Chap 24

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Yuri: -opens the door- “Oh!! You already arrived!!!” –grins- “Please come in Chanyeol-ssi!!” –moves aside-


Chanyeol: -enters while grinning- “ are they ready??”


Yuri: -closes the door- “Uhm..I think Baekhyun oppa is ready, but I don’t know about Sica!! Let me check!!” –about to leave-


Chanyeol: -stops her- “Uhm Yuri wait!!”


Yuri: -stops and turns to him- “Yes??”


Chanyeol: -stares at her like doesn’t know what to say- “Uh y-you look…pr-pretty!!” –grins nervously-


Yuri blushes at his compliment and stares at her outfit with a confused look. She was just wearing a simple navy skinny jeans with a floral top. It was cute but not too much impressive.


Yuri: -smiles at him- “Thank you Chanyeol-ssi!! You don’t so bad yourself either!!”


Chanyeol: -laughs dorkily-


Yuri: -smiles at his laugh-


“Are you guys done flirting??”


Chanyul: -startles and looks at the person-


Yuri: “Oppa!! What are you saying?? Stop making things awkward!!”


Baekhyun: “Aigoo!!” –puts his hands up in defence- “Sorry sorry!! I was only kidding!! You don’t have to be so shy about it!!”


Yuri: -crosses her arms- “Hmpf!!! Oppa you are so annoying!!”


Chanyeol: -smiles at her cuteness-


Baekhyun: “Oh! You know me!!” –chuckles- “Anyway, lets go?”


Chanyeol: “Uh..we are also waiting for someone else!!”


Baekhyun: -furrows his eyebrows- “Who??”


“I am ready!!”


Baekhyun recognised the voice with widen eyes. He immediately grabs Chanyeol’s collar, pulling him down to his height level. While Yuri gasps at this action.


Baekhyun: -whispers- “This was your plan?? Are you nuts?? She’ll kill you!!”


Chanyeol: “Oh come on Baek!! How will the plan succeed without her??? Don’t worry about it dude!! I’ll handle her!!”


Baekhyun: -releases his collar- “Fine then!! Good luck with that!!”


Jessica: “What’s going on here?”


Yuri: “Oh! You are done already!! Lets go then!!” –about to open the door- “All four of us gonna have so much fun!!”


Jessica: “Wait! What?? FOUR of us??? You mean-“ –points to Baekhyun- “He is gonna join us too??”


Baaekhyun: -gulps-


Chanyeol: -laughs nervously- “Yeah!! Just like before!! It was so much fun last time, remember??”


Jessica: -glares at him- “Can I have a word with you??”


Chanyeol: -points at himself- “M-me?”


Jessica: “Yeah you!!”


Baekhyun: -starts to sweat-


Jessica: “Lets go have a talk in the living room!”


Chanyeol: “Uh…o-ok!” –nervously follows her-


Once he was out of Baekhyun’s sight~


Baekhyun: -starts panicking-   “Holly !! She is so gonna scratch his face with her claws!!”


Yuri: -calms him- “Oppa calm down!! Sica never scratched anyone before!! And besides…she doesn’t have a claw!!”


With Chanyeol and Jessica~


Jessica: -poker face- “Why are you doing this???”


Chanyeol: -acts confused- “Doing what??”


Jessica: “I thought only you, Yuri and I are going out for lunch today!! Why did you bring Baekhyun into this?”


Chanyeol: “Why can’t he come along?? He did last time!!”


Jessica: “Yeah so what?? Why does he have to join us today too??”


Chanyeol: “Well you see……I want to have a date with Yuri today!!”


Jessica: “Well ok, then why did you ask her to bring me along??”


Chanyeol: “Because…She wouldn’t want to be alone with me, you know?? So to make her comfortable I allowed her to bring a friend!! And then I thought that if she brings a friend, then her friend will feel like a third wheel, so I decided to bring my friend too!!”


Jessica: “And your only friend happens to be HIM???”


Chanyeol: “He is my BFF!!! So of course It happens to be him!!”


Jessica: -sighs- “What did I get myself into??”


