Chapter 2

Till Death Do Us Part
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Ji eun rested her chin on the window sill as she looked out; her dreamy eyes taking in the long wide street they were now driving in. Two-story buildings lined each side; looking like a blur of whiteness as they swiftly drifted by.

They were now in one of the finest parts of the city, a place that Ji eun hardly, if ever, passed by. It was a little secluded; having been established on the outskirts of the city, so it can give its residents their needed privacy. Politicians, business men, heirs and heiresses where the ones who could be found in such a refined area, that Ji eun couldn’t help but feel like someone might come up and censure her for stepping a foot here.

The car started slowing down after the GPS’s declared that they neared their desired destination. Sitting next to her was Sehun who was, true to his word, driving her to her first therapy session. His narrowed eyes alternated from side to the other as he focused on the numbers of buildings.

‘Never trust the GPS.’ He’d told her one night with a tired sigh for that thing was misleading and not reliable, and apparently, he still hasn’t gotten over his trust-issues.

The GPS lady spoke again, announcing that they finally reached their destination. Much to Sehun’s surprise, it got the address right and he finally brought the car to a stop. When Ji eun let herself take in her surroundings, she was left in awe.

She tried hard not to gawk at the building in front of them. It looked pretty much like its neighbouring ones, with the low black fence and all. On each side of the short footpath, was green grass lined with various colourful types of flowers. Their beautiful scent wafted on the soft breeze and swayed softly like miniature editions of ballerinas that whirled to some sort of music only they got to hear.

Ji eun couldn’t help but wonder what it was like to actually live in a place like this and to wake up every morning to such sight. She thought of her apartment building where various garbage cans lined beside the entrance with their nauseating smell. And the leaking pipes that dampened her narrow street with greyish droplets of water whereas here, water sprinklers created a faded prism. She thought of her building’s exterior; the crippled painting, the huge black spots resulted from many years of accumulated dirt and cobwebs that were spotted on the edges and corners. This one in front of her looked new compared to her own.

She silently wondered, how can two people in such a small city, live like they were worlds apart.

“Is this really his office?” Ji eun questioned in incredulity, her breath leaving a little foggy circle on the window. Sehun’s eyes flickered towards her as he unbuckled his seatbelt. Her voice was distant, like she was miles away, and perhaps she was. Looking at her profile, he could see how her eyes were intently staring at the place; like she was trying to catch a glimpse of the life beyond these walls. Was she comparing this life to hers? There was a possibility, a huge one too. After all, he had seen her house once when Yongguk was away for the day. He recalled the look of surprise on her face when she opened the door and found him standing there. He had initially thought that she would be thrilled; that she would welcome him with utmost delight. Little did he know; there was a side of Ji eun he knew nothing about, the side where she felt incredibly embarrassed and ashamed of the life and the place she had to live in.

Perhaps she had thought then that he would belittle her, make fun of her considering his wealthy background and the life he led. And in all honesty, he could not blame her, he would’ve surely thought and felt the same way too.

“It’s his house.” He answered shortly after. “He doesn’t work with patients anymore; only very few. Chanyeol’s told me that he’s now more interested in researches than the clinical work. So, this is like his house slash work place.”

Her head bobbed up and down, but then suddenly stopped; seemingly his words only now sinking in. She turned to him, an incredulous look on her face, and Sehun detected another emotion flashing in her eyes… was it anger? “Did you pay him more?” She inquired.

“Why would I?” He frowned in genuine confusion.

“To see me.” She said. “You said that he does not see patients anymore, so you surely had to pay extra money so he can agree to this.” She concluded herself in annoyance.

“Do you actually think I would do that?”

“Why not? You already paid for a month-worth of sessions without my consent. I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“First it came from a pure intention of wanting to help you.” He held out his hands when she was about to protest. “And second, wouldn’t that be considered as some kind of bribery?” He asked. “I wouldn’t steep low. I would’ve surely sought someone else if this one had asked for extra money, which by the way, he did not.” He added the last part a bit more sharply like that was some kind of a known fact she should’ve been aware of.

She regarded him in thoughtfulness, seemingly trying to decide whether he was telling the truth or not. As a matter of a fact, he actually was saying the truth. All he had to do was ask Chanyeol if he would see her, and the latter agreed right away.

“C’mon, we don’t want to miss your appointment.” He ordered before she had the chance to argue any further and climbed out of the car.

