I Hate Doctors

A Doctor's Disease



‘I cannot believe that jerk told on me!’ I glared at her while contemplating where I was going to hit her next ‘She is so dead’.

My father continued to scold me like I was still a child and was causing a scene in front of everyone to witness. He is always the first to scold me whenever I do something ‘wrong’.

‘What’s wrong with telling the child that Santa doesn’t exist - he deserved it after trying to steal my wallet’.

I just ignored my father and glared at that stupid doctor that is covering to muffle her amusement.

‘You’re dead’ I mouthed to her and she laughed even harder.

Once my father was done with his rant Amber cleared to gain our attention.

“Now that we are well acquainted,” she smirked at me “please follow me to my office to properly address the problem.” she flashed a carefree smile towards my family and friends, they returned the smile except for my father, Jessica and I.

We all trailed behind her as we made our way through the large corridor, we occasionally would hear celebrations from inside the patient’s rooms, but one one occasion I saw a guy hooked up to a breathing mask. The doctor slowed down her pace to look inside the room, I noticed apart from her usual annoying smile there was something vulnerable in her eyes as she stared inside the room. She gently put her hand on the glass, but retracted her hand away when she realised that she wasn’t alone.

“L-let’s go.” her voice cracked as she continued leading us through the enormous hospital.

“Is Ms Liu alright?” Sulli whispered to me while keeping an eye on the doctor.

I shrugged my shoulders and answered frankly:

“Don’t know, don’t care.”




‘Hang in there Jackson’.

I quickly shook off the thought as we arrived at my office. I held open the door for everyone and received a few thanks and nods except for the three that walked straight in like they owned the place. I sighed and quickly invited everyone to get comfortable while we sort out what is the issue.

“Now…” I hand my pen and paper ready for the information that they were going to give me “What are the symptoms?” all our eyes darted to Krystal who just stared blankly at me. She caught her mother’s gaze that was encouraging her to tell me, that’s when she breathed a sigh.

“I don’t know how to explain it.” she admitted while looking at the ground. I thought for a bit before I decided to give her some examples.

“Do you get blurred or a fuzzy vision before the attacks happen?” I prompted her.

She slowly nodded, I then scribbled down my first piece of information. As I was still writing I continued to ask her questions.

“Is it moderate to severe pain, one sided or throbbing pain?” I asked feeling slightly more frustrated that it could just be a simple migraine.

“Is it okay if it is two of the ones that you listed?” she seemed unsure.

“No that sounds about right, which two?” I asked again.

“Throbbing and moderate to severe pain.” she answered.

Everyone one else in the room knew to stay quiet while I asked these general, yet important questions.

‘It sounds like a migraine, but it could be causing damage depending on how long it has been going on for - it may not be a normal migraine depending on how she answers this last question for now’ I looked at her with seriousness and asked:

“How long has this been going on for?”

My eyes widened when she said:

“Two weeks.” she said casually.

‘That’s not normal, usually migraine only last for 72 or less hours’ I was shocked that she managed to be able to function properly.

“She’s going to be fine right.” Jessica asked or more like stated to reassure herself.

Jongsuk continued to rest his arm around Krystal’s shoulder but I saw him tighten his grip. He looked afraid to let her go. Yoona stared at her youngest daughter with worry in her eyes, but she still managed to smile to comfort her daughters. Sulli was holding onto her friend’s hand tightly.

‘Sulli seems like a nice girl, I don’t understand why she is friends with Krystal’.

Minho gently rubbed his sister’s back to reassure her that everything was going to be alright.

“What do we do now?” Mr Jung broke the deafening silence.

“I will prepare a room for your daughter,” I stood up from my chair “Please wait here until I return.”


“What do you mean there are no rooms available?!” I lost my patience when the person’s voice was faint over the speaker.

“Well, being the best hospital means that there really isn’t any left since rooms are always on high demand” the nurse explained over the phone.

I made a tsk sound before I apologize for my outburst and bid my goodbye to them.

‘How am I going to break it to them?’

“I apologize on behalf of this hospital.” I bowed deeply so that I wouldn’t have to look in the eyes of those who are worried for their loved one. I then looked up to be surprised by something. Krystal, she looked unfazed - she didn’t even look scared. I stood up properly and saw no sadness in her cold eyes.

‘Aren’t you afraid to die?’ I mentally asked her.

Everyone was dead silent after I broke the news to them, Minho stepped forward catching my attention.

“There must be another way, please….” his gaze was desperate.

I thought for a moment and shook off the idea that just came to my mind, after all I don’t wish to be with the patient 24/7.

“I’m sorry….” I apologized for the ninth time.

He lowered his head and slowly walked back to his sister.

