This is the End.


A/N Sidenote! korean that is being spoken is bold. 

Image result for VIXX Kratos





As Tanya and I watched as the mysterious blue substance leave the cells and we contemplated if we were going to die, I felt my hear cry out a familiar name. Leo.... Please be okay. If by some chance you can hear me... please help us. He's going to kill us.  

 "Tanya... We're going to get out of this... We have too. Our parents will realize that we're missing... They have too."  I say, trying to stay hopeful. I hear Tanya give a disappointed sigh and a small "Yeah" before falling silent again.  They have too. Dad has to notice I'm gone. I'm his daughter...He'd notice... I fight back tears and do my best to stay calm, but my pounding heart has different ideas. My eyes fall on the rising sun behind the cold steel bars that held me captive. How could something so peaceful looking be the scenery for such a horrible scenerio? 


I hear birds chirp their morning songs and feel a gentle breeze rustle through my fur. Wait a second...Something was different. I feel the breeze again and that was when I realized that it felt harsher than it did yesterday. What is happening? Groaning, I open my eyes and see the light pink sky with birds flying overhead.  

"Taemin?"  His name lingers in the air as I wait for a response. When all I receive is silence that's when I notice it. I said that.  I spoke!

I look down at my body and there once again was my long legs, torso and legs. My hands automatically touch my face, searching for any remnents of whiskers or fur. All I feel however is my smooth skin.  

 "HYUNG!!!"  I yell at a human Leo who was examining himself just like I had did when I woke up. Leo looks over at me and just smiles. 

"We're human again!!"  I yell cheerfully. I jump with joy and start to dance with triumph but stop when I see Leo looking down at a shirt in his hands. 

"Hyung?"  I ask.

"She needs my help Taemin. I can feel it. She isn't here now because something is wrong."  I say with certainty.  I know Kala. I know she loves me, she wouldn't not come to see me unless something came up. I feel it in my gut, something is wrong, I'm afraid to find out what it is though.  

"Yeah the thing that's wrong is that fact that she made you think that she loved you, yet she didn't come back. Just like... Ana." I go silent for a minute but then shake my head to stop the painful thoughts. "We don't need them anymore Hyung, all we need now is a phone and we can call our families and go back home!"  

"No Taemin... I can't. She is my home. I know her, something is wrong. Don't you feel it? Think about Ana and how much you care about her, then tell me that you don't feel like something is wrong." I look at him and can practically see the wheels turning in his mind. 

I focus on Ana's voice, her laugh, her touches, everything. He was right, something is wrong. She wouldn't have promised to come back if she never intended too. Instantly I feel bad about trying to forget her, after all she did save me. 

"You're right Hyung. We need to find them."  

Taemin and I manage to break free from the cages and I carefully pick up Kala's pillow and hold her shirt tightly in my grasp. "We need to find someone to help us get to her house."  

As if answering my request, Joy the caretaker who was making her way to the cages walked right into Taemin. 

"I'm sorry gentlemen, but the zoo doen't open for another two hours, I don't know how you got in here, but I need to ask you to leave please."  Clearly shaken at the sight of the two grown men, she eyes them both carefully. The man with black hair that partly covered his eyes steps closer to her, causing her to step back. 

"Joy, I need you to tell me where Kala is. It's important. She's supposed to be here, and she isn't."   At my words, Joy just her head to the side, not understanding a word. Cursing to myself I rack my brain for the proper English words. 

"I...need to find Kala.... Kala needs ha-help."  I hold up Kala's shirt to Joy who instantly recognizes it. 

"Who are you? Do you know where Kala is? She isn't answering any of my calls, and she's usually here by now." Joy knows that Kala would never miss a day of work without letting her know. It wasn't like her. All morning she's been worried about her, wondering if something happened. Now these two men show up looking for her, and one of them has her shirt. Wait a minute... that shirt... Thats the shirt that Kala brought with her when she dropped Leo off.... Why does he-....No that's impossible. 

All of a sudden, Joy looked at Leo as though she was seeing him for the first time. Mainly because she was. Instantly Leo knew that she knew, that he was the leopard that Kala had been caring for for over half a year. He smiled in relief, finally getting somewhere. 

