Baby Don't Cry

Lost In Translation (OT9)

Requested: No

Genre: Canon-AU

Pairing: ? (at this stage undecided) x Re

Warnings: N othing major just some angst, anger and

Word Count: 6, 094

A/N: What's this? A semi-regular update? Honestly I'm surprised too but we are just gonna run with it ok. I hope you enjoy it.  If you want to help me out, reblog this for me (you don’t have to though, so no pressure there). I would like to thank @leewalberg @myeoning-call & @thesammtimes for proof reading this and listening to me while I tried to make this chapter flow properly and feel natural.



As you stood in front of the door to his room you wondered if you were going to regret coming up here. Should you have simply let him brood? Would you just be his verbal punching bag or would he flat out not engage in conversation with you? You had no idea but you felt a pull to go to him, to at least try to help him. You were reminded of that day that he and Yixing came to you by the river when you were homesick. They were in no way obligated to make you feel better but it showed you how much they cared for you that they made the effort. They hadn’t tried to make light of your struggles either, they simply sat with you, hugged you and talked until you were ready to return to the dorms. Now it was your turn to be there for him when he was struggling with something. 



Chanyeol had told you what to expect and you had listened closely to him. After all, he and the other members had all experienced Baekhyun like this more than once during their time together and they’d learned not to crowd him but rather have one of them go and try to bring him out of his mood, even if it was only a slight improvement. They hated seeing their normally happy go lucky friend be down on himself. Chanyeol said that those moods could last a few days but that Baekhyun always tried to look at the positive side of life and so he only fell into one if he was really upset. A fact that did not sit well with you because it meant that tonight’s shift was due to exactly that. What you didn’t know was if it was tonight’s concert, the guys’ teasing or if it was something related to you. 



No matter what it was, standing in front of his door wasn’t going to fix it. No, it was time to go inside and try to help your friend, or whatever label should be put on the relationship the two of you had. You cared about him and didn’t want him to wallow in anger at himself for the entire night, at least not alone. Sometimes the best thing to do was address the issue and talk through it, sometimes distractions worked best but other times a person just needs to sit in their feelings and wallow. The last option was usually a little easier to do if you realised that you had people in your corner who were there for you.



You knocked once, deciding that you’d rather not surprise him while he was in a bad mood. It gave him the option to decide if he was going to open the door for you or not which would give you an indication of what you were walking into. You weren’t sure if Chanyeol had told him that you were going to see him or if he’d just fled the room as soon as the offer came up. “You have the wrong room. I haven’t ordered anything.” His voice sounded from somewhere behind the door, far away enough that you knew he hadn’t checked the peephole. His voice was muffled by the door but you could still hear the irritation in it.



“It’s me.” You said as you knocked again. You waited for his response. Would he let you in willingly or were you going to have to let yourself in after he made it clear that he didn’t want you there? The latter could result in more hostility that you were prepared for so you were really hopeful that he’d just let you in. 



Baekhyun sighed audibly from right behind the door. He must have looked through the peephole to verify that it was you, and that you were alone. You could have sworn you even heard a soft Aish followed by some swearing before you heard the chain being removed from the door. He didn’t open it straight away, which made you more nervous than you were happy to admit. 



At long last the door handle moved and he opened the door enough for you to see his face. He didn’t fully open it but whether that was due to his current mood or learned behaviour to protect his safety you weren’t sure. You were calling it progress because he had opened the door and he had spoken to you. So far no yelling or pushing you away. “What do you want noona?” He said flatly. 



“I came to talk to you and if you didn’t want to talk then I came to just sit with you.” You smiled softly. 



“I’m fine. You should just leave me alone.” He replied, voice still flat and devoid of emotion which was almost scary because Baekhyun was one of the most emotionally fuelled people you had ever met.  



“Obviously something is wrong and I’m here for you whether you like it or not.” You stood your ground, making sure not to sound too forceful but also letting him know that you were not going anywhere. 



He huffed at you but took a step back, your invitation to enter the room. You didn’t give him time to change his mind as you entered through the opening he’d made, closing and re-latching the door behind you. 



