Only Have These Eyes For You

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Two weeks, three days and fourteen hours.


That was how long it took for JooHyun’s heart to get stolen.


That was all it took for JooHyun to take both feet off the ground and jump.


Two weeks, three days and fourteen hours.


That was all the time needed for JooHyun to fall irrevocably and deeply in love.




“Are you completely sure you will be alright by yourself?”


Her mother fretted over her worriedly, constantly opening her car door and rummaging through the backseat, checking through JooHyun’s things just one last time. JooHyun smiled indulgently and closed the door resolutely, placing a comforting hand on her mother’s upper arm, her voice coming out low.


“I’m going to be fine. You’ve personally vetted my driving and I promise to call you every night, okay?”


Her mother bit her thumb and her eyes watered, the older woman sobbing quietly and reaching out with one arm to pull JooHyun into a hug. JooHyun wrapped her arms around the woman’s waist, rolling her eyes at her father who was standing behind them with an amused look on her face. Her mom’s other arm came around her and they stayed like that for a while before Mrs.Bae let JooHyun go, discreetly wiping her tears with her sleeves.


“I still don’t feel confident about letting you go.”


JooHyun was very close to acting like a child by stamping her foot on the ground when her father spoke up gruffly, mirth lacing his tone.


“She’s only gone for a couple of weeks to catch the concerts.”


JooHyun shot her father a look, thanking him silently. She held her mother’s hands and nodded, reiterating her earlier promise.


“And I’ll call you every night. Who else am I going to rant to about the awesomeness of BoA?”


Her mother laughed and squeezed her hands, nodding weakly.


“Alright, alright. I know when I’m outnumbered.”


JooHyun wanted to tell her mother she was outnumbered the moment her father slipped her extra money to buy all the tickets to BoA’s Japan Tour and agreeing with her plan to do a road trip to catch all of her subsequent concerts. But she wisely kept shut, pocketing the extra cash her mother gave her because her parents’ baby girl cannot be starving whilst she chased down her favourite singer through the roads of Japan.


“And if at anytime at all, you need anything, call us. Promise me, JooHyun.”


JooHyun promised her mother gravely and gave her father a light hug, sighing in relief when she was finally able to get into the car. She started the engine and waved goodbye to her parents, her mother’s eyes red again from trying not to cry. The black haired girl shook her head and stuck her tongue out at the older woman, her mom hitting the air at her cheek.


Finally, JooHyun pulled out from their driveway.


Her headlights on and navigation beeping at her, she was off to an adventure.


(If only she knew how much of an adventure she’d be going on.)




JooHyun had always appreciated silence.


She had been a quiet child since young, often ignored by her peers because of her demeanour and her tendency to daydream. It cemented her shy personality and she soon took comfort in music and books, allowing for the artists’ voices to make her background music and the characters in her favourite books accompanying her through her school days. It worried her parents but JooHyun had never felt any loneliness, having long learnt how to make the silence her friend.


This same quiet atmosphere accompanied her on her drive, the long road and the constant whooshing of the cars around her and the crooning voice of BoA’s filtering through her speakers.


Her navigation beeped and she turned into the junction that was coming up, the feeling of excitement bubbling in her chest when she saw the bright lights of Tokyo. She punched in the motel’s address and slowly navigated her way through the busy streets of the city, eyes darting around and taking in the sights that she would have missed if she never left her small town.


Bless the power of BoA.


JooHyun giggled to herself and continued to act like a gawking idiot, wondering if she could risk getting her phone out and snapping some pictures because the sights were amazing and she needed to share with her parents. She decided against it, knowing that it would be disastrous if a traffic camera caught her and the last thing she wanted to do was to give her mother a reason to ask her to go back.


The motel soon came up on her right; JooHyun turning the wheel carefully as she narrowly missed the curb. Shifting the gear into reverse, she maneuvered into the parking spot provided, punching her hand in the air when she got her car in straight the first time.


After some difficulty, due to the motel receptionist not believing that she was over eighteen until she whipped out her passport, she made a call to her parents to assure them that she was indeed alive and in one piece. Passing over her mother’s relentless faux sobbing and her father’s guff concern, JooHyun finally had some time to herself, her feet taking her around the city aimlessly as her eyes drank in the foreign lights and scenes.


Her phone vibrated in her hand and she picked up the call, smiling widely when she saw the caller.


“Hey, best friend!”


Seulgi’s voice rang out loudly, JooHyun giggling slightly at how indignant the younger girl sounded.


“Some best friend! You didn’t even call me! I had to find out you reached Tokyo from your mother!”


“In my defence, I did just call her about fifteen minutes ago.”


“And you should’ve called me right after!”


JooHyun let Seulgi rant for a while longer, knowing that her friend would run out of steam sooner or later. Her prediction came through when Seulgi stopped quoting Mulan at her (Dishonour on your cow!) and asked happily, her previous temper tantrum long forgotten.


“So, how’s Tokyo?”


“Bright! There are so many lights I’m getting dizzy and the people here are all so fast paced! And it’s so noisy!”


“Well, what did you expect? Something like our little town?”


“I like our little town. It’s quiet.”


Seulgi laughed fondly.


“Well, not everybody enjoys the quiet as much as you do. In fact, I feel like I should write BoA a three series book to thank her because I doubt you’d leave this town if it weren’t for her having a tour.”


