Seeking Out Advice

Remember Me
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[CONTENTID1] Seeking Out Advice [/CONTENTID1]



The door slowly closed behind her, hearing the automatic lock system, Raina let out a long sigh. She trainstioned her outside shoes into her bunny slippers that she only wears around the house. Walking at a snail's pace, her body sought out refuge and comfort of her bed. Raina laid down on her cooling pillow and threw on her fluffy blue tie-dyed blanket. Staring at the black metal blades chasing after each other on the ceiling, Raina pondered what she needs to do next. What am I going to do tomorrow when we see each other? Is it going to be hella awkward or do I strike up conversations as if nothing happened? There were so many words that were left unsaid and still some unanswered questions. Knowing what to do next, Raina called up her best friend to give her some clarity on her current situation. 

Hopefully, she will pick up despite there being a 17-hour time difference. However, knowing her, she is probably up late composing new music.  The phone rang 2 times before it connected. 

"Hey, let me guess?" Raina paused for a dramatic effect, " You are composing music right now. Although, you are up later than I expected, considering it is sometime after 6 pm here. I thought you would be sleeping already."

"You are right! You just know me so well best friend. However, it isn't that laaaaate. I believe it is only like 1 am here, which is the norm for me," replied Dylan.

"I guess you are normally still up around this time. It has just been so hectic that I forgot the time differences from Korea to California."

"Well. it has been a while since the last time you and I spoke last. I was wondering if you already forgot about me."

"Please, don't joke about that... You know, I always keep my promises. Plus it's only been a few months since I left, so it hasn't been that long. You and I have gone way longer of not talking in the past, so this is nothing."

Raina heard a loud audible chuckle coming from the other side of the phone. "True..." Dylan let her sentence trail off for a second before she continued it, "So I know you calling at night is never a good sign, as well as, calling instead of texting means something is bothering you.

That's just like Dylan to know me so well, but I guess that's what makes us best friends. Raina thought to herself before she replied to her friend's comment.

"Yeah this whole day has been wild, I don't even know where to start."

"Start from the beginning and end with the questions you need advice on the most."

"Well, first of all, I got into a fight with Hakyeon even though he was just trying to help me. Long story short, I kind of pushed myself to the point of exhaustion because I am a perfectionist when it comes to choreography. Hakyeon took me home, and after taking care of me for hours, I acted cold towards him because he also looked exhausted from watching my . So he went missing for like hours and then Leo showed up looking worried. He helped me back to bed, but when I woke up from a short nap, my body acted on its own. We ended up having a very heated make-out session-

"OMG, you ing kissed him!!" Dylan interjected Raina while squealing over the fact that the two kissed. "Tell me everything! Was it just like you remembered or was it even better? Was tongue involved? Were clothes stripped off?"

"Jeez has someone not been getting enough over there?" Raina let out a chuckle.

"Yes, okay! It's been a while since I got caught up in a steamy make-out session like that. So please, don't leave any details out."

"It felt natural to be kissing him as if no time has passed since. It felt like back when we were still together, but better. Which, that thought of him being better makes me angry because like... Who might else have he been kissing to be that good with his tongue? We were each other's first for almos

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Chapter 19: Omggggg~ shookt that there is a new uploaded chapter~~~~your back~!! ^_^
saranghaejaejoong1 #2
Chapter 13: I love this story it's so well done!

(also, on a more serious note, I hope Raina and Hakyeon get better soon :( I hope this doesn't get too awkward between them)
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: I didn't realize how ready I was for jealous Leo until now!!
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Aww Leo being awkward is so cute! I liked their interactions a lot this chapter; I felt like I got to know Raina a bit more. Also it's interesting how Leo remembers her, but he doesn't. Nice chapter and I can't wait for the next one :)
BBC4Life17 #6
Chapter 10: I don't quite understand how leo forgot about Raina lol
But things are moving along and I'm excited to see the story unfold :D
Chapter 9: They meet again. Am excited to to want will happen soon. Fighting for the next chapter

Ps lovely chapter as always :)
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Yes she finally gets to go to Korea :) I'm so happy for her and I can't wait to see how Leo will react!!
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Oh my gosh I'm so happy that he remembered her name!! And he feels guilty, but why? I can't wait to read the next update; nice chapter as always :)