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Roxie sat at the kitchen table, completely consumed with worry. It wasn't as if Bruce Fairhaven was going to quietly go away. It was getting pretty late but Roxie didn't feel like she should close her eyes. Truth be told, closed door didn't keep out the bad. She felt like a sitting duck, and now she'd worry both Taecyeon and Timothy. She knew that look in Bruce's eye better than anyone. If Bruce made a threat, you should treat it like a promise. If Taecyeon or Timothy got hurt she'd never forgive herself. She wished she could adequately explain just how evil and dangerous Bruce is.

Her fears didn't escape Taecyeon. "You've been shredding tissues left and right. My abeoji has made sure things are going to be okay. It might take some time for all necessary paperwork to go through, but Bruce won't be getting this farm, and your horses are going to be okay. I can stay up here in the house so you're not alone." He wished he could take her and the horses immediately away, but he couldn't. He wished his father would have hit Bruce harder.

"That's sweet of you. But I've lived alone for ten years, and I'm not worried about anything happening to me. I'm worried about the horses. They're locked in the barn and Bruce knows that."

"I'll sleep down in my old room then. I'll keep an eye on your girls, so don't worry about them. You should try to get some sleep though, Eomeonim." Taecyeon didn't think he was going to ease the woman's fears. He couldn't blame her.

"I'll be just fine." She got up and reached inside a desk drawer. "Here's the key to you room. Don't go worrying about me, you hear?"

"I'll always worry about you,Eomeonim. Call me if you can't sleep or if you need anything, and I mean it." He took the key and a flashlight, kissed her cheek, and headed down to the barn.

He went in through the back entrance. As soon as he opened the door, the fresh scent that he'd been missing filled his senses. He felt such comfort seeing the things that Roxie had made, especially the beautiful quilt. Stripping down to his boxers, Taecyeon slipped under the covers and closed his eyes.

Shin Hye immediately came into his thoughts. Where is she? He could picture her so clearly and wished more than anything he could take that entire,horrible day back. Taecyeon's evil accusations, his behavior towards that waitress, even hitting her cousin was eating at him. The behavior she exhibited with Nolan could have very well been platonic to any passerby. But Taecyeon had to jumped to conclusions. She'll never forgive me. I've lost my chance with her.

Sometimes after three in the morning, Taecyeon fell into a deep sleep. At four, the sounds of the horses screaming and kicking their stalls brought to his feet. Black smoke was leaking into his room. Throwing on his clothes and boots as fast as he could, he grabbed the flashlight and opened the door leading inside the barn. He couldn't see much through the smoke, but the bright, riveting fire toward the front of the barn was terrifying and spreading fast. He pulled up his shirt to cover his nose and mouth and felt his way to the big sliding door on the side of the barn, unlatched it, and slid it open. The horses were wild with fear. He had to get them out of there. Standing with his back to the fire, he opened the  stall doors and hoped they wouldn't run the wrong way. He began waving his arm and, luckily, the horses bolted outside. He remember Roxie telling him they could sense his fear, so he tried to remain calm. It wasn't easy. The barn was too engulfed in flames to be slowed by a hose. He didn't even attempt it.

Roxie was already running towards the barn when Taecyeon met her halfway.

"They're out, Eomeonim, stop! The horses aren't in the barn, they're okay. We have to get a vet and the fire department out here!" Taecyeon had to yell. Roxie nodded her head and went running back inside the house.

By the time the fire department and volunteers arrived, the barn was completely collapsing. The vet arrived within an hour with the large pickup and horse trailer. Catching two frigthened horses proved to be a challenge. But as daylight began to approach, improved visibility was helping them. The vet brought out ropes to help capture them, but Roxie walked to the end of the pasture and whistled, the girls came to her. Taecyeon opened up the fence so the vet could back the trailer up instead of walking the horses near the barn to the main gate.

Taecyeon drove Roxie to the vet's office so the horses could examined for burns and smoke inhalation. Luckily, they were just frightened but were going to be okay. He wanted to keep them over night at his clinic to make sure. That was a big relief; the horses had no more shelter at the farm.

He stepped outside the vet's office and called hi father. "Bruce burned the barn down. The horses are okay, but only because I was sleeping in an attached room and heard the commotion. I didn't see the scumbag, but I know it was him. We have to get these horses out of this town today. He'll kill them both."

"That stupid little man...I'll call you right back, Taecyeon. He could have killed the horses, but more importantly, he could have killed you!" Taecyeon never heard his father talk with that much vengeance. He hung up the phone, and seeing Roxie's worried face, he wrapped his arms around her.

"What am I going to do with the girls? There isn't a safe place for them in this town." She let the tears flow as Taecyeon held her.

"We're getting you and the horses out of here today. They'll be safe at the clinic until we move them. I'm coming back to your house with you and we're going to get this moving thing going. You're done with this town. Bruce has no idea who he picked a fight with."