Grinning sheepishly to herself, JooHyun ducked into the first ramen store that caught her eye, one of those little ones where you put money into the machine and choose your item, the kitchen receiving your order and sending it out to you. Without much human interaction, JooHyun could relax on a stool in the corner, her conversation with Seulgi making her miss her town just a little bit.


Then she remembered the awesomeness that was BoA and promptly forgot that line of thought.


“Oh! I have some good news to tell you!”


JooHyun felt butterflies in her stomach and she hummed, her feet kicking out happily.


“You got them?”


“Yep! Yours truly will be coming to BoA’s Fukuoka concert!”


JooHyun’s face felt like it was about to split into two due to the wideness of her smile.


If there was anything that would make her roadtrip better, it would be meeting her best friend at the end of the trip.


She continued to chat with Seulgi, making plans to meet the other girl at the train station a day before the Fukuoka concert and generally just squealing in excitement, ignoring the weird looks the businessmen and the old ladies around her were giving her.


Because if you can’t squeal with your best friend, who else could you squeal with?




JooHyun immediately felt claustrophobic when she sat down on her seat, the thousands of like minded fans surrounding her. She sniffed gingerly and held on to her phone tightly, remembering Seulgi’s insistence of having her record BoA’s opening night show. Though she loathed to do something like that, preferring to enjoy the concert with her own two eyes, she could not turn down her friend’s request, her misplaced guilt of not having Seulgi with her right now making her agree.


The stadium turned dark suddenly and she jumped in response, her eyes widening in shock before shock turned into anticipation, the screens on both sides of the screens counting down from ten.


She yelled with the stadium, the numbers slowly dwindling down as the spotlights on the stage started to move around. The beat dropped and the speakers boomed, JooHyun’s heart thumping along with the music.


The blood in her veins sung and she could feel her eyeballs buzzing in their sockets. Her ears were probably going to be so numb from the volume of the noise and her hands were going numb from clapping against her phone.


But JooHyun knew it was worth it.


Then BoA came on stage, her smirk plastered across the high definition screens and JooHyun almost felt like fainting. Her idol called out to them and for once, JooHyun felt like she was part of something, her voice already hoarse from all the yelling. She grinned and waved her arms in the air along with everybody and BoA winked into the camera, shouting for the band to start.


The bass boomed and the hall went wild, the familiar notes of Shout It Out crooning through the speakers. BoA gripped the microphone tightly and JooHyun was amazed at how a simple gesture could seem so gracefully, the short woman on stage bouncing on her toes and telling them to enjoy themselves.


If there was anything JooHyun would never regret in her life, it’s this.


Because she has never felt so alive.




They were halfway through Call My Name when JooHyun couldn’t take it anymore.


JooHyun was not a confrontational person, far from it really. She preferred to give in when fights between Seulgi and her happened, always the first one to apologise in any altercations that occurred in school, even though most of the time, she was the victim and she never got into trouble with her parents for talking back. Seulgi had once told her she had the patience of a saint, forever taking the world’s beating with a soft smile on her back.


If only Seulgi could see her now.


Perhaps it was the excitement that whirled around her that fueled the burn of her blood through her veins.


Or maybe it was the atmosphere itself, made hot and heavy by BoA’s amazing talent.


But whatever it is, it gave JooHyun the courage to turn around to snap at the girl behind her who saw fit to scream like a dying pterodactyl in heat whenever BoA started singing.


JooHyun understood her excitement as the same feelings practically made her entire body right now.


But you don’t see JooHyun screaming like a banshee.


“I’m sorry, but could you kindly keep it down?”


She had to yell her question twice for the girl to hear her. The brunette stared at her confusedly before smiling slyly, her teeth gleaming in the blinking darkness. She leant forwards and JooHyun had to rear backwards to avoid the collision of their heads. The girl did not seem to notice but instead shouted at her, her smile so wide it had JooHyun dazed for a moment.


And then she noticed how pretty this girl was.


“Don’t be such a killjoy, grandma!”


She jolted out of her trance immediately, a scowl making its way on her face and JooHyun glared at the girl, reveling in the way she shrank back slightly.


(If there was anything she hated more on this Earth was someone calling her old.


Just because she has a slight compulsion about her laundry and preferred red bean over chocolate does not make her old.)


But her fierce stare did nothing to deter the fan girl behind her, the weird screeching happening about ten seconds after JooHyun turned around.


Already exhausted from the first confrontation and unwilling to miss anymore of BoA’s fire on stage, JooHyun decided to grit her teeth and bear with it.


(Truthfully speaking, she also did not want to be caught staring again.


It was lucky the pretty girl did not catch her earlier.)


She could feel a vein throbbing at her forehead when a feet kicked her chair.


JooHyun had to remind herself that she can’t murder someone in a crowd because she will miss the rest of BoA’s concerts and it will get her arrested.


(She has her priorities straight obviously.)




The next day, because JooHyun was cursed by the anti-BoA gods, the pterodactyl girl was right behind her again.


This time, she seemed to have recognised JooHyun, purposefully smirking at her before bellowing deep when BoA came on stage, JooHyun almost climbing around her seat to throttle the girl.


Pretty girl be damned but no one messed with her listening to BoA live.




JooHyun trudged over to her car tiredly, adrenaline already wearing off after the concert. People around her were slinking off to their various destinations, friends waving goodbye to each other while chatting about the greatness that was BoA and JooHyun shut her door, eager to keep the chatter away from her abused ears. She rubbed at them gingerly and wondered if they would be okay before the Nagoya concert. Shrugging and noting she had a week to get there, JooHyun flicked on her car light, pulling out her self made itinerary to check if there was a motel on the way to Nagoya because she can’t make a four hour drive in the middle of the night without an accident.


