A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

Lost In Translation (OT9)

. You thought. He leaves in an hour. You suddenly felt terrible that you hadn’t seen Yixing since giving him his reward. You had your reasons though... If you wanted to go to their apartment you had to get dressed in that godforsaken cheerleaders outfit and you were not planning on doing that until the week started. You wanted at least one more day before completely humiliating yourself in front of them thanks to Baekhyun.


Baekhyun and that ing cheerleader outfit.


You were going to complete your punishment for a few reasons. 1 – You were not weak. 2 – You refused to give him the upper hand in the game you were playing, you were going to heed Minseok’ words and try to annoy the ever living out of Baek and 3 – You’d looked up Heechul and were terrified of what would happen if he was allowed to punish you.


You grabbed your phone and quickly send Yixing a text just to make sure he hadn’t left early.


Y/N: Have you left yet?

Yixing: Good morning to you too. J No, I haven’t left yet. Managers said I have an hour until we need to go.

Y/N: I can’t come up there yet so can you please stop by my apartment when you leave for the airport? I want to say goodbye.

Yixing: Why can’t you come up here?

Y/N: Baekhyun.

Yixing: Baekhyun? What does he have to do… oh! The cheerleader outfit,

Y/N: Yeah… so please? Come down here for me?

Yixing: Hmm I don’t know. I kind of want to see you all dressed up before I leave.

Y/N: No fair. Please?

Yixing: No. If you want to see me before I’m gone for a few weeks you will have to get dressed and come up here.

Y/N: Zhang Yixing you are a cruel, cruel man.

Yixing: I’m a sweetheart and you know it.

Y/N: That’s debatable right now…

Yixing: Cheer up.

Y/N: You know what. Going back to China will be good for you, you’ve been around Junmyeon for too long.

Yixing: I’ll be really upset if you put your pride before my farewell…

Y/N: Ugh. Fine. But I will get you back for this.

Yixing: Worth it. See you soon!


You trudged around your apartment and begrudgingly started to get ready. You pulled the outfit out of the hidden depths of your closet and scowled at it. You needed a coffee before you could will yourself to put that on.


Forty minutes later you were standing in front of your mirror trying to work out if the skirt was supposed to be this short? The stretch cotton costume did not leave much to the imagination. You stood in the blue and red micro mini with its red belt, white thigh high socks with a blue trim at the top and a second slouchy red pair of socks over the top that were apparently part of the look. The blue and red cut off tank top worried you since it tied up at your shoulders and it would only take one of them to tug on it for your top to all but fall off. Pigtails and the one sweat band on your wrist completed the look. You couldn’t go out in public like this. Hell you didn’t want to go into their apartment like this. You rummaged around and found a dark hooded coat that fell to your knees and covered the entire outfit except for the socks. With a deep sigh you collected your thoughts and checked your dignity at the door then headed towards the elevator.




Y/N: I’m not knocking. Come open the door.


You waited for him to come and open the door, silently praying that no one else would get there before him. No, he’s not that cruel. You thought to yourself. Sure Yixing was cheeky and often unpredictable but he was never cruel. He teased you in text messages because it was harmless but in reality he would make sure you weren’t about to have a breakdown before letting anyone see you like this.


You heard approaching footsteps from the other side of the door and held your coat around yourself tightly. The door opened enough for Yixing to poke his head through and look at you with a puzzled expression on his face. “I don’t recall it looking like that when we took you shopping.”


“Oh shut up. I couldn’t exactly walk through the building dressed like this.” You lowered your hood and opened your coat so that he could see the outfit before covering yourself up again.


The quick glance at what you were wearing beneath that coat was enough to make Yixing’s eyes widen in surprise. “I don’t remember it looking like that either!” He reached out to pull you inside. “I’m actually sad that I won’t be here to witness Baekhyun’s death because that.” He gestured at your outfit “is… how do I put this? It’s pure sin. Are you sure we didn’t accidentally buy the y one because I don’t remember this looking so revealing on the hanger.”


You couldn’t help but laugh at how flustered he was. “Does this not prove how much I care about you? How much I’ll miss you that I came up here, like this, just to say goodbye?” You poked his arm to emphasise the last four words.


Yixing pulled you into a warm embrace and murmured into your ear. “I’ll miss you too Y/N. China will be very lonely compared to here, especially this week. I’ll send you messages when I’m bored so be prepared for that. Plus I want updates for how this week pans out.” You pinched his arm in response and he laughed.


“Shh Yixing. I only came up here to see you. Don’t be too loud.”


He raised an eyebrow at you and checked his watch. “Oh really? You think they aren’t going to come out here to see me off in the next couple of minutes?” His voice rose. “You really think my amazing roommates wouldn’t come and say goodbye? That they would let me just leave without as much as a goodbye?!”


