
Phoenix Sisters

Hello!! :D Just had to update  before class.lol..All of you owe me a comment.lol :D Once again... listen to the music to get a better feel. I tried really hard to make this is good as possible.


*2 Days later*

"So did you ever tell Amber the truth?" Luna asked Krystal as they walked to the library. Krystal shook her head and looked at her friend with sad eyes.

"I dont know how to tell her. In fact, I'm so scared Luna." Krystal confessed.

Both of them took a seat in the library and took out their school things. "You can't keep her in the dark." Luna continued.

"I know."

Just then they were joined by Victoria and Nickhun, cutting their conversation. "Hey girlfriends." Victoria greeted in chinese. Nickhun just waved and smiled.

"Vic, how many times do I have to tell you? Speak korean when you are in Korea!!" Luna reprimanded. Victoria just ignored her friend adn turned to Nickhun.

"Thanks for helping me." Victoria said with a smile and held out both her arms. Nickhun just gave her a smile and handed her the books he was holding.

"No problem. I'll see you later Vic. Bye." Nickhun waved to the three girls and left. Victoria slumped down on the nearest chair, a wide smlie on her face.

"Someone's in loooovvvvveeee." Krystal sang into Victoria's ear. Victoria immediately denied.

"What? No! How can that be? We just met. Dummy!"

Luna joined the teasing. "And yet he's already calling you 'Vic'. That's a name only people close to you use." Luna did an eyebrow dance. "Omo! Did you two kiss the other night?"

"No!" Victoria blushed. Krystal and Luna crossed thier arm and looked at Victoria with a mischievous smile. "Okay! fine! He gave me a peck on the cheeks! That's all!"

Krystal and Luna bursted out laughing, while Victoria was still blushing. "yah! Stop it!!" Victoria demanded and slapped her two friend's shoulders. The laughing duo finally stopped when Victoria threatened to leave if they don't.

"I can't wait to tell Sulli and Aiden." Luna whispered with an evil smirk to Krystal, to which Krystal responded with a thumbs up.

"What did you say?" Victoria asked in deadly tone. She then moved her sharpened pencil back and forth from Luna to Krystal. "Tell me."

"Nothing your royal highness." Krystal replied in an innocent tone and returned to doing her homework.

"Here." Luna handed Victoria an apple. "Eat this. It's healthy." Victoria took the apple and enjoyed it, forgetting about her anger. Who can blame the girl? She likes healthy foods.

After 2 hours in the library, the girls decided to go eat. They decided to eat their lunch at a nearby park.

"Krystal, we still havent' finished our conversation." Luna said.

"What were you two talking about?" Victoria inquired. When she didn't receive an answer, she automatically knew what, no scratch that, who, they were talking about.

"Amber?" Krystal and Luna nodded thier head.

"What about her?" Victoria also knew about the bet.

Luna then told Victoria the conversation she had with Krystal earlier.

Victoria got up, and sat next to Krystal. Krystal was now in middle. "Krystal."


Victoria sighed and spoke. "Krystal. I know you are scared and you can argue that I don't understand you. And as your friend, I'm not going to tell you what to do."

Krystal looked at Victoria blankly while Luna was shocked as hell.

"Before the two of you jump to conclusions, hear me out. I will not lie to you Krystal. You should have never made that bet. A person's feelings and heart is too valuable to be used for a mere bet."

Krystal slumped her shoulders and kept quiet.

Luna hugged Krystal and lectured Victoria. "If you have nothing to say, just be quiet."

However, Victoria did the opposite. She placed her hands on Krystal's shoulder and spoke calmly. "However, I know that you never intentionally did it to hurt Amber. You had your own reasons of doing such a thing. I'm sure you have realized your wrongs and I see that your feelings for Amber is sincere. However, if you feel that its better if Amber does not know the truth, then let it be. In both cases, you have to be aware of the consequences."

Luna looked at Victora with awe while Krystal looked at her friend with sad eyes. " You think Amber will forgive me?"

Victoria smiled. "I assume that if you are asking me that question, then you have already decided to tell her the truth."