Once you were inside the room he went back to his bed, flopping down on the mattress and scrolling through his phone. His body language was closed off, telling you that talking to him was not going to be an easy task. You sat on the edge of Chanyeol’s bed, placing the bag you brought with you by your side, and waited. He continued to ignore your presence as he scrolled through his phone but as you watched him you could see that his eyes weren’t focused on his screen. This was his tactic? Pretend to look at his phone until you get fed up and leave? You pushed your bag somewhere on the bed behind you and glanced around the room. Normally after a concert or big schedule there were two things that always occurred. Food and more food. The amount of food they consumed after a concert was ridiculous, but it proved to you just how much energy they burnt during the three and a half hours. Their bodies needed that fuel to propel them through the performances safely. There were no empty containers or room service trays in the room which meant that Baek most likely had not eaten.



“Baek.” You started. His fingers ceased scrolling though he still refused to look at you.






“Have you eaten?” You asked softly.



He resumed scrolling through whatever it was that he was using to avoid actually having a conversation with you. “I’m not hungry.” He said flatly.



You sighed. His dismissive tone was not something that sat well with you and though it was irritating you, you were worried about him. “You just sang and danced for hours under incredibly bright lights. There’s no way that you aren’t hungry.” 



“Well I’m not.”



If he was going to be like that then you were going to have to try another approach. So you tried to sound stern as you responded. “You need to eat Baek. Regardless of what is bothering you, your body needs the nourishment.”



He tossed his phone to the side and glared at you, his eyes devoid of the friendly light that they usually had. “Nothing is bothering me and I’ll eat when i ing feel like it. I’m not a child.”






He looked at you, really looked at you and it made your skin crawl. You’d never felt such hostility from him before. “Excuse me?”



You weren’t backing down. You’d at least gotten him to put that ing phone down and although the conversation was not pleasant, he was talking to you and was looking at you. Even if the look he was giving you made you want to leave the room and not come back. You never thought you associate Baekhyun with the word intimidating but here you were, borderline intimidated by him. “You are obviously angry. I don’t know who it's directed at or why but you are angry.”



“Just drop it.” He snapped, the volume in his voice increasing.



Well he’s already pissed off, you thought to yourself, might as well go for it now.  “Is it because you messed up your ment? Because I thought you play-”



“Just ing drop it ok?! I said I didn’t want to talk about it.” He all but yelled as he glared at you. His features were anything but relaxed. You had hit a nerve. 



“No.” You replied.



“What?” He asked incredulously. You’d never seen him so tense before. His normally bright eyes were dark, his jaw clenched and body uneasily still. 



“This kind of ty attitude might work with the guys but it’s not gonna fly with me. You can tell me that you aren’t angry about something but we both know that is a ing lie. You are pissed off about something. I don’t know what it is, hell you don’t even need to tell me what it is but I am going to sit here with you whether you like it or not. We don’t have to talk if you don’t want to but I’m not leaving.” You were pushing your luck by pushing him like this but leaving him in the state he was in was out of the question for you. You knew that the likely outcome was making him so mad that he finally cracked and snapped at you. Baekhyun was able to keep his cool a lot longer than anyone expected him to when he was pissed off but you were being relentless in your approach on purpose. He needed to express his anger rather than bottle it up and you were pretty sure that he’d forgive you for it… at least you hoped he would. It would either help him or you were actively destroying your relationship with him.



He moved off his bed and stood over you, pressing a finger into your shoulder harshly before gesturing at the door. “And if I don’t want you here? Am I not allowed to kick you out of my ing room?! You’re not the teacher here.” 



“Then you’ll have to cause a scene and either have me removed or be so horribly mean to me that I’ll never speak to you again.” You stood your ground, refusing to allow yourself to be intimidated by him. You had to admit that angry Baekhyun was frightening if only because of the jarring contrast to his usual demeanour. Warmth usually radiated off his being but when he was angry? It was like warmth ceased to exist.



“I just want to be alone! ing hell!” He yelled as he turned away from you, balling up his fists in his hair. He walked away from you, letting out a yell of frustration as he flung himself back down onto his bed. “Are you crazy? Why won’t you just leave? Or do you enjoy making me yell at you?!”



You made sure that your tone was calm before you spoke again. Matching him with anger or sass wasn’t going to yield you positive results. “I’ll leave if you tell me what is so terrible that it has put you in this abysmal mood. I can handle being yelled at or spoken to in a harsh way because I don’t think this is about me. I think you’re just projecting your frustrations on me at this moment. Now if you aren’t going to talk to me then I will sit here and keep you company. I am, after all, your personal cheerleader.” 



