She Talks To Angels

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Trigger Warning: Character Deaths, Blood, Violence. Happy Halloween!

Blood was everywhere.


Precious, life sustaining liquid flowing, dripping, splattered all over the ground, the walls of the houses, the trees uprooted and stained with red.


She breathed heavily, the same crimson hue tainting her vision and she growled low under her breath, desperation seeping into every pore of her body. She snarled and whipped around when a shout resonated from behind her, a man running towards her with an axe, murder intent in his body language. Screeching, the man raised the weapon and swung it at her head, her body reacting immediately and she lowered her center of gravity, the blade whizzing past uselessly.


The force behind the swing caused the man to stumble and she took her chance, the scarlet landscape turning into a deeper maroon when she her hand into his chest, her fingers breaking through his ribs easily as she grasped at his heart. She tore it out, the muscle thumping weakly before stopping altogether, the man flopping to the ground heavily, eyes clouded over. She roared and flung the heart away, the organ splashing against the side of a house and painting the brown over.


Blood dripped off her fingers in a steady rhythm and she slowly made her way to the carnage that she had brought forth on this village, her eyes darting from side to side. Desperation was bubbling together with anger, closing up as the person she was looking for did not appear. Bodies were littered around her, villagers that did not confront her directly cowered in a corner but she paid no attention to them, intent on finding the one most important to her.


Her eyes caught the familiar shade of brown near the temple and she rushed towards it, a keening wail passing her lips when unclear eyes stared back up at her, mouth slack open and body cold to the touch. She fell to her knees and anger gave way to crippling despair, her stained hands clenching at dirtied ground. Her breaths were short and her lungs refused to receive air as she gasped desperately, her tears a dark red as they streamed down her face.


Trying her best to reign in her distress, she picked herself up and attempted to extract the girl’s body from the pile of dead slaves, the vermillion stain on her hands transferring and tainting white skin. She tried not to flinch at the sight of the limp, abused body and pulled the small girl out from the carnage, about to carry her away from this village when a voice rang out.


“Over here! I found the beast!”


Something grabbed her from the back and she fell to the ground, pain encompassing her senses as her neck burned. She screamed and scrambled to her feet, the cord twining around her neck glowing a deep yellow and was traced back to a priestess, the woman staring at her with the deepest hatred set in those black eyes. Hissing, she pushed through her anguish and reached out quickly, pulling on the rope. The material started to eat at the palms of her hands, the smell of burnt flesh soon filled the air.


She paid no attention to her injuries, a maddening smirk gracing her face when the priestess lurched forward and met with the ground painfully, the cleric crying out as she dragged her prone body towards her. The symbols on the rope continued to glow but it did not deter her. She raised her ruined hand and slammed it down, the priestess dodging away just in the nick of time. Growling under her breath, she raised her hand again, her vision temporarily blocked by her black hair and she lowered her arm again, crushing force behind it.


Another twang sounded and the same type of material wrapped around her wrist, pulling her hand away from the grounded cleric. She slammed into the ground, right arm made useless by the enchanted item, another priest coming into view. He tugged on the weapon and yelled to his companions, spittle flying from his mouth as his eyes shone with distress.


“Quickly! Before she regains her bearings!”


She tugged against the bind, no longer feeling the despair as anger bled into her body, her canines jutting over her lower lip and her eyes singed at the corners. Before she could retaliate, another rope wrapped around her left wrist, effectively keeping her in place. Her body was scalded, blackened flesh at where the binds were holding her down and she screeched, clawing at the ground with so much ire her nails broke.


Another bind pulled at her and then another and soon all she could see was not the scarlet that tainted her vision but the soft yellow glow of the power of God. Ahead of her, the small girl’s prone form laid on the ground, desolate and gloomy and so, so alone.


She cried out, a single tormented word before sleep overtook her consciousness.




Black feathers littered around her, almost forming a protective circle as the priests started to chant.


The wings on her back withered away to stumps.


Leaving the fallen angel flightless and imprisoned.




“Exorcise this demon, you say?”