“HYUNG! DON’T LEAVE YET!” You heard the yelling from down the hall followed by several footsteps rushing towards the entrance to the apartment. Yixing was grinning at you, enjoying every moment of your misery. You wrapped the coat tighter around yourself and tried to hide behind him but he kept stepping out of the way. It was like he wanted to make you happy that he was leaving. “Hyungggg! You promised you wouldn’t leave without a goodbye. Not like last time.” Jongdae whined as he ran up the hall, Sehun trying to push past him. “Aish Sehun! Stop it!” Before you could try hiding again everyone was in the room and you suddenly became very aware of what you were wearing under your coat. You tried again to step back behind Yixing but he moved faster and was suddenly standing behind you.


“I’m not going yet.” A soft smile played on his face, a stark contrast to his actions. Jerk you thought. Throw me to the wolves and then smile like that, how very dare you. “Y/N just came up to say goodbye before I left.” He was smiling so innocently like he hadn’t just tricked you into getting dressed up and in this apartment before yelling so that all of the guys would come running.


Sehun cocked his head to the side as he stared at you. “Noona, what’s with the coat?”  He kept staring and his eyes widened with glee when he spotted the socks. “Oh.” You sighed deeply and your shoulders sagged. Behind you Yixing giggled. He ing giggled like a child and you were so annoyed with him that you couldn’t bring yourself to find it cute.


Chanyeol picked up on Sehun’s reaction and grabbed the younger. “What?” Sehun started laughing and refused to answer. The death glare you were now giving him potentially the only thing keeping him quiet.


“Hey,” Jongdae started. “Weren’t you only supposed to come up here this week if you were dressed in a much more cheerful manner?” He smirked as he finished his sentence and slowly you saw the realisation dawn on everyone’s faces.  Oh you were going to kill that boy later. For now you had to deal with everyone staring at you like it was Christmas.


“Say Yixing?” you cooed.


“Yes Y/N?”


“Remind me to kill you later.”


He laughed and grabbed your shoulders before whispering in your ear. “Worth it.” You elbowed him.


Slowly Baekhyun stepped forward. He had his phone in his hand and a mischievous smirk on his face. “If my memory serves, you should be a lot peppier and that coat should be gone. Unless that is, you want me to call Heechul?” 


“I guess I just figured you’d want to be the first to see the outfit in person… but if you want everyone to see it at the same time.” You motioned to remove your jacket, hoping like hell he’d fall for your bluff.


“Yah! Wait. You’re right, I don’t want them to see just yet.” Baekhyun stepped forward and then turned to face everyone except Yixing. “Ok all of you go away.” In the background you heard Minseok and Junmyeon scoff.  “Hyungs!”


A know at the door stopped the argument that you could tell was about to occur and instead rendered the room silent. “Yixing! Time to go!” The managers voice sounded through the door and your eyes widened.


You grabbed Baekhyun’s hand and he turned, looking down at your joined hands with an odd look on his face. He lifted his eyes to your face and saw the fear in your eyes. “Baek, I can’t be seen like, like this.” You gestured at your current state of dress frantically. “Help.”


Minseok reacted faster than Baekhyun, grabbing the younger’s arm and pulling the two of you down the hall towards the stairs. “Baekhyun, take her to your room now.” Baekhyun just stared at Minseok, confused. “Hurry the up will you. If the manager spots that costume she’s done for.” A light shove up the stairs from Minseok and Baekhyun finally registered what was at stake. He tugged your arm and the two of you headed up towards his room.


Once you were both inside and Baekhyun was leaning against the door he seemed to remember what was under your coat. He pouted at you and spoke. “Noona I think it’s time you cheered me up a bit.”


Now that it was just the two of you your nerve came back. No way were you giving in to him so easily. You were going to push him to find out just how much you could get away with this week. If you annoyed him enough he might forget that he requested actual cheers. “Oh? And why do you need cheering up?”


His pout got worse and he acted more childlike as he mumbled. “Yixing is leaving for a few weeks and it’s going to be weird when he’s not here. It’s always weird when he’s not here. We miss him and it makes us sad.”


You might have caved if it weren’t for how much he was hamming up this performance. “It is sad that he’s going to be gone but you can still call and text him all the time. Then he’ll be back and it’ll be time for the tour.” Baekhyun’s eye twitched, the only sign that he was getting impatient with you.


“But noona! I’m sad now. Cheer me up.”


“I’m trying to but you aren’t listening properly.” You teased.


Baekhyun pressed a few buttons on his phone and made a call. “Hyung?” You tried to work out if he’d called who you thought he’d call if he got too impatient. “Hyung I need help.” “Yes, she’s not listening” “Yeah. A punishment. Hang on, I’ll put you on speaker so she can hear it from you.” Baekhyun pressed the speaker button and a new voice sounded in the room.


“Ready?” Baekhyun answered and the voice continued to speak. “ So Y/N. I hear that you aren’t providing enough pep for our dear Beakhyun. He enlisted me to come up with a backup punishment should you not complete this first one but we’ve agreed to let you know what it is first. Then you can decide which one you’ll do. Understand?”




“Yah. I’m your elder.”


“Yes oppa.