Chanyeol: “Why? You seemed to be alright with him last time. Did something happen between you two??”


Jessica: -eyes widens- “Uh….haha no no!! Nothing happened really!! Its just that….he annoys me a lot!!”


Chanyeol: “Just that?? Man I thought you guys are on a cold war or something!!” –clutches his hand together begging- “Please do this for me!!! You know if you don’t come along then nothing will go further between me and Yuri! Please!! For me!!” –puppy eyes-


Jessica: -groans- “I hate my life!!”


At a restaurant~


The four of them were sitting beside the window. Chanyeol and Baekhyun was sitting beside each other while the ladies was in front of them. Yuri in front of Chanyeol, and Jessica in front of Baekhyun.


Baekhyun finds a large French fry on a bowl of fries. He was about to take it with his fork but Jessica stabbed on it at the same time he did.


Jessica: “Its mine!!”


Baekhyun: -disbelieves- “Bu-“


Chanyeol nudges him, giving him a warning glare.


Baekhyun: -fake smiles at her- “Fine!! Anything for you, princess!!”


Jessica: -smirks-


Chanyeol and Yuri were chatting to themselves trying to ease the other two up, but the entire time both of them didn’t seem so interested in their conversation. Baekhyun was getting tensed around Jessica while she was waiting for their lunch to end. She can’t wait to stay away from the person in front of her.


Yuri on the other hand was thinking about an idea. She was thinking how to ditch them, so that they could talk to each other. Suddenly an idea pops on her head.


Yuri: “OH! Chanyeol-ss look!!” –points somewhere- “I always wanted to try that drink!! Will you come with me?? Please!!”


Chanyeol: “Huh?” –turns around- “Which one??”


Jessica was shocked at Yuri’s sudden outburst. ‘Why does she suddenly want Chanyeol to go with her? I mean Hello!!  I’m right here!!’ She thought. If both of them leaves that means she have to be stuck with Baekhyun.


Baekhyun on the other hand knows what she was trying to do. The same thing he and Jessica did with them.


Jessica: “Which drink?? You can take me with you!!”


Yuri: “Oh! Its actually the cucumber smoothy!! Its new. So I wanted to try it out!!” –grins-


Jessica: -disgusted- “Cucumber smoothy?? Since when did that existed??”


Baekhyun wanted to laugh at this. Like seriously? Cucumber smoothy??


Yuri: “Yeah!! Its new in town you know?? I heard it is really delicious!! And since you are allergic to it, I didn’t want to take you with me!!”


Chanyeol: “Ok!! Lets try that smoothy out Yuri!!” –takes her hand and goes to the other side of the counter-


Jessica sighs in defeat once they were out of her sight.


Once Chanyeol and Yuri were out of their sight, Yuri started to peak at them.


Chanyeol: “So Yuri?? Where is the Cucumber smoothy that you wanna try out??” –looking at the drinks menu-


Yuri: -looks at him and giggles- “Oh Chanyeol-ssi!! You are so silly!! Cucumber smoothy doesn’t sell here!!”


Chanyeol: “What? Then why did you wanna try it?”


Yuri: “I was actually trying to ditch them and see what they do alone!!”


Chanyeol: “Oooohhh!! Haha you are so clever Yuri!!”


Yuri: -laughs- “So lets spy on them!!” –turns around and starts spying-


Chanyeol: -scratches his head nervously- “Uhmm How about we forget about them and have a drink together??”


Yuri: -turns to him- “Huh?”


Chanyeol: “I-I mean that, it might take a while for them so stop fighting you know? So lets have a drink meanwhile!! Besides….I think you are thirsty!!”


Yuri: -rubs her neck bashfully- “Well, I’m kinda thirsty!!”


Chanyeol: “See?? So lets have a drink then!!”


Yuri: “Uhm..ok!”


Chanyeol: -goes to the counter- “Two cucumber smoothy please!!”


Counter guy: -looks at him weirdly- “What??”


Yuri: -laughs at his silliness-


Chanyeol: -realises his mistake- “Huh? Uh I-I mean!!” –turns to the laughing Yuri and playfully shoves her, the turns back to the guy- “Two vanilla smoothy please!”


