Day's Highlight

A Doctor's Disease



For the entire morning there have been a pair of eyes watching me. My eyebrow begins to twitch from the amount of stress that is building up inside of me. I am minding my own business while cleaning the equipment that had just been moved inside, but she won’t stop staring. I had enough after another ten minutes and calmly placed the tools on the table, I then slowly looked up to see Jessica chewing her bubble gum loudly while staring at me with an expressionless face.

“Do think you could please stop staring?” I smiled politely as I possibly could.

“But if I stop staring,” she crossed her arms over her chest “you might take advantage of my little sister.” she resumed eating the gum and blowing bubbles until they popped.

My eye twitched at her indirect accusation of me having the desire to take advantage of Krystal.

“I thought this sister would at least be nicer than the other one….” I whispered under my breath.

“What?” Jessica raised her voice.

“Huh?” I played dumb and pretended that I said nothing.

There was silence as Jessica had finally stopped chewing her gum and now her stares turned into glares.

‘I think she heard me’.

“I know your type,” she lowered her voice “and I don’t like you.”

“You know,” I combed my fingers through my silky hair “I don’t like your type either.”

Jessica’s jaw dropped slightly when she heard that, she quickly regained her composure and continued.

“W-Well I think you are just like the rest-”

‘Just like the rest?’

“So I can stare all I want if it means preventing anything from happening again!” Jessica growled at me with those words.

I straightened my back and squinted at her.

‘I’m not just going to stand here and get insulted!’

I remember seeing that Jessica didn’t interact at all with her parents, she only made an effort with her sister.

“Well, isn’t she lucky,” I caught her off guard “She gets your father’s, mother’s and sister’s attention - and what do you get?”

Jessica gasped quietly, I saw a moment of vulnerability but that disappeared when she fixed her stern gaze on my eyes.

“You’re so ugly,” she threw an insult at my face, I gasped in response “that when your mom dropped you off she got fined for littering!”

Jessica then proceeded to do the Z-snap.

“Well,” I smirked at the comeback that I had for her “Your family tree must be a cactus, because everyone on it is a prick!” I then flipped my imaginary long hair.

“Two wrongs don’t make a right, take your parents for example.” Jessica pointed at me waiting to understand the insult.

My jaw drapped when I realised it, I had to think fast.

“If you want to know about mistakes, you should ask your parents!”

“Karma is taking too long,” Jessica cracked her knuckles “I would rather beat the crap out of you right now.”

I limbered up and shouted:


Just when both of us were about to get into a fight Krystal stormed into the room and knocked some sense into our heads.

“You guys are giving me a headache - be quiet!” she scolded us and left the room.

I stood up and rubbed my head where Krystal just hit me. Once Jessica got up she walked past me only to stomp on my toe. I shoved my way past her and flicked her in the funny bone with made her yelp. I quickly exited the house in order to avoid anymore drama.


I walked out into the wind’s fresh breeze that filled my lungs, I stood outside to calm myself down with my eyes closed until I heard someone clear their throat. I eyes shot open and I saw Sulli standing in front of me, all my nervousness left me knowing that it wasn’t Jessica or worse - Krystal.

“Hello.” she greeted me with a friendly smile.

“Hey.” I said in the same casual tone “Would you like me to fetch Krystal for you?” I asked.

“Actually, I was hoping I could talk to you for a moment.” she said while playing with the ends of her sleeves.

“Oh,” I was taken by surprise, but I saw nothing wrong with hanging out with her “Of course!” I agreed with extra enthusiasm to get away from the house for a bit. “Would you like to come with me for a walk to the park for some fresh air?” I asked hoping that she would agree.

“That sounds nice!” she agreed to the plan.

The park isn’t far at all, in fact it is just across the road. Sulli sat down in the grass while I laid down spreading my limbs out to relax for a while.

“Is everything alright, Ms Liu?” she asked as she looked down on me.

I looked up at her to see the sun shining brightly on her, I nodded my head in response to her question.

“I just needed some space.” I gave her the truth.

She frowned but later nodded her head in understanding.

“You know I can help you understand the Jungs more,” she laid down next to me and accompanied me in admiring the clouds “Or at least what I understand about them.”

“I think I would rather see what they are really like for myself,” I breathed a sigh “But thank you for the offer.”

“Is it alright if I tell you what I know anyway?” she asked for permission.

“Go for it.” I allowed her to talk to me.

“I have known Krystal for the majority of my life, back then she used to smile so freely. She used to help out others and in all honesty I was the bad influence back then.” Sulli chuckled after retelling her old memories. Sulli looked like she just remembered something and quickly sat up causing me to do the same.

“What happened?” I asked her while trying to get her to look at me.

