Chapter 16: I'll Offer a Shoulder

Behind Those Lovely Eyes
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Walking beside Jinhwan down the hallway, my attention was understandably on my best friend. 

“He continues to slip through my fingers.” Jinhwan brought his hands up to demonstrate his words.

“Is he that fast?” Jinhwan was still trying to talk to Jiwon, but has continuously failed. 

“He’ll be there one moment and the next, gone.” 

I chuckled. “Maybe you’re just slow.”

He sent me an unhappy look but the situation only became more humorous from my perspective.

“Good morning.”

Hearing the greeting from the side, I turned to return one as well. “Good morning – “ Both Jinhwan and I froze at the sight of Jiwon. I still didn’t know how to react despite the boy already walking away after his unexpected address to us.

“Wait, Jiwon.” Jinhwan was quick to make a sharp turn in order to follow after the boy and leave me. 

Finding myself left alone, I snapped back from the subtle shock and continued on my way towards my locker – a stop to be made before I headed to homeroom where the school day will begin.


Following the group of students out of homeroom the moment the break bell rung, my sights landed on windows across the hall.

It was barely a few seconds before a blurred figure ran past and stole my attention. Instinctively, I stopped in my movements and had my eyes trailed after the individual.

Someone ran down the hallway in such as rush that he pushed through the students moving about in the same space. Following the direction of the runner, the sight of his back was recognizable. Jiwon was running.

Was Jinhwan chasing after him?


Leaving school, Jiwon clutched the phone he had received a call from in his hand. His feet had no time to be tired as they carried him all the way to the hospital.

Completely out of breath, he appeared before the doctor standing outside his mother’s room.

“I’m her son.” He managed to say through his heavy pants.

“Miss Jung succumbed for a moment about twenty minutes ago but she’s stabilized now.” The doctor explained while looking at his clipboard of notes. “She has been administered some drugs – “

Jiwon knew what that implied. “Just give her anything she needs – I can pay for it.” The price for his mother’s health didn’t matter. It played no role.

Nodding in understanding, the doctor gave Jiwon some time to see his mother. Walking in, he found the monitor’s curt beeping filling in the silence. The soft breathing caused by the oxygen mask placed over his mother’s nose and mouth didn’t go unnoticed either.

Quietly taking his seat, Jiwon allowed his mother to rest. 

His pounding heart begins to slow down and he was able to think more clearly. His hand touched his school blazer’s pocket where his phone sat idly. 

Coming to the decision, Jiwon left the room and the hospital completely. Calling the usual number on his phone, he waited for the person to pick up.

“Jangseop, I want to fight tonight.”

And he needed to win.


Jiwon had completely disappeared. Staring up and down the hallway, it only proved my thoughts correct. 

“Jinhwan, did you chase Jiwon out of school for the day?” I questioned with all seriousness. I was really wondering it to be the case. 

“Huh?” Jinhwan looked away from his phone to give me his attention. “Today, I figured to just meet him in the cafeteria but he didn’t show up.”

Well, it was the beginning of break when I saw Jiwon running. 

And strangely, that would be the last time seeing Jiwon for a while. Days following that scene, he didn’t come back to school. He was missing so many days and sensibly, I was getting worried. Jinhwan was convinced he had been the reason for Jiwon’s absence but I figured there to be more. My best friend wasn’t really someone who could scare others away at will. 

My mere wondering of where Jiwon went turned to a new habit of looking around the first moment I got to school. And again, another day passed by and finished and Jiwon was still nowhere to be seen.


“Yes?” Stopping in the hallway, I looked over my shoulder. “Mr. Kang.”

“Can you come into my office for a moment?” The guidance counselor motioned for me to follow him. “Have you seen Kim Jiwon?” He asked once we were in the room.

“No, I haven’t.”

“We have been trying to reach him and no one is picking up the phone at the home. You’re the only one deemed closest to him – did he say anything to you or is there a different number we could try?”

I tried to think back to the day that I last saw Jiwon. “He didn’t say anything to me…other than a greeting.” And a number…I looked up at Mr. Kang as he waited for me to finish my words. “I don’t have another number.”

Immediately, I regretted the lie but something told me that it was best to keep the cellphone number to myself. 

“His brother sometimes stops by my Aunt’s flower shop. I can ask him.”

Mr. Kang nods his head. “Okay, let me know what you find out.”

Leaving the office, I head down the hallway and quickly left school. Pulling out my phone, I looked through my calling list and found the number. Placing the call, I lifted the phone up to my ear. And in disappointment, no one answered it. 

Getting to the flower shop, every minute spent there was waiting on the appearance of the young middle-schooler. I had been fighting the urge to ask about Jiwon due to the fact of stating I wouldn’t interfere with what he was doing. But if I were to ask this once, it would be reasonable, wouldn’t it?

“Seon, are you okay?”

Blinking back from my thoughts, I stared at Aunt Dara who had peeked her head out of the backroom. “Yes, I’m fine. Why?”

“You’ve been staring at the door since they moment you arrived.”

“Oh, well – “ The bell rings and I snapped my head back. “Chanwoo.” The name leaves my lips immediately at the sight of him.

Looking at me in confusion, he froze and failed to take another step closer.

“Sorry.” I chuckled once realizing my strange reaction. 

Chanwoo offered a small smile before heading inside. “A bouquet please.”

Stepping out from behind the counter, I get his order ready. “Chanwoo, if you don’t mind me asking.” I put effort into sounding casual. “Where has Jiwon been? He hasn’t been at school.” 

Hush fills in and I turn my head slightly to see the young boy. His eyes were facing the ground and it wiped away my forced smile.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked softly.

“…I haven’t seen brother.”

His quiet words met my ears and urged a bad feeling to rise to my throat

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Osekop12 #1
Congrats on the feature!!
Chapter 44: I can’t believe it took me so long to finally read this one!! It was SO good!! I already lowkey wanna reread it cuz I miss there high school days lol! Another great story to add to the other 5 I’ve read from you.
Chapter 44: Read this for the third time already and i'm still amazed. This was the first ever bobby fanfic i've ever read (eventhough he's my ultimate bias lol) and i didn't expect it to be THIS great :'). This story made me read your other stories too! You're amazing and i hope you continue to write many more stories as i'm very in love with your writings and each one of your stories. I love you and thank you for being amazing!
Chapter 44: That's a witty way to end the story. End it with the title. Love it!
GetReadySHOWTIME_ #5
Chapter 44: The best! Its 2020 and I still hoping for a sequel
GetReadySHOWTIME_ #6
Chapter 35: Imagining the tough Jiwon showing off his shiny red car gave me a wide grin :D this story is really good omg ngl
Chapter 44: i came back to this, after three years i think? still one of my favorites.