SeungWan eyed the messengers in front of her skeptically, her fingers twitching on her lap as she sat on her feet, her head lowered respectfully in deference for her guests. The two men went into a deep bow, hands folded in front of their heads as their forehead touched the wooden floor, their voices in sync and imploring.


“Yes. We’ve travelled far and long to seek your help.”


“We’ve heard of your prowess, Priestess, of your otherworldly abilities to rid this Earth of such scum.”


Her familiar twitched beside her, her tail flicking out in irritation. SeungWan unfolded her fingers gracefully and ran them through black fur, a loud purr resonating through the empty prayer room. The two men stayed in their positions, perhaps hoping that this show of humility would beseech the priestess to their cause. Her guards were motionless at the entrance, their eyes sharp and alert and she sighed, closing her eyes briefly before she questioned.


“Exorcism should be the last resort. What has this creature done to have gotten such ire from your village?”


The first man, slightly older than his companion, spoke up slowly, his anger poorly concealed as he reiterated the events to the priestess.


“This demon came to our village ten years ago and slaughtered everyone who stood in her way. She was beyond reason and did not give a cause as to why she came to our village.”


SeungWan raised an eyebrow.


As far as she knew, demons rarely went near areas of populace, preferring to keep to their own in the wilderness, only killing when people went into their domain. The choice few who did attack villages were usually those beyond saving, those who had been so consumed by their blood lust that they would attack indiscriminately.


If what this man was saying were true, then it probably would be a blessing for this demon to be exorcised.


The younger man continued where his elder left off, voice muffled as though he was kissing the floor.


“Our clerics managed to stop her before she razed the entire village to the ground but they were only able to seal her to an ancient town relic.”


The priestess shifted in her position, her lowered head lifting as she pierced prone backs with her eyes.


(This was the part of her job that she hated.


She hated that people thought that she would just simply do away with a demon on request.


She hated that people still held such perceptions against creatures that were infinitely smarter than them, just a little different.


And she hated how they could so easily ask her to take another’s life.)


“If she’s sealed away, then she would cause no further issue. You don’t need to exorcise her.”


The older man cut in, his rage causing his body to tremble.


“But it was not enough, Your Ladyship. ... it took three lives of our most revered priests to seal her away. And now, the seal is breaking, such is her monstrosity.”


Her guards showed the first emotion of the day, a brief flash of fear gracing their expressions before it was schooled away. Her familiar was tense against her leg and her fingers stilled midst , SeungWan’s eyes narrowing.


If what this man said was true, then this demon was one of incredible might.


A demon with much destructive power.


SeungWan would have no choice-


“Please, Priestess. Before it wakes up, send it back to the dark realm with your power. Send her away so that what happened ten years ago will never happen again.”


SeungWan had no choice.


She loathed taking a life.


But if it was one life versus the life of many innocents, SeungWan knew what she would choose.


Such was the burden that was her family name.


She sighed and nodded, folding her hands back on her lap. Her words drew joy from the two men and she reminded herself that this was the burden for being a Son.


“Please lift your heads, gentlemen. I will lend you my power to rid your village of this calamitous presence.”


The men flooded her with thanks, going as far as kissing the boards in front of SeungWan reverently. Her familiar hissed and they backed away, eyes darting to the demon that SeungWan has tamed. SeungWan stood up and brushed her pants off, her feet warm against the cold floor.


“I will begin preparations to leave. Please make use of the facilities my home has to offer. My guards will see to it.”


Her guards nodded once in unison and escorted the men out, their dismay that trailed in the room earlier missing, a beat in their steps as they walked out.


The moment the doors closed with a snap, a loud crack was heard from behind SeungWan.


SeungWan counted till three; until she was sure that the demon’s transformation was complete, before she turned around, SooYoung’s displeased expression greeting her. Red eyes peeked from underneath jet black hair and a canine protruded menacingly at the left side of her lips. The tips of her ears twitched every now and then and SooYoung folded her arms, leaning her weight onto one leg.


“I don’t like this.”


