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Josh stared at Shin Hye's trouble expression.

"No takers yet?"

"This is so horrible!What am I going to do?"

"Just have faith, Shin Hye. Something good will come through."

"How about you keep up the faith for both of us, because I certainly can't. After the trip to Yeongam, I have 70,000 wons left. I can't afford to pay anyone, and if my landlord doesn't give me a little bit of extra time to find money for rent, I'm screwed."

"I'd give you a loan, but I spent all my extra cash on material for my sister's dress."

"Josh, you're such a sweetheart. But I wouldn't take your money. On the positive side, maybe I'll get lucky and find a model tonight." She knows she sounded a lot more hopeful than she probably looked. Her biggest fear was calling her uncle for money just to arrived back to Yeongam. She'd starve before she let that happen. She was kicking herself for spending money she didn't have on a plane ticket.




It was nine at night Taecyeon found a hotel room in Jeju. He rented a Jeep at the airport because the weather was calling for snow, and drove around for a while looking at the city, looking for Shin Hye. He was desperate. He found a little coffee shop and picked a table that had a newspaper on it.

I wonder if she's still sing in a bar. The thought of her having to fend off drunken men in a bar was making him angry. Maybe she's being protected by a boyfriend. As beautiful as Shin Hye is, she could easily attract men. God, what if she's happily involved with someone else? He quickly pushed that fear from his mind.

He began flipping through the local paper. Every time the bell chimed on the door, signaling that someone had walked into the coffee shop, he immediately looked up. Just when he was about to put the paper down after reaching the classified section, he saw it. A male model was needed and the applicant had to contact Park Shin Hye. His hands began to shake. With his phone, he answer the ad via email and used his real name. She wouldn't know who he was. Taecyeon went back to his hotel room and waited nervously.

He was grateful to receive such a quick response. They agreed to meet in the little coffee shop. She must live close to here! He immediately responded and said he could meet with her later this evening and that it wouldn't be too late. Taecyeon was complete wreck. He made sure he was dressed to the nines. If she's looking for a model, then I better play the part. Feeling satisfied with the way he looked, he headed out the door. He practiced over and over in his head what he'd say to her, but he knew when the time came, his tongue would tie in knots.



Shin Hye was exhausted. She had no choice but to meet this guy. He said he didn't have any photos of himself and the camera on his phone was broken. But he'd agreed to model for free. Please, please,please be the one! She slipped on a pair of clean black slacks, a blue sweater, and her leather jacket she found at the clearance rack at the mall. It wasn't even warm but it was the best she had. In the strong, cold wind, she quickly made her way to the coffee shop, even running part of the way. The temperature was frigid, and the neighborhood wasn't exactly safe. She sat down at a table and looked around. All she saw was a man staring at her from inside a vehicle. He was making her feel uneasy.

Taecyeon watched her go in the coffee shop and look around. She picked a little table in the middle for safety. Good girl, Shin Hye. Climbing out of the vehicle, he pulled the collar up on his wool coat, kept his face down, and walked in.

Shin Hye stared at the man as he walked towards her. She wasn't sure if she knew him or not, but his height, the way he walked, gave her a familiar feeling. Why is he covering up his face like that?

Taecyeon put his collar back down and looked in her eyes. He had to try and hide his nervousness. He was petrified that she'd take off without a word. "Hi, Shin Hye, it's really good to see you again. May I sit down?"

"You moved to Jeju Island?" Oh my God. She wanted to hit him. Her heart began to pound.

He tried to sound confident, but knew he was making the hole he was in, even bigger. "No, not quite. It's a long story and I'd like the chance to explain everything--"

"I don't have time for this Donghee-ssi, I'm waiting for someone." She was blinking back tears, which is what happens to her when she gets enraged.

"You're waiting for Ok Taecyeon-ssi."

"Wait, how do you know that?" She quickly began buttoning her coat, but her fingers were shaking too badly. The man behind the coffee counter had walked to the back. She was alone with him.

"I'm Ok Taecyeon."

"That's your real name?" She tried to keep her voice calm, not believing him for a second. If he was as crazy as she thought, and if she made him angry, he'd chase her down if she tried to run.

"Yes, and I'm sorry I never told you the truth." Taecyeon looked down at the ground feeling ashamed. It's pretty bad when  you're a grown man and your father had to send you away and yank your real name from you, just to make you grow up.

"Oh I see, so the nice things you said to me to get me into your bed were backed with a fake name so you could leave town and not be found! You son of a !" Shin Hye got up and ran to the door. She flung it open and the cold wind hit her in the face as hard as Taecyeon's words.

"Shin Hye, stop! Please!"

Out of breath, she reached her apartment door. Her hands were shaking so badly, it took all she had just to hold the key. Aiming it at the keyhole was a different matter. She dropped it twice.

"Please, let me at least talk to you."

Shin Hye felt she would vomit from the sound of his voice. Her blood had rushed to her neck and face. She could feel her heart pounding. Thoughts of him being so sincere in the meadow, I won't hurt you and trust me when all along he was nothing but a liar. Visions of her cousin lying on the ground with a bloody face, and his accusations.. he basically called me a money seeking . He was nothing but a liar! I spilled my guts to him and he pretended to care. On my God! 

"There's nothing to say. I don't even know you!" More tears began to fall from her eyes. She'd actually started to care for this guy. How could I have been so stupid?!

"You do!" he yelled desperately. He had to explain everything. This can't be how this ends.