Driving back to the house, Taecyeon noticed the police car pulling into the  driveway.

The officer approached the red pickup and motioned for the driver to stop. "Are you Ok Taecyeon?"

"Yes I am, and this is Mrs. Roxie Fairhaven. She lives here."

"I just got off the phone with you abeoji. We picked up Bruce-ssi. A farmer has come forward as a witness to some conversation with him regarding the barn fire and his plan to kill the horses in that fire. He was also charged with the assault against Mrs. Fairhaven. I'll be staying outside until you're set to leave."

"Gomabseubnida, we really appreciate it." Taecyeon could tell by the look on the officer's face that he'd listened to loud demands from an angry father in Seoul.

Roxie and Taecyeon were going from room to room, gathering items she wanted to keep. The things she made, some family heirlooms from her mother,photographs, and a few other odds and ends were all that were chosen. She didn't want anything else, especially not all of her clothes. Just a few outfits would be good enough. All of her clothes were hand-me-downs from his late husband or very outdated women's clothing.

"I'm going to buy you all new things. You don't have to take any of these,Eomeonim." He looked in her closet with sadness and visions of his Lamborghini. He felt so much guilt

"It's fine, Taecyeon-ah, I'm not a freeloader," she laughed. "I'll find myself a little job to help me make ends meet. I will pay rent and pay for my horses." When Roxie had her hands on her hips, you knew she meant business, but he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"We'll figure everything out when we get there, okay?Eomeonim." You aren't doing anything but lavishing yourself in luxuries, having servants, playing with your horses, and being shown more love than you've ever known.  If he could turn back the hands of time, and erase all her painful memories, he'd gladly do it. The best thing he could do right now is keep his anger at bay, and convince her to get out of Yeongam.

She agreed, reluctantly.

When Taecyeon closed and locked the door to the house, Roxie took one last look at the land.

"Are you okay with this? My abeoji meant what he said. If you want to stay, he really will do all things he said he would.Eomeonim"

"It's time for me to move on and maybe enjoy doing something else. Hopefully I can find a different kind of job!" Roxie laughed and Taecyeon joined her.

You aren't ever working again, he thought, but kept on smiling. He cancelled the movers and lifted the few boxes in the limo to be put on the jet. He wanted to keep the pickup parked at the farm so it'd look like someone was there. He doubted anyone beside Bruce would want to bring harm, but he couldn't be sure.

Roxie was like a little girl inside the limo. She pushed all the buttons, raised and lowered the partition, and Taecyeon was having a field day just watching her. It was the simple things in life that brought her such joy, and all he'd done was take everything for granted. His father did spoil him out  of love, but it was he himself who took advantage of his generosity by always wanting more. He didn't acknowledge or appreciate simplicity until he went to Fairhaven Farm and met this woman who'd so easily entered his heart. I was living blind.

When the limo stopped, Taecyeon watched Roxie freeze, and her smile fade. He knew it was because she was leaving Yeongam, the home she'd known all her life, and he could totally relate to how fearful she was. He smiled and assisted her out of the limo.

Walking up to the plane, she grabbed Taecyeon's arm.

"Are you okay? If you want to stay in Yeongam, I'll make that happen and come to visit you every weekend."

"Don't laugh at me, but I've never flown before..."

"It'll be fine, and I think you'll love flying.I'll sit right beside you." He took her by the hand and led her up the steps.

"Are you sure the horses are okay? I'm worried about them."

"My abeoji is paying for the veterinarian at the clinic to transport them to Seoul. He has a technician riding along, and they're already on the road. If you'd like you can call them from the plane to check on your girls. Eomeonim

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Chapter 11: Hi authornim, i glad because finally i can read ff about taecshin. Thank you for make this story, and please can you continue this ff? I really love this story
cometstar #2
Chapter 11: pls update my dear. u r great.keep it up.thank's to you.
Zaeema #3
Chapter 11: Where is the next page. does it ends here ?
Zaeema #4
Chapter 11: Where is the next page. does it ends here ?
marthcec15 #5
Wow! TaecShin fanfic, thank you Miss Ness! I'm seriously shipping this pair.
TianaElaine #6
Chapter 11: Omg giddiness overload! Thank you so much for a wonderful chapter where TaecShin finally confess their love for one another. So torn since I'm a YongShin fan but after watching 3MAD, I'm such a TaecShin fan as well. It's hard to deny the genuine chemistry between those two on the show. And really, I just really care for Shin to be happy and Taec just seems like a nice guy for her as well. Can't wait for the next chapters!
Chapter 11: I love it.. Thank you ^^
JosieP1 #8
Chapter 11: Hi thank you for this wonderful story......waiting for your update.......hope I will one soon.........
Chapter 10: OK. No need to answer. I love the chemistry between these two. I ship them so hard.
Chapter 2: New reader here :) Was this inspired by 3 meals a day? :)