SeungWan agreed with SooYoung silently but disagreed loudly.


“This is the path I chose. There will be no discussion to my decision.”


SooYoung continued on as though her master did not say anything.


“If the demon they speak of was truly that powerful, it means it’s a higher level demon. Higher level demons don’t go on rampages unless there’s a reason.”


“Perhaps the reason would be to see blood spilled.”


Even SeungWan did not believe her own words but she stood firm, her brown eyes taking in the glowing crimson that made SooYoung’s vision.


“There’s always a reason. You told me that.”


SeungWan sighed and picked up her ceremonial staff, ignoring the way SooYoung flinched when the tip of it got too close to her.


“Yes, I did.”


SooYoung edged away from the weapon in SeungWan’s hands, her body coming by SeungWan’s side.


“Then why?”


SeungWan closed her eyes, her duty to her family and by extension, this world, and her abundance of sympathy and yearning to understand warring in her head.


“Because one life doesn’t equate to many.”


SooYoung inhaled sharply but said nothing, the silence speaking volumes to SeungWan.


Demons always had a reason for their destruction.


But lives of innocents mattered more.


These were the teachings of her family.




“We apologise, Your Ladyship. But the horses can’t make it through the path, as it is too narrow. We would have to walk the rest of the way.”


SeungWan got off the horse easily and dropped to the ground lightly, raising her hands for SooYoung to jump into her arms. She smiled at the company that came with her from the village and shook her head, craning her neck to one side to accommodate SooYoung when the werecat slinked her way up to her shoulder.


“That’s fine. This will be a new experience for me.”


SooYoung scoffed softly but settled into the crook of SeungWan’s neck, purring contentedly as SeungWan followed the party onto the path. Her guards flanked her on both sides but their presence did nothing to deter her from admiring the beauty of their surroundings. Tall, luscious trees made the atmosphere cooling and the air was filled with the sounds of wildlife, the soft cooing of birds, the constant buzzing of insects, all the sounds that contributed to SeungWan’s inner peace.


She noticed that they were getting deeper into the forest and she wondered just how far they had placed the demon after she was sealed.


Was the demon so horrifying that they had to put her away from the general populace?


Was she terrifying to look at that if they placed her under temple seals she would scare away even God himself?


Was the demon truly the evil entity as described by scared villagers?


These were the questions that plagued her mind as she walked through nature, the lovely sight the backdrop of her musings.


“We’re almost there, Lady Priestess.”


The man leading the group lifted his right arm and made a circular motion, guiding SeungWan’s eyes towards the reels of yellow sealing paper that decorated the trees and shrubs around them. The place was devoid of any animal life, a cold suddenly settling deep into SeungWan’s bones. SooYoung stirred around her neck, her rubbing against SeungWan’s cheek as she stood at attention, ears flat on her head and her tail flicking around SeungWan’s left ear.


Even with the vast amount of seals placed upon this place, the demon’s power leaked into SeungWan’s every pore, crippling and devastating, whispers of destruction near at hand.


SeungWan forced her feet to continue forward, not missing the way the men had shrunk within themselves, their trepidation visible though they tried to put on a brave face in front of her. Before, sunlight filtered through the canopy of leaves. Now, it seemed that even light has abandoned this area where the demon was held.


The paper seals slowly began to change, each looking more and more deteriorated as they trekked closer to their target, indicative of the loss of potency.


SeungWan stopped when the group did, the men drawing out their weapons and entering a battle sort of stance, their eyes trained in front of them, wide and filled with terror.


“...We’re here, Priestess.”


Nodding at her guards, SeungWan moved forward, pushing past the still men to examine the fearsome creature that had an entire village down on their knees cowering.


Mentally preparing herself against the evil image painted in her mind, SeungWan stepped into the clearing, noting the massive statue that was partially buried into the ground, the forest floor sunken in due to its enormous weight. Moss decorated the bottom of the rock and the same yellow seals were wrapped around the statue, holding up a pair of pale legs.


SeungWan allowed her eyes to travel upwards and had to forcibly keep shut lest the surprised gasp escaped from her lips.