Finally she unlocked the door and ran inside. Taecyeon got past the door and into the apartment before she could stop him. She picked up the phone and start to dialed the police number.

"Do I have to call the cops, Mr.Whoeverthehellyouare?" she yelled frantically.

"Look, I'll even stand right here at the door, and I'll open it back up and leave it that way. I want to talk to you for fifteen minutes. That's all I ask," Taecyeon begged.

"Then you'll leave?" Shin Hye was livid and breathing hard.

"Then I'll turn around and walk away. You'll never hear from me again." The thought of having to permanently walk out of her life was almost crippling him with pain.

"Okay, start talking. If you even come near me I'll beat your ."

"Shin Hye, I was a jerk. I grew up being an immature jackass with a lot of money. My abeoji sent me away to teach me how to become a grown up, and thank God he did. He change my identity and sent me from a luxurious penthouse, I drove an expensive sports car, to Yeongam where a beat up pickup waited for me. I had to shovel horse for a living. I wanted to tell you who I was, but I was forbid me to disclose my true identity. I had to prove to him that I could make it on my own and learn some things about life. If I had failed, I would have lost the family business. I would have lost all his respect and that would have been incredibly painful for me."

Shin Hye wanted to believe him. The way he said it sounded true, but her mind wasn't going to risk being deceived again. One thing she'd learned, was that trusting a man got her hurt. She was also hurt and angry.

"So, how did that waitress in the bar play into this? Was she a lesson too?" Shin Hye reached up and wiped tears off her face. "You're such a player."

"Like I said, I was an immature jackass." He wasn't even tempted to make excuses for that stunt he pulled.

"Say that again..." She wanted him to pay for everything he'd done to hurt her.

"I was an immature jackass. But I'm not anymore. Yes, I used women for . I wanted no commitment. I had no feelings for any of them and I didn't even know their last names. You were correct in calling me a pig that day." He lowered his face while his cheeks burned red.

"How am I supposed to believe you?" She wanted an answer. She wanted an answer that would prove to her she's be safe if she believed him.

"Spend some time with me, let me be your model and get to know me," He began while he looked her in the eyes. "I don't want you staying here, Shin Hye, it's not safe. I'll rent you a room close to campus or on campus. I'll buy you a car. I hate the fact that you're running around this town. I'm afraid you're going to get hurt."

"My apartment isn't safe? It's funny, because this neighborhood has hurt me a lot less than you have!" Tears began to flow again. She didn't bother to wipe them away. Shin Hye needed him to see how much pain he'd caused her.

"If you want,I'll take you on a plane and you can come and meet my family." He softly said, trying to calm her down some.

"Seriously? You think I'd just pick up and leave with you? Oh my God, you're crazy!" Did he really think I'd cave in to his soft voice, and a puppy dog eyes?

"Look me up on the internet then. Look up my abeoji, our business, our address," pleaded Taecyeon. He was getting desperate and his voice was showing it.

"Your fifteen minutes are up. Get out." She demanded and pointed to the door.

"Here's my mobile phone number, and I'm staying at the hotel. Call if you want me to help you. If I don't hear back, I'll know you want me gone. Take care, Shin Hye." Taecyeon walked out the door and close it quietly behind him.

She ran to the door and pressed her palms against it. She didn't know what to think, as part of her wanted to smack him, the other part wanted to believe him. He certainly dressed like he was wealthy. Having money doesn't mean you don't as a person. She was startled from her thoughts when her phone rang.

"When do you plan on paying rent? It was due two days ago."

"Ahjuma, I'm really sorry. I work this weekend, so I can pay you when they pay me. Is there any way you can wait?"

"How quickly can you move? I have a long list of students who can pay for the room. You've been habitually late with every payment."

"Ahjuma, please?!"

"I'm sorry, Shin Hye, but I'd appreciate you vacating so I don't have to take legal action to have you eveicted."

Her heart sank as she listened to the dial tone. Knowing there was no way she could get to Yeongam, no way to contact her cousin Nolan, and no way she'd be able to survive a week on the streets before her next paycheck, she slumped to the floor and burst into tears. Her dreams were shattered.




Shin Hye stared a

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Chapter 11: Hi authornim, i glad because finally i can read ff about taecshin. Thank you for make this story, and please can you continue this ff? I really love this story
cometstar #2
Chapter 11: pls update my dear. u r great.keep it up.thank's to you.
Zaeema #3
Chapter 11: Where is the next page. does it ends here ?
Zaeema #4
Chapter 11: Where is the next page. does it ends here ?
marthcec15 #5
Wow! TaecShin fanfic, thank you Miss Ness! I'm seriously shipping this pair.
TianaElaine #6
Chapter 11: Omg giddiness overload! Thank you so much for a wonderful chapter where TaecShin finally confess their love for one another. So torn since I'm a YongShin fan but after watching 3MAD, I'm such a TaecShin fan as well. It's hard to deny the genuine chemistry between those two on the show. And really, I just really care for Shin to be happy and Taec just seems like a nice guy for her as well. Can't wait for the next chapters!
Chapter 11: I love it.. Thank you ^^
JosieP1 #8
Chapter 11: Hi thank you for this wonderful story......waiting for your update.......hope I will one soon.........
Chapter 10: OK. No need to answer. I love the chemistry between these two. I ship them so hard.
Chapter 2: New reader here :) Was this inspired by 3 meals a day? :)