So intent in finding something along the way, JooHyun failed to notice a dark figure heading towards her car, practically knocking her head on the roof of her car when the figure tapped on the glass. A hand on her chest and her heart about to drop out at her feet, she lowered the window about two inches cautiously and stared into the night, her eyes adjusting to the darkness.


And saw pterodactyl girl standing sheepishly by her door.


Scowling, her frown deepened when the brunette’s eyebrows raised, clearly having recognised JooHyun from the venue, JooHyun spat out her words, though not impolitely, her mother’s teaching ingrained too deeply in her for her to be that rude, even to a stranger who spent the night imitating a dying animal.


“Is there something you need?”


The girl scratched the back of her head, her voice coming out slightly husky as she questioned JooHyun.


“Are you by any chance heading towards Nagoya?”


JooHyun did not notice earlier during their confrontation but the girl’s Japanese was slightly stilted, as though Japanese was not her first language. She observed the girl with a critical eye and found that the girl looked somewhat foreign, though seemingly harmless. Her lips pulled down further as she told the truth unhappily, her heart already sinking because JooHyun had a six sense for things like these.


“Yes. What is it to you?”


The girl visibly brightened and JooHyun found herself cringing, inwardly cursing at herself for being so accurate on these things.


(Why can’t she ever predict lottery numbers? At least that is a useful talent.


No, JooHyun had to have the slight foresight to see bad things coming her way.)


“If you don’t mind, fingers crossed, is it alright if I hitch a ride with you? I kind of got lost walking to the train station and missed the last train. I can totally pay for the petrol and I have my driver’s licence so if you want, I can take over when you’re tired as well.”


JooHyun briefly wondered if this girl was part hamster because the way she was giving JooHyun pleading eyes reminded her of Seulgi’s pet, round and fluffy and utterly annoying.


JooHyun scoffed, remembering a group of girls that cackled in delight when the brunette sassed her at the concert.


“What about your friends?”


If the brunette had a tail, it would’ve visibly drooped, the girl’s excitement suddenly dwindling down as she confessed softly.


“They ... weren’t really my friends. Just a bunch of people I met right before the concert.”


So, aesthetically pleasing and sociable.


Exactly the kind of person JooHyun would usually avoid.


But for some reason (JooHyun’s traitorous soft heart because it was not the girl’s fault she missed the train), she found herself unlocking the door, moving her head towards the passenger seat as an invitation. Pterodactyl girl perked up again and hurried to the other side with a speed JooHyun rarely sees (Perhaps she was afraid that JooHyun might rescind her offer), opening the door carefully and seating herself with a grace JooHyun often associated with people of a higher class.


Scowling again, JooHyun placed her itinerary back into her bag and started her car, allowing the engine’s hum to take over the awkward silence that had fallen upon them. She punched in the motel that she had found into her navigation and spoke to the other girl gruffly.


“I’m making a pit stop along the way. I don’t want to stay in Tokyo but I can’t drive in this condition.”


From the corner of her eye, JooHyun could see that the girl was starting to protest, eyes widening comically, probably about to say that she could drive instead.


She interjected quickly.


“And you’re just as exhausted as I am. There will be no disputes on this.”


JooHyun was glad that the other girl did not argue.




Due to her nature, it was only natural to have been bullied in school.


Though Seulgi was her protector, fiercely challenging all the mean girls who thought JooHyun to be weird and outcast material, JooHyun could not rely on the younger girl all too often due to their class timetables clashing. She was often on the end of mean pranks and no one else tried to help her, silently siding with the alpha because it meant they would suffer alongside if they openly rebelled.


It made JooHyun wary of strangers, especially the beautiful ones because she learnt the hard way that beauty often hid ill intentions beneath them.


So she wondered what had possessed her to say yes to the girl beside her.


Driving slowly, JooHyun debated on turning the radio on, if only to infuse the awkward atmosphere with some noise. Pterodactyl girl was unnaturally quiet and JooHyun can’t equate this shy person with the person who had sneered at her during the concert. Drumming her fingers against the steering wheel, she heaved a sigh and flipped her indicator, shifting lanes into the left to let a car overtake her. The car whizzed past her quickly and she rubbed at her eyes, startling slightly when the girl cleared .


“So, what’s your name?”


JooHyun sniffed gingerly, side eyeing the girl.


“Who wants to know?”


The brunette smiled sheepishly and relented easily.




JooHyun raised a brow at the stutter, certain that she was messing with her but did not think to question as it was none of her business if the brunette gave her real name or not.


It’s not like they’d be seeing each other after this anyways.


As creativity was not her strong point, JooHyun gave out her real name, inwardly concluding that there was no reason not to.


At the very least, one of them was being truthful.




“That’s a pretty name.”


SeungWan gave her a smile that soon waned when JooHyun did not heed her compliment, the girl’s eyes darting to the side of the road to check for the motel that was coming up. JooHyun saw that she visibly deflated, slumping back in her seat, a very familiar looking pout on her lips.


(Where has she seen that pout before?)


Sighing, JooHyun murmured softly.




And just like a puppy, SeungWan’s expression brightened, her teeth on display as she stared at JooHyun with wide, sparkling eyes.


JooHyun had to giggle at that.


Pterodactyl scream aside, SeungWan was pretty cute.




