11. Rattle

30 days Jinnie Challenge!

11. Rattle – Chaejin/Junkyu – 429 words . Fluff. PG


If there was one thing that made Chaejin look absolutely adorable on Junkyu’s eyes was when the younger was too excited about something and started rambling on, talking lively and fast cheering up everyone around with his enthusiasm. Of course it cheered everyone and made everyone like that side of Jinseok, but everyone sometimes got kind of tired of the maknae rattling on and on about nonsense while they were tired and all they wanted to do was take a nap between schedules or sleep at night, not Junkyu since those were the moments he most liked to be with the younger, when he was as tired as everyone but his innocent mind tried to get him to cheer up everyone so they wouldn’t be as tired, when he was as sleepy as Junkyu but both didn’t want to go to sleep so they rambled on about everything and anything at 3am on one of their top bunks as the hyungs slept on their bed without even notice at how soft Chaejin was rattling on to him about his day even if they spent it together, neither wanting to leave the bed to go to their own until it was really needed – a top bunk not being make to be shared, they almost learned that the hard way if it wasn’t for one of the hyungs.

His boyfriend looked just too adorable like that, sleepy eyes; talking softly and sleepily but still sounding as happy and lively as if he was awake on the middle of the day; and looking just at him as he talked about whatever nonsense his head told him to talk about before having to get down from there and go to his own bed. Something Junkyu really doubted would happen as he looked way more sleepy then himself, but he wouldn’t comment on it and would just wait the other sleep to leave his bed, not wanting to break the moment being happy just being there with the other. Listening and making small sounds as response until Jinseok finally fell asleep in the middle of a random story of a movie he saw someone watching, kissing his forehead mumbling a soft goodbye and moving to go to the youngers bed, falling asleep just as his head hit the pillow, happy smile on his face until the morning where it only grew as he was woken with the same voice he dreamt of everyday. The day already starting with his love rattling about something, and he couldn’t think of a better way to wake up.

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irmayama #1
Chapter 5: I love all stories..
OMG ~~~ Authornim.. ^_^ Luv You :) Jinnie is my bias in Myname.. :)
Lovely writing, lovely prompts, lovely stories. I'll be waiting for lore, you lovely author. ♡