Now That's What I Call Love

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A/N: This set of drabbles is dedicated to Baby Lex over at Twitter because it's Happy Pepero Day and she wanted fluff instead of my usual bout of angst. So enjoy and swshon, there is a drabble in there dedicated specially for you. :]


Also, I'm psychic. For Reals. 


“This isn’t going anywhere, guys. I’m going to go grab a drink, just don’t destroy the project while I’m gone, alright?”


Irene stood up and grabbed her wallet from her bag without even waiting for an answer, pinching the bridge of her nose as she walked away from her groupmates, inwardly cursing at her lecturer for giving her the (in her opinion) stupidest people in her course.


(It was probably just her irritation talking but honestly, what honourable university student could not tell the difference between mitosis and meiosis?


They were even spelt differently.)


She stalked out the library, still fuming and made her way to the coffee stand by the building, joining the long line of bedraggled students aiming for their coffee fix. Tapping her feet, she scanned the blackboard placed at the side of the coffee stand neatly, pursing her lips when she decided on her regular drink. Nodding, she ped her wallet and started to count out the coins, feeling the item lighten when she tipped out the right amount of coins into the palm of her hand.


The line moved quickly, Irene finding herself at the cashier, her bad mood chased away when she was greeted by the regular barista, Wendy beaming at her in response, her fingers already reaching for the large cup at the edge of the stand.


“Hey, Irene, the normal?”


Irene smiled in response and nodded, opening to ask an age old question, though now it seemed to turn into a gentle jest, Irene pulling a pitiful face at the barista.


“Do you guys have almond milk today?”


Shaking her head, Wendy pulled an exaggerated sad face and jotted Irene’s order by the side of the cup, a loopy cursive writing out latte with soy milk and putting it by the coffee machine.


“I’m sorry but the boss still wouldn’t budge on getting any in!”


Clucking her tongue, Irene shrugged and passed the coins over to Wendy, the barista beaming at the sight of exact change.


“Well, I guess there’s nothing you can do about it.”


She caught Wendy giving her a look but didn’t linger upon it as she knew the girl had a variety of expressions, something she had gathered after all these months of dropping by the stand. She gave the brunette another smile, Wendy disappearing behind the humongous coffee machine to get started on her order. She waited by the side, started up yet another conversation as the barista busied herself with the milk.


“You seem to always be here when I come.”


Wendy gave a laugh and measured out the soy milk, nodding to herself when it seemed right.


“I guess my shifts coincide with your coffee times.”


Irene grinned and folded her arms.


“It’s nice. You’re definitely a better sight to see than the other dude. He just keeps scowling at everybody.”


Wendy’s grin shifted into something brighter and Irene was temporarily blinded.


“Well, we can’t all have my sunny personality.”


Irene made a face and took the drink from the barista, taking a sip and letting the coffee spread across her tongue.


“How is it?”


Irene gave her a thumbs up and took another sip, playfully jesting the barista as she started to turn away.


“Great, as always. But it would be better with almond milk.”


Wendy gave her the same look from earlier but it soon faded behind another smile, the brunette wiping her hands on her apron. Irene waved goodbye, tilting her head towards the line that had formed during their conversation and Wendy gave her another look, this time apologetic. Irene shook her head and started her journey back towards the library, throwing another cursory look over her shoulder at Wendy.


As always, she caught the sunny smile of Wendy and it put a spring in her step, even as she walked back towards the bunch of idiots that were her group mates.




“Hey, Irene, same thing today?”


Irene nodded tiredly but somehow managed to summon the energy to smile at Wendy, the other girl pouting at her as she wrote the order by the cup. She spoke up gently, a small show of support between two university students with projects and finals lined up.


“Had a long night?”


Irene groaned and gave Wendy the money, exact change again and she scowled.


“Yeah. I had to pull an all nighter just editing the group paper because it seemed that my group mates doesn’t know how to construct proper sentences.”


Wendy made a noise, her face pulled into another one of her hilarious expressions and somehow Irene felt slightly less ty about the measly two hours of sleep she had. She moved to the side as usual and waited for her drink, Wendy speaking up as she started to fiddle with the machine.


“I understand your pain. Just last week, I had to throw my group’s paper at this boy because he decided that the formatting set by the lecturer was rubbish and printed everything in Comic Sans.”


Irene giggled, watching as Wendy puffed her cheeks angrily.


“He’s an idiot.”


“Yes, he is.”


Wendy passed the drink over to her, a grin accompanying the beverage.


“Here we go. Hopefully this will help you through your day.”


