The Words

To : people out there.

Dear people, through this blog I wanna say some points, it is up to you wanna hear it or ignore it like screwed napkin.

Dear people, We hit 2018. We have rapid technology development. We have good degrees and Impressive Education background. We live in heterogeneous society. Many things happened already. The shifting and changing of way of thinking should be done. It is not a time where we should be trapped within traditional and conservative way of thinking. We must aware that today is different with yesterday. Yesterday is a history, today as well.. it will be history when we hit the future. The main point that I wanna deliver is about flexibelity of way of thinking and behaving. Don't feel like you are the Mr or Mrs always right when you face a different thing. When you are facing taboo thing, don't be judgemental. Think before speak. Positions yourself on that one's shoes. Don't be forceful.. because you are in the position where the majority of society stand on the same boat as you...because it's annoying. Positions yourself where you see the things comprehensively. I personally try my best to respect other people, I cherish them as human. I respect their decision to be atheist, hardcore worshippers, being straight, being gay, being carefree, or being devouts. I try my best to not forcing my opinion or my response of a thing. Don't you people ever heard about being democratic and respecting other's choice and privacy?. What's right according to you is not always right thing according to me, you know that. I know you have good intention by doing such action, I try to be a positivist here. But, my respect towards you are decreasing slowly...but sure. I try to control my emotion and rage everytime you guys are judging me or forcing me to follow the common rules that you follow. I tried but I didn't feel the peace. It's like I'm being another person, not me. I'm sorry for the time I exploded like TNT and being rude and annoying as toward you guys. My patience reached the limit. I can't stand it anymore. If you can't accept me for whoever I am, I am allowing you to go away. IDGAF anymore. Do the things you wanna do, guys.. It's your right. But remember one thing, please know your position, don't intervene too far. I will give my respect to you without you are asking for it because you deserve to get it, but you will lost the respect if you deserve it too.



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Who pissed you off? Wow, that's totally a volcano eruption.