Meanwhile with Baeksica~


Baekhyun shifted himself awkwardly. Suddenly his feet slightly touched hers.


Jessica: “Hey!!!”


Baekhyun: -startles- “What?”


Jessica: “You stepped on my feet!!!”


Baekhyun: “No I didn’t!! My feet just slightly touched yours, like this!” –touches her feet with his again-


Jessica: -gasps- “You are doing it again!! You are ruining my shoe!!”


Baekhyun: -glares- “Young lady!! You are being a spoiled brat now!!”


Jessica –rolls her eyes- “What are you trying to be? My father??”


Baekhyun: -scoffs- “Does your father do this to you? –steps on her feet-


Jessica: -gasps- “Oh no you didn’t!!”


Baekhyun: -smirks- “Oh yes I di-id!”


Jessica: -glares and kicks his leg-


Baekhyun: -gasps- “You kick like a kitten!!”


Jessica: “Aw! Do you want me to kick you like a ?” –about to kick his leg hard-


Baekhyun: -catches her leg with both of his feet- “A-ha!! Now, how can you kick me princess??”


Jessica: -struggles- “Ew ew ew! You are ruining my shoe!!”


Baekhyun: -laughs evilly-


“Well well well!! Look who I just bumped into!”


Both of them looks at the owner of the voice. Baekhyun seems confused while Jessica seems to recognise the person.


Person: -looks at Jessica- “You remember me right?”


Jessica: “Uh…” –looks at baekhyun with nervous eyes- “Yeah!” –looks back at her- “You are Krystal!”


Krystal: -smiles at her- “That’s right!! But I didn’t get your name by the way!!”


Jessica: “Uhm…I’m Jessica!!”


Krystal: “Nice name!!” –looks around- “Where is you boyfriend Kai by the way? Does he even know that you are poking legs with “ –looks at Baekhyun- “Someone else?”


Baekhyun: -eyes widens and looks at Jessica- “Boyfriend Kai??”


Jessica: “Uh…yeah uhm he is…he is at home an-“


Krystal: -interrupts- “So you are dating someone behind his back?”


Jessica: -shakes her head- “N-no no!! he is-“


Baekhyun: “What is this girl talking about Jessica?? Your boyfriend is Kai??”


Jessica: “Uh..”


Krystal: -looks at her- “Well isn’t he?”


Jessica thinks ‘Oh God!! What is happening with me? How can I answer that? Ugh just do it for Kai!! He is you best friend right Sica?? He is so gonna pay for this!!’


Jessica: “Yeah! Kai is my boyfriend!!”


Baekhyun: -stands up- “What??”


Jessica: -stands up too- “Yeah….he is!!”


Krystal: “Then who is he? –points at him-


Baekhyun: -shouts at her- “NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!”


Krystal: -startled- “Hey!! You don’t need to shout like that Mr!!”


Baekhyun: -ignores her and grabs Jessica’s hand- “Lets go home!!”


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Chapter 37: I love this story so much
Please update soon author
Chapter 37: I like the poster HAHAHAHAHA
Can't wait for your new baeksica ff
sweenybear #3
Chapter 37: Please do write as many as you can for Baeksica story. I've been dying bc lack of source for my reading. Kekeke. The fluffy and a little bit angst is okay too you know. Can't wait for another baeksica story from you. Keep it up authornim. Xoxo ^^
Chapter 36: Omg the ending tho ;(
Chapter 36: I'm like TT, just like TT~
tazkia16 #6
Chapter 36: Thankyouuuu ♡♡♡ hope you can write another baeksica storyy
Chapter 36: You will leave? ㅜㅜ there's no more baeksica fic then
SlaySicaJung #8
Chapter 35: Omg poor Luhan! But I think Luhan is in love with Jessica that's why he asked Seohyun to be his fake girlfriend so Jessica can forget about him cuz they can't fall in love because of his responsibility that was given by their parents.. But now that the beans have been spilled, I hope authornim can make Lu and Baek fight for Sica's love... ps: man, im writing essay lol.. sorry auothornim..!