Thanking the girl, she brought the cup to her lips to take her customary first sip by Wendy and swallowed the drink, smacking her lips when she found that it tasted different. Blinking rapidly, she looked down at the cup and back up at Wendy, the girl looking uncharacteristically nervous as she observed Irene.


“How was it?”


Irene took another sip and it confirmed her suspicions, a wide smile blossoming on her face.


“There’s almond milk in this.”


Wendy nodded, a short bark of laughter exiting as she wrung her apron, stumbling over her words as she tried to explain.


“You’ve always been asking for it and I thought- well, I just wanted to see you smile- I went to buy it last night just for you.”


Wendy turned bright red at her confession and pulled her cap lower, the brim of it covering her face.


Warmth bloomed in Irene’s chest and without thinking, she stepped behind the coffee stand and pressed her lips to Wendy’s cheek, giggling when the girl turned even redder, a hand clamped over the place where Irene had kissed.


“Thank you.”


Wendy nodded, opening and closing uselessly and she turned away, hopping on the spot, inaudible squeals timed perfectly with the jumps and Irene laughed again, stepping away from the counter.


“You probably should get back to your customers, Wendy.”


The barista stopped, eyes bright and she took the cup from Irene, scribbling down a string of numbers before giving it back to the older girl, Irene raising an eyebrow at the number.


Wendy spoke breathlessly, her cheeks still flushed from earlier.


“Just in case. You know, you want - I mean - just for lunch sometimes?”


Irene laughed, closing in on Wendy and ignoring the forced coughs of the customers waiting in line and pressed her lips to Wendy’s ears, playfully whispering into skin.


“I’ll call you later.”


Wendy’s fingers wrapped around her wrist and she turned to look at Irene, eyes soft and lips red.


“It’s a date.”


Irene nodded, bit her lip and forced herself to walk away, taking a long draught from the cup. She could feel Wendy’s eyes on her and she had to still her legs from turning into a skip.


Though she only had two hours of sleep, Irene went through her day as though she was on a cloud.


The number on the cup was soon saved under Wendy <3.


(And hers, later on when Wendy met up with her with a shy smile, matched in Wendy’s phone under Irene <3<3.)




“Tell me again why you have to go away for three days?”


Wendy pouted at her girlfriend, fingers clasped tightly as she tugged Irene closer, the slightly taller girl chuckling and shaking her head as she regarded Wendy with a tender look.


“Because it’s an opportunity waiting to happen and if I seal this deal, we can go on that vacation to Canada like you wanted.”


Wendy jutted her lower lip out further and puffed her cheeks.


“I take it back. I don’t want you to leave for three days. Where am I going to get heat from when you’re gone?”


Irene flicked her nose playfully with her free hand.


“From the heater. Like a normal person.”


Wendy sighed dramatically.


“But I’m not normal. I’m part lizard. I require body heat to survive. Do you really want to come back to a frozen girlfriend?”


Irene shook her head and crowded in, Wendy feeling her head spin at the close contact.


(They’ve been together for years and Irene still affected her like it was their first day of dating.)


“I’m pretty sure lizards lay under the sun to soak up the heat.”


Grinning, she snapped at Irene’s mouth playfully, Irene sticking her tongue out in retaliation.


“Excuse you, I’m the zoologist around here, don’t go correcting me.”


Irene started to retort but was cut off by the station’s announcement, the mechanical voice telling them that Irene’s train would be due in one minute. The older woman’s attention snapped over to the tracks and she pulled away from Wendy, the younger brunette frowning and stepping closer, following Irene’s movements fluidly.


“I have to go soon.”


Wendy snorted.


“I heard the announcement as well, dimwit.”


Irene sighed, placing their joined hands on her cheek.


“My girlfriend is so verbally abusive.”


“This is coming from the woman who threatened to throw the coffee table at Seulgi and I.”


“You broke my iron!”


Wendy opened to argue, caught the look on Irene’s face and thought better of it, sealing her argument  behind a wide smile. Irene gave her a triumphant look, the train thundered in quickly, the look quickly turning startled as Irene jumped on the spot slightly, Wendy giggling at her girlfriend’s cuteness.


“See? You should stay here with me. Even trains scare you.”


Irene shot her a deadpanned look and tugged her along, walking towards the carriages slowly.


“It surprised me. That’s all.”


“Everything surprises you, even small kittens.”


Irene shot her another look and stepped into her carriage, their arms dangling between them as both of them were reluctant to untangle their fingers. Wendy pulled her closer, both of them separated by the small gap between the train and the platform. She laced their other hands together, moving as near as she could without slipping through the crack. Irene stared at her lovingly, their lips brushing past each other as she whispered gently.