“Tsk!” I turned my attention towards Mr Jung who looked like her lost his patience “Some great hospital you work for.” he mocked my workplace.

I just endured the verbal abuse as I watched Yoona try to calm her husband down. Jessica was comforting Krystal who looked like she didn’t care. Jongsuk still held on tight to her. I then turned my attention to the brother and sister. I didn’t want to look at Sulli, but I couldn’t stop staring, she looked like she was the one that had to apologize to Krystal. Sulli found my gaze and her eyes were rimmed with tears. I don’t know what possessed me to say this, but I let it slip out of my mouth.

“There is another solution…”

That caused everyone in the room to freeze.


I was in the middle of talking to a nurse to get them to load up the equipment into my house when I was pulled away by someone. I yanked my arm back and I looked to see that it was Krystal.

“What are yo-” she cut me off.

“I’m not going to live with you” she spoke in a low voice as she stared darkly into my eyes.

I furrowed my brow at her and crossed my arms.

“I don’t want to live with you either,” I childishly agreed “But that is the only way that I can help you.” I was about to walk away until she pulled me back.

“I’m not done yet,” she raised her voice, I blew a sigh and allowed her to continue “I don’t want the treatment….” she lowered her gaze from my eyes.

In all of my years working here the only reason why people refuse is because of the fact that they can’t afford it, but she can.

‘What’s her problem?’.

“It’s already been decided - sorry.” I apologized again and I heard her growl in annoyance.

“You’re just wasting your time,” she began to walk away “Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” she called out and disappeared from my sight when she went around a corner.

I shrugged off our little conversation and went back to the nurse to discuss the arrangements.




‘Why won’t she listen?’ I sighed and almost walked past the room that caught my attention previously. I looked through the glass to see a guy that looked a lot like Ms Liu, he looked healthy, until I saw that he had slightly pale skin, but he was sleeping since it was still early in the morning.

‘Are they related?’ I thought to myself out of curiosity.

“What are you doing?”

The voice startled me and I quickly turned around to see Ms Liu. I didn’t recognize her voice which is why I got a fright.

“Are you two related?” I answered her question by asking another question.

She narrowed her eyes on me, but her gaze softened when she looked at the other patient. She slowly nodded, but quickly changed the subject by saying:

“It’s time to go to your new home now.”

I groaned and reluctantly followed her to the exit.

I was surprised when I saw Sulli approach Ms Liu and thank her.


Sulli wasn’t the only one to thank the doctor, everyone except for my father, Jessica and I didn’t thank her.

She hasn’t saved me, so there isn’t any point in thanking her.

I watched as she smiled and reassured everyone that she will take good care of me. She then turned to face me and smiled.

“You have nothing to worry about now.”

Seeing her sincerity made me almost believe her, but then I remembered what happened with the previous doctors with me - I won’t let that happen again….


“Let me go!” my scream was muffled by their hand.

“But you are too pretty….” they smiled to my horrified eyes.

I bit his hand and he cursed loudly. I took the opportunity to run out of that hell hold. I didn’t care that I was in a patient’s gown running out on the streets, I just wanted to get home.

It felt like forever while I was running,  would look over my shoulder every now and then to make sure that the ert wasn’t behind me. I arrived home and banged on the front door loudly. After waiting for a few seconds the front door flew open and my father was on the other side. He looked shocked to see me here in the middle of the night, but when I tried to squeeze my way through he pushed me back.

“Go back to the hospital” he spoke in a low voice “I paid good money for you to be there - now go!”

“I don’t want to!” I sobbed loudly.

He saw the desperation in my eyes and I saw a small thread of humanity in his eyes, he massaged his head and stood to one side allowing me to enter.

“We are going to find you a different hospital tomorrow and that’s final.”

Flashback Ended


I don’t want to get close to Ms Liu, I just want to be left alone….

Even if she is a girl - it’s still dangerous.


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I promise that I will start and finish this story!


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23 streak #1
Chapter 9: Thanks for coming back.. Please update more.
bluesky2275 #2
Chapter 9: Thank you for sharing this fiction.Me love reading it. Love the way you elaborate each characters. Next chapter please
amhar03 #3
Chapter 9: Woaaah just realize that this story was from 2016.. a really interesting story and this childish llama soo cute.. especially with a childish banter between jessber
Chapter 9: Welcome back! It's very rare that someone actually decides to come back to a story from 5 years ago! Thanks so much!
serafin97 #5
Welcome back :)
GEoRuth #6
Chapter 1: Hi. Will this be continuing?
GEoRuth #7
This story got my attention. Will the author update this one? No offense if this comment has offended you.
GEoRuth #8
What's wrong with Sulli?
Chapter 8: author, pls make some update ^^ thanks
Chapter 8: Melt the ice Amber!:)