A young woman, no older than SeungWan was bound to the rock, her body partially swallowed into the ancient relic. Thick yellow strings were wrapped around her neck, waist, wrists and legs, the flesh around the areas were blackened terribly and looked to be dead. Her head was lolled back, nose at a sharp point and lips red against the white that made her face, eyes closed in a fitful sleep, eyelashes long and inviting.


SeungWan had no doubt that if those eyes were open, they would be very beautiful.


This demon was nothing like how the villagers had described.


This did not look like a monster who had committed genocide.


This looked like a lonely woman who had lost everything on top of being imprisoned.


SeungWan felt pity welling inside her.




She turned her head towards her familiar, aware that SooYoung was now fully standing, her paws pressing painfully into her shoulders. SooYoung spoke into her mind again, eyes glowing and teeth bared.


Look at her back.


SeungWan looked back towards the demon, eyes lingering on that beautiful face before going towards where SooYoung was indicating.


And bit back her second gasp.


On the woman’s back, broken, black wings were crushed under her weight, the statue freezing any feather that threatened to litter the ground.


This was no demon.


SeungWan cleared and kept her tone steady, calling out to the leader of the villagers.


“How did she come to your village?”


Clearly confused by her question, the man answered her with another query.


“What do you mean, Priestess?”


SeungWan explained further, her eyes never leaving the wings on the woman’s back.


“Did she just appear from the ground? A pillar of fire?”


A round of murmuring rustled behind her before another answered her, his voice shaky but audible.


“No, Your Ladyship. She descended on wings as black as night, majestic and terrifying as raven feathers landed and burned through our soil.”


Her suspicions confirmed, SeungWan took a step forward, ignoring the protests coming from the villagers.


“Priestess, that would be dangerous!”


SeungWan took another step and lifted a hanging seal from her path.


“This is no demon.”


Their shock was apparent even though no sound came from the men, infusing into the already dim atmosphere around them. SeungWan ducked under another line of seals, her words carrying clearly over the vast space.


“This is an angel fallen from the graces of God.”


This time, their reactions were audible; heavy thumps on the ground indicating that some had fallen over in shock. SeungWan did not blame them as she herself was also in shock.


Angels did not simply fall from the sky.


Something must have happened to this particular angel for her to leave the sanctuary that is by God’s side.


Clearing , she pushed her feet apart and stood strong, her right hand drawing her staff from her back. SooYoung leapt off her shoulders and crouched beside her, hissing at the fallen angel, fur bristling. SeungWan gathered nature’s energy around and shouted out a warning, the noises the men made scrambling away serving as an indicator for a reaction to her words.


“Stay back. I’ll be removing the seals and mount an attempt to cleanse her!”


A collective intake of breath echoed around her, the vacuum created by the sudden swirl of power encompassing her body soon shut the outside world from her consciousness. Her eyes glowed an eerie white and her focus was intense, most of her celestial magic channelled into her staff. The pole started to heat beneath her palms and she twirled the weapon and SeungWan whispered the words of faith under her breath, her mind racing a mile a minute.


Don’t overdo it, SeungWan. Break the bond the moment you feel her overwhelming you.


SooYoung’s voice pressed through her mind’s barrier, her worry jumping over SeungWan’s concentration. SeungWan bit her lower lip and aimed the beam of magic towards the pillar, the statue shining brightly as the paper seals around them disintegrated.


Though the villagers asked for an exorcism and that was what was initially agreed on, SeungWan had changed her plans the moment she saw that this was a fallen angel.


There was only one way to send a celestial being back into the graces of God.


SeungWan would have to cleanse her soul from the taint of the Earth, remove the world’s chaos that had poisoned her very core.


It was heavy magic, dangerous to her wellbeing.


But SeungWan could not stop the bubble of sympathy inside her, the human side of her overpowering her responsibilities as an exorcist.


It usually required a ritual, held on the night when the moon was the brightest and things of serenity collected in the dark of the night.


But there was no time.


