A Trip down Memory Lane: Jonghyun is Mr: Umma

The Adventures of Key umma, Jonghyun appa, and Taebaby!
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Key and Jonghyun were cuddled up on the love seat in the shinee dorm while Minho and Taemin were relaxing on the floor. Onew was surrounded by chicken and empty buckets. They were watching bride wars because it was Keys turn to choose movies. Jonghyun was bored out of his mind. Chick flicks weren't his thing however the cute reactions Key was making made it all worth it. The movie finished (finally...) and everyone decided to go their separate ways. Minho and Taemin went to their room, Onew to his, and Key and Jonghyun to theirs. Jonghyun and key decided to take a bath together that day just for the heck of it. They climbed into bed but kept the lights on. Jonghyun turned to face Key and smiled. Key smiled back, running his finger along Jonghyuns jaw.
"Hey babe..." Key giggled.
"Hey...." Jonghyun then leaned in and kissed Key sweetly on the lips and held him around his waist.
"Mmmm what was that for?" Key asked smiling. Jonghyun chuckled and started kissing Key all over his face and anywhere is lips could touch. Key laughed softy at the tickling sensation.
"Jjongie... What's gotten into you silly puppy..."
"I just love you so much... You drive me crazy Key..." Key laughed bringing his arms around Jonghyuns neck and engaging in a passionate kiss. They were so into their kiss that they didn't hear their door open. They broke apart however when they felt their bed dip. They looked to see Taemin sitting at the end of their bed looking at them with his adorable eyes.
"Hey baby!" Key said breaking from a pouting Jonghyun to bring Taemin to his lap.
"What’s going on squirt? You should be sleeping.”Jonghyun stated rubbing Taemins belly.
"But I wanted to say good night to umma and appa...” Taemin replied cutely while playing with Jonghyuns fingers. Key smiled.
"Awww thank you sweetie." Key said placing a kiss on Taemins head. Taemin smiled and pecked Keys cheeks. He then reached towards Jonghyun who gladly took him, cuddling him on his lap and showering his face with kisses. Taemin laughed.
"Appa....stoppp tickles..." Jonghyun and Key laughed.
"Hey jjongie remember the first time you took care of Taebaby by yourself?" Jonghyun laughed.
"How could I not..."

Yes the first time Jonghyun took care of Taemin indeed. It was when they first started their role play. Key was doing promotions for his catch me musical while Minho and Onew were busy with other things. That left the Dino puppy in charge of Taemin. Now Jonghyun was just a starting appa and to say he was nervous was an understatment. Even though he and Taemin had been bandmates for 2 years now and close he was still a nervous wreck.

"okay Jjongie you remember what I told you right?"Key asked while packing his bag.
"Uhh uhhh yea?" Key sighed. His babe didn't sound even alittle convincing.
"What time should Taemin be napping?"
"uhh unnm 2:30?"
"no yeobo 3:00 so he can wake at 6:00 and still be on time for his extra dance practice."
"oh yea I knew that..." Key rolled his eyes.
"How many table spoons of formula do u put in his bottle?"
"Oh I know this one! 7!" Key looked at Jonghyun incredulously.
"4 Jonghyun 4.... Are you sure you can do this?" Jonghyun held Key and kissed him.
"I'm just nervous yeobo but I'll take care of our baby. We will be fine (he hopes...)." Key sighed but smiled.
"Okay... But call me if anything goes wrong arasso?" Jonghyun nodded.
"Of course but that won't happen because this week I'm super appa! Dadadada!" Jonghyun said dorkily. Key shook his head laughing and headed out. He would be in and out of the dorm for the next couple days for some intense practice so he wouldn't have time to role play. He was sad but he knew his baby would be in good hands....right?

After Key left it was just Jonghyun and Taemin. Taemin was on the floor coloring while Jonghyun kept an eye on him. Taemin seemed to be okay so he decided to work on some lyrics for new music. Jonghyun was so into his writing he didn't notice it was past 3:00... When he did finally stop for the day it was 5:15. He looked down to notice that Taemin was just laying there looking at him. Jonghyun smiled and knelt down picking him up.
"Hey squirt what's up?" Taemin shrugged and rubbed his eyes with his adorable fists. Taemin yawned and rested his head against Jonghyuns shoulder. Jonghyun laughed and kissed his cheek.
"Are you tired sweetie? Hmm?" Jonghyun cooed whole rocking him. Taemin nodded.
"Well let’s get you a nap sugar." Jonghyun looked at his watch and was shocked that it was so late. Taemin wouldn't be able to nap today....
"I'm worry baby but I need to get you ready"
"but appa... Sleepy...."
"I know pumpkin I'm sorry. Appa should have had you napping hours ago. Let's go precious." Jonghyun got a cranky Taemin ready for his dance practice and drove him there. 
"Okay Minnie work hard. I'll pick you up at 10." Taemin nodded pouting.