Krystal nodded her head. "I'm just scared to tell her. That's all."

"There's nothing to fear but fear itself Krystal." Luna added with a comforting smile. "Anything can happen. But, don't you think it's better for Amber to know the truth now, then later."


"Honesty is something that this world lacks." Luna continued. Her statemetn grabbed Krystal's attention. Luna glanced at Krystal and then looked at some kids playing happily in front of her.

"Honesty and innocence is something that people want to live with. Unfortunately, the world doesn't work that way. But for children, honesty and innocence is something that their love ones strive to protect. Just like what you are trying to do with Amber."

"I dont understand." Krystal said. Victoria chuckled and explained. She is the oldest of the group.

"Right now, you and Amber are like those kids and their parents."

"How so?"

"Amber is the child and you are the parent. Right now, Amber is the innocent and honest child, with no knowledge of what you have done to her."

"Oh..." Krystal said with a sad sigh.

"Let me continue. As Amber's parent, you strive to protect her innocence and dont' want her hurt from the wrongdoings you have inflicted on her unintentionally. Which parents want to hurt their own child right?"

"Right." Krystal answered.

"Either way, the child still gets hurt." Luna added. "don't forget."

"So you decide Krystal. Are you willing to tell Amber the truth, despite the possibility that she might  despise you or would you rather have her know nothing and find out the truth herself, just like how a chlid will find out the harsh reality that the honesty and innocence preached by parents are nothing but lies?"

Krystal thought about it. Luna and Victoria didn't rush her at all. "Take your time Krystal. Don't rush."

"Let's eat." Luna said excitedly and handed Krystal her chopsticks. Victoria gave Krystal a reassuring smile and began eating with Luna.

Krystal smiled and joined her friends. Thanking them in her head. Grateful for such friends.Whatever she decides, she better do it quick before Sulli decides to take matters in her own hands. And that is the last thing Krystal wants.



"That explains Taeyeon's sour attitude after the dinner." Sooyoung blurted, earning a glare from Jessica. Sooyoung shrugged.

"I'm just telling the truth." Sooyoung sat up from laying down on Jessica's couch and looked at Tiffany. "You should have just told her the truth."

Tiffany had come to seek help and comfort from Jessica after she got into an argument with Taeyeon on teh night of the dinner. And Tiffany didn't know how to fix things.

Tiffany sighed. "I didn't want to tell her. I mean, how can I just tell her I met up with my ex-boyfriend, which was why I couldn't answer her call."

"Why did you meet Siwon?" Jessica inquired. Siwon really annoys Jessica but still, she had to know. Was it a mutual meeting or not?

"He asked me and I agreed. I didn't see anythign wrong with it."

Sooyoung rubbed her eyes. "Tiffany. You have to understand that its not about meetin with Siwon taht bothered Taeyeon. It's the fact that she found out herself when you told her that you were busy."

"That's what you told her when she asked?" Jessica added. Tiffany nodded. Jessica quickly smacked her cousins arm.


"How did she find out?" Jessica asked, ignoring Tiffany's pain.

"Taeyeon, she..um..well..." Tiffany was scared to tell Sooyoung and Jessica.  Especially with Sooyuong giving her a 'you're so bad look'.

"Taeyeon found out from Mr. Choi himself." sooyoung answered for Tiffany. Jessica gave Tiffany a shocked expression.


"Yah! Can you let me explain instead?!" Tiffany yelled. Sooyoung shook her head.

"You're too slow. Besides, Taeyeon already told me adn Amber."

"Shush. Now Tiffany-" Jessica emphasized on the name to warn Sooyoung not to intervene. "-how did she find out from that jerk?"

Tiffany sighed before speaking. "He called me using Heechul's cell since his phone was broken. I went to the bathroom and left my purse with Taeyeon while she waited outside for me. He called and Taeyeon thought it was Heechul, so she picked up."


"I didn't know what happened utnil I came back and she stared at me with a disappointed and hurt look."