"I-I don't know how, why or when. But I know that Kala loves you and that she could be in trouble... So you need to get to her. Here take my car... You know how to drive right?"  She holds the keys out to Leo,  praying that this was the right choice.

"Yes. Thank you."  Without another word I drag Taemin with me to the car in the lot and drive to her house. Luckily for me, I remember what the house looks like from all of our walks from Eyre's to her house. 


Once we finally make it to her house, I curse when I see her stepmom's car in the driveway. How am I supposed to get to her room without getting the attention of the dragon? I think for a few moments before Taemin motions towards the tree that was right outside her window. Kala PLEASE have your windows unlocked. I start climbing carefully up the tree, and with a low grunt, force her window open and step in. With one look, my heart drops.

The room was a mess, her blankets and sheets were all over the floor, her papers were everywhere, desk toppled over, and her purse contents all over the floor. Someone or someones took her, and were looking for something. Kala.... Please be okay.

"What do you think happened?" I ask as I look over her room, seeing the loose papers all over the floor. 

"I don't know, but it couldn't have been good."  Just as I was about to turn back to the window to start looking for her, I hear her phone go off. 


Minho? He must be human again too! Makes sense! I hurridly type back to him. 

Kala: Minho! It's Leo, Taemin and I are human again and Kala was taken too. Did you see the guys who took her?

Lizzy: GUYS! Thank God! Lizzy and Ana were taken last night as well. We need to help them! 

Tanya: Who would want to take the girls? 

Kala: I don't know, but I'm going to find out. Can you all meet us at Kala's house? We will look for them all together and hopefully be able to figure out where they are. 

After the other three agreed to come over Taemin and I searched her room for any sort of clue as to who could have taken her. I look over my things, the bowl, the litter box, everything. But find nothing. As I pass her dresser I see something gold shimmer at me in the light. 

Carefully I pick up the heart pendent that she always wore. I turn it around in my hand, admiring it's simple beauty. This little locket held so much meaning to me, the night she placed it around my neck was the night I knew that Kala meant home. She still does. 

Don't worry Kala... I'm going to find you and once I do, I'm never ever going to let you go again. I unclasp the necklace and place it around my neck, it's small weight making me smile. It was a lot bigger on me when I was a leopard. 

As Taemin and I finished our search ad cleaned up her room to avoid suspicion, we hear rustling and harsh curses in Korean. I look down out the window and see JongHyun and Minho holding a struggling man who looked familiar. Pocketing Kala's cell phone, I climb down after Taemin, making sure the window was closed. 

"Who is this Minho?" I look the man up and down and suddenly the face makes a memory resurface. He was one of the henchmen who helped kidnap us. Anger instantly overcomes me and without saying another word I punch the guy. 

"That's for kidnapping us!" I land another punch, not caring that my knuckles were throbbing. "That's for kidnapping Kala! Where is she?" I yell. 

"Like I'd ever tell you! I'm loyal to my employer!" The scruffy looking man spits at Leo, only causing more anger. This time it was Taemin who threw the next punch. 

"Tell us where the girls are and you might make it back to your employer with all your teeth!" I was done playing games, Ana could be hurt and this guy needed to talk before we beat him to a pulp. 

"I'll never tell!" 

Getting up close to the man, I glare at him with all the fire in my soul. 

"I have been kidnapped, turned into an animal, shipped off to another country, forced to live as a pet, fell in love with a girl who doesn't even know who I am, and you just kidnapped her. You really want to test my patience now?" I growl. 

JongHyun and Minho tighten their grips, causing the man to wince in pain. That was when I knew I had him. 

I step closer to him and he flinches. 

"Alright! Alright! I'll tell you! Just promise to let me go! They were taken to the old abandon animal shelter about five miles from here!!"  The man was let go and ran for his life away from the fuming men. 

Wordlessly they all got into the car, the anger radiating off each of them like heat waves off hot pavement. Leo sped down the road, barely making a turn without losing control of the car. 

When they make it to the abandoned animal shelter they see Sooman standing outside of the door with a triumphant smile on his face. 

"WHERE ARE THEY YOU SNAKE?" My voice booms with anger. 

Sooman laughs and beckons for us all to follow him. Silently we walk behind him, all of us on edge as we wait for a sneak attack of some sort. Sooman leads us to a barren room at the end of the hallway, as they all walk closer, they hear familiar voices. 