“I’ll come back soon.”


Wendy nodded, pressing a kiss to Irene’s chin before tilting her head upwards, their mouths meeting together in a heated kiss and their eyes closing.


Even though Irene hadn’t even left the station yet and she was coming back in three days, Wendy could feel the loneliness creeping up her spine, already dreading the two nights that she would have to be alone in their overly large bed. She always hated how the sheets seemed colder without Irene in them and she kissed Irene harder, hoping that the other woman’s essence would seep through enough to keep her company for the next two nights.


Irene gasped in response, one hand untangling hurriedly as she cupped Wendy’s jaw, pulling her closer as her tongue sliding past the younger woman’s teeth and caressing the top of . Wendy moaned, vaguely aware that the people on the platform were staring at them but couldn’t find it within herself to care, not when Irene’s scent was overwhelming her senses, her kisses sending a sharp jolt of arousal down her spine and in her belly.


She half mind wanted to drag Irene out of the train and back home, lock them away for the next three days just to indulge in the intoxication that was purely Irene.


A sharp whistle sounded by them, the station master’s booming voice counting down threateningly.


“The train’s doors are about to close in 3...”


If anything, the countdown spurred Wendy further, her fingers wrapping around the material of Irene’s sweater and tugging, half wanting to strip her girlfriend down, the other half tamping down that desire because she did not want to share Irene with the rest of the world.


Before her the two rationales could finish the war, a hand grabbed her by the collar roughly, an irate looking man dragging her away from the doors.


“I said the doors were closing, young lady! Kiss your girlfriend when she gets back!”


Wendy choked out a goodbye, smirking slightly at Irene’s flushed face and bruised lips, her girlfriend’s brown eyes completely black as her pupils were fully blown. Irene smiled back at her shakily and waved goodbye, standing by the doors and staring at Wendy who was standing by the large man, the station master muttering under his breath.


Wendy blew Irene a kiss and watched the train leave the station, her smirk turning when Irene caught the kiss and pressed it against her heart, the brunette looking back at her lovingly.


The station master huffed angrily and walked away, Wendy laughing at his mutterings.


“Kids these days, no sense of decency... Back in my day-”


She shook her head and turned towards the station entrance, already counting down the seconds till she could see Irene again.




“Oh my god, Irene, I swear to god, if you’re not on the next train back and shutting Wendy up, I’m going to hit her so hard, she’s going to end up in the future.”


Seulgi ranted into the phone loudly, one hand pressed into Wendy’s face as the forlorn brunette continued to sing at the top of her lungs about her loneliness.


“All by myself~!”


Irene’s giggles filtered through the speaker and she replied confusedly but fond.


“But I’ve only been gone for three hours.”


“I don’t care! Get your back here!”










Irene laughed again and spoke up loudly, though it seemed that it went unheard by the two bickering women.


“Guys, try not to kill each other.”






Irene sighed and hung up.


“I don’t know the both of them.”


But the smile wouldn’t leave her face for the next three days.




JooHyun opened the door to the apartment tiredly, rubbing at her eyes as she toed off her shoes. Pushing them into a line by the wall, she trudged her way towards the bathroom, eager to take off the make up that was flaking off, pulling the ornament in her hair off carelessly and tossing it on the bathroom counter, the hair band clattering loudly in the silence of the night.


The echoing sound reminded her of the loneliness of coming home to a dark apartment.


She scowled to herself, her mirror image looking especially petulant.


God, she hated coming back home so late after the music program.


(There were other things she hated but she hated this most because it often cut into her time with someone.)


Shaking her head, she started on her shower, wanting to get into bed as soon as possible to shake off this loneliness that had accompanied her from the music station.


(And the shivers she felt when her male emcee counterpart stared at her, eyes wanting and lustful.)


Her routine was shortened by five minutes, as she couldn't be bothered to use the make up remover to take off the make up, opting to just wash her face roughly with the facial wash. She reached for the oversized shirt that was hung at the back of the door, stripping quickly and dressing herself for bed, already listening to the pleasant calls of her mattress. She dropped her dirty clothes into the hamper and roped her towel around her neck, tapping her wet face as she exited the bathroom.


(It was just this once, she was sure her skin will be fine tomorrow.)


Wiping her face, she blindly went back to her bedroom, curious to find out why their bedside table lamp was still on.


She was greeted by a sight better than her bed.


SeungWan was still up, the brunette reading silently with the light directed straight on her book, leaving Seulgi to sleep in darkness on her side of the room. Her lips immediately tugged upwards, pulling her towel off and hanging it on the coat stand, her feet padding softly towards SeungWan.