“Don’t try and be funny.” He said flatly, his fingers absent-mindedly tugging on a loose thread in the quilt. 



“I mean it you idiot. All jokes aside.” You smiled sincerely, even if he didn’t see it. 



He rolled on the bed so that he was facing you and propped his head up on his arm. “And calling me an idiot is supposed to make me believe you?”



You shrugged. “Stop being such an idiot then.” 



“Yah! You -” He started to respond but you cut him off.



You could feel the beginnings of warmth starting to return to the room as his anger morphed into something less severe. “Anyway, I was trying to tell you something before you so rudely interrupted me.” You pointed at him. “You’re getting very chatty for someone who doesn't want to talk.”



“I can’t believe you don’t shut up.”  He groaned, the ghost of a smile passing over his features. You were making progress. For some people the phrase don’t poke the bear rings true but in Byun Baekhyun’s case he needed to be poked. He needed an outlet for his frustrations and you had no idea what he did when he was at home in Korea to expel those emotions but you knew that his options were limited while he was cooped up in a hotel room. You were willing to be that outlet since you were sure that he did not hate you, rather that he liked you quite a lot, even when you frustrated him.



You shifted on your bed, sitting up and fidgeting with a pillow on your lap. You had the sudden urge to tell this story to him but for some reason, the idea of saying the words aloud made you nervous. It pulled you back to one of the most sincere and vulnerable moments you had shared with him. It was also one of your most difficult moments since moving to Korea. It was difficult to think about it without getting a bit emotional. “Baek?”



Your sudden soft tone grabbed his attention and he cocked his head to the side, still resting it on his arm. “Mmm?” His features shifted from irritated to curious. The way you’d called his name, almost timidly, had him fully focused on you.



You took a deep breath to steady yourself and let the words flow out of you. “There was a time when I wanted to get away from everyone and just be alone with my darkness. I didn’t want to talk. I didn’t want comfort. I just wanted to get away from everyone and everything and allow myself to dwell on my feelings or rage at the universe.” You glanced over at him when you saw movement in your peripheral vision. He’d shifted on the bed and was now sitting up, watching you as you spoke. You let your eyes fall back to your lap as you fidgeted with your fingers and continued your story. “I found a spot away from everyone and sat in silence for what only felt like minutes. I was there for hours lost in my thoughts.” Your fingers kneaded the pillow as you spoke, the only sign that you were a bit anxious in telling him these feelings. It was the only time since moving to Korea that you thought you didn’t belong, that you should just go home and stop pretending like you could build a life here. You had contemplated quitting that day, going as far as writing your letter of resignation in your head while you sat on that bench. Then those two had turned up and without saying the words, they reminded you that you were building a life, that you did belong and that things were going to work out as long as you stayed.



No matter how anxious you were you couldn’t help but smile as you proceeded to the next part.  “Then, the most annoying person in the known universe called me. I contemplated not picking up but I knew if I ignored them that they would just bug me incessantly until I let them in. So I answered their call and for once, rather than being annoying, teasing or flirtatious they were concerned. So I let them come to me. They, and another friend, sat with me until I was ready to speak to them and continued to sit with me until I was ready to return to the world.” You had rushed through the last part because you were oddly shy about sharing it even though he was there when the whole thing happened. He just didn’t know all of the exact details of your thoughts that day. He still didn’t, but the idea of telling him those thoughts made you feel small so you kept them to yourself and hoped that he could read between the lines and work out that it was more than homesickness that he’d helped you with that day. You kept your eyes focused on your hands after you spoke, not as mentally prepared as you had thought you were to see his reaction.



What you hadn’t seen was the way he’d listened intently as you spoke, his features shifting from confused to understanding. He had smiled softly at you as you’d spoken once he realised what time you were talking about. He remembered that he was supposed to be irritated at you even though you were being incredibly endearing and open with him. However, he took umbrage with being referred to as the most annoying person in the known universe, schooling his features back to the picture of indifference before replying with a semi bored tone. “So?”