Walking through the doorway, they are greeted by the relieved faces of their other members, Ravi, Hyuk, Key and Onew. As they all huddled together, and realized that they were all safe and sound, Sooman cleared his throat expectantly. 

"It seems like you all have forgotten why you're here. Do you no longer care that I have your precious girls?" He laughs.

I growl low in my throat and glare at him. "Give us the girls now! We're the ones you want! Not them. Let them go now!" 

I watch in anger as Sooman just clicks his tongue and paces back and forth in front of us. 

"I'm afraid Jung Taekwoon, it's not that simple. You see, you all need to feel the pain I've felt." As he spoke, one by one, his men brought out each girl. Lizzy and Ana were still unconscious, but Kala and Tanya were wide awake and PISSED.

"Let us go you son of a !"  I yell viciously at him. I struggle agaisnt my captor, only to feel his grip tighten against mine. 

I watch as Tanya struggles too, thankfully the other two were still passed out from the choroform they drugged us with. I look around and that was when I realized just who was in the room with us. By the strange noise that came form Tanya, it was clear that she did as well. 

Are those guys from... SHINee? As in the missing boy band from South Korea? I kept looking at their faces, mentally naming each of them. JongHyun...Key....Taemin...Onew... and Minho... I look to the left of Minho and see another familiar idol, VIXX's leader, N. 

My eyes studied each of the VIXX members, going through their names like I did with SHINee. N...Ken...Ravi...Hongbin...Hyuk and Le- When my eyes reach the last quiet member, my heart flutters in excitement. Leo looks at me, I can tell he's trying to tell me something with his eyes but it's hard to tell what. Why... Why do I feel like I know him? 

My thoughts are stopped abrutly by a hard slap to my face. I heard it before I felt it, but when I felt it, BOY did I feel it. My cheek burns and I feel it reddening. Sooman had grown tired of my pondering and had slapped me. 

"STOP! Don't Touch her!!" I break away from the group and lunge towards Sooman. Just before I could clasps my hands around his neck, one of his men grab me and pull me away. As I struggle to get free, another henchman punches my gut, knocking the air out of me. 

Seeing Leo get punched made my heart pound faster and a feeling of protectiveness washes over me, similiar to the one I felt when I had to take Leo to the vet to get his shots.  

"Stop!! Don't hurt him-please!"  I plead with the madman before me who was smiling at the idol's pain. Out of the corner of my eye I see that Tanya has moved closer to the girls, acting as a kind of blockade for them. Leo and I struggle against each of the henchmen and I see that the SHINee members have moved closer to the girls as well. Are they protecting us? 

I watch in horror and shock as more henchmen come out of nowhere and grab SHINee. One of them twists Minho's arm back so hard that I see tears well-up in his eyes. His brown eyes glance at me, and that's when it hits me. That's MY Minho! My Dog! 

With no time to even try and figure out how, I stand up and clench my fists. "YOU. HURT. MY. DOG. Now, you DIE!!!"  With strength that I have no idea where it came from, I run towards the man holding Minho. 

Startled, the man lets go of Minho, and I kick him to the ground. Quickly I grab his gun and shoot the guy's leg. I hear someone coming up behind me, another henchman. Without hesitation, I shoot his leg, sending him to the ground. 

When I see Tanya shoot the first man, I bend down and stomp on the man's foot, causing him to let go. Quickly I turn around and push him to the ground. To my left, I hear Leo taking out his captor. 

A loud yell erupts from the other side of the room, I turn around and see a very, very large man running towards me. Suddenly I'm frozen. 

I see the man running towards Kala, who is standing there like a deer in headlights. KALA!!! MOVE! Aish! 

I grab her and pull her into my arms, sending the man crashing head first into the concrete wall behind her. I hear her panting softly as we watch the man stumble and fall over unconscious. 

When the man is completely out is when I look up at my savor. Leo. My ultimate bias was holding me in his arms looking at me with more emotion than my screaming mind could comprehend. 

She's here...She's in my arms. I finally have her in my arms... and she's not putting two and two together. Seriously Kala, it's not that hard. Come on... You know me. Aish... If only I had the words to tell you...

