven!"

"B-Bwoh? Seven? How old is your daughter?"

"She's a beautiful sixteen year old."

*I'm seventeen....How can a girl her age like that kinda stuff?*
"Araso, I'll look for something that suits her taste." Myungsoo flashed a smiled and walked back
to find something suitable.

He looked through the stacks of shoes and looked for anything that fit pink, flashy, and stands out.
"How am I supposed to find that kinda thing for sixteen year olds?" Myungsoo sighed.

He then opened a shoe box,
He opened it and and found a set of boots that were totally be dazzled, pink, and super ridiculously flashy.
Click here for the picture ---->

"Would this work?"

Myungsoo walked out of the back and came out with the box of shoes,
"I think I found something her taste." Myungsoo smiled,

"Ah really?"
The Ahjussi opened the shoes box and gasped once he saw it,
"This is so her! She'd love it!"

"Ch-Chincha?" Myungsoo asked,

"Of course! This is so her style!" He smiled,
"She will be happy to recieve these!"

"Your daughter seems to have a really interesting taste..."

"Of course! She is the face of Ulzzang!"

"Uzzang?" Myungsoo said and paused,


"I'm the face of Ulzzang out of the entire Seoul!"
In Ha shouted,

*End of flash back*

Myungsoo snickered and looked away,
"Is there something wrong?" The man asked,

"Ani...... Your daughter will really like those shoes... She'd be happy to walk around those at school...."
He turned around and hysterically laughed evily quietly to himself.
Myungoo smirked

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clyne22 #1
Chapter 6: please update soon
Chapter 6: Omg! I don't like In Ha personality! >.<
please,,, continue your story..
Chapter 1: Update soon
Update soon!
I love the story ;( Please update! Thanks ^^
misschinatown #6
Hi, new reader!
love it~
Update soon...
ow great fanfic...update again^^
PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!!! REALLY INTERESTING STORY! <3 MyungU hahaha In Ha is IU right? hahaha
seriously,i kind of like this story...its just...beautiful....keep updating!