Tiffany's voice was beginning to crack a little now. "Then-then she handed me the phone and said Siwon called and that she knows everything. I didn't mean to hide it from her! It just happened." Jessica scooted to Tiffany and hugged her.

"It's okay Tiff. I'm here.  Tell me, what did Siwon tell Taeyeon."

"..."Tiffany didn't want to talk anymore. So, Jessica had to ask sooyoung to tell her.

"Siwon called Tiffany to thank her for forgiving him. And-" sooyoung stopeed, looking at Tiffany to know if she should continued. Tiffany gestured Sooyoung to continue.

"And that Tiffany was willing to give him another chance and start over with him."

Jessica and Tiffany's face both became shocked. Well, Tiffany was more of anger.

"LIAR! I never said that to him.  He lied to Taeyeon. You guys have to believe me. I didn't say anything when he asked me."

Jessica sighed. "That's the problem Tiff. You should've said something. But since you didn't, he took the matter in his own hands and dealt the painful blow to Taeyeon."

"But lucky for you, you'll be forgiven because that mdiget loves you." Sooyoung added with a smile and hugged Tiffany. But she immediately released the hug when she felt Jessica's cold, angry and 'jelly' filled stare.

Tiffany smiled through her tear stained cheeks. "I hope so. I have to fix things with Taeyeon. NOW!" And Tiffany ran out the door and for some reason, Sooyougn folllowed. Jessica was huffing in anger and jealousy when she saw Sooyoung running after Tiffany.

"She's asking for a death wish or something?" Jessica mumbled to herself as she thought of ways to punish her girlfriend.  After awhile, Sooyoung returned.

Jessica, who had her back truend to the door, turned back to see a seemeingly distraught and angry Sooyoung.

"Soo? What's wrong?" Jessica was worried now. Sooyoung closed teh door and walked slowly toward Jessica.

"We need to talk."


Sooyoung kept her hands n her pockets and spoke calmly. "Amber told Taeyon and I something really interesting a few days ago."

Jessica was still a little confused. "Okay. So?" she was still irritated and angry about Sooyoung's actions with Tiffany earlier.

"And so I had to tell Tiffany about that important information. and it seems that Siwon is not the only problem she has to explain to Taeyeon."

Jessica was getting tired of Sooyoung's dragging the subject. "Just get to the point!" She yelled. Suddenly, Sooyoung narrowed her eyes and gave Jessica a taste of an angry and unhappy Sooyoung.

"The bet." Jessica's eyes opened and she gasped.

Sooyoung took her hands out from her pocket and closed the distance between her and Jessica. Sooyoung's eyes were no longer that of care and has lost its warmth. Jessica hadted the col stare from her Sooyoungie.

 "You knew about the bet. Now explain." Jessica realized it...Sooyoung didn't ask. She demanded an explanation. And Jesica was scared...scared that the warmth, care, and love she can see and feel from Sooyoung would vanish. And Jessica knew, that she wasn't the only one with such fears.


*Later at night *


"Kill him now!" a voice yelled over the earpiece. The disguised figure flinched a little but took no time to heed to the voice. The figure immediately twisted the man's neck. An instant kill. The dark figure smirked under the veil and walked out the door.


"Mission completed 'S' ." The figured pressed a button on the earpiece and said.


"The boss knows. Hurry back before the cops arrive 'H' ." The other voice answered grimly and then all went quiet. The communication is no longer necessary now that the mission was done.


As the figure fled the scene, the sirens were heard in the distance.  For a reason that was really apparent to the assailant, help was useless, despite the fact that it was night.  the figure fled to a building nearby and watched as the police searched the building and brought out the corpse. The figure's attention was on a particular police officer.


"Kim Heechul." The figure whispered and took the sniper rifle that was carried on a sling on her back, aiming right at Heechul. The figure had one eye closed and focused. Heechul was seen directing the officers and getting everything under control. The assassin's black  camouflage hid her from view.


"Night Ghouls-" The figure whispered as she put her finger on the trigger. "-let's play a game." and with that last statement, she pulled the trigger.