Why are you so... familiar? Your eyes... they are... my leopard's eyes but how?.....Wait... It was like the heavens had opened up and were shinning down on me, well more like screaming "OPEN YOUR EYES YOU BLIND GIRL!" I knew who he was now. 

"Le-Leo? Is this really you?" I search his eyes and I find the answer before he smiles and nods. This man.. this quiet, shy man who I never even dreamed of meeting was my Leo. 

Before I could say another word, I hear another deafening bang of a gun. I look towards Tanya who was just staring at the man on the floor who was now screaming in pain. Whoa. 

The anger subsides and I look at Kala who was watching me wide-eyed. 

"When the HELL did you learn to do that??"  I ask in utter astonishment. 

I look down at the gun in my hand and shrug. "I don't know really. What I do know is, don't with my pets." I watch as Kala nods nervously at me. I look at who's holding her and realize that she found out that the idols were our pets! "Kala! Leo is-"

"I know Tanya! We can talk and freak out about this later! We need to get out of here now-AHH!" I scream in pain as Sooman grabs my hair and pulls me against his chest. My heart stops when I feel something cool against my temple. The barrell of a gun. 

"No! This is not how this is supposed to go! You!" He motioned towards Leo, "YOU! Are supposed to be in pain! Well now you are going to be! I'm going to take away the girl you care the most about!" 

Leo takes a small steps towards the two of them, opening his hands in a harmless way. 

"You're wrong. I don't care about her, I love her. Please... let her go and take me instead. There is no need to take away a daughter from another father. Please...."  I plead softly, my heart tears as I see the fear in Kala's eyes. I need to get her safe. 

By now, all the members were around the girls in a protective circle, Tanya and Minho the closest to Kala and Sooman watched in fear for her life. 

"No...No...You need to lose her. You need to know how it feels to lose the most important thing in your life! You need to know the emptiness that will fill your chest and eventually swallow you whole! You need to feel the need to end it all!"  Sooman screamed, cocking the gun and getting ready to pull the trigger. 

"AAHH!!!"  A searing pain courses through his body, it was a heartattack.Not being able to hol dhis grip any longer, his hands fly to his chest, clutching at the unseen pain. 

Kala rushes over to Leo, their hands touching just as the gun goes off. 

Everything stops. For a minute no one says a thing. 

He missed? I'm not shot! But... where did he hit? Oh no... I look down at Kala whose beautiful greeen eyes watered as her body registered what was happening. Right above her belly-button was a growing red spot from the gunshot wound. 

"KALA!!!!" I yell just as she collapses to the ground. I lift her head onto my lap and start applying pressure to her wound. 

After seeing that the evil bastard was dead, I looked on the floor to see a bleeding Kala and a frantic Leo. "Oh my God.. No! Lizzy! Call for help!" I kneel down next to her and hold her hand. 

"K-Kala it's going to be okay! You're going to be fine, we're going to get you to the hospital okay? LIZZY!" 

"There's not enough time! We have to get her there now! We have to get to the car!!" I start pushing everyone out the door. I see Leo pick up Kala bridal style and carry her gently towards the car. 

I carefully get into the car, making sure that Kala was as comfortable as possible. The other memebers sat next to me, helping me apply pressure to her wound, and holding her hand as Tanya drove through traffic. 

Please... God please don't take her.... Not now. Please.... She doesn't deserve this.... I look down at her pained face, it was pale white and she was breaking out in a cold sweat. She musters up a soft moan and I feel my heart drop to my stomach 

"Ssshhh jagiya nalang yaegi haejwo.(Baby please don't go.) Please stay...."  I kiss her forehead. Something that I've been dying to do for the past 7 months. But not under these circumstances. 

 The pain in my stomach was like a fire slowly roasting my insides. I wanted to scream in pain, but nothing came out. I was surprisingly calm for someone who was dying. I definitely didn't think I would go like this. Dying in the arms of Jung Taekwoon. Of my Leo. I guess its true that God works in mysterious ways. I just wish the pain would stop. I cringe in pain as whoever was driving hit a pothole, forcing me to jump. 

I hear Leo's soft whispers to me, but can't make them out. Everything is becoming fuzzy and hard to focus on. I need to tell him. 

I turn my head to look up at Leo who immediately tried to give me a smile but it came out more as a glimance. 