SeungWan would have to perform the spell now, without any of nature’s aid.


It was the only way.There was no time for SeungWan to gather things meant for the ritual, not if she wanted to shield the angel from the villagers’ wrath and by extent, prevent another mindless bout of slaughter.


So, even if it was dangerous for her to do so, SeungWan will cleanse her.


(It has nothing to do with the foreign feeling lodged at the back of her ribcage.)


She directed her thoughts towards the angel, her heart lifting with hope when the angel started to stir, eyelashes fluttering as SeungWan continued to call out to her with her mind.


Wake up, O Holy One!


The pulse of power that appeared knocked her to her knees, SooYoung baring her fangs and lowered her center of gravity, preparing to spring at the woman. SeungWan held out a hand and halted the familiar’s attack, wiping the blood from her lips with the back of her hand. The woman was slowly awakening, lowered eyelids lifting to showcase brilliant blue hues surrounded by black.


SeungWan flinched at the sight.


Demon eyes.


(How far had this angel fallen?


How many lives had she taken?)


The statue was the last to break apart, the crushing sound of rock crumbling shaking the forest ground. The angel was freed from her binds, the yellow ropes dropping away like ice to fire and she fell to the ground on her knees, her wings crooked and broken, useless and destroyed. They flapped weakly behind her but the angel paid no mind to them, slowly lifting her head.


Her gaze met with SeungWan’s.


Before SeungWan could react, the angel had bared her teeth, all razor sharp and bloody and the woman let out a loud snarl, darting forward with such incredible speed it had SooYoung passing the dust she had kicked up when the familiar jumped to protect SeungWan. Incredible pain wrecked through SeungWan’s body and red splashed in the air, the angel’s long nails slicing deep and fast through SeungWan’s right shoulder. Her staff fell to the ground and SeungWan followed after, agape with soundless yells.


“Restrain the demon!”


SeungWan gasped for breath as she held her arm close to her body, one of her guards cradling her close to his body, his arm curled protectively around her frame. She opened to tell the villagers to stay away from the crazed being but the words disappeared as quickly as they came when she saw the scene in front of her.


The angel had dropped to her knees, her right hand bloody, her left limp beside her. She was staring at SeungWan with wide eyes, the earlier deranged look gone from those blue irises. The woman barely reacted when the men pushed her down to the ground and tied her arms behind her back, those broken wings once again restrained against their will.


“Tie her down! Make sure she doesn’t get anywhere near the Priestess again!”


She continued to stare at SeungWan with frightened eyes, sorrowful eyes and SeungWan could see the points of her teeth receding, the angel no longer so demonic.


“You filthy demon! You will pay for this!”


“Someone get the Priestess medical attention! Hurry!”


The last thing SeungWan remembered before she passed out from the pain was the angel mouthing something to her.


It occurred to her much later that it was a pain filled apology.




SeungWan jolted awake, her shoulder throbbing hotly. She pressed her other hand onto the wound, flinching slightly when it felt scorching to the touch. Inwardly accessing the injury, she could tell that the wound was deep to the bone and that it will take a while to heal. Inhaling and taking in the smell of healing herbs, SeungWan dropped her head, shame coursing through her veins at failing during the cleansing.


This was her fate.


This was what she was born to do.


How could she have failed?


(Bright blue eyes flashed through her mind, wide and apologetic.)


SeungWan shook her head and looked around for her staff, spying it propped right next to wash basin. Attempting to get up, her hand slipped slightly and she hit her elbow on the bed frame when SooYoung’s voice rang through her head, the familiar sounding extremely exasperated.


Can you please just rest?


SeungWan pursed her lips.


I need to help this village. Or did you forget?


You won’t be able to help anyone dead.


SeungWan felt vexed but was unable to rebutt against SooYoung.  She sat back down onto the bed and sighed again, slowly feeling the despair that had lingered in the back of her mind.


She started to question herself, her hand pressing against the wound hard, allowing the pain to center her.


Should she have just exorcised the woman?


Maybe she’s beyond saving?