You lifted your head and stared at him. How could he react like that? “’s sake Baek. I appreciated what you and Yixing did for me so much. I had no idea that any of you cared that much about me or my well-being and so I’m trying to tell you how grateful I am and that even though I wasn’t in the right head-space at the time, I can see exactly what the two of you did for me that day and so I am going to do for you what the two of you did for me that day. Even if you’re being a jerk about it.”



He shrugged. “You were sad. I’m fine.”



You bit back. “Sure, and cucumbers are your favourite food. Don’t bull me Baek.”



He couldn’t hold his laughter at your random remark. You didn’t understand, you’d shared something with him sincerely and he responded so indifferently to it, as though he actually didn’t care at all. It confused you because you knew that he did care, you thought you’d brought him far enough out of his dark mood to feel empathy towards others again but apparently you were wrong. But why the laughter? Why was this now funny to him? Ten minutes ago he was ready to throw you out of the room and now he was laughing earnestly at you? Was he this unhinged? Had something broken in his brain? 



He rolled rather ungraciously off his bed and walked over to yours and plonked himself down next to you. “Yah.” He smiled at your confused pout, laughing softly as he tried to speak. “Yah, calm down. You didn’t look at me while you spoke so I messed with you.”



“What the Baek?!” You shoved his shoulder with yours. An action that only made him laugh more.



“You called me the most annoying person in the known universe. That wasn’t fair.” He pouted.



“Your present actions say differently.” He laughed as you poked his shoulder as you spoke.



“Thank you for telling me.” He said as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled both of you down onto the bed into a hug that could have been a lot more comfortable. Even with your arms pinned to your sides and his arm digging into your back you smiled. 






The two of you had spent the better part of the last hour talking about the concert and at some point repositioned yourselves on the bed so that he was spooning you which was much more comfortable that the previous iteration of the hug. There was an unexpected level of comfort for each of you to lie like this as you spoke. “I just… I feel like I let them down.” He mumbled into your shoulder. 



“Let who down?” You asked.



“Aeris.” He rolled onto his back, breaking the hug. “They wait for so long to see us, especially internationally, and I ed up. They must be so disappointed.” He sounded so deflated. You were glad he was finally talking because now you could explain all of the reasons why the only person he’d let down was himself because his fans were anything but disappointed in him.



You rolled over, resting your head on a pillow so that he could see your face as you spoke. You felt like it was important that he could see the honesty in your words. “I can assure you that the last thing they are is disappointed. They got to see EXO’s concert in all of its glory. They heard you sing, watched you dance, witnessed the joy on your faces as you performed. They got to hear each of you speak in Korean and English AND they got to see their Byun Baekhyun get frazzled but in the most endearing way. If anything, they love you more for it.”



His brows knitted together, still too focused on the details rather than the big picture. “But I messed up. I didn’t perform how I wanted to. It wasn’t what they waited to see.” He frowned. A grown man should not look that cute while frowning you thought to yourself.



“Baek. With all due respect, shut the up.” You nagged. “They saw you. That’s literally all they needed. You sang perfectly, and you were adorable and funny when you messed up your lines. They fell even more in love with you. You looked into their eyes. Tell me that you did not see pure unfiltered joy and adoration in them.”



“But -” 



“I’m going to give you a slight reality check. Maybe your trainers have taught you to believe that it would be frowned upon to be even slightly off your game but over here they actually love it. It shows that you are human, that you make mistakes just like everyone else and it is also a special memory for them that is different from every other show that you do on this tour.” 



He ran his fingers through his hair. “Can we agree to disagree?” 



“Absolutely not.” You shook your head. “You can be mad at yourself but you need to know that aeris are not mad at you. Not even a little bit.”



At this point you knew you’d gotten through to him but that he wasn’t ready to admit that he had gotten mad because he held himself to such a high standard and that because he didn’t feel that he delivered to that standard the concert was a failure. He pouted. “I’ll work on it.” You had done it. Those four words were as close to being told you were right as you were going to get and you were claiming them. There was more to discuss, you knew this much. Being off his game for the concert was the result of something and it was time to dig a little deeper to find out what the cause of the problem was.



“Is the concert the only thing eating away at you? I’ve never seen you that upset before.” You asked.



His pout deepened as he thought for a moment before sighing. “Honestly? No. It wasn’t just that.”



You let your hand rest on his shoulder, giving it a little squeeze to reassure him before you asked. “What else is going on?”



