
30 days Jinnie Challenge!
  1. Start – Chaejin/Insoo; PG; 590 words.

It all started small, he was their precious cute maknae, the small skinny underage maknae that they all grew to love and cherish.

If he had any problem with any school work, or was hungry and bored, every member not too tired would try and help him, if he went out with his school friends - or the 95’line gang plus a giant Junghong that no one knows how he had made friends with – they would all worry. He was sick? Everyone was in mother mode.

Especially him.

Now, at the beginning it was only because he always looked so fragile, so breakable, especially when sick. He was too cute for the world and he wanted to protect and shelter him. It was his job as his hyung.

But as the time passed all his feelings started growing, and as much as he tried to ignore them, made them go away, as more time passed and his adorable Jinnie grew and spend more time with the others, he couldn’t ignore them anymore, not when every time he got too close, or too touchy with others he would immediately have a scowl on his face. He always tried to be as quick to get that off his face, but it didn’t take long to s to catch up (all besides Jinseok, bless his still too gullible and blind eyes to this stuff) and to start teasing about him thinking it was all “motherly” jealous feeling. All but their leader.

Gunwoo was the one that tried his best to help him out, especially because of the age difference, and because as it looked like it to them the kid had some small crush on another one.

But it was for nothing, his feeling grew and grew until he couldn’t keep it in him anymore, and one day after they all went to sleep and he caught the younger sneaking away from the shared room he ended up confessing. It was a sleepy and “I can’t handle this anymore” blurt of the moment. One that he never regretted, not even after years had passed.

“Insoo hyung…” A sleepy voice broke him away from his deep thoughts and the only thing he could do was look up and smile at the adorable image that a sleepy Chaejin made rubbing his eyes while moving closer to the couch he was laying down.

“Neh Jinnie? It’s late go back to sleep...” He whispered softly, not wanting to talk to loud and somehow wake up the others, the dorm was quiet so it was easy to the younger to hear him, not that he actually listened to it though, quickly moving and laying down together with the older, snuggling softly on Insoo’s chest as the older instantly wrapped his arms around the other waist.

“The bed was cold… Let me sleep here with you maybe… Maybe Gunwoo hyung will stop this punishment for the prank and let you go back to sleeping on the room” He replied whispering back, lips moving against his neck where Jinseok pressed his face so he could sleep better, Insoo just chuckles softly and pressed a small kiss on the others head before closing his eyes, the sleep he was deprived before quickly catching up now that the younger was on his arms.

“Since I know there’s no changing you mind… Good night Jinnie” He mumbled softly, fastly falling asleep, small smile on his face that only grew as the last words he heard where “Good night hyung… I love you”.

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irmayama #1
Chapter 5: I love all stories..
OMG ~~~ Authornim.. ^_^ Luv You :) Jinnie is my bias in Myname.. :)
Lovely writing, lovely prompts, lovely stories. I'll be waiting for lore, you lovely author. ♡