HaeHyuk - Unexpected Surprise

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Donghae was at home, walking around his apartment like a ghost looking for a purpose. He was given a rest day in the middle of preparing for their comeback, a much needed relief after the extremely late nights and working till the sun comes up again schedule he and Hyukjae have both had the past couple weeks. He thought due to his exhaustion his body would allow him to sleep in till noon (kind of hoping all day actually, but till noon sounded as nice) but unfortunately, his own internal clock betrayed him and now he has been awake for three hours, completely done his morning routine of drinking his smoothies and spending two hours at the gym. There was absolutely nothing left to do except to bother and find out what Hyukjae has been up to on his day off. 

To: Dalnim (달님)

Ya! What are you doing???

Almost instantly Donghae received his reply. 

Fr: Dalnim ( 달님)


Donghae was pleased at Hyukjae's quick reply then immediately, after reading his response, pressed on Hyukjae's name on his phone to call the other. He waited patiently for him to pick up but after the sixth ring then getting sent to his voicemail, Donghae's mood quickly soured as he scowled at his screen. He went back to texting the other. 

To: Dalnim (달님)

YA! Pick up my call!!!

It took a little longer to get a reply from him this time around but once he did, it didn't help improve his mood any better. 

Fr: Dalnim (달님)

I'll call you back later.

Donghae huffed and if it were a cartoon, you'd see the white smoke coming out of his nose and ears. 

To: Dalnim (달님)

Why 😤 you said you weren't doing anything

Fr: Dalnim (달님)

I'm heading to the dorm rn. I'll call you later.

Donghae's eyes widened and his body automatically reacted on its own as he got up on his feet. 

"WHAT?!" Donghae dialed Hyukjae's number again, and again, and again until he's called the other at least six times in a row before ruffling his hair and giving up altogether. "What is he doing at the dorm that's so important?"

It wasn't so much confusion as it was jealousy that had Donghae so riled up. After Hyukjae decided that he would build a house for him and his parents to live in, he offered the for the other to stay at his place while it was still being built. There was more than enough space for the both of them and it was certainly the better option compared to staying at the dorm with Kyuhyun and their Manager. Don't get him wrong, that place would always hold a special place in his heart and memory, but he had absolutely no desire to go back living in such a cramped up space while they shared two people to a bed, or tripping over bodies in the morning because there was just no space. 

Hyukjae's argument on the other hand, one that he continues to say to this day, that if he had agreed to stay with Donghae at his place the other would never let him leave. A statement that Donghae, up to this day, find annoying and untrue. He will never admit the merit behind it. Besides, he loves Hyukjae and his parents enough that he 100% supports Hyukjae's decision to live with them. So long as he could borrow him for a night or two...maybe three if he's feeling particularly lonely. 

Since Hyukjae refuses to pick up his calls, Donghae decided to call a different person instead. Scrolling through his contact list, Donghae did a hard press on Kyuhyun's name and tapped his foot on the ground as he impatiently waited for him to answer. As soon as he did, Donghae cut his greeting off by getting straight to the point. 

"Cho Kyuhyun! Why is Hyukjae moving back with you?!"

"Ugh- ow. W-What?" Kyuhyun's voice sounded groggy and it was obvious that Donghae had woken him up. Donghae was too riled up to notice.

"Hyukjae won't answer my calls and he just told me that he's going to the dorms right now." Donghae's eyes narrowed while looking out his apartment window, just glaring at the bright sun and traffic of Seoul while waiting for Kyuhyun to give him an answer. "Why is he spending the day with you?" 

"I don't know." Kyuhyun scowled as he lightly rubbed his eyes awake. It's rare for him to get the chance to sleep in late these days and Donghae interrupting his beauty rest for something as stupid as Hyukjae was not something he wanted to deal with early in the morning. "Why the hell are you asking me? Ask your boyfriend!"

"He's not answering my call."

"Tough." Kyuhyun scoffed and already knew that if Hyukjae would refuse Donghae's call it was either because of a joke or a schedule. It's amazing the other hasn't picked up on that pattern still after all these years. "I'm not even in Seoul right now. Why are you calling me?"

Donghae blinked, mouth hanging slightly open as he was struck by that new information. 

"You mean...he's not moving back in with you?"

"No." Kyuhyun confirmed causing Donghae to scratch the side of his head. "I already kicked him out once; I don't want to do it again. Besides, why would he move back in with me again? He has a house to live in. "

Donghae's chest deflated as he heaved a sigh of relief, but then not even a second later and he was back to frowning. "If he's not going to see you, then why is he going to the dorm?" 

