HaeHyuk - The More U Love, The More U Fall

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Sequel to "The More U Hate, The More U Love

A week passed since the event between Eunhyuk and Donghae happened. Now, most people would expect them to act all sweet and nice with each other after that kind of activity and confession, despite their history. Forget all the bad times and create a loving future. From enemies to lovers. However, like what you would expect from this two, they do not follow under any normal couple category. They were Eunhyuk and Donghae and together, well, together they were just plain unpredictable. 

Eunhyuk was glaring at Donghae from across the room as he continued to fold the mountain like pile of clothes around him. He can't help himself from cursing the other for putting him into this kind of situation. Although Eunhyuk still has not spoken a word to the other, Donghae could sense that the other was very pissed at him. Well, who could blame him. They were after all turned into slaves for who knows how long by the one and only Kim Heechul.

"This is all your freaking fault!" Eunhyuk's voice was full of agony as he placed another neat stack of clothes in Heechul's closet. 

Donghae rolled his eyes as he continued to wipe Heechul's room clean and free of dust. "For the millionth time. I'm sorry."

"Do you even know what you're apologizing for?"

"I don't know!" Donghae replied annoyingly. He unknowingly continued his sentence which just made their situation worst. "For getting caught? For getting us in this mess? For sleeping with you."

Eunhyuk obviously felt offended at Donghae's answer and threw the shirt he was in the middle of folding towards him; directly hitting Donghae on the head. 

"Hey!" Donghae yelled grabbing the hanging shirt off his hair. "What was that for?!"

"For taking advantage of me and for getting me in this stupid situation!" Eunhyuk spat before sitting back down and continuing to fold Heechul's clothes.

Donghae glared at Eunhyuk but before he can start an argument with him, somebody interrupted their little discussion.

Heechul stood by the door with an amused look on his face as he drank a nice cool soda in front of them. Donghae and Eunhyuk's glare were transferred towards his direction, but that didn't last long since they already knew the consequence of that. They went back to work while they just imagined exactly they wanted to do and say to each other inside their heads in that moment.

"So, I hear a lot of talking going on here. Are there any problems?" Heechul inquired completely amused athe scowls on their faces.

"No, hyung." Eunhyuk and Donghae both automatically answered.

"Are you sure? No complaints at all?"

Eunhyuk and Donghae both took a deep breath before answering, "No, hyung."

"Okay, then." Heechul chuckled at them and made a move to leave the room but before he left, he looked back and gave them a smirk. "Maybe next time you guys would learn to clean up after yourselves."

Eunhyuk blushed a bright shade of red while Donghae opted to just look away from Heechul. They honestly didn't think they would get caught like that. 


Donghae had finally calmed down from his celebration of Eunhyuk agreeing to go out with him and decided to assist the other into wearing his clothes back. Eunhyuk could barely move since one single move would cause pain to strike down his spine. Donghae would giggle every time he felt Eunhyuk flinch which made the other glare at him. 

"Would you stop laughing!" Eunhyuk demanded when he saw the smile on Donghae's face. "This isn't funny."

"I didn't say it was." Donghae replied as he tried to stop his laughter.

"That's it! I'm breaking up with you." Eunhyuk pushed Donghae away from him and crossed his arms.

"You can't do that. We haven't even left the room yet."

"Yeah? Well, it lasted a good 2 minutes. Wouldn't that be some sort of record for you?" Eunhyuk mocked.

"Hey, okay, fine. I won't laugh anymore." Donghae put his serious face on and when he saw Eunhyuk narrow his eyes at him, he followed it up by making a cross motion above his heart. "I promise."

Eunhyuk didn't give him an answer but believed Donghae's words anyways. They heard people murmuring just outside the door prompting Donghae to immediately help Eunhyuk with his clothes and assisting him to stand out of bed. The second the door opened, everyone gave Donghae and Eunhyuk's innocent expressions a weird look.

"Are you guys okay?" Leeteuk asked suspiciously.

"Yes." Donghae and Eunhyuk simultaneously answered. 

"Are you sure?"

"Yup." Again, together.

"O-..kay, then...," Leeteuk decided to drop the subject since he noticed the two's closeness and the fact that they weren't clawing each other's eyes out. If they can be peaceful like that, then who was he to ask what kind of miracle happened. 

"See," Heechul said and walked towards the two. He slid in between Donghae and Eunhyuk and put his arms around their shoulders. "I knew you two would hit it off. So? What did you two do while we were gone?"

They both started to feel nervous and scared when they saw the mischievous glint in Heechul's eyes.

"W-what do y-you mean...hyu-hyung?" Donghae nervously asked. "N-Nothing hap-happened."

Eunhyuk nodded his head in agreement. "Yup! N-Nothing happened." Followed by a nervous chuckle. 