“So what are you planning to do for the next seven days till the concert?”


JooHyun stopped drying her hair and stared at the stranger, eyes narrowing at SeungWan. Thoroughly surprised by the question, JooHyun shrugged and stated plainly, as she never really thought about it.


“I have some places to go and see. But other than that, I guess I’ll hang around the city.”


SeungWan looked so horrified at the statement that she had to turn around and look behind her to see if there was an axe murderer standing there, her heart racing a mile a minute. Satisfied that they were safe, JooHyun sat on her bed heavily, quirking an eyebrow at the expressive girl, SeungWan still looking as though JooHyun had told her that she was a serial killer.


“Hang around the city- Woman, you’re in Nagoya! How can you just hang around like laundry?”


SeungWan’s indignance reminded her of Seulgi and she did the same thing she would usually do when Seulgi acted like this.


She brushed it off.


“Eh, I figured I’ll find things to do around town.”


JooHyun did not share with the girl that she was extremely directionally challenged and that she would like to be within the vicinity of BoA’s concert venue rather than go traipsing through the city and getting lost in the sewers.


She does not know how it would happen but she was very certain that it would.


SeungWan seemed to take this matter to heart and she practically leapt off her bed to join JooHyun on hers, her phone unlocked and a colourful page assaulting JooHyun’s eyes.


“There’s so much to do in Nagoya! We can visit the Zenko-Ji Temple, which by the way, we just missed the viewing of the hidden Buddha or you know, go see monkeys soak in the hot spring at Jigokudani Yaen-Koen! And the Matsumoto Castle! National heritage!”


SeungWan leaned in and whispered conspiratorially.


“We can even go to an onsen at Gero! After walking on the Kisoji Road!”


JooHyun stared at the other girl, wondering if how big was her lung capacity after saying all that within a single breath. Blinking rapidly, she subtly edged away and groused, jutting out in a pout.


“Are you a tour guide?”


SeungWan seemed to take her words as a compliment, puffing her chest proudly.


“No! But I did my research before coming! I told myself, aside from chasing BoA sunbae-nim through Japan, I will use this time to also see Japan!”




JooHyun’s limited Korean told her that it was a form of formality, similar to Japan’s -san. But her mind drew a blank on the actual meaning of the word and she repeated her thought out loud, the same feeling of SeungWan being familiar and that the other girl was hiding something welling in her chest.




SeungWan looked like she had been struck and she turned away, muttering softly to herself before returning her attention back on JooHyun, pulled downwards and her eyes pleading as she explained herself.


“She’s... my senior in high school so it’s just a habit... to call her that way...”


Still suspicious but not curious enough to push the matter, JooHyun shrugged, deciding to accept the reasoning at face value.


“Your Japanese is pretty good for a Korean, SeungWan-san.”


SeungWan laughed nervously.


“I had to learn it... Had to pick a language at school.”


Nodding, JooHyun’s eyes dropped to the lit screen of SeungWan’s phone, somewhat intrigued by the other girl’s suggestion. Though apprehensive but knowing her own limitations, JooHyun pointed at the phone and asked the other girl offhandedly, making sure that her demeanour allowed for SeungWan to back off without feeling like she had offended JooHyun.


(This was important to JooHyun. Though she did not know why.


JooHyun hazarded a guess that it had something to do with SeungWan looking like a woodland creature.)


“So... those places seemed pretty interesting.”


SeungWan perked up at the change of subject.


“Yeah! Don’t you think? I mean, maybe it’s not something new for you, seeing you’re Japanese... JooHyun-san...”


SeungWan trailed off confusedly, JooHyun picking up on her dilemma straight away. The brunette started to dry her hair again, answering lightly as she did so.


“I’m Korean but I was born in Japan.”


SeungWan nodded, again with an exaggerated expression of understanding.


JooHyun wondered if her face was made of elastic material considering the ease SeungWan managed to contorted her face.


“Yeah, so anyways, if you’ve been there before, I understand if you don’t want to go-”


“I haven’t.”


SeungWan prompted her to explain with a wave.


“This is my first time venturing out of my town. I meant to explore and watch BoA at the same time.”


JooHyun was taken aback when SeungWan smiled, the intensity of it almost blinding her.


JooHyun added has the sun in to her list of mysteries of SeungWan.


“Oh, that’s great! I hope I’m not overstepping any boundaries here, considering you don’t seem to like me very much, but we should go together! I feel like places like these are better with company!”


Considering that it was exactly what JooHyun was about to propose, the brunette agreed readily and refuted SeungWan’s theory, knowing full well her behaviour towards the other girl was pure pettiness.


(She was not a grandma.)


“Sure. But just to be clear, I don’t don’t like you. I just prefer to enjoy a concert without a dying animal behind me.”


SeungWan blinked once, taking in her words slowly before laughing, her eyes scrunched into curves that somehow are attractive and she hit her thigh, shaking her head as she did so.


“Sorry! I guess I was pretty loud, huh?”


JooHyun shrugged.


“You were. And I’m not a grandma.”


SeungWan’s eyes glinted and the girl nudged her lightly, her tone teasing.


“I don’t know about that. What hot blooded fan girl would ask someone to kindly keep it down?”


Her cheeks heating up, JooHyun retorted hotly, somehow finding it easy to banter with this complete stranger.


“I was being polite in case that escaped your notice!”


“Yeah, like a grandma.”