Listen to E.S. Posthumus-Unstoppable: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aYiiGd3PZc&feature=related (Start at 0:44)

The loud explosion combined with the orange and smoky air was more than enough to warn the Night Ghouls that something has gone terribly wrong.  The explosion wasn't too far from where they were at.

"! We're too late!" Nix (Sooyoung) yelled as she and her sisters jumped on their motorcycles and sped to the where the explosion took place.

"Looks like its near Gongdang Industry." E (Amber) speculated. The smoke was become more and more evident as mulitple sirens could be heard.

"It is. We will go seperately. Stay in contact." Pho (Taeyeon) said over the headpiece before all three took different routes to evade detection and perform their strategy.  

Finally, after 10 minutes, they arrived at their destination.

"E, Nix." Taeyeon spoke over her headpiece as she got off her motorcycle. Screams and yells of pain and help could be heard from the burning building.

"Hm?" SooBer said simultaneously. Sooyoung was hiding behind a trash bin, observing the surrounding and planning her routes. Amber did the same things from another area.

"Please be careful." Taeyeon said with hint of worry and fear as she ran behind the nearest building to avoid being caught by police. But, as the oldest sister, Taeyeon still maintained her composure and made sure her statement was didn't come out weak.

Sooyoung and Amber didn't need to answer. Instead, both of them unconsciously slightly nodded their head before running into the burning building. The bond that they shared was more than enough for each of them to know that they understood each other.

All were running toward the buildings, screams and people in teh burning building could be seen. Each sister knew they had to save the people before it was too late.

However...Taeyeon, Sooyoung and Amber all stopped in their tracks when they came face to face with none other than...

*A/N: okay...at this point, imagine its one of those scene from the movie where there the screen is divided to show the individual characters.*

Taeyeon:" Sunny".

Sooyoung: "Yoona."

Amber: "Hyuna"

TaeSooBer looked at the girl in front of them sternly and coldly. They had no time for this. In contrast, Hyuna, Sunny, and Yoona only responded with an evil grin and took out their weapons, determined to stop TaeSooBer from their goal.


*A/N: Back to normal writing and 3rd POV. :D*


"Taeyeon. Sooyoung." Amber softly spoke over the earpiece with a tone of seriousness as she walked around in a circle, observing Hyuna's movements.

"Yeah." TaeSoo answered back in the same tone. Amber knew that her sisters also had company.

Amber took one last painful look at the burning building before taking out her own sword to mimic Hyuna. " Let's kick some ." (skip song to 2:06)


**Music stops here***




hmmm....gotta go read..lol..took longer to update then expected..but see all of you later. :D

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Chapter 5: Here she comes 😂
mochick #2
Chapter 110: Pls give us epilogue Author-nim
Gingrue #3
Chapter 110: This was honestly one of the best stories I’ve ever read. I remembered 3 or 4years ago when I started reading this I ended up not sleeping until morning😂 it was sooooooo good!! Thank you so much for this story author-nim!! Looking forward to more of your stories in the future~
patbing-soo #4
Chapter 110: thank you so much for this awesome atory author-nim. Hoping to read more of your stories in the future!
amhar03 #5
Chapter 110: I'm so used to got a plot twist in this story that unconsciously prepared for another plot twist but got bummed but also happy that this story finally come to an end. You are jjangg author nim for keeping up with your promise to finish this story even if it took years.. I'm still hoping for new story for this couples from you
Chapter 110: Literally crying rn... Cant believe its already completed ..huhuhu ..thank You so much ... Hoping to read new stories from you ... Hope its still my fav OTP since 4eva.. Soosica kryber taeny :')) stay safe authorsshi !!!!
Gorjezzchoi #7
Chapter 110: Thank you so so much for this awesome story ever author ❤️
Chapter 110: 🙆👏💙💙💙
Gorjezzchoi #9
Omg time flies so fast,,my first fanfic ever !
Miss this story a lot
I wish u doing well author ssi
salsarella #10
Chapter 109: Hi authornim. I hope you're doing well. Just wanna say i missed you. That's all. Stay well and stay safe authornim.