“I think I finally understand how Minseok felt when the guys during truth or dare. We always tease each other and banter but it's always playful.” He frowned. “Today didn’t feel playful for me, it felt like some sort of cruel joke and I let their words get to me. I think that’s why I messed up. I was too in my head.”



You hummed in agreement. You knew why they’d but you didn’t think now was the right moment to give him all of the details. “They were weird today. I picked up on that as well.”



His frown deepened. “I don’t know noona, it all just felt kind of targeted at me. Like they all know something I don’t.” 



You were entering dangerous territory. You weren’t going to lie to him but you really hoped to hold off on telling him everything until he’d had his lesson. “They were trying to get a reaction out of you. You know how much pleasure Dae & Yeol get from teasing someone to the point that they snap.”



He placed his hand over the one you were resting on his shoulder before he spoke, keeping his eyes downcast. “Yeah well, I might not have snapped at them but I let them get in my head and mess up my performance which then made me yell at you when you tried to help me. Which I’m really sorry about by the way. I was in a foul mood when you turned up at my door tonight but that doesn’t excuse the way I treated you.” He looked at you once he’d finished speaking, a look that was full of remorse and guilt. The look in his eyes was more of an apology than any words he could utter.



And there was the apology that you’d been unsure if you’d receive from him. You smiled, a warm feeling spreading throughout your body. “We worked through it. I forgive you, most annoying person in the known universe.”



“Yah!” He yelled but there was no anger behind it. He was laughing at the same time. You couldn’t resist the opening for this new joke. Baekhyun rolled over so fast you didn’t even see the tickle attack coming until he was on top of you and you were unable to escape his clutches. You screamed as his deft fingers waged their tickle war on your sensitive waist. There was no escape for you though, not now that you were caged by his arms and thighs. He looked down at you as you writhed beneath him in a futile attempt to evade his attacks and smirked. “Come to think of it, there was another reason I was so on edge today.” He paused his attacks, removing his hands from your waist as he propped himself up with his arms, allowing you a moment to catch up.



You stilled beneath him, suddenly realising the position the two of you were now in and the change in tone of his voice. Baekhyun was on top of you, his weight effectively pinning you to the bed. He was so close to you. You’d been this close to him before, sure, but never like this. Never with the feel of the weight of his body against yours as he spoke to you like that. “Oh yeah?”



His breath was warm on your neck as he spoke, that flirtatious tone returned to his voice, mixed with something more.  “Mmm. Someone sent me some very interesting messages during lunch.”



You played along, trying to appear nonchalant as he resumed your game of cat and mouse. “Did they now?” 



He nudged your neck with his nose, having moved even closer to you than he was before. Surely he could hear your heart hammering away in your chest. You felt the press of his mouth against your skin as he spoke. “They did. They put all sorts of images in my head, ones that will live there rent free until I can follow through on them.”



You swallowed. “And these images, did they distract or frustrate you?”



His long fingers twisted in your hair, causing your head to tilt back slightly, exposing more of your neck to him. “Both.” 



You wanted him. You felt that pang of desire flow through you as he held himself back from connecting his mouth with your neck. You wished he’d take that next step. You wanted to feel the press of his tongue on your neck, of his teeth as they left small love bites in their wake. Even though every fibre of your being was busy attuning itself to his every breath, every twitch of a muscle, of any movement in his body, your brain could not resist teasing him. “And I even refrained from commenting on it earlier.”



His movements halted. “In what way?”



“When you were mad and saying you wanted to be left alone. If you’d been less incensed I was going to ask you to give me a hint as to why you wouldn’t want to be alone in a room with me given earlier today it was pretty clear that that was exactly what you were after. There was going to be a wink and everything” You arched your back slightly, the movement pushing your chest against his.



“.” He whispered, his hips involuntarily rolling into yours. You bit back the moan that threatened to come out of you, allowing logic to penetrate the haze of lust that was rapidly overtaking your senses. You needed to talk to him first, otherwise he might take everything the wrong way. You needed to slow things down, no matter how much you wanted to finally give in and have him to yourself. You had to find a way to delay proceedings yet again. The problem was that you didn’t want to delay this. You wanted him to keep rolling his hips into yours, to keep exploring your body with his skilled fingers and sinfully soft lips. You wanted to rid yourselves of clothing and spend the entire night giving in to every fantasy you’d had about one Byun Baekhyun. You could feel the press of his body against yours, his warm breath on your neck as he held himself back. He was waiting for you to make a move to tell him that you wanted this as much as he did. 