They continued to argue through the night, SeungWan teasing and comfortable after JooHyun admitting to not hating her and JooHyun surprisingly enjoying herself in a way she never did while arguing with Seulgi.


(Just who was this SeungWan?)




“Alright! It’s an amazing morning to be driving!”


JooHyun could only grunt at the exclamation, adjusting her rearview mirror and her side mirrors sullenly as she frowned at the sky in hopes of extinguishing the sun that was way too bright.


Unfortunately for her, she was just a simple human being, a mere speck in the grand scale of the universe.


Devastated at the impossibility of it, she directed her glare towards the human personified of bright lights and cheery disposition, SeungWan merely chuckling at her behaviour before passing her a cup, the smell of chocolate permeating the air. Still in a bad mood, JooHyun eyed the white object suspiciously before taking it, the warmth setting off the chill on her fingers quickly.


“Thought it might wake you up. You’re not a morning person, are you?”


JooHyun would’ve replied but it took too much brain power to do so. Instead she sniffed gingerly and sipped at the drink, eyes fluttering shut at the feel of hot liquid travelling through her body. SeungWan merely shook her head in amusement and settled into her seat, buckling up and ready for JooHyun to get started.


“So I was thinking we head to a hotel first and park your car and then go see the sights. Taking the train seems a lot easier from what I looked up since there might not always be parking.”


JooHyun placed the cup into the cup holder carefully while nodding, her bleary eyes clearing as she woke up fully.


“Anything you say. Just punch the address into the navigation and we’ll get going.”


SeungWan nodded happily and started pressing the screen slowly, her eyes darting back and forth between the navigation system and her phone. Once done, she pressed the route button with a flourish, pumping her fist in the air when the automated voice prompted them to get going.


“Let’s go!”


Shaking her head, JooHyun shifted gear and moved the car, subconsciously smiling at the happiness personified beside her.


Her journey had barely even started and already she could tell that SeungWan would be a good travel companion.




“Do you have any music that isn’t just BoA?”


“... Get out.”


“What?! Why?”


“You’ve insulted the queen.”


“Well, excuse me for having diverse music tastes.”


“I’m giving you three seconds to jump out of the car.”


“What did I do this time?!”


“You insulted the driver.”


“How was that insulting- Wait, why are you unlocking the doors?”




“JooHyun, you can’t be serious, we’re on the highway.”




“Oh my god, you’re a maniac.”




“Okay, okay! BoA is amazing! I should know! I bought all her tickets!”


“Thank you.”


“... So you really don’t have anything else besides BoA, huh?”


“... There’s plenty of places to bury a body along the way to Nagoya, SeungWan-san.”


“What?! Oh my god, I’m travelling with a homicidal maniac.”


“Should’ve thought about that before you hitched a ride.”


“... God damn it.”




“Why are we stopping? You’re not seriously thinking about burying my body in the woods, are you?”


“... I’m stopping because we need to eat. I could hear your stomach growling like a dying horse.”


“Excuse you, my stomach didn't growl. And if it did, it would sound like a harmless puppy.”


“... Right. So, food?”


“Yeah, I’m starving. Thanks.”


“No problem, pterodactyl girl.”


“What is up with you and calling me after animals?”


“When you stop sounding like one, I’ll stop calling you one.”


“Well, you’re act like a total bit-”


“Finish that sentence and you can roll your way to Nagoya.”


“... You’re the best, JooHyun-sama.”


“I thought so.”




“We’re here! Alive!”


SeungWan stepped out of the car and threw her hands in the air dramatically, her eyes closed as though she was praying to the heavens above. Unamused, JooHyun took out their bags from the backseat, placing SeungWan’s oversized backpack next to her as the other girl continued to communicate with unknown spirits about her mortality.


“Of course we’re alive. I’m not a bad driver.”


SeungWan opened one eye and pointed accusingly at her.


“I wasn’t worried about your driving. I was worried about your homicidal tendencies.”


JooHyun shrugged and pulled the handle on her suitcase, wheeling it away from SeungWan.


“You insulted BoA. Now hurry up, you promised to take me to see the temple.”


She heard SeungWan sigh loudly and soon the patter of feet followed, SeungWan’s arm bumping into hers gently. The dark haired girl groaned playfully, placing a hand on her cheek as she murmured forlornly.


“Such a beautiful face but so, so cruel.”


JooHyun shot her an innocent smile and pinched the free cheek, smile turning into a smirk when SeungWan protested.


“Thank you for calling me beautiful.”


JooHyun was lucky her hair was covering her ears because they were practically burning from SeungWan’s backhanded compliment.




“Are you sure this is the station?”


JooHyun peered at the timetable and checked the times again, unnecessarily anxious for something that was so frivolously planned. Beside her, SeungWan the lollipop lazily, side-eyeing her when JooHyun asked again, the brunette now bouncing on her toes.


“Yes. And even if it isn’t, getting lost isn’t that big of a deal.”


JooHyun stared at incredulously.


“That’s how people get murdered and dumped on the side of the road.”


SeungWan leant forwards, matching JooHyun’s stare.


“You really have to let me have whatever you’re having because your imagination is just crazy. Not to mention, disturbing.”


“You just proposed getting lost!”


SeungWan pulled the lollipop out of and laughed, purposefully crowding into JooHyun’s personal space. The older girl froze for a moment, not knowing what to do with this blatant disregard for her comfort when SeungWan started talking, JooHyun distracted by the sudden softness in SeungWan’s eyes.


