Why am I So Worried

Remember Me
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[CONTENTID1] Why am I So Worried [/CONTENTID1]


Leo stared blankly at the door, waiting for HakYeon's return. He has been gone for several hours now and hasn't returned from dropping Raina off at her house. Leo thought to himself while letting his mind wander to more to not so pure thoughts. HakYeon better not be trying to make a move on her. Leo's face began heating up at the thoughts of HakYeon being next to her in bed attempting to "take care of her." 

"Hey Leo, what do you think is up with Raina and HakYeon?" questioned the Maknae, regretting letting those words come out of his mouth too late. 

Leo turned his face, that still had an angry expression plastered on his face, and shot the menacing stare at Hyuk. "There is nothing between them so please kindly shut up."

Hyuk nodded and went back to memorizing the rest of his parts for their new song. "I wonder what crawled up his and bit him," Hyuk mumbled under his breath, making inaudible for Leo to hear.

Leo looked up at the clock that was hanging above the large window on the green wall. He took noticed that it was already midnight and he still hasn't returned yet. Leo suddenly stood up from the seat that he currently occupied, causing the chair to fall over. Why am I so worried about her? I have only known her for 4 months.

Everyone all stopped what they were doing and looked at him with curious expressions. They all carefully watched his movements as he approached closer and closer to the door before someone decided to dare ask a question. 

"Where are you going at this hour?" asked Hongbin who tried to sound stern with his voice. 

Leo sighed, took a deep breath, and let his anger that he held disappear. He realized that it wasn't right for the others to be treated poorly because of his anger towards HakYeon. "I'm just worried about Raina, so I am going to check on her and found out  where HakYeon went," replied Leo with a slight smile.

The rest of the group sighed quietly, finally able to breathe without the tension that filled the air. "Don't stay out too late! We need to finish recording the song tomorrow," said Hongbin, flashing his killer smile that makes you smile with him. 

Leo smiled. He never failed to smile back at Hongbin's smile. "I won't. See ya."

 Leo arrived at Raina's apartment and knocked on her door. He heard no movement or sound so he knocked

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Chapter 19: Omggggg~ shookt that there is a new uploaded chapter~~~~your back~!! ^_^
saranghaejaejoong1 #2
Chapter 13: I love this story it's so well done!

(also, on a more serious note, I hope Raina and Hakyeon get better soon :( I hope this doesn't get too awkward between them)
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: I didn't realize how ready I was for jealous Leo until now!!
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Aww Leo being awkward is so cute! I liked their interactions a lot this chapter; I felt like I got to know Raina a bit more. Also it's interesting how Leo remembers her, but he doesn't. Nice chapter and I can't wait for the next one :)
BBC4Life17 #6
Chapter 10: I don't quite understand how leo forgot about Raina lol
But things are moving along and I'm excited to see the story unfold :D
Chapter 9: They meet again. Am excited to to want will happen soon. Fighting for the next chapter

Ps lovely chapter as always :)
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Yes she finally gets to go to Korea :) I'm so happy for her and I can't wait to see how Leo will react!!
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Oh my gosh I'm so happy that he remembered her name!! And he feels guilty, but why? I can't wait to read the next update; nice chapter as always :)