''Oh dont pout sweetheart. Now give appa a kiss." Taemin gave Jonghyun a cute little kiss and waved cutely as his appa drove off.

Jonghyun arrived back at the dorm and decided to take a nap. However poor Jonghyun overslept. When he woke up it was midnight. He shot up and was met with a very upset Onew and Minho.
"Hyung you were suppose to pick up Taemin. He called us saying you hadn't showed up we thought something happened!" Minho said upset because Jonghyun didn’t take care of his precious Minnie when he was suppose to (a/n Minho and Taemin weren't together yet.)
"Are you alright Jonghyun? You know Key would have your balls served on a silver platter for not watching out for his precious Taebaby... And lord knows we don't need the wrath of the almighty Key in our dorm especially after a long schedule..." 
"I'm sorry guys... I didn't mean to knock out..."
"We aren't the ones you should tell that too." and with that Onew and Minho left. Jonghyun rushed to where he assumed Taemin would be. He went to the little office to find him dancing. Jonghyun walked in cautiously to not upstart the maknae.
"Minnie? Sweetie?" Jonghyun said in his most soothing appa voice. Taemin stopped dancing and gave Jonghyun an unhappy look then went back to what he was doing. Jonghyun sighed. He went to the boom box and shut off the music. Taemin looked at him pissed.
"Hey! I was doing something hyung!"
"Minnie...please don't be like that... appa is sorry..." Taemin pouted as his eyes glistend Jonghyun picked him up and sat on the office chair but making sure to lock the door.
"Awww baby I'm so sorry..." Taemin sniffles.
"I want my umma back... Umma doesn't forget Taebaby like appa does..." Jonghyun held him tightly.
"I didn't forget you sugar... I could never forget my baby you know that... I'm sorry I'm a bad appa.... Do you hate appa now?" Jonghyun asked kissing Taemins nose. Taemin sniffed and rubbed his eyes.
"............no..... I don't hate appa..." Jonghyun smiles.
"I'm glad... I love you... You want milk? Hmmm?" Taemin thought and nodded sticking his thumb into his mouth."
"Banana..." Taemin said cutely around his thumb.
"Baby... Umma doesn't like you having that so late..." Taemin whined and wiggled.
"Banana... Banana!" he said like a spoiled infant. Jonghyun sighed.
"Okay okay... Wait in your room for me... Do you want me to put you in a diaper tonight?" Taemin nodded. He needed to feel extra coddled and spoiled tonight. Jonghyun went to the kitchen to make th

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luvpurplegreen #1
Chapter 9: What i can say right now is ... I love u author-nim for lovely entertaining and cute fluff story...
hollandje #2
Chapter 9: Who wrote this insane fanfic? It is hilarious. The ppl on the subway is looking at me like I'm a crazy lady. Poor Jonghyun. Its life is a mess with Key & Taemin as wife & child. Lolololol funny please continue. Please update.
noctis15 #3
Chapter 9: ooh so cute ~ i love this story, im soo happy when i read this story, plz write more .
^ U ^
Suga_my_neckpillow #4
Chapter 2: Yoogeun screaming "appa!" And onew just refuses to get up xD that was great! I was sad key umma wasn't there tho. Love the story
Suga_my_neckpillow #5
Chapter 1: Omg they are so weird but it's awesome but weird because isn't key like 2 years older than Taemin like OMG. Good story tho!
Chapter 9: I cannot believe you ended it this! But it was so funny. Thank you for writing it! Good luck with future stories!
Shawolflamerthawtar #7
Chapter 9: Plz write more. I am really in love with jongkey and baby taeminnie. I hope u write a lot more abt taemin as a baby
Shawolflamerthawtar #8
Chapter 9: Is this the last chapter????
FreezingLove #9
Chapter 8: That is one freaky RP they are doing?
Oh, well who cares as long as it is cite and amazing as this? ^~^
blueberrylipgloss #10
Chapter 8: awwww poor Minnie - he should have listened to key umma in the first place but oh well