“Sometimes getting lost is one of the few ways to get the good things in life, you know? I mean, if I didn’t get lost getting to the train station, I would’ve never met you.”


Dumbstruck, JooHyun could only nod, her cheeks slowly reddening at SeungWan’s words.


The moment was promptly destroyed by the dark haired girl’s next sentence.


“But then if I knew you were a crazy grandma, I might have to rethink that.”


“You .”


JooHyun raised her hand to hit SeungWan when a bus rolled up noisily, SeungWan pulling away hastily to bound for the public transport.


“This is the bus, JooHyun-sama!”


Shaking her head and yet completely aware of the smile on her lips, JooHyun followed the girl, SeungWan grinning back at her once she was sure that JooHyun was not going to hit her. The both of them paid the fare and squeezed through the crowd, miraculously finding a space beside a pole. The bus seemed to be overcrowded, JooHyun jostled slightly when people pushed against her. Irritated, she looked around to find another space to move to when she saw SeungWan squished uncomfortably between the wall and another person.


Without thinking, she reached out and grabbed SeungWan’s upper arm, directing the younger girl in front of her, SeungWan’s back against the side of the bus. JooHyun gripped the pole tightly and used her body to shield SeungWan from the overbearing crowd, even though she was feeling anxious in such a big group of people. SeungWan’s deer in the headlights look soon gave away to gratitude, one hand leaving the straps of her backpack to cling to JooHyun’s sweater, her fingers stark white against the black material.


JooHyun smiled in response but kept a respectable space (because she’s polite like that), SeungWan shaking her head and tugging her slightly closer. They stayed like that for a while until a hand shot out and grabbed the pole as well, a man’s large hand just above JooHyun’s. The brunette flinched when the man beared down on her, his front unnecessarily close to JooHyun’s back. She inhaled sharply when the bus jostled, his apology sounding more like a threat when he brushed up against JooHyun once again.


JooHyun was about to have a panic attack when SeungWan moved slightly, her fingers leaving JooHyun’s sweater to pull off her backpack. She gave it to JooHyun wordlessly and took the brunette’s shoulder bag from her, the dark haired girl signalling for her to put on the backpack. After some difficulty, JooHyun wore it comfortably on both shoulders, the bag serving as a deterrent between her and the man. SeungWan then once again hooked her fingers on JooHyun’s sweater and pulled her close, their fronts almost meeting each other.


JooHyun blushed and ducked her head, not used to the closeness between two people.


She never had anyone close enough to her to do this.


Seulgi was her best friend but they were never the sort to cuddle up to each other.


The most they have as physical contact was the occasional hand holding and hugs.


So, this was new to JooHyun.


And somewhat nice.


JooHyun shifted on her feet and adjusted her position slightly, her slight difference in height helping her cover SeungWan. She lifted her head to thank the dark haired girl when she noticed an uncharacteristic glare on the usually smiley girl’s face. Turning her head slightly, she saw that SeungWan was directing the fierce gaze towards the man who was crowding her. The atmosphere was tense for a few beats before he turned away, his arm against SeungWan’s backpack like he could’ve done earlier.


SeungWan muttered under her breath, JooHyun surprised at the venom lacing the single word.




Laughing softly, JooHyun pressed her cheek to SeungWan’s head, her gratitude passed on wordlessly. SeungWan nodded and breathed in deeply when she froze, her nose dangerously close to JooHyun’s nape. JooHyun held her breath while SeungWan inhaled again, her lips letting out a soft whisper.


“You smell nice.”


Aware she was blushing again, JooHyun couldn’t help but tease the younger girl, knowing for sure that SeungWan had not meant to blurt that out.




She could feel SeungWan smile and the dark haired girl knocked her cheek with her head, her fingers curling around JooHyun’s sweater tightly.


“Only for pretty girls who threaten to toss me out of a moving car.”


JooHyun could not find the words to reply.


She could only clear and press her cheek harder against SeungWan’s temple, her body close enough to the younger girl to feel the giggles wracking through SeungWan’s torso.


They stayed like that for the remainder of the ride.


Even though it was JooHyun’s first time being so close to someone else, she felt comfortable.


Maybe it was because it was SeungWan.


Beautiful, infuriatingly annoying SeungWan.






The both of them gaped at the temple with wide open mouths, the impressive building looming over them majestically. JooHyun had to force herself to close with her hand, eyes widening at the sight of the stalls littering the side of the pathways and the beauty of the landscape in front of her.


Though she would never tell SeungWan but she was very glad that SeungWan had taken offence at her lack of tourist curiousity and talked her into coming here.


She can’t imagine missing this.


The brunette pulled out her phone and snapped several pictures of the scenery, keeping in mind to send them to Seulgi and her parents just so they can see that JooHyun was not a complete failure and actually did mean to explore Japan. Just for fun, she also took one of the gormless looking SeungWan, the younger girl still staring at the temple in adoring reverence.


JooHyun wondered if she could get away with submitting SeungWan’s name for a nun.


SeungWan looked suitably in awe of the temple anyways.


She was sure they would accept her.


She burst into giggles at the mental image of a bald SeungWan, the dark haired girl snapping out of her daze to narrow her eyes playfully at her, the younger girl seeing her phone and putting two and two together.


SeungWan complained loudly.


“No fair! If you’re going to take a picture, at least take a picture together.”


Raising her hand in surrender, JooHyun looked around for someone to take their picture, SeungWan looking at her incredulously before plucking her phone from her hand, changing the camera to the front camera and placing the device back into JooHyun’s hands.


