4. Intrigue

30 days Jinnie Challenge!

4. Intrigue – Chaejin/JunQ; 632 words; PG.

If he was true to himself, he was only following the red head because, after so many whines and love sick sighs of the older man, Junkyu was really intrigued if the young girl Seyong wouldn’t shut up about was really all that. But, of course, that all that was coming from Seyong so as much as he was intrigued, he wasn’t really expecting that much.

That’s it. Until he finally saw the girl. Or better yet, the guy. His guy. From that moment on he was more then intrigued. And amused. His boyfriend was dressing as a girl for some reason and his hyung couldn’t see that “Jin” was actually Jinseok, a boy.

‘Now that I think about it… Seyong hyung wasn’t around the day I introduced Jinnie to my brother and Gunwoo hyung...’ Junkyu though while keeping himself hidden, quickly finding out that Chaejin had ended up on a female role on the school play and Jin was the name the other actors called him so he would stay on the female persona. And maybe to confuse the red head from what he could see. Both were immensely funny so he stayed hidden not to ruin the others fun at making his hyung a idiot.

Or he wouldn’t, until the actors decided to take a break from rehearsing and he saw a red head quickly move close to his boyfriend and wrap a arm around him while talking excitedly, and that too shy and innocent Jinseok couldn’t do anything about it.

Getting up from his hiding spot Junkyu quickly made his way closer to the stage, smiling lightly on the outside and smirking darkly on the inside as Jinseok quickly recognized him, as did Seyong.

“Q! Hey, come here I want you to meet..”

“Jinnie” He cut of his hyung, walking closer to them and as casually as he could took the older arm of his boyfriend and wrapped his own around the younger waist, pulling him closer. Both things making the red head to frown and bite his inner cheek. Not expecting his crush and friend to know each other, or be that close since Kyu always ignored him whenever he talked about the girl.

“You know each other?” He asked, looking at how comfortable Jin was on Q’s arm “You never told me you knew her Q…”

At the her almost everyone in the room snickered, Jinseok being the only one that didn’t catch being called a girl. Again.

Blinking innocently at the older one he could only smile happily – something that made most of the people in the room that saw it to swoon, he was just to precious smiling, especially with a dress and wig, looking like a innocent girl – and nod, resting more against his boyfriend as if to make a point on that.

“Of course! Jun hyung…HYUNG?! …Hyung is my boy-..I’m his boyfriend

Puffing his cheek at being cut of so many times Chaejin didn’t even notice the tension and stare down between the two friends, too busy with taking of his wig in irritation and hitting Junkyu lightly on the stomach.

“YAH! If you two would let me talk!” He whined – finally managing to get out of the girl persona he never noticed that stuck to him until he took a part of the costume off – making both guys turn their attention to him. The more masculine voice – but still pretty soft even if he was mad at being ignored and cut off while talking – making the younger of the two to grin and bite his inner cheek not to laugh, and the older to stare shocked at the girl sudden change to a boy.

“You are a BOY?!”

‘Ah yes… this time the curiosity brought amusement and not death to the cat~’

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irmayama #1
Chapter 5: I love all stories..
OMG ~~~ Authornim.. ^_^ Luv You :) Jinnie is my bias in Myname.. :)
Lovely writing, lovely prompts, lovely stories. I'll be waiting for lore, you lovely author. ♡