"Really?" Heechul narrowed his eyes at them. Looking them directly in the eye to see if they were lying or not. "Are you two really sure that nothing happened here while we were gone? At all?" 

Eunhyuk and Donghae both shook their heads side to side, nervousness rising dangerously high. Heechul took a closer look at both of them and just when they were about to crack, Leeteuk was there to save them.

"Heechul! Leave them alone." Leeteuk pulled them away from Heechul's grasp and led them outside. "We brought you guys some take out. I bet you two are hungry."

They both released a sigh of relief as they followed Leeteuk into the kitchen. They gave themselves a mental pat on the back for having escaped Heechul's wrath, or so they thought. As soon as they got settled into the kitchen, the second they sat on their chairs, they heard Heechul's outburst that made time freeze for them.

"What the hell are these stains?!"

After hearing that, everybody ran back to Heechul's room to check what exactly got the other so upset. It took Donghae and Eunhyuk a while before they figured that that was the perfect time to have their escape. By the time realization dawned upon them, it was too late. They already had a fuming Heechul on their tail and a dozen pair of shocked eyes looking at them. 

End of Flashback

As the end result of it all, their lives were spared but at the expense of being turned into Heechul's slave and having to put up with the endless teasing and knowing looks their friends were giving them. Not to mention that Leeteuk was also sending a pretty hard glare towards Donghae's direction. It's been a pretty rough three days for the two of them. To make matters worse, Eunhyuk's and Donghae's relationship didn't seem to improve at all. They still argued and bickered like normal. 

"Hyung, are you sure you're not working them too hard?" Sungmin asked worriedly.

"Nah," Heechul responded. "They'll be fine."

"But Hyung, don't you think it's weird that all they've done after getting together is fight?" Ryeowook supplied. 

"Oh, Wookie." Heechul shook his head side to side in amusement. "That's normal."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. I was the one that got them together, right?" Heechul's smile slipped off his face when he heard someone snort at his statement. He looked at that person with a raised eyebrow. "Is there something you want to say, Kyuhyun?"

"Just that you got lucky," Kyuhyun paused briefly before looking at Heechul and sending him a smirk of his own. "Hyung."

"Tsk. Like you could've done better."

Kyuhyun didn't bother replying to him before going back to his game. Leeteuk, who still felt a little upset about the whole idea of Eunhyuk's "innocence" being taken away, felt bad for the two. 

"Heechul, maybe you need to give them a break." Leeteuk suggested.

"They just had their break."

"No, I mean a real break." Leeteuk rolled his eyes and clarified. "You know, give them time for themselves."

"What do you mean? Like sent them on a date or something?" Heechul asked confused.

"Yes!" Leeteuk happily exclaimed. "That's perfect! We should send them on a date."

Everybody else in the room lightened up at the idea. Heechul sighed and would have argued but seeing everyone's excitement, he decided to walk over to tell his two very hardowrking dongsaengs the "good news." Everyone that was in the living room seemed so excited at the idea of them dating out in public. They started to imagine what it would be like for Eunhyuk and Donghae to be holding hands as they walk around instead of their usual push and shove situation. Them, smiling at each other instead of scowling and sending deathly glares from across the room. It was all so sweet and romantic that Kangin, Kyuhyun, and Shindong had to roll their eyes seeing everyone's dreamy look.

Heechul wasn't really too happy sending Eunhyuk and Donghae off on a date. He thought that they would be more useful doing his chores around the house but then again, he was also intrigued at the idea of how their date would turn out. 

"Yah! Eunhyuk! Donghae! You-" Heechul stopped and gasped completely horrified as he looked around his room. "What the hell did you two do to my room?!"

Eunhyuk hid the shirt he was holding behind his back while Donghae dropped the pillow he was holding down on the floor. They nervously glanced at each other before simultaneously answering, "Nothing."

"Nothing?! Are you kidding me?!" Heechul entered the room slowly still shocked at its messy state. His bed was a complete mess - and he's pretty sure that his bed sheets were ripped. His closet has been turned inside out and looked even messier than when Eunhyuk wasn't fixing it. His desk was....well, he can't even see his desk anymore. He looked at both trouble makers and gave them his deadliest glare. 

Heechul was about to start his rampage but, of course, they were once again saved by their angel Leeteuk.

"What's going on in here?" He asked curiously.

The rest of the group was also watched the scene with curious eyes. Hankyung upon seeing his lover in rage quickly ran to his side to soothe him. Leeteuk let Hankyung do all the talking with Heechul and looked at the two people that looked oddly relieved but at the same time still frigtened.

"What happened?" Leeteuk asked them. 

Donghae and Eunhyuk both gave each other a knowing look before, once again answering "nothing" at the same time. 

"Nothing!?" Heechul repeated again, outraged. "Why you two little-" Heechul's word were immediately cut off by Hankyung as he was dragged away from the two troublemakers. 