 “Yes… we surely don’t want that to happen.” She muttered under her breath; sarcasm dripping off her voice. It wasn’t long before she started trailing behind him; walking on the short footpath until they eventually reached the front door.

The door was painted black with a small frosted arched window on its upper half, patterned with a contemporary design. Underneath their feet was a door matt with the word ‘welcome’ printed in the centre, and on each side of the door stood two plant pots. The plants were shaped into a ball with very few white flower petals apparent on its surface. The house’s number was centralized on the door, and atop of it was a small knocker. Having found no doorbell, Sehun’s hand went for it and softly joggled it a couple of times.

Ji eun could feel her stomach tying into knots as they waited; her hands fumbling in nervousness. She tried to imagine what the doctor looked like, and indeed a picture popped in her mind. It was one where an old male figure sat behind a long desk with heaps of papers piling over it. He looked like he was in his nineties with wrinkles sagging his entire face. Red veins were shown in his eyes; his gaze hard and a little frightening. A pipe was dangling from his mouth because… don’t most old people smoke? Her father did, but he couldn’t afford pipes and cigars, so he always settled with cheap cigarettes that polluted their house with its sickening stench. He so reminded her of her father with his roughness, and Ji eun hurriedly tried to get rid of that image that was slowly turning into one of the man, she wished not to be reminded of. If he did look like that, she would certainly end up running out of there. Be he huge or not, she did not care.

“Maybe no one’s in there.” Ji eun voiced her thoughts loudly. The few minutes that’d passed rose hope inside of her. Maybe she wouldn’t have to encounter with any strangers today; the thought sounded blissful. Sehun was about to reach for the knocker again when Ji eun caught his wrist.

“Let go.” He ordered with an exasperated sigh.

“No.” she shook her head; her hand tightening around his wrist instinctively. “No one’s in there.” She repeated again, this time sounding surer. “Let’s go someplace else; have a drink or something.” She spoke hurriedly; her hand still holding his wrist as she turned around; ready to leave, but he didn’t budge.

“I’m not leaving.” He deadpanned as he shook his hand a little; trying to free his wrist from her tightened grasp.

“Sehun… please.” The words fled in desperation as she struggled to drag him away. With now both of her hands holding his wrist, she tried to push his body with hers away from the door. But he was equally stubborn, his other hand struggling to scrape her fingers away. “Ji eun, let go.” He hissed as the two continued quarrelling; neither of them seemingly wanting to give in to the other.

Sehun lowered his face as he tried to rise their tangled mess up a little; bringing it closer to his mouth. Realizing that he was about to use the habitual tactic of his, Ji eun hurriedly tried to move their hands away from him. “Sehun. No.”

“Sehun, don’t you dare bite-” The two stopped dead in their tracks, her words hanging in the air when the door suddenly swung open. Their hands were still entangled together as they both stared, with widened eyes, at the lady standing in front of them.

She was dressed in a grey suit with a white button-down shirt tugged into her skirt, her attire looking as if it’d been ironed on her body, and her five centimetres heels were squeaky clean like she had spent the entire night polishing them. Strands of silver were visible in her black hair that was tightly pulled up into a sleek chignon; one that would surely end up giving her a terrible migraine.

Her oval face was bony, with a sharp jawline and pointed nose and chin, making her eyes look a little popped out. They were in a faded green colour; almost turning into a shade of grey. Her lips flattened into a thin-line as she took in the sight of the two of them. Her eyes raked over them from head to toe, but it wasn’t a demeaning look, Ji eun realized, more like she was trying to figure out who these two were. She slightly wondered, what that lady thought when her eyes landed on her. Someone as sophisticated as her, what did she think of when she looked at someone as lowly as Ji eun? She pushed that question, so far away for she dreaded its answer.

“May I help you?” The lady’s voice came out so soft that Ji eun had to strain herself to hear it. She was used to loudness and noisiness all the time that this tone sounded almost foreign to her. It also held authority that got Ji eun wondering if she was the wife. Her gaze flickered briefly towards her ring finger, and surely enough, she saw the gleam of the wedding gold band.

As if snapping back to reality, Sehun hurriedly straightened up as he cleared his throat; his demeanour instantly changing into one of authority. “Is this doctor Do Kyungsoo’s residence?” He gestured towards Ji eun. “This’s Lee Ji eun, his new patient. I believe she has an appointment?”

