One Sick Baby...

The Adventures of Key umma, Jonghyun appa, and Taebaby!
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Taemin was ecstatic when Minho returned home from his drama shoot and so was Minho. They went on a few small dates together to celebrate and had a wonderful time. On one particular day, Minho and Taemin decided it would be a brilliant idea to go out on a day that was scheduled to have a massive rain storm. Key had warned then quite persistently before hand not to go but of course being the makne line and disgustingly in love the words of the dorms umma went unheeded, and they went anyways. Unprepared and certainly not dressed for the occasion is how they got stuck in their current predicament. Well not they...more like Taemin. The day after their little adventures in the heart of a Korean rain storm Taemin had fallen gravely ill. The poor maknae was simply miserable to put it simply. Minho felt guilty taking his beloved boyfriend out against Key's better judgment and offered to care for him. However Key said he could handle the maknae himself much to Minho’s protest. Jonghyun eventually got his frog like band mate out of the house along with their dubu hyung who was just as worried sick about the maknae. After all were gone, Key switched into full umma mode. 
"Come on baby let's get you changed." Key said while lifting Taemin and bringing him to his room. Taemin squirmed and kicked slightly. Key put him in a diaper and put a long shirt over him and was about to put some sweats on him when Taemin declined.
"Noo... I’m hot pants please..." Key brouth his hand to Taemins forehead felt his skin and he was surely burning up. Key frowned.
"Awww you poor baby... Your burning up..." Key tsked just deciding to leave Taemin in a tank top instead of a long shirt and a diaper. Key put Taemin in bed and tucked him in however Taemin just tossed the blanket off, kicking and whining. He did not like the feeling of being constricted.
"Minnie dont kick." Key said with a patient voice. He knew babies could be especially irritable and stubborn when sick so he had to remain patient with his little one.
"I want umma to hold me..." Taemin complained with tears coming down his face. Key shook his head smiling.
"Okay okay come here." Key opened his arms and Taemin softly crawled to his welcoming arms. Taemin snuggled in as Key rocked him and hummed. Taemin relaxed enjoying his ummas warm chest and comforting arms. However all to quickly Key was putting him back in bed and tucking him in again. 
"Umma..." Taemin started sobbing. Key shushed him by putting a pacifier in his mouth.
"Shhhh...hush pumpkin. Umma is going to prepare you some food that's all. I'll be back shortly." Key said putting a wet cloth on Taemins forhead to cool him off. Taemin calmed down at the mention of food and the cold sensation of the rag.
"Okay....I want steak umma..." Key shook his head leaving. Sick babies don't get steak. What kind of umma would he be if he fed his baby steak when he was sick? A bad umma that's what. Key went to the kitchen to prepare some vegetable soup. He filled it the brim with all assortments of veggies and lots of garlic and lemon. Key knew that his baby was not to fond of garlic but it was good for him so he'd have to be firm. He knew for a fact he couldn't let Jonghyun take care of Taemin. He was too soft and the minuet Taemin shed a single tear, the dumb pup turned to mush and was at their baby's mercy instantly. Now granted Key spoiled taemin rotten as well but that kind of behavior would not help their baby get better s

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luvpurplegreen #1
Chapter 9: What i can say right now is ... I love u author-nim for lovely entertaining and cute fluff story...
hollandje #2
Chapter 9: Who wrote this insane fanfic? It is hilarious. The ppl on the subway is looking at me like I'm a crazy lady. Poor Jonghyun. Its life is a mess with Key & Taemin as wife & child. Lolololol funny please continue. Please update.
noctis15 #3
Chapter 9: ooh so cute ~ i love this story, im soo happy when i read this story, plz write more .
^ U ^
Suga_my_neckpillow #4
Chapter 2: Yoogeun screaming "appa!" And onew just refuses to get up xD that was great! I was sad key umma wasn't there tho. Love the story
Suga_my_neckpillow #5
Chapter 1: Omg they are so weird but it's awesome but weird because isn't key like 2 years older than Taemin like OMG. Good story tho!
Chapter 9: I cannot believe you ended it this! But it was so funny. Thank you for writing it! Good luck with future stories!
Shawolflamerthawtar #7
Chapter 9: Plz write more. I am really in love with jongkey and baby taeminnie. I hope u write a lot more abt taemin as a baby
Shawolflamerthawtar #8
Chapter 9: Is this the last chapter????
FreezingLove #9
Chapter 8: That is one freaky RP they are doing?
Oh, well who cares as long as it is cite and amazing as this? ^~^
blueberrylipgloss #10
Chapter 8: awwww poor Minnie - he should have listened to key umma in the first place but oh well