“We could just selfie. No need to bother anybody.”


Unable to tell the younger girl that she can’t selfie to save her life, JooHyun fumbled with her phone and held it up, grimacing at the way the light hit both their faces. SeungWan pulled a face at the camera and took the phone away from JooHyun, her face pressed against JooHyun’s cheek tightly as her other hand came up to clasp JooHyun’s shoulder. She teased the brunette lightly, adjusting the phone subtly so that they did not imitate fishes.


“You’re terrible at angles.”


Blushing, JooHyun’s lips jutted out in a slight pout as she whined petulantly.


“I don’t take selfies. It’s not my thing.”


SeungWan eyed her critically and raised the device, murmuring under her breath in disbelief.


“A pretty girl like you?”


JooHyun side-eyed her and plastered on a smile when SeungWan nudged her, purposely sticking their cheeks closer together to push against the younger girl’s head. The dark haired girl pushed back, her smile widening on the screen and she clicked the button, a loud snap and their picture was saved into a little square at the bottom. SeungWan pressed on it to view the picture, her grin visible even from the side profile. JooHyun allowed herself to stare for a while because she was sure nobody got as excited over a photo like SeungWan did, before crowding in, raising her eyebrows at the sight of a good picture.


“Wow, that is pretty.”


SeungWan puffed her chest proudly.


“I practically have a degree in taking selfies!”


Shaking her head at the childish display, JooHyun took her phone back and craned her neck to check the place out, noticing that they could go in to visit the main altar. Tugging at SeungWan’s sleeve, she pulled the amiable girl along with her, both of them entering the temple after paying the fee, appropriately gasping and admiring the magnificent architecture. They parted for a moment, JooHyun examining the altar with heightened interest, her eyes roaming over the displays in wonderment.


She continued to peer over the altar before moving on to the statues, her eyes darting back and forth in wonderment over the history that came with this temple.


JooHyun turned to move to the other side of the room when SeungWan came barrelling at her, her eyes alight with delight and her fingers clasped around JooHyun’s wrist, chattering quickly.


“JooHyun! There’s a basement!”


JooHyun frowned at the lack of honorific but was ultimately not bothered by it, her brain suddenly registering the later part of the sentence. She stopped quickly and pulled SeungWan back, her head shaking violently.


“Nope. We’re not going into the basement. No way.”


“Aw, come on! Apparently, there’s a key that’s supposed to grant salvation if we touch it.”


JooHyun made a gesture and said firmly, her fingers clenched into a fist.


“I don’t do drugs, smoke, drink, or practice unsafe . My soul is safe, it’s fine. You can go and look for it if you want.”


“Oh, come on, please? You only live once.”


“That’s a terrible argument.”


“You would be partaking in a tradition that has spanned for years!”


“Still not going down there.”


She was promptly treated to the cutest combination of pouting lips and pleading eyes, JooHyun completely dismantled by the display in front of her. She blinked twice and jerked backwards, SeungWan still looking at her with those disarming eyes.


To her dismay, she could feel herself giving in, her brain sputtering out and forgetting all the reasons why going into a dark, small basement was a bad idea and focusing only on the way SeungWan was begging her.


Completely regretting her decision and cursing at herself for being so weak, JooHyun nodded once and allowed SeungWan to drag her along, the younger girl practically skipping in joy at having convinced JooHyun to come along. The dark haired girl shot the brunette a triumphant grin and led them to a flight of stairs where a group of people were already climbing out of.


Fear gripped her heart and she instinctively reached out for SeungWan’s hand, their fingers tangling together as they descended into darkness. Her breath hitched and she forced herself to take deep breaths, her heart thumping madly in her chest.


Again, she cursed at herself for agreeing and went closer to SeungWan, feeling the younger girl turn her head towards her, worry lacing her tone.




She squeaked and pressed closer, her face buried into SeungWan’s shoulder.


“JooHyun, are you okay?”


Nodding, she closed her eyes and nuzzled in deeper, her nose practically molded into SeungWan’s scapula.


She could feel the walls closing in on her and the silence loomed over them eerily, her ears ringing and her breaths coming in short. SeungWan’s fingers tightened briefly and a hand came around her waist, the both of them waddling forward as SeungWan tried comforting her.


“Hey, it’s not that scary.”


She shook her head and whimpered, her fear of small spaces overwhelming her consciousness. She could barely lift her head when SeungWan suddenly changed directions, feeling the floor beneath her hike upwards, a sudden influx of noise entering her eardrums after a few beats. SeungWan called to her again, their twined fingers still sticking to SeungWan’s abdomen.




SeungWan was still calm but JooHyun could detect a slight panic in her voice, the dark haired girl’s hand patting her hip slightly. She bit her lip and inhaled sharply, the air no longer as stuffy as it was before. Encouraged by SeungWan’s soft cooing, she lifted her head slowly, her eyes squinting at the sudden light. She blinked twice, the Sanmon Gate at a distance and she released all the air in her lungs, relieved to be out of the basement.




SeungWan dropped the arm around her waist and pulled her forwards, their fingers never untangling as she eyed JooHyun’s face. Her free hand came up and fingers flitted around her cheek and traced under her eyes, the dark haired girl’s eyebrows furrowed deep at the middle. SeungWan questioned worriedly, pulled downwards.


“How are you feeling?”


JooHyun sniffed and nodded weakly, parched as she answered hoarsely.


“Okay. I’m sorry, I’m not too good with small spaces.”