“Nothing.” She laughed with wide open “I just realised that I was going off topic - you don’t have to liste-”

“It’s alright,” I reassured her with a smile “Please continue with your story.”

Sulli gazed at me with appreciation in her eyes, she laid back down and I did the same.

“All in all I am good at reading people most of the time.”

I pouted because I was getting interested in her story, but I just shook off the temptation of delving into her privacy.

“Can you read Krystal then?” I challenged her.

“Yep!” she answered with a wide grin.

We gazing at the white clouds in contrast to the bright blue sky. There were a few families in the area, but they were out of hearing range.

“She has the most contagious smile and her laugh would even make you laugh” she laughed while remembering those precious memories “But after the many things that she has been through, she has shut out nearly everyone….” the wind was the only thing that could be heard between us “She really isn’t as bad as she seems once she trusts you.” her voice was faint.

I looked at her distant gaze in her eyes and it seemed to be filled with sorrow.

I was about to say that I didn’t care whether or not Krystal would trust me, but the way that Sulli said those words made me refrain from saying it.

“Can you read me?” I asked hoping to distract her from whatever sad memory that she is holding onto.

She shook off the thought and came back to reality. She sat up straight and looked deeply into my eyes. After a few moments of silence had past I was about to tell her to forget about it until she broke the silence.

“You remind me of her.” That statement made my eyes widen “But you still have something keeping you from turning into Krystal, someone you care about and that person can either be the reason behind your happiness or sadne-”

“I think we should head back now” I spoke in a hurry and stood up.

Sulli looked at with with apologetic eyes and agreed to head back to the house.

‘Happiness or Sadness, huh?’

I clenched my fists as we walked back in quiet mood. I felt Sulli’s gaze was on me, but I chose to ignore it.

“Ms Liu?” she tried to get my attention, but I kept on walking “I’m sorry.”

I stopped in my tracks.

“I’m sorry for delving into your privacy,” I could hear the sincerity in her voice “Please forget that I said anything.”

I ruffled my hair and turned around to see that she lowered her head.

“Amber.” I said to break the silence.

She looked up and tilted her head out of confusion.

“You can call me Amber, not Ms Liu.” I saw the smile grow on her face.

“Really?!” she was checking to see if she heard right.

I nodded and when she got my permission she jumped up and down with happiness. I could help but smile at the sight.

‘Krystal was smart not to push away Sulli’.

I noticed that Krystal doesn’t really keep people close to her unless it’s Jongsuk or Sulli.

‘Sulli has a warm aura around her that keep people warm even through the winter - no wonder Krystal likes her’.

“I’ll give you a tour of the house if you want.” I said and continued walking to the front door.

“Yes please!” she said with enthusiasm.


“And this is my first patient’s gift that they gave me a guitar, I named it after the patient - Henry!”

Talking to Sulli brought out the five year old me, I ended up showing her things that I took pride in and I was appreciative to know that she was listening. I was eager to show her more of my things, but that was until someone came into my room.


We both turned our heads to see Krystal’s surprised expression. I just realised out of all of the fun we were having I forgot that Krystal and Jessica were here. Sulli approached Krystal and started praising me for my achievements and showed Krystal the gifts that I had received from previous patients.

“I don’t care, Ssul.” Krystal snapped.

“I am just showing you that Amber can save you….” she spoke in a small voice.

“Amber?” Krystal seemed confused.

Sulli’s expression lit up.

“Yeah, her name is Amber!” Sulli smiled brightly.

Krystal rolled her eyes and told Sulli to come with her instead of me, Sulli was about to protest, but she stayed quiet. Before Sulli left the room she waved goodbye.

“Bye Amber!”

I was disappointed that she left, but I still smiled at the fact that she listened to me for a long period of time.

‘Sulli was definitely the highlight of the day’.


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I promise that I will start and finish this story!


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23 streak #1
Chapter 9: Thanks for coming back.. Please update more.
bluesky2275 #2
Chapter 9: Thank you for sharing this fiction.Me love reading it. Love the way you elaborate each characters. Next chapter please
amhar03 #3
Chapter 9: Woaaah just realize that this story was from 2016.. a really interesting story and this childish llama soo cute.. especially with a childish banter between jessber
Chapter 9: Welcome back! It's very rare that someone actually decides to come back to a story from 5 years ago! Thanks so much!
serafin97 #5
Welcome back :)
GEoRuth #6
Chapter 1: Hi. Will this be continuing?
GEoRuth #7
This story got my attention. Will the author update this one? No offense if this comment has offended you.
GEoRuth #8
What's wrong with Sulli?
Chapter 8: author, pls make some update ^^ thanks
Chapter 8: Melt the ice Amber!:)