Media Noche

Wish List

"I'm heading out…"


"Yah Soojung-ah!" Her older sister bellows. Jessica emerged from the kitchen wiping her hands on a towel. "It's almost midnight! Where do you think you're going at this hour?"


"I'm just going on a walk…" Krystal responds plainly, already putting her coat on.


"At midnight? Have you gone mad?"


"I'll be fine…" The younger steps out of the house and closes the door behind her, not bothering to wait for her sister's response.


"RUDE! Have you forgotten who is the older between us?!"


"Sooyeon, stop it. Let your sister do what she wants."


"She's 22 years old, Ma! You can't baby her all the time!"


"I am not baby-ing her. You said it yourself, she's 22 now. She's an adult who can make her own decisions, so let her."


"But still…"


"It's the first Christmas she is away since they got together. Your baby sister must be feeling lonely. It doesn't help that she's been away for most of the year due to work. They're pretty much in a long distance relationship now...."


Krystal steps away from the door as the rest of the conversation between her mother and sister fade in the distance. She wasn't even surprised that her mother knew exactly what she was going through and what she was feeling about it. No matter how much she tried to She missed her girlfriend terribly everyday but it being mere hours before Christmas made her miss her even more.


A cold breeze blew past her and she instinctively hugged herself, hoping that the thick material of her coat would protect her. Suddenly, she felt herself missing the woman more. The warmth her body provides would never be replaced or replicated by any amount of expensive coats.


Krystal continued to walk around aimlessly and allowed her feet dictate her destination. Minutes of walking and looking around the almost empty streets, she found herself at the entrance of the building where her girlfriend's apartment. She wasn't really surprised at her destination as the only thought that occupied her mind as she walked was the woman who was currently a hundred miles away from her.


Without even giving it a second thought, she entered the building and made her way up towards the elder's abandoned apartment. Despite it being empty for majority of the past year, she had made sure to keep the place in good shape. She would spend the night in the said apartment whenever she missed her girlfriend. The warmth of the apartment, as well as the woman's scent all over the area, made her feel like she was just there with her.


The familiar feeling washed over her as she opened the door to the said apartment. Despite it being empty as usual, somehow being there made her feel a little better.


She made her way towards the bedroom and lay down on the bed. She lay on the side of the bed she usually occupied whenever she came over and slept in the bed together with the older woman. She grabbed elder's pillow and hugged it close her, inhaling the leftover scent her shampoo left on it.


"Vic…" she murmurs as her eyes slowly closes as she fell asleep in the comfort of the soft and warm bed.




She feels a pair of soft lips pepper her face with light kisses. The feeling of those lips on her felt familiar for some reason. She knew exactly to whom those lips belonged to but that thought of her being here defied all logic.


She was torn between opening her eyes to confirm whether those lips were real or just a dream. She badly wanted to see her yet the possibility of everything being just a dream and her ending it if she opened her eyes didn't set well with her.


Her thoughts were put into a halt when the lips that were kissing her on the face earlier found her own lips. Unable to keep herself anymore, she opened her eyes as soon as their lips parted.


"You worried me." The woman tells her as their eyes meet for the first time.


"Vic?" she asks, just to make sure that her mind wasn't playing tricks on her.


"I kept on calling you but you wouldn't answer your phone. I tried calling your sister only to be told you went out and that she had no idea where you were." Victoria continued to talk, failing to hear the younger call her name. "It was a good thing I decided to come here before I went out to look for you."


Krystal mumbled a soft apology before she asked the question that had been bothering her ever since the fact that her girlfriend was indeed sitting there in front of her sank in. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in China?"


"I was but I just can't let Christmas pass without spending it with you." Victoria pecked to younger on the lips. "I know I'm late. I wanted to arrive before midnight but filming got delayed a bit because the fans and media visited us."


"It's fine. I don't mind." Krystal interrupts as she moves forward  to capture the elder in an embrace. "The important thing is that you're here… with me."


Victoria smiles as she tightens her hold on the younger. "Merry Christmas, Soojung-ah…. I love you."




I know this very cliché but I couldn't come up of  anything better. Anyway, Happy New Year everyone!

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Chapter 1: So cute! You should write more Lunber!
taetoro24 #2
Chapter 2: My krystoria feels~~~
xIlyushax #3
Chapter 2: Oh krystoria
Very thank you for written
Love it, lovely fix❤
Chapter 2: Those two are OTPs
HanNeulAh #5
Krytoria!!!!!!!!! Happy new year author-nim
Chapter 2: Bdjslsndnbdksnskhdodhsmsosjdhjsnsosihdb Omg both fics! Omg! //melts away//
My wish list is complete <3
Good Job Author :) Gosh..Krytoria will seriously be the death of me one day haha. But anyway...this was majorly fantastic and keep up the good work
Awww my Lunber feels <3 I love love love it