Chapter 11

Years of eternity
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CHAPTER 11: Cafeteria lunch


"So you won't be coming to school today?" I hissed and took a huge bite of my nutella sandwich with strawberries. It was my breakfast. So much calories but so good. I was sitting on my bed next to my computer watching old performances by Jongin. Our first lesson had been cancelled which meant that I had even more time to spend on watching my beautiful man skate onto the ice. I loved it so much and it was still hurtful thinking about the fact that I wasn't able to buy tickets for his upcoming event on new Year's eve. I tried not to think about it but I knew I couldn't deny it. 

"I'm sorry..." Hwayoung coughed on the other side of the phone and I sighed. "I must've caught the cold you had a couple of days ago."

"You want me to stop by your room with medicins or ice cream or anything...?" I let the question hang in the air and waited for her answer. 

"You're an angel." I could sense her smiling on the other side and I ate the last bite of my sandwich before closing my computer, putting in it's case and stood up on the wooden floor. I raised my shoulder so I could balance my phone next to my ear while checking my wallet on how much money I had. It was enough to buy something for her. 

"Anything special you're craving?" I reached for my jacket and put on my shoes.


"As always. Do you need cough drops, aspirin..?"

"I think I got some aspirin already but cough drops would be wonderful. And you don't need to buy anything expensive either. Thanks bestie."

"No probs. I'm leaving now so if you have any other suggestions just text me, okay?"


"See ya!"

It was still pretty early in the morning and the air was crisp and cold and the ground was slippery as a thin layer of ice had been layed on the ground under the night. I walked attentively over the pavements since I was trying so hard to to slip onto the ice. What an embarrassement if that occured. No, I shouldn't about these things or it will happen to me. The pharmacy was located not far away from the dorm and when I opened the door the pharmacy was almost empty except for an old lady standing next to a wall with medicins. She turned around when I walked in and asked me if there was anything I needed.

"My friend has caught a cold and I'm looking for any good cough drops."

She went to the other side of the pharmacy and handed me two kinds of cough drops. "This one," she pointed at the one in my left hand, "she can take with four hours in between. And this one," she pointed at the other one in my right hand, "isn't as strong and you can take them whenever you feel like you have a sore throat."

The first she gave me must be better, I thought. "I'll take this one." I said and handed over the cough drops laying in my left hand and put the other back onto the shelf. We walked over to the checkout and I paid for the package. When opening the door to leave the pharmacy I happened to walk right into a man walking by and he fell onto the ground.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" . I'm so clumsy. I sat down on the ground and reached out a hand for the man to grab. He was tall and had dark brown hair. He looked up to meet my gaze and he held up his hand. "Are you alright?" I asked and the man chuckled.

"I'm fine thanks." He brushed his hands over his jeans and I looked behind him. Then I saw a sign of pain over his face when he moved his left hand into his pocket to pick up his phone.

"Let me buy you some medicins for your hand. It must hurt. I'm really sorry."

"It's fine really..-" I didn't bother listening to him so I just went inside the pharmacy again, asked the old lady and she showed me an ointment that you would put on your hand. I looked over my shoulder and he was still standing outside. I moved to the checkout once again, paid and opened the door to leave but found the place outside completely gone. How could he just walk away like that?! And here I was, holding a plastic bag with his medicine and he was not even willing to wait for me. I looked on the clock on my phone and I was running late. I needed to be at Hwayoung's place pretty soon or I would b

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mincupin07 #1
Chapter 14: agh! i wonder what happened? ㅠ.ㅠ
mincupin07 #2
Chapter 10: I'm listening to a melancholic song that somehow fits the feeling Jongdae probably has for Jihyo :)
Chapter 6: Oh my god, it's so good!!! You seriously never disappoint. Looking forward to know what's going to happen when she finally meets Jongin. <3
IfOnly17 #4
Chapter 6: I'm so anticipating this story and its updates! I clicked as soon as I saw the update in my notifications (though I'm a few days late), but I totally understand how your feeling with exams and everything. I just finished finals not too long ago. Anyways, haha, goodluck on your test!! Can't wait to read more!!
Chapter 5: Looking forward to this! Best of luck with school.
Batmans_mailman #6
Chapter 4: Aw, I really love the plot behind this! The idea is pretty creative, and it reminds me that I've been wanting to watch Yuri On Ice. Chen already has me fangirling on the inside too XD I'll look forward to the next update!
Chapter 1: love it <3
Chapter 2: I'm looking forward for more! I haven't really read any ice skating fics, never have I actually done it in real life either, so it's going to be interesting to read about. I'm excited to read about Jihyo's ice skating experience, and waiting happily for what you have in store for us! =D