You needed to stop this before it went much further. Granted the last thing you wanted to do was put a stop to this because it was hot as hell and you were loving every second of it. The two of you were experts at the build up but it had always been safe, either through a phone or as a stolen moment. Not like it was now. No one was coming to call him to a schedule, no, you were closer to crossing this line than either of you had been before. But there it was, that small voice in the back of your mind. Telling you that you needed to do the lesson first so that you could explain the entire thing to him prior to having your back blown out. That voice also kept going with its idea that he might never want anything to do with you again after he knew about the reward/punishment system but you felt a moral duty to have him know before crossing this final threshold. “Baek, before this evening gets derailed.”



“No.” He groaned.  “No more interruptions. I refuse to prevent this from happening again. Especially when we are literally in a bed, alone in a room with no one coming to interrupt us.” His head fell against your shoulder, his weight still pinning you to the bed. It took every ounce of self control that you had to not give in to your desires but the fear of the aftermath was stronger.



“Baek, I promise. We will have this happen before the night is over but we need to finish the conversation before we get too distracted.” Even you didn’t sound convinced by your own words.



He lifted his head from where it had been pressed against your shoulder, propping his upper body up on his forearms. The position only pressed his hips more firmly into yours. “I am no longer mad or sad or anything bad. See I’m rhyming. Perfectly fine now.” His words were short, his tone clipped. He was not buying what you were trying to sell him and really, could you blame him?



“Baek.” You tried.



“Noona, you can’t tell me that you would rather hear me talking about how I was in a ty mood earlier when my mouth could be put to far better use.” The matter of fact tone he used, the sheer confidence in it sent a jolt to your core. You could think of far better things for both of your mouths to be doing but that wasn’t why you were trying to delay this. You needed it to play out as planned so that he knew everything. Blurting it out now was also not an option since you were absolutely certain that it would completely kill the mood in the same way that throwing a bucket of ice on him would.



“Just answer me one more question.” You said, your hand softly gripping his bicep.



He sighed. “Fine. One question.” He didn’t have to look happy about the diversion, he just had to go with it. If after all of the cards were on the table he still wanted this, then he could have it. But until then you had to be the less eager of the two of you.



“To sum up, you were ually frustrated earlier because of me. Then the guys, mainly Dae & Yeol, teased you and you felt like it went too far and they got in your head which caused you to not perform to the standard that you set for yourself and you forgot some of your ment.” You stated.



He rolled his eyes at you but responded nevertheless. “None of this sounds like a question… but yes.”



“Why do you think they were picking on you?” You asked.



He raised a brow at you and managed to gesture at the position the two of you were in with just a look. “Seriously? That’s your question. Right now?”



“Yup.” You moved your hand from his arm and poked his cheek until he tried to bite your finger.



He frowned as he thought about your question. The frown was also due to frustration at the fact that he was not kissing you or touching you properly at that given moment. “I still think it’s to do with those lessons that no one will tell me about.”



You held his eyes with your gaze as you stated bluntly. “Then have one.”



“What?” He asked, dumbfounded by the suggestion.



“Have your lesson. Once you have it there will be no more secrets. If they are just teasing you because you haven’t had one yet then that's incredibly simple to resolve.” How he responded to this would determine if things would go as planned or if you were about to come clean about everything and hoped that he understood.



“Are you seriously trying to convince me to have a lesson instead of having with you?” His frustrated face was incredibly endearing. On one hand you wanted to do the lesson because you had spent considerable time planning his once you knew it would have to be done while you were overseas and on the other you really did just want to have with him. The between the two of you had been going on since the moment you’d met and you felt such a great need to have him, to feel every inch of him. You were reminded of a saying. ‘Very often the things we most desire come only after much patience and struggle.’ The words had never hit home harder than they did now.



“Consider the lesson our final session of .” You winked. “Special, just for you.”



He groaned, resigned to the fact that for once you were going to beat him at being stubborn. “You are not leaving this room until we make some of the images in my mind a reality.”



“Is that a yes?” You asked hopefully.