Kyuhyun sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Donghae hyung...don't you think Hyukjae hyung is just playing a prank on you?"

"Prank?...Why would he be playing a prank on me?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you fall for it every. single. time." Kyuhyun pointed out the obvious. "He likes to mess with you. That's kinda his thing."

Donghae's lips formed into a pout as he flopped himself back down on his couch. "That's mean."

Kyuhyun resisted the urge to roll his eyes at Donghae's comment.  Seriously, 15 years they've been together and he acts like Hyukjae hasn't pulled this stunt before. 

"Your boyfriend ."

"Hey!" Donghae yelled and Kyuhyun smirked knowing that Donghae's goldfish like attention span has been diverted. "He does not! I mean, yes, he is great at 'that' too but he's amazing in so many other ways. He's really funny, generous,-"

"AHHH! Uh-uh!" Kyuhyun pulled the phone away from his ear and cut Donghae off by screaming at it. "I've caught you two enough times to scar me for the next several life times. I don't need you telling me details about it."

"You're just jealous that I still get some action and you don't."

That was about as much Donghae as Kyuhyun could take for the day before he decided to end the call and get some of the sleep the other had stolen from him. "I'm hanging up." 

"What- no! Wait, Kyu, I-" 

The line went dead and Donghae was back to sulking and figuring out his boyfriend's whereabouts on his own. His lips formed into a pout as he debated whether or not he should try dialing Hyukjae's number again. Maybe he should...but knowing the other, Hyukae will continue to ignore his calls until he's ready to give him a call himself. He's stubborn that way. 

He was ready to start brooding when he was suddenly hit with a brilliant idea. Donghae's face lit up as he pulled his phone out of his pocket one more time and contacted another person that can help him figure out what Hyukjae was up to today. 


"Hyung!" Donghae greeted the man energetically but didn't bother to hide the true meaning behind his phonecall. "I have something to ask you. Do you know what Eunhyuk's schedule is for today?" 

He made sure to use the other's stage name so he could at least pretend that the call was related to work. Knowing Hyukjae, he has already given their manager explicit instructions to keep his actvities a secret from him unless it was an emergency. Sometimes, knowing everything about each other can really have its drawbacks. 

"Eunhyuk? Uhm, hang on. Let me see." Donghae leaned his hand against the window pane and distracted himself by watching the cars in the highway drive by while overlooking the sun's reflection over the Han river. It was too bright today and Donghae couldn't help but think that today would be a perfect day to take the other out on a date. "Oh, here it is." Donghae's attention was brought back to the phone. "Hmm...it looks like he doesn't have much to do today. He has a quick filming to do with his family today for 'Mr. House Husband' and then I'm supposed to help him with some footage for his Youtube content but other than that he's free."

"Youtube content?" Donghae smiled thinking that maybe the reason behind Hyukjae's secret location to the dorm was to hide from him. He still can't understand why the other wouldn't let him show on his Youtube channel. He should've been part of his welcoming first video!

"Ah, okay." Donghae smiled to himself as his mind already came up with ideas on how he was gonna surprise the other. "Thanks, Hyung!"

Sensing that the other already had plans to pop by, their manager thought it would be in Donghae's best interest if he knew exactly what he was about to walk into.

"Donghae-ah, wait. Hyukjae said that he's going to bring his-" but before he could finish his sentence, Donghae had already cut him off.

"Bye! Talk to you later!" 

Donghae ended the call and immediately proceeded to get ready to execute his plan. 

Hyukjae was going to be at the dorms today and he was going to be alone. Maybe the other was going through another one of his gloomy episodes and wants to hide it from his family by renting out a place completely separate from them. Donghae really wished the other would just come straight to him but he understands he needs his space. Well, if that was the case, then nothing a little tteokboki from his favorite little place couldn't fix. 

It would just be like the old days. He'd buy him his favorite snack and he might be a little upset at him at first but he knows the other wouldn't be upset for him for that long. He could put up with Hyukjae being mad at him for two minutes if that means he could see him smile and laugh for the rest of the day. So, that's how Donghae started his day. By running out to Hyukjae's favorite little restaurant and planning how he was going to surprise the other. 


