Chapter 03

Years of eternity
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CHAPTER 3: A rainy day in Busan




It’s been a week since we received the task and I stll didn’t have any plans for what I wanted to do. I had thought about it for the last few days but I couldn’t seem to make up my mind. Firstly, it had to be something about me so it wouldn’t work if I made a video about Chen for example, as he works so hard to obtain his dreams and has good grades on top of that. If I was like that, maybe people would’ve wanted to hear my story. But I’m not so it isn’t working.


I was sitting on my bed talking over Skype with my parents since I have been really busy for a long time with lots of upcoming exams and now, finally, my first day at my break has started. Both of my parents were home at the moment and they were sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee. I wasn't sure if they just woke up or they decided to take a little break before lunch.


“How are you doing honey? Are eating enough?” Dad asked me with his normal ‘overprotective’-voice that made me giggle.


“Of course dad. You should thank Chen you know. He’s been making sure I’m eating even when I don’t think I’m hungry.”


“You shouldn’t rely on him so much Jihye. He’s probably way busy now as it already is. His parents’ must be so proud because he’s studying so hard.”


Mom always liked to talk about how she wished I would’ve chosen economy or even law-school saying that I should live out her dream of becoming a lawyer. But I never had the interest. Instead, I received support from my dad saying that instead of following mom’s dreams I should follow my own instead. Therefore, mom sometimes seemed more proud of Chen than of me. I didn't know how I felt about that.


“Mom, I never asked him to come over…” I gave them a smile and took a sip of my cup of tea that was standing on my nightstand beside me. "He's the one making plans to come visit me. I've already told him that he doesn't have to take care of me but he wants too, so I can't really say no." I said and hesitated a bit before asking; "How is work dad? Is everything going alright?"


"Sure it is honey. That's the reason we called you. Guess what?" Mom said and clapped her hands, she seemed so happy. "Dad got promoted yesterday! Isn't that fantastic news?!" Dad tried to brush mom's excitement off but she was giving both of us a bigger smile than I've seen her give us in a long time.


"That's great dad!" I said and looked at the clock on my computer. Almost eleven. Oh…"Uhh, mom and dad I love you really really much but I don't have time to talk to you for much longer. I'm meeting Chen in an hour for our trip to Busan and I haven't packed my bags yet."


“You should have done that yesterday.” Now even my dad started to scold me.


“I know I know dad. I’ll call you when I come back. Okay?”


“Alright honey. Be careful and greet Chen from me.”


“Yeah I’ll do that mom. Bye!”


I clicked on the red button after hearing them say goodbye and wave at me before realizing I was still late and started to panic, again.


We had a long week break from school and I had already planned most of the week. Hwayoung went home to her hometown, Namwon to start with her project and to visit her family. Chen and I had planned the trip to Busan for almost three weeks now and we finally found a week when it worked that fitted into each one of ours schedules. As I put up my suitcase on my bed I started packing

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mincupin07 #1
Chapter 14: agh! i wonder what happened? ㅠ.ㅠ
mincupin07 #2
Chapter 10: I'm listening to a melancholic song that somehow fits the feeling Jongdae probably has for Jihyo :)
Chapter 6: Oh my god, it's so good!!! You seriously never disappoint. Looking forward to know what's going to happen when she finally meets Jongin. <3
IfOnly17 #4
Chapter 6: I'm so anticipating this story and its updates! I clicked as soon as I saw the update in my notifications (though I'm a few days late), but I totally understand how your feeling with exams and everything. I just finished finals not too long ago. Anyways, haha, goodluck on your test!! Can't wait to read more!!
Chapter 5: Looking forward to this! Best of luck with school.
Batmans_mailman #6
Chapter 4: Aw, I really love the plot behind this! The idea is pretty creative, and it reminds me that I've been wanting to watch Yuri On Ice. Chen already has me fangirling on the inside too XD I'll look forward to the next update!
Chapter 1: love it <3
Chapter 2: I'm looking forward for more! I haven't really read any ice skating fics, never have I actually done it in real life either, so it's going to be interesting to read about. I'm excited to read about Jihyo's ice skating experience, and waiting happily for what you have in store for us! =D