(But she’s an angel.


Just one strayed away from the path.)


Blood seeped through the bandages and she bit her lip, shaking the doubts away from her head.


No, she should stay on the path. If she cleanses the angel, Heaven would gain back a servant and she would’ve saved a life.


A soft knock had her coming out of her reverie, SeungWan clearing quickly to answer.


“Who is it?”


A shadow moved behind paper doors but no one answered. Finding it strange, SeungWan called out again.


“It’s alright. What is it that you need?”


It was probably a villager, too shy to come into a revered priestess’ room. Again, the shadow shifted slightly but made no response.


SeungWan furrowed her eyebrows and reached out with her mind, jerking back when a familiar pulse of energy ebbed through the atmosphere.


As though SeungWan reaching out was a sign, the paper doors slid open quietly, the angel stepping in with her head lowered, wings tied tightly around her torso and her wrists bound. The door snapped shut behind her and a man’s voice rang out sharply.


“Just for a moment! Then you go back to the cage!”


The angel nodded and she shuffled forwards, stopping mid step when SeungWan flinched, her eyes still looking at the ground. SeungWan tried to move from the bed and the blanket slipped, reminding the priestess about her current state of undress, only bandages serving to protect her modesty. Her face heated up and she scrambled for the blankets, the ethereal woman looking up at the sudden movement.


SeungWan had expected for the angel to still have the demonic eyes  but the bright blue hue had her taken aback, swirling azure standing out against ebony. Her hands stilled over the bedclothes and she dropped her gaze to her hands, her failure standing right in front of her and staring.


(She really did fail, huh?)


Pale hands entered her vision and the angel lifted the blankets slowly and covered the blushing priestess gently, SeungWan’s snapping upwards. The angel’s lips curled up into a half smile before taking a step back, her head lowered once again. The meekness of such a majestic creature did not sit right with SeungWan and the brunette reached out to the black haired woman, her fingers shaking slightly in the air.


“Come here.”


The angel walked towards her obediently and SeungWan touched her bound wrists, her heart aching to see that they were burned and raw, blackened from the potency of the seals the village’s priests had used. She tore the seals off roughly, yelping when the movement jolted her shoulder, the pain travelling through her arm causing her to black out briefly. When she came to, the ebony haired woman had both her arms wrapped around SeungWan, her face contorted with worry and guilt.


SeungWan placed her fingertips on injured wrists and spoke softly, reassuring the guilt ridden woman of her health.


“I’m fine. I just need to rest and then I’ll be right as rain.”


The woman stared at SeungWan, her gaze soft and gentle and once again, those eyes took SeungWan aback.


They were of demonic origin but they had none of the bloodlust and ferocity that the villagers had described to her.


If it weren’t for the stories and the obvious wreckage that still haunted the village, SeungWan would be hard pressed to believe that this being in front of her was responsible for the village’s despair.


SeungWan blinked rapidly when tears pooled at the corner of the angel’s eyes and slipped down her face, the red bright and menacing against the pale canvas that was her skin. Her eyes, though so corrupt, became almost human like, the woman staring at her and grasping at her hand as though SeungWan was anchoring her.


SeungWan pulled a hand from the grasp and wiped at the flowing tears, the crimson staining the back of her fingers as she gently the angel’s cheek.


“I understand that you’re sorry. I heard you the first time.”


But the angel continued to cry, her fingers tight around SeungWan’s other hand. SeungWan waited patiently for the tears to stop, not caring that her hand was dirtied as she continued to comfort the fallen being. It was when bright red had turned dull did the angel move from her position, one hand lifting up and grabbing SeungWan’s wrist. SeungWan stared curiously and felt her face flush for the second time when the angel kissed her wrist gently before kissing the palm, voice raspy and cracked from disuse.


“I didn’t mean to hurt you. I would not have hurt you if I knew-“


The angel did not continue, merely allowing her lips to linger upon SeungWan’s skin.


It was that look on the angel’s face that cemented SeungWan’s resolve.


She was certain now that this was not a demon, fallen angel or not.