"Leo.... I-..." My face scurched up in pain, it seemed that talking only fanned the flames. 

I shush Kala once again, knowing that she was in a lot of pain and that talking wasn't helping. 

Stop trying to shut me up, I need to tell you something before I die or else I'll spend all of eternity kicking myself for not saying it. I grunt again and sit up a little, thankful that the pain was starting to die down as a cold numb feeling started to spread through my body.

I hear Tanya say that we are at the hospital and I smile in relief. See? You're going to be fine jagiya. I try to smile again but frown when she speaks again. 

"Leo... I love you."

I love you too Kala...just hang on.. please! You need to hang on just a few more moments! Tears stream down my face when I start to feel her cold hands lose their grasps in mine.  No-No! No Don't go!

 A sob breaks from my lips as her hand drops and as her body is torn away from me by the doctors. I watch wordlessly as they put her limp body on a stretcher and rush her through the big white doors of the hospital and into some far away room. 

"Hyung?"  I look at Leo who was still in car, staring at his hands that were covered in Kala's blood. Everyone else had rushed out of the car and followed the doctors in, not wanting to leave her alone. I thought for sure that Leo would be the one right next to her, but he wasn't. He was right here, in the car, looking as if he just saw his world crash around him. 

"She's gone Minho.....I was too late. I-....She's gone."  She's dead.... I feel it in my gut, the same one that told me when she was upst, when she was nervous, when she was happy. It was no telling me that she was dead. Her beautiful eyes never to flutter open again. 

 Minho sits next to me and pulls me into his arms, and before I could even process it, I was sobbing. I could barely breathe as my whole being processed Kala's death. 

The leopard has lost his one true love....





Hi everyone!!!! Where do I begin to apologize for not updating in about two whole years??? God I am such a horrible author! I'm sorry! So much has happened since I last updated that God I don't even know where to begin. Sadly I think the first thing I need to say is how sad and hard it is to have written this chapter, knowing that one character is no longer with us in the real world. I along with many other fans loved JongHyun. I was so sad to hear that he was gone, that for a long time I couldn't even think about Kpop without wanting to cry. So that's part of the reason that's it taken me FOREVER to update. The other big reason is that I'm in college now, so I'm very busy with school work, regular work and learning on how to be a functioning adult! 

Anyways, I want to say thank you to everyone for sticking with the story! I can't believe I have 30 subscribers now! Like holy crap! I can't believe it! I hope you all like the chapter, and I'm sorry to say that this is the end of the story. I wasn't really planning on ending it like this, but I feel like it was the best thing to do. Please don't hate me. 

Once again thank you all for your support! It was wonderful being the author of this story and knowing that my writing doesn't completely ! <3 Until next time! 


Image result for JongHyun Shinee gif

Image result for Leo vixx gif


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It looks amazing
Can't wait to read this
Hehehehe I promise it's not the end. I just wanted to see how you all would feel if it was. Sorry for being a mean author! I promise I have much more planned. (Also please excuse all the mistakes in the chapter, I was rushing to finish it last night)

See you all next time!
-Best Wishes,
Lian ??
Chapter 28: that was... an extremely abrupt ending.
angell2002 #5
Chapter 28: Wha...what? I'm very confused at how abruptly it ended but I understand why you did end it with Kala dying. All in all, I LOVED your story! Thank you for sharing it!
Chapter 27: Ok, long time no see. Also Kala ' s middle name is Anastasia? Any who. Giving up Leo was really sad and Taemin was being kinda a , but I digress. Things are happening. "Someone help." We need a super hero. The girls are chained up, but the question is where. This is not Fantasy.

Ok, I'm done.
Chapter 27: Umm, did you mean yo post this?
Chapter 26: Oh ! The jig is up! And Sooman is being way too creepy! Creepy stalker man! Poor Kala, heartbreak . *tears*
Chapter 25: Poor Leo. Having to see his loved ones reacting to him being missing. How sad. And now we know where the last four are. That's scary.

On another note, N, Ken, and Hongbin went through a lot. So sad. And after I had such a happy day at KCon (BTS WAS FLIPPING AMAZING)

Ana, Lizzy, Tanya and Alex will probably take it pretty hard finding out their idols were missing. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to work without crying