“Are you going to take no for an answer?” You shook your head. “Then I guess it’s a yes but as soon as we finish this lesson… the things I’m going to do to you.” 



“Don’t start something you can’t finish Baek.” You warned.



A wicked grin formed on his face. “Oh noona, just you wait.”



A/N: Thanks for reading. It means the world to me to hear from you or see my fic liked and/or reblogged. We're closing in on the finish line now. Just Baek's lesson, his reward or punishment and Xiumin's reward to go!

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That was pretty intense. I like that Minseok asked about their limits and was considerate of everyone.

It was pretty hot and so long, I didn't think about the end coming as soon as it did. Hahaha.

As for who she should end up with, here's my two cents. It is very apparent throughout the whole story that she and Baekhyun have a thing. And after the previous chapter where he devoured her, it's clear that they care for each other more deeply than she cares for the other boys, Minseok included. She was so afraid of how Baek would react which is a clear sign that she wants something more with him.

I don't see her being with Minseok, even though she cares for him deeply as well. It might be because of their arrangement as buddies, but aside from that she has no emotional attachment aside from their friendship.

I would love to see her end up with Baek after her contract with them ends. And of course, maybe with the cheerleader costume? Hahaha

I cannot wait for the next update! Thank you so much for sticking with this fic. Here's to all readers patiently waiting for the conclusion to this story.
750 streak #2
Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Yes please, I will take a fan and refreshments. I was sure I wanted her to end up with Baekhyun, but I am suddenly undecided after this chapter. If it would be either man, I don’t think the other would be very happy, which could potentially cause deeper problems within the group. I don’t think the others are as invested and things pretty much stopped with the lessons and friendship. However, it’s more apparent that she has mutual feelings with both men - unless I am reading it wrong. I can’t wait to see how things progress after this night.

Thank you so much for updating, I’ve really missed this story. Hope you’ve been well and Happy New Uear.
42 streak #3
Chapter 47: Uwww... finally they did it... that was more like a anticipating and nerve-wracking moments...haha...but it was extremely hot, y and tempting...yeah.. I was also wondering with whom she was going to end up...
Woah.. 3 endings... hope authornim publish all the 3 endings maybe one as final and other two as bonus part or possible endings...
Aww... hope she ends up with all the boys... but yeah she had actually different chemistry, friendship and relationship with all the boys... it was definitely a lit bit different for xiumin and baekhyun from the beginning... how about a surprise plot twist and ending... i miss reverseharem au though... I'll definitely look forward to read the exciting upcoming updates...really enjoyed reading the whole chapter..thank you authornim for updating ❤️
Chapter 47: Woaaaahh crazyyyy!!! I honestly ship the three of them together? Is it possible? LOL.
808aff #5
Chapter 46: Well hoooooooly it's happening. She did work extremely hard with the guys, both professionally and uh ually lol. She deserves all the praise and rewards as well. Dang we getting a Xiubaek y time for Xiubaek lol
Chapter 46: I know my naughty guy here will accept it. Hahahhaa. I surely not expect that Minseok would be afraid to be rejected about this awww. No worries, we'll get to it guys. It's about time 🤣🤣
Chapter 46: Woaaaah.. i don't think i can survive the next chapter. The build up is already hot enough, i can't imagine the real action.. hohoho
Chapter 46: Give me some water and a fan!!! I gotta cool myself up!!!!!
42 streak #9
Chapter 46: Woah... finally baekhyun got his another reward... for sure they were too naughty..hahaha.. but that was so hot and y... also loved their dynamic bonding..there's definitely something special between them.. maybe it's love, care, trust and good understanding... but they got along with each other so easily and comfortably... also woah he's going to get another bonus reward soon i guess.. hehehe..loved the way oc made it more easier and comfortable for both of them... xiumin's reason for choosing baekhyun was so interesting... so excited for next chapter..loved it authornim and thank you for updating.
750 streak #10
Chapter 46: I think we will be the ones to die reading it!😉 This was such a hot chapter in itself. Baek, Teach, and simply a phone was hotness overload in itself. They have such a connection to each other that it’s crazy. It also speaks volumes of his trust in her that he has accepted her reward/punishment system with the others. Not to mention her friends with benefits relationship with Minseok, and now agreeing to be part of Xiumin’s reward. Can’t wait for the next chapter.