Get Together, pt.2

Phoenix Sisters

Okay...this chapter was so long, i decided to divide it into seperate chapters. I tried to put in as much couple moments as possible, so please forgive me if I wasn't able to do alot. Enjoy and don't forget to comment my dears...:D



“What did I say about being mean to our guests Soo?”


Sooyoung glared and shouted at the person who dared to bruise her beautiful arm.


“AMBER!!!! WTF!!” 


Amber and Krystal had arrived in time to hear Sooyoung’s remarks to Jessica.  By the looks of Sooyoung, Krystal knew that Amber pissed off her sister pretty bad. Jessica and DongChul saw that Krystal was holding Amber’s arms.


“Don’t use profanity against me Soo. You know exactly why I pinched you.” Amber was looking at Sooyoung intently. Right now, both of them were having a staring contest.


“No. I don’t. So why don’t you tell me? I wasn’t even being mean to Jessica. Did you know what she did to my toes? Here, look!” Sooyoung then showed her red toes to Amber, who did not seem to find any justification for Sooyoung’s actions.


On the other hand, Krystal was still  holding on to Amber’s arms but immediately let go upon seeing Jessica and DongChul’s curious stares.


“It-it’s not what you think Jess..I was just supporting her-” Krystal tried to explain why she was holding on to Amber but knew she couldn’t explain as long as her sister continued to give her that scary stare.


“Well, then please explain.” Heechul nudged Krystal. He also wanted to know the relationship between Kryber.


“Donghae, can you please tell my scary sister and creepy friend to stop being so curious?” Krystal quietly whispered to Donghae’s ear, causing him to let out a smile.


“No problem.” After seeing Donghae talking to Jessica and Heechul to calm them down, Krystal returned to Amber’s side and wrapped her arm around Amber’s arm again.  “This is what I have to do for Amber for scaring her…I was being honest.Geesh. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?”


“Right Krystal?” Krystal suddenly turned her head to face Amber upon hearing her name. 


“Huh?” Krystal retorted, she didn’t know hear the interactions between SooBer so she didn’t want to say anything that might increase the tension.


Sooyoung looked at Krystal and then explained what Amber had said earlier.


“So, Amber wants to know if I was wrong for making your sister-”


“I think the correct term you should use is “commanding”.” Amber corrected Sooyoung with her eyes closed. Sooyoung just scoffed and wanted to punch Amber so badly but restrained herself.


“Yeah. Whatever that dumbo said.” Sooyoung stated as she pointed her finger to Amber. “Anyways Krystal, don’t you think your sister should do her share of labor since she hurt my toes?” Sooyoung asked with puppy eyes, hoping to gain a supporter.


“GIANT! I didn’t do it on purpose. I would never do anything to hurt you.” Jessica said in the most innocent tone with her own puppy eyes, hoping to gain support instead. Heechul saw that Jessica had her fingers crossed.


“Jessica definitely did it on purpose.” Heechul whispered to Donghae, causing Donghae to hold in his laugh.


Sooyoung saw through Jessica’s act and turned back to Krystal. “I’m not going to let that blond stick win.”


“Well Krystal, what do you think? You know your sister is capable of such a thing too.” Sooyoung continued. Krystal couldn’t help but feel a little pressured.  She really didn’t want to be involved in this stupid argument.


“Hey! Don’t force Krystal to answer.” Amber suddenly shouted as she put her own hand over Krystal’s. Amber then looked at Krystal before speaking again. “Krystal, you don’t have to answer my moody sister’s question.” Krystal smiled at Amber before thanking her.


“Thanks Amber.” Krystal then turned her attention to both Sooyoung and Jessica.


“Sorry Sooyoung. I didn’t see what happened between you two so I can’t say anything. But Jessica, I really hope you didn’t drop the bags on purpose, or else….” Now it was Krystal’s turn to give her older sister the cold stare.


Donghae saw this and went to whisper something to Amber.


“Ya…you got yourself a pretty scary girlfriend.” Donghae teased. He knew that Amber and Krystal were just friends but he just wanted to see Amber freak out.


“Aniya. It’s not what you think Donghae. We-I mean Krystal-No! Me-aish!” Amber didn’t know what to say.


Donghae saw Amber’s reaction and put an arm over the troubled Amber.


“It’s okay Amber. I understand…”


Amber looked at Donghae and let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks Dongahe, I really appreciate it.” Amber seemed to have calmed down.


