Thinking Out Loud

Music Box

I've decided to turn this into a JeTi collection. However, it's different in that these stories will be based on songs. So it would be awesome if you guys recommended songs on the comments section, and if I like what I hear, I'll write a story based on it.

This one is Ed Sheeran's Thinking Out Loud :)



“Argh! She’s pissing me off!” The exasperated bad conscience shouted but unfortunately, only the good conscience could hear her. Too bad the stupid Jessica Jung wasn’t listening to her suggestions because of sheer will.


“You have to have patience. She’s still trying to learn. No one starts off as an expert on love when they have a crush on someone.”


“Who are you trying to kid? We both hear her thoughts, you know? If she actually said them aloud, she’d finally be dating Tiffany Hwang instead of looking like a lost confused loser all the time!”


“Is that all you think about? She doesn’t have to date Tiffany Hwang if she’s not ready.” The good conscience that looked like a miniature Jessica in an angel costume said with her head shaking.


The devil grinned mischievously with wings appearing behind her back. “No, that’s all she thinks about. Well, screw the thinking, she’s finally going to say what’s on her mind.”


“Where are you go-“


The good conscience sighed as the bad one disappeared. She was sure the latter was up to no good.


The bad conscience had climbed onto the giant version of herself, rubbing her hands in anticipation.


“Jessica Jung, prepare to think out loud.” What followed next were a snap and a sprinkle of conscience dust on Jessica’s sleeping figure.




“Even when she holds a pen, she looks so gorgeous.”


Snickers enveloped the air as a Jessica Jung was too shocked for words at what she had said out loud.


Why did she just say that out loud?! Oops, she said that out loud too.


“Beats me. Now, if you’re done interrupting my class, can we continue with the lesson?”


Jessica’s hands flew over and nodded furiously. She was speaking her thoughts aloud and couldn’t help herself.


“Aish! I just made a complete fool out of myself in front of her!” Jessica shouted quite upsettingly. Bad idea, or shall it be bad thought.


Her classmates were staring at her again, even Tiffany Hwang.


“Jessica! Is there someone you want to say this to?! Please do it now so we can get this over with!” Annoyed with the girl’s interruptions, the teacher threw her hands over her hips and stared with absolute frustration.


“No, I’m not ready to confess! I-I mean I need to go to the restroom, excuse me!”


Jessica had run out of the classroom with her arms hugging her books. Just because she said she was using the restroom doesn’t mean she was going to come back. She couldn’t come back and face Tiffany.


She was now wandering around the hallway with no idea what to do. She’s never ditched before because she was a good girl who cared about her studies. Just then, in her peripheral vision she could see a female surrounded by three males. The guys were advancing toward the girl while she backed away.


“Hey! Leave her alone!” Jessica shouted from a distance, and almost dropped to her knees and begged for forgiveness when the males turned to her direction.


“Uh oh.” Jessica muttered, wanting to run the opposite direction.


They were now coming toward her, pulling the female with them.


“What did you say to us?”


“Are you deaf? I told you to leave her alone.” Jessica actually wanted to cry. Why was she antagonizing them? Why couldn’t her big mouth just shut up?


“Yeah, you should just keep your big mouth shut if you know what’s good for you.” The other guy responded to her comments that were supposed to be private. Eavesdropper.


“Guys don’t be mean. She’s pretty cute, let’s play with them both.”


With a disgusted look, Jessica pulled the female away from these sleaze-balls.


“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” Jessica heroically said to the girl.


“Ha! What are you going to do to us?”


“I don’t know any martial arts, and I’m weak, but you don’t need to know that. I’ll just pretend I’m skilled at combat until an authority figure arrives.”


Well there goes her secret plan. Jessica slapped her forehead, as did the female.


The bullies laughed with their hands over their stomachs.


“Aish! Let’s just run!” And there goes her element of surprise. Jessica quickly dragged the female the opposite direction, running for their lives.


“I think we lost them.” The panting female said as they made it outside.


“Yeah.” Jessica quickly released the girl’s hand when she noticed herself still holding onto it.


“You know, you’re a pretty unique heroine.” The female commented, moving her hand over Jessica’s bangs to tuck it behind her ear. “I’m glad you’re the one who saved me.”


With her eyes bulging out, Jessica took a step back. “Oh my god. Are you hitting on me? I’m flattered, really, but there's a girl that I already like.”


She really wished she hadn’t said that out loud, seeing the surprise in the latter’s eyes made her feel embarrassed.


“Wow, you’re very honest.” She said, sighing deeply to display her dissatisfaction.  “That girl is lucky to have you. What’s she like if you don’t mind me asking.”


“She’s pretty, smart, funny, outgoing, kind, with the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen. She’s also independent, responsible and takes care of the people she cares about. She’s just really incredible.” After Jessica’s long speech, she shrunk and made a whiney sound over how lovesick and pathetic she sounded.


“You’re that into her, huh? Okay, I get it. I don’t have a chance against someone like that. Well, thanks for helping me back there. Good luck with your love life. See ya.”


The girl left, relieving Jessica since she’s never felt so embarrassed in her life.


“Everything you just said, were you talking about me?”


“T-Tiffany!” Jessica heart was back to beating fast.


“Jessi, answer me.”


“You gave me a nickname.” Jessica blurted, feeling her stomach flutter. What were they talking about again?