Donghae and Eunhyuk both showed a sigh of relief now that Heechul wa0s gone and looked more comfortable around the room. Leeteuk and the others raised a curious brow at that but didn't bother to ask anything about it. 

"Okay. So, now that Heechul hyung's gone," Sungmin gave them a look that meant he better get what he wants or else he'll turn into Heechul and asked, "What really happened?"

Donghae and Eunhyuk was quick to point their fingers at one another. "It was his fault!" Eunhyuk glared at Donghae and the other glared back.

"My fault?!" Eunhyuk questioned. "How is this my fault? You started it!"

"I started it?! Yah! You were the one who threw the pillow at me first!" Donghae retorted.

From there, they started to have another argument which frankly, didn't make the tiniest sense to anyone else in the room. Sugmin and the others looked at each other helplessly. 

"Nothing much has changed between them, huh?" Ryeowook commented as he watched both of his hyung's argue childishly.

"Yup." Yesung agreed. "Nothing has changed at all."

The two continued to argue, completely ignoring their audience at the room. The way they were screaming and glaring at one another was so intense that it seemed impossible for anyone to stop them. But, just like always, Kim Heechul made the impossible possible. 

"Yah! You two stop fighting and go out on a date!" He commanded straight away.

Eunhyuk and Donghae's argument immediately came into a halt as soon as they heard his orders. They were frozen for a moment before giving Heechul a confused and totally lost look. Heechul soon became annoyed at the look he was getting from the duo and snapped.

"What? Didn't you hear me? Go. Now."

Eunhyuk tilted his head to the side for a bit while scratching the side of his head. Donghae decided that its best to just voice out his curiosity knowing that Heechul won't get any clearer than that.

"Uhm, hyung?" Donghae started. "Did you mean...that we can go home now?"

"No." Heechul raised an eyebrow at Donghae. "Where did you get that from?"

"But....you just said to go, right?"

"No. I said to go on a date. Not go."

"Date? Wha-...what do you m-mean?"

"You know what that means." Heechul said annoyed. "You've been on hundreds of dates. It means, you two are gonna get out of this house and act all couple-like, or some  like that."

Donghae and Eunhyuk blinked at what Heechul had just said. Then, they turned their heads to look at one another before expressing a similar reaction of disgust. 

"Eew~ I don't want to do that with him." They both exclaimed while taking one step away from each other.

Heechul and the rest of the people in the room showed a dumbfounded look. Nothing in that sentence or reaction made sense to them. Exactly, what were these two trying to pull? 

"What do you mean 'not with him'?" Leeteuk asked completely lost.

"Hyung, you're not serious right?" Eunhyuk looked at Heechul desperately. "You don't really mean what you said, right?" Eunhyuk's let out a nervous laugh and looked at the rest of the group. "You guys are just pranking us, right? Okay, we get it. Ha. Ha. Very funny."

Hearing that from Eunhyuk, Donghae soon joined Eunhyuk in laughing out loud but seeing their friends blank looks, their laughter died down and a small frown slowly appeared on their faces.

"Donghae hyung, why won't you want to go out with Eunhyukkie hyung?" Ryewook curiously questioned.

Donghae looked at Ryeowook and seeing the innocent look on the eternal magnae, he couldn't bring himself to answer. Of course, he's not the only problem he had to deal with.

"Oh, Wookie. S

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I had some wacky scenarios for this OS but I thought I'd go simple and keep it short since this is my first time writing with reader POV haha let me know what you think. ^_^


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HappyBonBon #1
Chapter 16: It was a secret that Hyukjae would not want anyone else to know. Not even Donghae -> it means that donghae is not aware of this? he will forget it after he put his glasses? so donghae will forget their y times? is this kind of did syndrome?
purple_88 #2
Chapter 13: Nice fic! Wonder how heechul reaction after know what happened in HIS room haha...
Chapter 6: Why isn't Teuk's ro soundproof? Ans why is Teuk the only one ?
Chapter 1: This is so touching!!! Though I wish ZhouRy appeared as well
Chapter 26: Lmao I can hear Heechul's voice when he calls my name. This is a very unique, very fun. Well done!
Chapter 26: This is a unique twist on the y/n pov. I also don’t usually like those but this is really enjoyable and fun!
Chapter 26: Owh it's uniqe so fun to read
Chapter 26: That's lovely. And participating is quite funny, thank you!
ReadRealize #9
Chapter 26: I have the same question too, what is that supposed to mean haha i am quite slow
Chapter 25: Ahh so hyuk do some dark magic? Since there is no way hae can do it when he already dead when he was small.
Maybe hyuk missed hae so much so he do it, but instead bring hae back, he bring evil hae, that cost his own life?
Or hyuk blame himself for what happend to hae so he choose to do dark magic in hope to meet hae again. But why he don't even remember he did that? Like his mind so fuzzy.