Donghae looked at Amber and then gave Amber a smirk. “I understand that you guys are in a secret relationship. I won’t tell.” And with that Donghae ran to Heechul before Amber could kill him.  But fortunately, Amber was still with Krystal so she couldn’t go even if she wanted to. “I think I should just stay in this position with Krystal. It feels nice.”


“I really didn’t do it on purpose Krystal.” Jessica spoke in a low voice, trying to not let her voice quiver from holding in her laughter.


“LIAR! Amber! This is not fair!” Sooyoung couldn’t believe Kryber couldn’t see through Jessica’s lies.  When Kryber’s back was turned away from Jessica, Sooyoung saw Jessica giving her a smirk and then stuck her tongue out to Sooyoung.


“Come on! Don’t tell me you didn’t see that?” Sooyoung asked, hoping Kryber or DongChul saw what Jessica did to Sooyoung.  Sadly, all of them shook their head “no.”


“Nobody saw what that blonde stick did?” Sooyoung asked again.


“I did.” Sooyoung turned around and to see Tiffany walking toward her with Taeyeon. Tiffany was giving Sooyoung her eyesmile.


“Tiffany! Thank You. Now please tell these four idiots what you saw. And by idiots I’m talking about Amber, Krystal, Donghae and Heechul.”


“Yah!” the others shouted upon hearing themselves referred to as idiots.


“Jess…Hurry and help Sooyoung carry the things inside. It’s past 8pm already.” Tiffany demanded.


“Make me.” Jessica was provoking a fight with Tiffany and Tiffany knew this.


“You really want me to?” Tiffany asked back with a smirk. “You know I can.”


Jessica scoffed. “Yeah right. Bring it on.”


Krystal didn’t want a fight to break out so she ran to stay between JeTi, trying to reason with them.


“Can’t you two be more mature?” Krystal reasoned, hoping to stop the pending fight.


“Shut up Krystal!” JeTi yelled at the same time, momentarily scaring Krystal. 



However, when Krystal recovered, she removed herself from the side and got in her fighting stance too.


“FINE! Telling me to shut up when I was trying to do something good. Arasso. I’ll rumble with you guys then. Bring it on!”




For a few seconds, it was just silence that surrounded the atmosphere. Even TaeSooBer and DongChul didn’t do or say anything.


“Umm..” Sooyoung decided to break the silence after seeing that the Krytal, Jessica, and Tiffany didn’t move but were just staring at eachother. “…Heechul, your friends know martial arts?”


Without looking away from his friends, he whispered back “Yeah. Tiffany is a black belt in Taekwondo and Karate. Jessica is blackbelt in Taekwondo and knows Jiujitsu. And Krystal is a black belt in Karate and knows mixed martial arts.”


“Wow..” SooBer said at the same time. Taeyeon just stayed silent, with her eyes closed.


“Hey Taeyeon, you okay?” Donghae asked. Taeyeon was being…too quiet.


“It’s 8:40pm. We were suppose to have a nice, friendly, non-violent dinner at 8pm.” Taeyeon said in a serious tone, emphasizing on the time.


“Sorry Taeyeon. It’s all because of my friends-” Heechul said but got cut off by Taeyeon.


“Don’t apologize Heechul. Just tell me…how long are those three going to stand there looking at eachother? They should be fighting. They did declare it against eachother.” Taeyeon looked at the three figures in the distance as she crossed her arms.


“See. I told you she likes you.” Donghae quickly whispered to Heechul and gave him a quick peck. Heechul blushed but wasn’t quick enough to hide it.


“Awww!!! DongChul moment!” Amber squealed along with Sooyoung. Both of the sisters were holding onto eachother while giggling.


Heechul ignored them and changed the subject.


“*cough* Well, this has actually happened quite a few times with them. So to answer your question Taeyeon, the fight will begin in 3,2,-”







TaeSooBer and DongChul turned their heads and saw that the fight did indeed start. And from the looks of it, it looked pretty intense. Tiffany, Krystal, and Jessica were all delivering punches and kicks to each other. At one point, Sooyoung even saw Jessica attempting to throw Tiffany.


“Wow…she must be pretty strong despite her skinny appearance.” Sooyoung said aloud to herself. Unfortunately, the rest heard.


“Are you admiring her?” Heechul asked, with a teasing smile and nudged.


“No.” Sooyoung said, but blushing.


“Aww..she’s blushing. Sooyoung was totally checking Jessica out.” It was Amber’s turn to have some fun too.


“No…all of you are wrong.” Taeyeon suddenly said, causing the ruckus to stop.


“Thank you Tae.” Sooyoung said with small smile.