Ji eun had to refrain herself from laughing at Sehun and how ridiculously quickly he changed his attitude. When they were in high school, his attitude always used to change so hastily whenever he had to speak with one of the teachers. She had no idea he still had the talent.

“Miss Lee, yes.” She nodded curtly. “If you would come with me, doctor Do’s waiting for you in his office.” She demanded before she averted her eyes. Following her gaze, Ji eun unconsciously withdrew her hands away from Sehun when she noticed that they were still intertwined together. Sehun seemed to notice because his eyes flew towards her; a frown making its way towards his face. He looked slightly… disappointed? Ji eun couldn’t be so sure.

“Mister…?” The lady averted her gaze back to Sehun.

“Sehun, Oh Sehun.” He finished for her, a little more sharply than he intended.

“Mister Oh, if you wouldn’t mind me requesting for you to wait outside. The session only takes one hour, but unfortunately, Doctor Do doesn’t allow any company with his patients.” She didn’t sound unapologetic, yet Sehun couldn’t help but feel a little offended. He definitely hated this lady; he mentally concluded.

“Why not?” Ji eun tried to sound collected, but her voice betrayed her for it was laced with unmistakeable annoyance.

“I’m sorry, Miss Lee. I do not mean to offend you in any way. I’m only following the orders here.” She made an obeisance, and it was then that Ji eun realized that this lady was merely a maid here. If the maid looked like this, then how would the householders look like? Bathed in jewellery?

She looked down; her creased shirt with her faded jeans and torn white converse might not have been her greatest choice after all. She fumbled with the shirt’s hem; her hands unconsciously pulling it further down like it could somehow cover the hideous attire of hers.

“It’s okay.” Came in Sehun’s voice shortly after. He then turned to Ji eun; his eyes soft as he looked at her. In all honesty, he was as annoyed as Ji eun was right then, but he didn’t want to start a useless argument now with clearly the wrong person. “I’ll pick you up after an hour, okay?”

For some weird reason, disappointment washed over Ji eun. She didn’t think he’ll make a big deal over it, but she didn’t think he’ll just give up so easily either. She’d expected for him to smooth-talk the lady, to convince her about staying here in the house. He didn’t necessarily have to stay in the same room with her. The sole thought of him being there; somewhere near her certainly would ease her nerves a bit. Besides Yongguk, Ji eun’s never stayed in a house alone with a man, let alone one who was a complete stranger. Even the one time Sehun’s come to visit, Suzy was with him. 

Sehun drew out a long tired sigh; his hands massaging his forehead. Turning to him, Ji eun’s mistook his frustration for fatigue. He must've been exhausted, she silently concluded, considering that he had to wake up 6 in the morning today to drive her to here. Although it was his suggestion, it didn't mean him being obliged to do this. Yet here she was, wanting to call the entire thing off just because she, a twenty years old woman and soon to be twenty one, was scared of being alone with the opposite when girls 10 years younger than her do it all the time. Ji eun eventually nodded with a rather forced appreciative smile. God only knew, that she was only doing this for his sake.

She was about to follow the maid inside when Sehun caught up her wrist; bringing her steps into a halt. “I’ll be here.” For some reason, he felt the need to assure her because in that moment, she just looked like a frightened little girl whose parents have left behind. The sight of her now reminded him of a certain dreadful memory, but he quickly shook his head to get rid of it. This, right now, was an entirely different thing and in no way it could be compared to that day; he convinced himself.

Ji eun didn’t spare him another look. She drew her hands out of his grasp and followed the maid inside. The colour drained from her face while she walked; the unfamiliarity of the place hitting her like a cold wave sending shivers to her spine.

Her legs stopped momentarily. She stood in the foyer in uncertainty, her eyes travelling down to her shoes

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TaheeraR #1
Chapter 2: i honestly like the way of your writing. I think you have good english, authornim!
PearLee #2
Chapter 3: ! I want more :D Thanks for the update still!
PearLee #3
Chapter 2: what's up with sehun's nickname..haha but can't wait for jieun and kyungsoo to meet~
Salsal28 #4
Chapter 2: Poor jieun :(
I'm curious what's up with jieun-sehun and sehun-suzy? And DO is the psychiatrist? o.O
It's interesting, can't wait for next update xD
itawindi #5
Cool I really like , next I wait
nindyakesuma #6
Chapter 1: Omo, is Jieun already married to .... yongguk ?? Poor Jieun:(
PearLee #7
Chapter 1: yongguk ;/