SeungWan’s frown deepened and her fingers lingered near JooHyun’s temple, her words coming out in a hurry.


“I should be apologising then. I shouldn’t have tried to convince you.”


JooHyun wanted to retort back but was cut off when SeungWan pulled her along the streets, the dark haired girl’s head turning right and left as though she was looking for something. They stopped right in front of a dessert stall, SeungWan detaching herself from JooHyun’s hold briefly before making the older girl latch onto her backpack strap. Speaking rapidly to the old lady manning the counter, she looked over her shoulder towards JooHyun, inquiring quietly.


“What flavour do you want?”


About to protest and somewhat taken aback by the suddenness of this venture, JooHyun could only whisper her answer when SeungWan shot her a look, meekly deferring to the dark haired girl’s unnaturally sombre attitude.


“Red bean.”


SeungWan nodded and repeated it to the lady, passing over some coins when the shopkeeper handed over two bars of ice cream. The younger girl handed one over to JooHyun before taking her hand gently, drawing JooHyun back to her side. Her arm was warm against JooHyun and JooHyun was treated to another bout of fretting, SeungWan apologising again.


“Sorry about earlier. If I had known about your claustrophobia-”


JooHyun shook her head.


“You couldn’t have known. I didn’t say anything. And you took me out straight away when you realised.”


“Yeah, but still...”


SeungWan looked at her forlornly and lowered her head, somehow still taking on the fault for bringing JooHyun down to the basement. At a loss, JooHyun did the only thing that came to mind and kissed the younger girl on the cheek, SeungWan flinching back and cupping her face, her skin aflamed.


“W-what was that?”


JooHyun smiled and shook her head, breaking their hold and skipping ahead, laughing when SeungWan shouted at her, both of them ignoring the looks they were getting from the passer-bys, both of them resembling tomatoes at the look of their bright red faces.


At least SeungWan stopped looking like a kicked puppy.




“Of course you want to go to a ninja theme park.”


JooHyun bounced on her feet, somehow happy that she actually went into the basement with SeungWan. Still in the mode of redeeming herself, SeungWan had asked JooHyun where she wanted to go next, looking frightened when JooHyun grinned, her teeth on display as she pointed out a place eagerly. The look of fear soon gave way to disbelief and this same disbelief followed them late into the night and into the next morning, when they were standing at the entrance of the Kids Ninja Village.


SeungWan spoke again, her arm swinging uselessly as JooHyun continued to jump on the spot, looking very much like a mother escorting her child into a theme park.


“Not just any theme park but one meant for kids.”


JooHyun ignored the tone and continued jumping, only stopping when SeungWan wrapped an arm around her waist, the brunette turning to look at the dark haired girl confusedly. SeungWan chuckled and tightened her hold.


“I’m seriously rethinking on calling you a grandma. You’re like a kid. Who else would be afraid of small spaces and the dark and still find a ninja theme park fascinating?”


Her grin widening, JooHyun was also glad that SeungWan could joke about the incident yesterday, the girl no longer disturbed by misplaced guilt.


(She has known this girl for all of three days and she had revealed herself in that span of time a lot easier than she did around Seulgi.


JooHyun had to stop and wonder about this, unsure of the feeling in her chest and the ease SeungWan brought her.)


“You can’t tell me that you’re not excited over this as well.”


They soon reached the front of the ticket line, SeungWan still giggling over JooHyun’s childishness, the older girl insisting that they take the ninja costumes as well, parroting SeungWan’s words from yesterday.


“We only live once, SeungWan-san.”


SeungWan raised her hand in surrender, the other resting on JooHyun’s hip.


“Alright, alright. I’ll do it on one condition.”


JooHyun tilted her head, already handing money to the cashier.


“What’s that?”


“Drop the -san from my name. I’m already calling you JooHyun.”


JooHyun agreed readily, dragging SeungWan over to the attractions, anxious to start playing.


Her inner kid was already bubbling over in excitement.


They took another selfie when they were in costume, SeungWan also getting into the spirit of things before sprinting off to try the training exercises.


JooHyun discovered that SeungWan had two left feet at the obstacle course, constantly tripping over her feet and stumbling through the balance beams against the walls.


SeungWan discovered that JooHyun really, really hated losing, laughing over a mouth filled with grass when JooHyun tackled her for making her lose focus and shooting a dart in a completely different direction.


It was the most fun JooHyun had in years without worrying.


(Back in school, without Seulgi, JooHyun could only study and eat her lunch alone, waiting in the library patiently for Seulgi to meet up with her. Her position as the class nerd earned her no favours from the popular kids, her distrust in people made it hard for her to even try and make friends as she was convinced that everyone but Seulgi would let her down.


For some reason, she had trusted SeungWan.


Now, sh

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iamtsyu #1
Chapter 10: Oh my 💔
yeyeye_1 #2
Masterpiece ❤️🩵
towonderandwander #3
Chapter 2: I'm gonna cry from happiness. TT
Chapter 1: Gpp wend mengalah demi ayank
Sepertinya menarik
Chapter 8: i need and want robot irene and wendy with more cute and gentle stories 😭😩🤧
Chapter 5: Omg what a colorful journey of love
Chapter 4: andweee 😭😭
Chapter 3: oh, wow! this was a first for me. a fic where seungwan amd joohyun were animals(cats?) and then ended with them being humans. this was well-written. i was moved and cried on some scenes. poor moewrene. but really, this story is so beautiful. :)