“That’s better. Now if you don’t want to dress as a cheerleader for the week your alternative is this. Whenever Baekhyun calls for you during this week, you must go to him and give him a foot massage. It can be at any place and at any time and you cannot refuse.”


You groaned. “This is so not fair.”


Baekhyun and Heechul laughed at your despair. Baekhyun thanked Heechul and hung up. He stared at you and you could see the uncertainty in his eyes. He really wasn’t sure if you’d pick the foot massage punishment over the cheerleader one.


You thought it over in your head. Feet didn’t gross you out but the idea of basically being a foot massage slave for a week seemed worse than popping in to the apartment once a day or video calling Baek daily while dressed up and cheering him on for a week. Plus, you could still annoy the ever living hell out of him with the original punishment.


You pretended to be thinking really hard about the choice you had and moved about his room while he remained with his back against the door, watching you. You stood with your back to him and opened your phone to the messaging app. You quickly sent him a photo from the game Lollipop Chainsaw then pocketed your phone and turned back to face him.


As soon as he dropped his gaze to his phone you removed your jacket. “Y/N, why the fu-” his words died in his throat as he looked back up at you. He blinked rapidly and his mouth hung open. He looked down at his phone then back at you repeatedly. “ing hell.”

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That was pretty intense. I like that Minseok asked about their limits and was considerate of everyone.

It was pretty hot and so long, I didn't think about the end coming as soon as it did. Hahaha.

As for who she should end up with, here's my two cents. It is very apparent throughout the whole story that she and Baekhyun have a thing. And after the previous chapter where he devoured her, it's clear that they care for each other more deeply than she cares for the other boys, Minseok included. She was so afraid of how Baek would react which is a clear sign that she wants something more with him.

I don't see her being with Minseok, even though she cares for him deeply as well. It might be because of their arrangement as buddies, but aside from that she has no emotional attachment aside from their friendship.

I would love to see her end up with Baek after her contract with them ends. And of course, maybe with the cheerleader costume? Hahaha

I cannot wait for the next update! Thank you so much for sticking with this fic. Here's to all readers patiently waiting for the conclusion to this story.
750 streak #2
Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Yes please, I will take a fan and refreshments. I was sure I wanted her to end up with Baekhyun, but I am suddenly undecided after this chapter. If it would be either man, I don’t think the other would be very happy, which could potentially cause deeper problems within the group. I don’t think the others are as invested and things pretty much stopped with the lessons and friendship. However, it’s more apparent that she has mutual feelings with both men - unless I am reading it wrong. I can’t wait to see how things progress after this night.

Thank you so much for updating, I’ve really missed this story. Hope you’ve been well and Happy New Uear.
42 streak #3
Chapter 47: Uwww... finally they did it... that was more like a anticipating and nerve-wracking moments...haha...but it was extremely hot, y and tempting...yeah.. I was also wondering with whom she was going to end up...
Woah.. 3 endings... hope authornim publish all the 3 endings maybe one as final and other two as bonus part or possible endings...
Aww... hope she ends up with all the boys... but yeah she had actually different chemistry, friendship and relationship with all the boys... it was definitely a lit bit different for xiumin and baekhyun from the beginning... how about a surprise plot twist and ending... i miss reverseharem au though... I'll definitely look forward to read the exciting upcoming updates...really enjoyed reading the whole chapter..thank you authornim for updating ❤️
Chapter 47: Woaaaahh crazyyyy!!! I honestly ship the three of them together? Is it possible? LOL.
808aff #5
Chapter 46: Well hoooooooly it's happening. She did work extremely hard with the guys, both professionally and uh ually lol. She deserves all the praise and rewards as well. Dang we getting a Xiubaek y time for Xiubaek lol
Chapter 46: I know my naughty guy here will accept it. Hahahhaa. I surely not expect that Minseok would be afraid to be rejected about this awww. No worries, we'll get to it guys. It's about time 🤣🤣
Chapter 46: Woaaaah.. i don't think i can survive the next chapter. The build up is already hot enough, i can't imagine the real action.. hohoho
Chapter 46: Give me some water and a fan!!! I gotta cool myself up!!!!!
42 streak #9
Chapter 46: Woah... finally baekhyun got his another reward... for sure they were too naughty..hahaha.. but that was so hot and y... also loved their dynamic bonding..there's definitely something special between them.. maybe it's love, care, trust and good understanding... but they got along with each other so easily and comfortably... also woah he's going to get another bonus reward soon i guess.. hehehe..loved the way oc made it more easier and comfortable for both of them... xiumin's reason for choosing baekhyun was so interesting... so excited for next chapter..loved it authornim and thank you for updating.
750 streak #10
Chapter 46: I think we will be the ones to die reading it!😉 This was such a hot chapter in itself. Baek, Teach, and simply a phone was hotness overload in itself. They have such a connection to each other that it’s crazy. It also speaks volumes of his trust in her that he has accepted her reward/punishment system with the others. Not to mention her friends with benefits relationship with Minseok, and now agreeing to be part of Xiumin’s reward. Can’t wait for the next chapter.