The Ahjumma that served him his order was fairly quick today which made Donghae extremely happy now that he can see Hyukjae earlier. He used his motorcycle to get to the dorm at record time and beat Seoul's never ending traffic. Hyukjae had texted him ten minutes ago saying that he just needed to finish something at the dorm then he will call him right back. Donghae decided not to reply so that he would think that he was upset with him and double his surprise when he sees him standing at the door with his favorite tteokboki meal at hand. Donghae's not one to toot his own horn but sometimes, he really can't help how romantic he gets. 

He made sure to slow down once he got near the vicinity of the dormitory to make sure that Hyukjae wouldn't overhear him coming. The spot behind the building remained available for him to park which made things a lot easier for Donghae. Once he was done and sure that he has everything he bought in hand, Donghae excitedly entered the building, already rehearsing and picturing Hyukjae's reaction in his head. 

"Woah! Donghae, you're the best boyfriend ever. I can't believe how lucky I am to have such a handsome and romantic man like you."

Donghae laughed and had to bite the inside of his cheeks just thinking about it. Of course Hyukjae would never say that (not out loud at least) but a person can dream. The elevator dinged once he got to his floor and Donghae was giddy to see the expression on Hyukjae's face once he opens the door. His eyes searched the numbers around the hallway until he could find the one that belonged to Hyukjae.

"Uh. Wait a minute." Donghae paused as he was struck by another idea. His mind reeled with possibilities, and after some un-needed convincing on his end, Donghae decided that rather than ringing the doorbell, he would much prefer to surprise Hyukjae by entering the code himself. It would just be like the old days. Him barging into his apartment and Hyukjae will pretend to be mad at him and kick him out but then will serve him snacks and drinks not a minute later. He really missed those days. 

...he missed having Hyukjae close to him. 

Donghae reached the door of Hyukjae's rented unit and didn't bother to hesitate to input the code that he knows the other would use. One great thing about knowing each other so well was that he never had to guess what Hyukjae will do at any given time. Hearing the double click and the unwringing of the lock, Donghae smiled and mentally cheered as he opened the door of the unit. He was ready to scream and announce his arrival when he was immediately caught offguard by the image of a woman wearing a charcoal face mask. 

"What the-" Donghae had to catch himself and keep himself from cursing as it took a minute for his brain to register that the woman standing in front of him was Sora, Hyukjae's sister. He blinked and was about to slam the door shut and run away when he heard Hyukjae's mother's voice. 

"Is that Hyukjae? Is he back?" 

"No, Umma!" Sora shouted back at her while her eyes remained on Donghae. "It's someone else. We have a visitor."

Donghae felt his breath hitch and had to clear his throat while inviting himself in. He could hear some incoming footsteps and Donghae wished that the ground would just open up and swallow him whole right then and there to save him from the embarrassment he had just placed himself in. His eyes fell on the floor of the entrance as he slowly realized that Hyukjae's entire family was here. Every one of them. Except for Hyukjae. 

"A visitor? Who would- omo!" Hyukjae's mot

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I had some wacky scenarios for this OS but I thought I'd go simple and keep it short since this is my first time writing with reader POV haha let me know what you think. ^_^


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HappyBonBon #1
Chapter 16: It was a secret that Hyukjae would not want anyone else to know. Not even Donghae -> it means that donghae is not aware of this? he will forget it after he put his glasses? so donghae will forget their y times? is this kind of did syndrome?
purple_88 #2
Chapter 13: Nice fic! Wonder how heechul reaction after know what happened in HIS room haha...
Chapter 6: Why isn't Teuk's ro soundproof? Ans why is Teuk the only one ?
Chapter 1: This is so touching!!! Though I wish ZhouRy appeared as well
Chapter 26: Lmao I can hear Heechul's voice when he calls my name. This is a very unique, very fun. Well done!
Chapter 26: This is a unique twist on the y/n pov. I also don’t usually like those but this is really enjoyable and fun!
Chapter 26: Owh it's uniqe so fun to read
Chapter 26: That's lovely. And participating is quite funny, thank you!
ReadRealize #9
Chapter 26: I have the same question too, what is that supposed to mean haha i am quite slow
Chapter 25: Ahh so hyuk do some dark magic? Since there is no way hae can do it when he already dead when he was small.
Maybe hyuk missed hae so much so he do it, but instead bring hae back, he bring evil hae, that cost his own life?
Or hyuk blame himself for what happend to hae so he choose to do dark magic in hope to meet hae again. But why he don't even remember he did that? Like his mind so fuzzy.