“About the person that you like,” Tiffany’s voice was getting smaller, “I can’t help but think that it’s about me. Is it?”


Jessica was tense all of a sudden, facing her crush whose big, round eyes seemed to be threatening her to give a right answer or else those same puppy eyes would start weeping.


“The truth is…”


“So not cool. How dare you tie me up to keep me from fixing your dumb plan!” The good conscience huffed, but was completely ignored by the devil that was staring at Jessica and Tiffany.


She followed the direction of the devil’s eyes.


“Oh no, I’m too late. Aish, I can’t watch. Why didn’t you get rid of the spell? Look, she’s making a complete fool of herself.”


The devil didn’t look the least bit sorry, instead she had on a proud smirk to go along with her brilliant plan. “The spell wore off three minutes ago. What we’re seeing right now is all Jessica Jung talking.”


The stuttering, the biting of her lip, the downcast eyes while a burning sensation met her cheeks, the cheesy words yet romantic lines—it was all Jessica.


“I really like you, Tiffany.” Jessica was holding the hem of her skirt with her eyes looking away from those beautiful orbs that seemed to have all of her attention. She said it, but it still didn’t feel as though she was the owner of those words.




Jessica’s head whipped up, surprised by Tiffany’s response, and even more shocked when the girl grabbed her hand.


“You made me wait a whole year, Jung. I should have given up on you, but I’m glad I didn’t. I guess it was worth the wait since I finally get to see you be all flustered and adorable as you confess to me.” Tiffany teased, giggling and swinging their hands as they entered the school with students gasping left and right.


“S-Sorry.” Jessica pouted, tucking her chin down in embarrassment. She didn’t realize Tiffany was waiting for her. Never in her wildest dreams was she expecting such a fairy tale to come true.


“Apology unaccepted,” Tiffany replied, abruptly pulling her hand away.


Jessica was more saddened over her now lonely hand than over Tiffany’s unforgiving nature. Quickly, she pushed away that thought and stared at Tiffany, eyes searching for an answer. She got nothing.


Tiffany whispered, her lips barely grazing against Jessica’s ear as her hot breath hit a sensitive spot that had Jessica’s knees trembling, “You have to ask me out on a date, then I’ll forgive you.”


Did Jessica forget to mention that Tiffany was needy, demanding, and blunt as heck. She also had a knack for making it so that the world revolved around her, voluntarily or not.


And Jessica knew all of that even before she confessed. It was no surprise for the quiet yet attentive Jung. Maybe that’s why Jessica had fallen for this girl. She didn’t beat around the bush and was persistent when it came to the things she wanted. She admired the girl, yet also felt things that were beyond admiration.


Jessica’s nerves were now jittery with excitement. She felt like she could fly as her heart quickened. Completely driven by her feelings, Jessica boldly cupped Tiffany’s cheek. “Please go out with me, Tiffany.”


Jessica almost laughed, seeing the surprised look on Tiffany’s face. Either Tiffany’s makeup was like a mood ring that changed colors or Tiffany’s face was actually getting red.


“E-eels.” Tiffany blurted, feeling funny and surprised over this foreign feeling. She’s never felt so anxious around someone yet also have this yearning sensation build up inside of her over that same someone.


“Hm?” Jessica moved closer to Tiffany, their faces so close that Tiffany could see Jessica’s flawless skin and long eyelashes.


Tiffany moved back, but still kept Jessica’s hand against her cheek. “I want to eat eels,” she repeated a little more confidently but still in a soft whisper.


“Okay, whatever you want.” Jessica agreed almost immediately, smiling so sweet at Tiffany with doting eyes.


Suddenly, Jessica was pushed against the locker with Tiffany hands barricading Jessica in place. Then Jessica’s cheek was met with a pair of soft, luscious lips that was coated with strawberry-flavored lipgloss.


“I like it when you make my heart race, Jessi.” Tiffany said, kissing Jessica’s cheek in the same place until you could see the outline of Tiffany’s lips on her milky skin.


Jessica gulped, blushed and could feel her hands clamming up. Hey, don’t blame her. She was still new to this whole romance thing.


But there was one thing that she didn’t need to be an expert to know.


Someday, I’ll tell you that I love you.


And that was one thought that Jessica was going to keep in her head until the time was finally right to say it out loud.




“You know what? You’re not such a bad conscience.” The angel said, putting her arm around the devil’s shoulder as they watched the new couple’s silhouette disappear off into the distance. If it weren’t for the bad conscience, JeTi might not have progressed as quickly as it had.


With a disgusted look on her face, the devil turned away. “Ew. Keep your thoughts to yourself.” 

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Chapter 6: So nice and fluffy.. JeTi <3
Chapter 6: I loved it! XD cheesy
Chapter 6: Their promise is so cute and lovely one. I really like it though don't really care about Jessica's fiancée. Hahaha..
Chapter 6: Hahaha i don't feel bad for the fiancé xD
Chapter 6: This is cute! Super cute! Thanks for the update. ^^,
Chapter 6: Eeey beyond too cheesy xD love it! Poor the so-called fiance haha
Chapter 6: yes, a cheesy jeti story that's what I need now haha
thanks author
jeti0801 #8
nice shots!!!!
Chapter 5: Oh yeeaah really love this fluffy chapt (X update more fluff author! ^^