She could be saved.


If SeungWan did not have the power to cleanse her, then SeungWan will devote all the time in the world so that this angel would be able to return to the heavens free from Earth’s burden.


SeungWan could feel the villagers’ burden lift from her shoulders the moment she made the decision and she knew she made the right one.


Because the look on the angel’s face was one filled with sorrow and despair.


It was the look of someone who had lost everything.




JooHyun drew the straw from the ground, playing with the floor linings and allowing them to drop from between her fingers. Her figure was hunched over and she rested her head on her knees, her wings stretched painfully as the ropes that continued to bind them bit into the muscle. She paid no attention to them, knowing that her constitution would allow her to heal before they were broken once again. Her hands, now freed thanks to the priestess, were slowly regaining some life, the raw areas resembling human flesh once again.


But the hurt inside that ate away at her would not go away.


She closed her eyes and allowed the darkness to calm her, drawing in her power as memories started to assault her.


She thought back on the day she had gotten her first charge, a young girl with a wide eyes and an even wider smile. She remembered how she had greeted JooHyun, a surprise for the angel because she did not know that mortals could see celestial beings, having assumed from the stories her peers told her that angels could not survive on Earth in a corporeal form.


(But she had been corporeal, real and solid to her charge who clung onto her and looked up to her for advice.)


She found herself thinking back to the girl, someone who had started out as an annoying charge, young and ready to take on the world, to becoming someone JooHyun held dear to her heart, worrying and fretting over her, always wanting to be with her because her charge was just a child and she was all alone. She remembered hiding her wings and trying to be mortal to be near her charge because she can’t leave the child alone, already forming an unbreakable bond with her.


A familial bond.


Her nails dug into the palm of her hands and she bit her lip, willing the throbbing in her chest to calm down.


(She really doesn’t want to lose control again.)


But the memories had already escaped like water from a broken dam.


JooHyun came home to find young girl missing from the hut they shared by the side of the water. The humble home was completely trashed and blood splattered on the walls like a painting gone wrong and JooHyun had panicked, darting off in the direction where the same smell of blood had went. She had forgotten about being an angel, forgotten she could’ve just appear by her charge’s side. Instead, she ran through the forest like a mere human, breaking apart branches and pounding the ground with her feet.


Maybe if she thought with her head and remembered, instead of going with her heart and being irrational, she could’ve saved her.


She reached a village and found herself in complete shock. The villagers had rounded up young girls, some even younger than her charge, and they were all crying while being in front of men looking at them lecherously. In their midst, she spotted her charge, her heart pounding in her ears when the girl looked up defiantly to a man who had grabbed her by the arm, his mouth set in a wide smile as he bartered with what JooHyun assumed to be a slave trader.


JooHyun opened to call out to the girl, her feet already moving towards the pair. Before the words could form in the air, the child had bitten the man on the forearm, a ferocious attack by a small female. The man roared and wrenched his hand from the hold, using his massive fists to hit the girl on the head. The black haired girl crumpled to the ground, blood trickling down the crown but her eyes were still filled with fire, glaring up at the man rebelliously.


The furious male jabbed a finger at the trader and roared loudly, the smaller male trembled in his boots, his head shaking wildly. A sneer made its way to the angered man’s face and he pushed the trader away from the young girl, lowering his body and his hands made his way to his trousers suggestively. The trader protested but was also met with a fist to his face, his body flying upwards in an arch before landing on the ground, the man knocked unconscious.


With no one else daring to oppose him, the man grabbed the girl, who had used the time to try and escape, by the leg and pulled her roughly towards him. The child screamed shrilly and JooHyun, who had stopped in her tracks at the disgusting display, was jolted into action. The angel rushed towards them and she pushed the man away, a snarl spitting from her lips. The man had looked at her incredulously before the same disgusting smile returned, his hands returning to his pants.


JooHyun pushed her charge behind her and shielded her with her body, her eyes narrowed and she lowered her body. The man’s punch came from the right, too fast for her to react and she saw stars when the hit connected, her body jerking to the side as he followed up with a kick to her stomach. He pulled her by the hair and tossed her aside, his teeth bared as he hissed, her meaty hands grabbing the child’s neck.


