Soshi Bond

Music Box

Please listen to SNSD- Divine as you read this, I know I was while I was writing it ^^


“Hey, can we meet up?” Even through a text, it seemed like Jessica was whispering her request. She’s not sure if this was the right time to be doing this. It’s been almost a year since she’s last contacted Tiffany.


Five minutes went by, then thirty minutes but Jessica continued to hold onto her phone and stare at the screen, waiting for a response from the latter.


“Okay. The usual place?”


“Sure.” Jessica sent the message, letting out the breath she’s been holding in. Her fingers shook by the time she put her phone down. She opened the drawer beside her bed and reached for the small box before placing it gently into her bag.


This was it.




She was walking up to the café when she saw a familiar girl wearing a long overcoat. Her nose red and her eyes looked puffy. Jessica managed to catch the tear that Tiffany had immediately wiped away.


Taking a deep breath, Jessica pushed through the door and smiled as she walked up to her former member.




“Jessi.” Tiffany’s lips curved up, her eyes following after. It was a genuine smile with no bitter feelings lingering.


It’s been so long since they’ve seen each other that Jessica didn’t know how to act around her. Should she hug her, tell her she’s missed her?


None of the above. Jessica took a seat across from Tiffany and had her hands clasped together on the table.


“So… why did you want to see me?” There was stiffness to Tiffany’s stance, looks like she was as awkward as Jessica.


It had to be done now.


Taking a gulp of her burning coffee, Jessica ignored the burning sensation in and opened her purse to retrieve the box she had taken care of all these years.


When she placed the box on the table, Tiffany’s eyes widened and fell open. She knows that box. They all knew that box.


“No.” Tiffany firmly said, “Absolutely not.”


“P-Please Tiff.” Jessica begged, tears threatening to fall while Tiffany’s eyes were already releasing her tears.


“J-Jessi…” Tiffany’s eyes were pleading with Jessica. “No, it’s yours. It’ll always be yours.”


“I can’t keep it any longer. It’s the only way for things to finally end.”


“I don’t want it to end.” Tiffany’s voice cracked, her vision was blurred now.


Jessica was strong enough to blink back her tears. “It has to. Please take it.” Jessica had reached for Tiffany’s hands, they were both shaking as they stared at one another.


“F-fine, Jessi, if this is what you want.”


Before Jessica could thank the girl, Tiffany added, “But you give it to them.”


It looked like Tiffany wasn’t going to budge. She was set to have Jessica see them.






Tiffany had contacted everyone through their chatroom. Within an hour, all the members had arrived at their dorm, dropping whatever it is that they were doing to come.


“What’s wrong, unnie? It sounded urgent.” Seohyun said, her breathing uneven because she had ran back.


The rest of the members were behind Seohyun, giving questioning looks to Tiffany who was blocking them from entering the dorm.


“Before you guys come in, I just want to tell you beforehand that there’s someone in the room.”


The members stiffened upon hearing Tiffany’s words. They weren’t positive who it was, but maybe their wishes have been granted and the person they’ve been hoping to see all this time is behind that door.


One by one, the members entered the dorm, and as if their prayers have been answered right before their eyes, they saw Jessica sitting on the couch with her legs crossed.


“U-unnie.” Yoona finally breaking the silence and stares and taking that first step toward Jessica.


Jessica forced a smile, her legs were quivering by the time she stood up. Should she shake their hands, kiss and hold them tightly?


Nope. Jessica’s hands were firmly against her sides as she stared intensely at each and every member.


The members were looking back at her with guilt, sadness, longing in their eyes. They looked broken, just as she.


“Jessi, tell them.” Tiffany was by Jessica’s side, giving her the strength to finally do what she came here to do.


She pulled out the box that made the members give the same reaction as Tiffany had done just before.


“Sica, please tell me you’re not planning to do this.” Yuri was already in tears as she took two strides toward Jessica, holding her wrist tightly as she silently pleaded with the latter.


“I am.” Jessica gently pulled her wrist free and opened the box. “Please, take it back. It doesn’t belong to me anymore.”


“It’s yours, Sica. Please, keep it.” Sunny, the energy pill was drained. She ran over to Jessica and hugged her.


And like a chain reaction, the rest of the members were hugging Jessica. They’ve missed her so much. Things didn’t end the way they wanted it to, but one mistake does not discount for all the memories they’ve shared together.


The Soshi bond will always be there, even if they’re no longer striving for the same dream.


“You will forever be a Girls’ Generation member, our best friend, and our sister.” Taeyeon, the leader of the group finally spoke up when everyone else was too in pain to.


And then after all attempts to keep herself together, Jessica cried in the arms of her members, her friends, her sisters.


Hyoyeon had the honor of taking the Soshi friendship ring out of the box while Sooyoung placed it on Jessica’s finger.


Girls’ Generation were grinning and smiling at each other, looking ugly and human as their mascara and makeup were ruined.


With their hands outstretched towards the center, together as nine complete members, they chanted, “Right now, it’s Girls’ Generation. From now on, it’s Girls’ Generation. Forever, it’s Girls’ Generation!”



Tell me what you guys thought. I don't usually write serious stories, but I thought I would do it just for this one time. Wrote it in one sitting, so I'm not sure how it is since I didn't read it over hehe.

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Chapter 6: So nice and fluffy.. JeTi <3
Chapter 6: I loved it! XD cheesy
Chapter 6: Their promise is so cute and lovely one. I really like it though don't really care about Jessica's fiancée. Hahaha..
Chapter 6: Hahaha i don't feel bad for the fiancé xD
Chapter 6: This is cute! Super cute! Thanks for the update. ^^,
Chapter 6: Eeey beyond too cheesy xD love it! Poor the so-called fiance haha
Chapter 6: yes, a cheesy jeti story that's what I need now haha
thanks author
jeti0801 #8
nice shots!!!!
Chapter 5: Oh yeeaah really love this fluffy chapt (X update more fluff author! ^^