Chapter 15: Calls are Welcomed

Behind Those Lovely Eyes
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In an effort to get home as quickly as possible, Jiwon arrived in front of his home and before his brother’s room in no time. 

“Chanwoo.” He called out just as he entered the bedroom. Finding the boy fast asleep, Jiwon realized his call did nothing to disturb his brother’s rest. “Chanwoo, I have something to tell you.”

Reacting to the noise, Chanwoo slowly opens his eyes to see Jiwon. “Is there something wrong?”

“Don’t visit mom tomorrow.”

It took a moment before Chanwoo could fully understand his brother’s words. “But, we never miss a day.” They made sure to keep up the visits so their mother wouldn’t get lonely. There was an important purpose. 

“I’m telling you not to go.” Jiwon said firmly. On his way home, he had reasoned that Jangseop must have people watching him – possibly following him everywhere. He couldn’t get Chanwoo or his mother involved and then harmed due to his matters. 

“Why?” Chanwoo asked. Nervousness visited him at the thought of possible reasons as to why he needed to listen to his brother. 

“Just don’t go tomorrow.” Getting up on his feet, Jiwon reached for the door. Providing an explanation wasn’t something he was planning on doing – he couldn’t say more and Chanwoo wouldn’t understand.

There it was. The response he got when he pried. “Wait a minute.” Chanwoo called out before leaving his bed and looking for his backpack. “I have something for you.” Digging into it, he pulled out the bandaids and ointment given to him earlier today. “The girl from the flower shop gave me these to give to you.”

Placing his hands out, Jiwon receives the handful of aid. 

It must be Seon.

She still finds some way to interact with him.

“Okay.” Jiwon’s tone turns soft. “Just go back to bed. Good night.” Turning away, he left the room and closed the door behind him. This solved one problem but what about the next?

His hands slipped in the pocket of his pants and his fingertips skimmed the crumbled piece of paper. 


Getting to school, I kept my eye out for Jiwon. And strangely enough, I managed to catch him…or did he give up on hiding from me?

Upon meeting his gaze, I would offer him smiles but he would always look away in response – but his behavior was bewildering to say the least. There seemed to be a reason, almost as if he had something to say but always changed his mind last minute. 

And this feeling would continue the entire day. 

On my way to work, my buzzing phone steals my attention and I pull it out to find an unknown number upon my screen. 


“It’s me.”

Stalling in my steps, I hid my surprise. “Jiwon?”

There was a moment of silence before Jiwon spoke again. He was being apprehensive and it was understandable. “I’m supposed to call when I need help, right?”

“Are you in trouble?”

“I have another favor to ask – “


Notifying my manager of my late arrival to my shift, I had another destination in mind. Using the information Jiwon gave me, I arrived in no time. 

Knocking upon the door, a soft greeting urged me to come in.

“Hello.” I looked inside and an older woman stared back at me, exhibiting the same amount of shock. Closing the door behind me, I turned around to bow. “Miss…”

“Miss Jung.”

Nodding my head, I continued. “Miss Jung,

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Osekop12 #1
Congrats on the feature!!
Chapter 44: I can’t believe it took me so long to finally read this one!! It was SO good!! I already lowkey wanna reread it cuz I miss there high school days lol! Another great story to add to the other 5 I’ve read from you.
Chapter 44: Read this for the third time already and i'm still amazed. This was the first ever bobby fanfic i've ever read (eventhough he's my ultimate bias lol) and i didn't expect it to be THIS great :'). This story made me read your other stories too! You're amazing and i hope you continue to write many more stories as i'm very in love with your writings and each one of your stories. I love you and thank you for being amazing!
Chapter 44: That's a witty way to end the story. End it with the title. Love it!
GetReadySHOWTIME_ #5
Chapter 44: The best! Its 2020 and I still hoping for a sequel
GetReadySHOWTIME_ #6
Chapter 35: Imagining the tough Jiwon showing off his shiny red car gave me a wide grin :D this story is really good omg ngl
Chapter 44: i came back to this, after three years i think? still one of my favorites.