“I’ll come for you after I’m done with her.”


JooHyun tasted blood on her tongue but she did not release her lower lip from the bite, whimpering slightly as more of the memories came forward, her long, dreamless sleep finally ending.


JooHyun saw red when the man hit the girl again, the young child pushing against him to go to JooHyun. She screamed, an animalistic sound tearing from and it had all the by-standees clasping their ears in pain, some of them doubling over from the force of it. The man looked back, fright present in his eyes.


But it was too late.


Chaos consumed every inch of JooHyun’s mind and she let out another shriek. Her eyes burned and her back twisted painfully as the wings she had hid for so long burst from their seals. Feathers rained around her and people drew back from her, terrified expressions painting their faces. The traders scrambled away from her, lips begging her for mercy and praying for their lives. The crying children started running away, the villagers attempting to grab their stock while they tried to avoid the feathers that burned everything they touched.


The man had dropped to his knees and his hands were clasped in prayer as he spoke desperately.


“I’m sorry! I did not know she was yours, demon!”


Beyond reason at this point, JooHyun had lifted the man off the ground by his neck easily and her hands into his chest, breaking through bone and muscle with little difficulty. The man squealed like a pig to slaughter and JooHyun felt a sort of vindictive pleasure when she pulled the heart out, the organ dripping blood like a trickling waterfall. The man flailed for a moment before going limp, JooHyun throwing him aside carelessly, heart dropped to the ground.


She cast her eyes around and saw that her charge was missing and blood rushed to her head when she saw the traders ushering the girls into small carts, all eager to get away from the rampaging demon. The villagers had taken up weapons, mouths set in grim lines and were rushing towards her, to banish the demon that had descended upon their village.


JooHyun felt her wings quiver slightly and she pressed against the wall of the cage, the cramped area barely even giving her enough room to do so.


JooHyun had but a moment to contemplate whom exactly was the real demon before baring arms to defend herself, to fight her way through the crowd to reach the girl she was supposed to protect.


The young girl was nowhere to be seen and JooHyun had already painted the town red, death looming over them like a cloud that would not disappear. Chaos receded and desperation set in, JooHyun running towards the traders who had long stopped trying to save their stock and tried to make away with the ones who could be bundled up into the carts. The girls that were left behind were scrambling for their lives, men who were still so bold grabbing them shamelessly and trying to make off with them.


And then she saw it.


A few young girls laying on the ground lifelessly, signs of being trampled to death evident on their bruised bodies. JooHyun caught the familiar shade of brown and desperation mixed together with pure ire, her wings spread apart menacingly.


And she screamed again.




A clang jolted her from the trail of memories and she looked up quickly, her teeth bared instinctively and her fingers unfurled into claw like positions. A man stared at her, fear mixed in with hatred and he spat at her rudely.


“You have a visitor, beast.”


JooHyun blinked and wondered who would want to visit her and why now of all times.


It has been three days since she last got out from this cage and it was just to apologise to that priestess who had did nothing wrong to JooHyun.


(It has been three days since she started worrying about brown eyes loosing their shine and red lips loosing their colour.


Four days since she clawed into pliant flesh of an innocent.


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iamtsyu #1
Chapter 10: Oh my 💔
yeyeye_1 #2
Masterpiece ❤️🩵
towonderandwander #3
Chapter 2: I'm gonna cry from happiness. TT
Chapter 1: Gpp wend mengalah demi ayank
Sepertinya menarik
Chapter 8: i need and want robot irene and wendy with more cute and gentle stories 😭😩🤧
Chapter 5: Omg what a colorful journey of love
Chapter 4: andweee 😭😭
Chapter 3: oh, wow! this was a first for me. a fic where seungwan amd joohyun were animals(cats?) and then ended with them being humans. this was well-written. i was moved and cried on some scenes. poor moewrene. but really, this story is so beautiful. :)