She slid into bed easily, SeungWan lifting an arm to accommodate JooHyun's head in the crook of her neck, her eyes never leaving the book. JooHyun snuggled in and sighed contentedly, her fingers curling around SeungWan's stomach, her lips pressed against the younger girl's collarbone. SeungWan hummed, her nose pressed to the top of JooHyun's head, inhaling deeply. She murmured gently, shifting slightly to drop her arm, one hand holding her book, the other wrapping around JooHyun's back.


"Welcome home."


(Of course, SeungWan would wait up for her.


How could she forget that?)


JooHyun closed her eyes, her own nose buried into the junction where SeungWan's neck met with her shoulder, taking in the scent of the brunette's skin.


She mumbled sleepily.


"I'm home."


SeungWan chuckled quietly, her exhalation brushing past the top of her head. JooHyun shook her head, the air tickling her and she giggled. SeungWan blew over her head again, chuckling again when JooHyun whined, opening to bite SeungWan slightly.


"It tickles. Stop it."


SeungWan hummed, her book now closed and she put it aside, shuffling down so that she was facing JooHyun. Though somewhat sad at the loss of scent, she was pacified when she stared into SeungWan's eyes, the stars blinking merrily behind sleepy brown eyes. She moved closer, aligning her nose with SeungWan's, her fingers clutching at the front of SeungWan's shirt, her legs tangling naturally with the younger girl's.


SeungWan's hands were splayed on her back and the girl breathed out slowly, turned up in a lazy smile.


"And how was Music Bank today?"


JooHyun pouted and went closer, not wanting to remember how her co-emcee was acting.


"I am pretty sure that the boy doesn't understand the term just like siblings. So persistent."


SeungWan's eyes sparkled playfully and she pulled JooHyun closer, scorching her lips with her words.


"Who can blame him? You're so attractive and cute, of course he would want you."


JooHyun tried to retort but was quickly distracted by how SeungWan's breath was leaving ghost kisses on her lips, tilting her head forward to press her own smile against SeungWan's. The stars in SeungWan's eyes brightened before they were snuffed out, her eyelids fluttering and she replied the kiss gently, open mouthed and soft, JooHyun carefully pressing kisses into a masterpiece created by God.


She pulled away before they could get carried away, very aware of Seulgi's presence behind them even though she wanted nothing more for the hand on her stomach to move downwards.


(Seulgi still hasn't recovered from the last time SeungWan's hands decided to roam.)


SeungWan breathed out shakily, her composure just as shot as JooHyun's. Her nails dragged on JooHyun's stomach slightly and she spoke softly, brushing her nose against JooHyun's.


"Well, he can't have you because I have you."


JooHyun smiled, the gentle on her stomach lulling her to sleep.


"All of me, heart, soul and mind."


SeungWan moved her hand to JooHyun's back, the older girl imitating the movement and she pulled JooHyun impossibly close, their bodies so intertwined it was hard to tell where JooHyun began and SeungWan ended.


"And you mine."


JooHyun yawned and buried her face in SeungWan's neck, pressing a goodnight kiss in reply to SeungWan's kiss on her forehead.


"Goodnight, Hyun."


JooHyun hummed and listened to SeungWan's breaths slow and even out, her eyes slipping shut with the sound of SeungWan's heartbeat in her ears.


She still hated coming home so late because of the music program (and the look in the boy's eyes that made her feel like a piece of meat) but SeungWan would always welcome her back warmly, her arms wide open and her heart receiving.




“Hey, guys, where’s JooHyun unnie?”


SeungWan walked out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her shirt as she eyed the three girls sprawled on the living room’s floor. Seulgi waved a hand above her head, not too bothered to turn her head towards her friend as she gestured towards their front door.


“She said something about laundry detergent and going out to get them.”


SeungWan frowned.


“I didn’t realise we were

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iamtsyu #1
Chapter 10: Oh my 💔
yeyeye_1 #2
Masterpiece ❤️🩵
towonderandwander #3
Chapter 2: I'm gonna cry from happiness. TT
Chapter 1: Gpp wend mengalah demi ayank
Sepertinya menarik
Chapter 8: i need and want robot irene and wendy with more cute and gentle stories 😭😩🤧
Chapter 5: Omg what a colorful journey of love
Chapter 4: andweee 😭😭
Chapter 3: oh, wow! this was a first for me. a fic where seungwan amd joohyun were animals(cats?) and then ended with them being humans. this was well-written. i was moved and cried on some scenes. poor moewrene. but really, this story is so beautiful. :)