The end of an era

Good Riddance
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AUGUST  2014

Jessica’s POV

                “Hey Taecyeon, are you available right now?”

                                ~ Jessica

                “Hey are you there?”

                                ~ Jessica.

I can only let out a huge sigh as I threw my phone away and rolled at the other side of my bed. It’s been 2 weeks after my birthday and I have not talked to Taecyeon since then.

“Ms Jung, were off to your next schedule” John said.

“What’s my next schedule?”

“It’s a business meeting with the stockholders of Coridel Entertainment”

“Coridel Entertainment?”

“Yes, Ms Jung. It’s and entertainment company under Coridel Group of Corporation”

“Wow! Tyler sure is rich” I said as I lazily got up and went to my van.


“Hi Tiffany” I answered my phone seating at the back of the van while John drives off to Coridel Entertainment.

“Where are you? We need to talk” Tiffany said having a stern expression in her voice.

“Okay, I just need to finish a schedule then we can meet afterwards”

“What schedule are you talking about? I checked with Manager Oppa you don’t have an official schedule at this time” She insisted.

“Fany, it’s with Coridel” I said.

“Jessica, that’s not an official business stuff!”

“Tiffany, just give me an hour and he can meet afterwards”

I said hanging up my phone. I wonder why Tiffany sounds irritated at the fact that I have a personal schedule. May be Tyler was right, those girls are insecure. Those girls hate that I have a personal schedule to attend to.

“No Jessica, don’t let his words get into YOU!” I said to myself while gently tapping my cheek with my palms.

“So here she is, the creative director of Blanc and Eclare!” Tyler proudly introduced to business persons in the hall.

“Just creative director? I thought I was the CEO” I purposely said it out loud and I sarcastic tone which made Tyler very annoyed.

It was a meeting discussing a lot of business stuff I could barely understand. To be honest, after they had discussed what the future lies for Blanc & Eclare, I already stopped listening. My phone vibrated and I almost jumped out from my seat when I saw a message on my phone.

                “Sorry for the late reply, What can I do for you?”

                                ~ Taecyeon

After 7 freaking hours Taecyeon finally replied!

                “Where are you? Are you busy right now?”

                                ~ Jessica

                “I’m about to leave the company. My schedule for the day is done”

                                ~ Taecyeon

                “Perfect J Can I take you out for dinner?”

                                ~ Jessica

                “Let me think about it”

                                ~ Taecyeon

                “Oh come on big guy, my treat!”

                                ~ Jessica

                “Are you asking me out?”

                                ~ Taecyeon

                “Oh my god! Taecyeon, yes let’s go out for dinner please. My treat! J

                                ~ Jessica

“Hahaha, okay then lady stop flirting with me. Since, you’re paying for dinner then I shall pick you up”

                                ~ Taecyeon


I was smiling from ear to ear when Tyler suddenly touched my shoulders to get my attention.

“Jessica, please pay attention to the meeting” he whispered.

“I could barely understand what you guys are talking about!” I whined.

“Then just please pretend that you’re listening”

“Whatever!” I said which made some of the members of the board turn to our direction.

“Sorry, please continue” Tyler said to apologizing for the disturbance I have caused. I let out a loud sigh and left the room.


“Where do you think you’re going?” Tyler said as he grabbed my arm. From the tone of his voice I can feel his anger.

“I’m going home” I said coldly.

“Can’t you just show a little bit of respect and stay a little bit longer?”

“Respect? Is that what you call it? Did you even respect any of my decisions when I say that I do not want to join meetings like this?” I asked glaring at him.

He was stunned for a while. Speechless.

“Jessica, just please stay” He begged.

“I h

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jesica27 #1
Chapter 28: Whereeeee areeeee youuuuuuu
jesica27 #2
Chapter 28: You came like a wrecking ball~~~~~~
Chapter 28: i
unubold #4
Chapter 27: really enjoyed this chapter
jesica27 #5
Chapter 27: Ohhhhh the waiting game xD
Chapter 27: oh ohh author-nim, you could imagine how wide my grin after read this chapter (y)
ar972pm #7
Chapter 26: I want slight of Taecsun to tease sick since you a wasn't single
jesica27 #8
Chapter 26: Taecsica FTW !!!
unubold #9
Chapter 26: good chapter. liked last scenes at jessica's home
Chapter 26: i think it should be 2014 right? hehe