“Sooyoung likes her.” Taeyeon continued, causing the rest to burst out in giggles. Sooyoung now had a frown. “Don’t say anything Sooyoung…they are right. No!!! What am I saying?”


“OMG! You can do it Krystal! Wack her in the stomach!” Amber found herself unconsciously rooting for Krystal. This gave Sooyoung the perfect opportunity to prey on Amber.


“Looks like Amber found a new love interest?” Sooyoung teased. This caused DongChul to join in too.


“Well…they are in a secret relationship but shhh…it’s a secret.” Donghae said with a wink and then broke out laughing hard. Heechul and Sooyoung laughed along, causing Amber to heat up.


“No! We’re not. I swear.” Amber tried to defend herself but stopped because she knew it was no use. “Amber Liu! You should have kept your own mouth shut!”


Heechul was the first to stop laughing. He saw Taeyeon looking at the girls fighting. Actually, it was more like she was observing Tiffany only.


“She’s hot huh?”


Taeyeon turned her head to see a smiling Heechul raising his eyebrows up and down.


“If you say so.” Taeyeon bluntly answered back, not realizing that she was the next victim of the teasing game.


“Hey Amber did you hear that? Taeyeon just admitted that Tiffany is a y mamaaaaaa.” Sooyoung nudged Amber.


“Wow Tae. I didn’t know you had the hots for Tiffany.” Amber stated with a small smirk. DongChul just nodded their heads and both were now raising their eyebrows to Taeyeon.


Taeyeon turned to look at all of them with a serious expression. “ Don’t call Tiffany a y mama. It’s a very derogative term.” "y Mama? That's an understatment. She's beautiful."


“ooooo… are you hurt Taeyeon?” Donghae asked as he put an arm around her shoulders. “I guess you really do like Tiffany huh?”


Taeyeon removed his arm. 


“Every woman is pretty in her own way. Don’t call Tiffany such an offensive word.” Taeyeon continued. “Now stop with the teasing. It’s not working with me.” Taeyeon warned. "At least I hope the teasing isn't true."


“Okay. Gosh! Stop being so serious Taeyeon.” Donghae said with smile as he wrapped his arms around Heechul’s waist.


“Relax shorty Tae. We’re just joking around.” Sooyoung said with a smile as she ruffled Taeyeon’s hair.


“Aish! I told you not to do that! Don’t call me shorty!” Taeyeon yelled.


“Fine. Then can we call you dork?” Amber said with a chuckle but stopped when she saw Taeyeon’s angry eyes.


“Um guys…I think we should stop now. Krystal, Tiffany, and Jessica are getting pretty aggressive and violent now. We should stop them.” Heechul suggested.


Donghae agreed with Heechul and told TaeSooBer to stop them from fighting.


“Go stop those girls before blood is shed. Heechul and I will take care of the food and bags. Go now!!!” And with those last words, DongChul pushed the sisters to the fighting trio.


“Oh and TaeSooBer…”


“What?” The three sisters answered at the same time.


“…go easy on them.”



So what do you guy think? I guess the dinner party is ruined but at least TaeSooBer was able to see the girls in action right? lol. i will try to update asap but in the meantime, have an awesome break.:)

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Chapter 5: Here she comes 😂
mochick #2
Chapter 110: Pls give us epilogue Author-nim
Gingrue #3
Chapter 110: This was honestly one of the best stories I’ve ever read. I remembered 3 or 4years ago when I started reading this I ended up not sleeping until morning😂 it was sooooooo good!! Thank you so much for this story author-nim!! Looking forward to more of your stories in the future~
patbing-soo #4
Chapter 110: thank you so much for this awesome atory author-nim. Hoping to read more of your stories in the future!
amhar03 #5
Chapter 110: I'm so used to got a plot twist in this story that unconsciously prepared for another plot twist but got bummed but also happy that this story finally come to an end. You are jjangg author nim for keeping up with your promise to finish this story even if it took years.. I'm still hoping for new story for this couples from you
Chapter 110: Literally crying rn... Cant believe its already completed ..huhuhu ..thank You so much ... Hoping to read new stories from you ... Hope its still my fav OTP since 4eva.. Soosica kryber taeny :')) stay safe authorsshi !!!!
Gorjezzchoi #7
Chapter 110: Thank you so so much for this awesome story ever author ❤️
Chapter 110: 🙆👏💙💙💙
Gorjezzchoi #9
Omg time flies so fast,,my first fanfic ever !
Miss this story a lot
I wish u doing well author ssi
salsarella #10
Chapter 109: Hi authornim. I hope you're doing well. Just wanna say i missed you. That's all. Stay well and stay safe authornim.