Part II

November 12th, 2014; History remains unchanged

The sun rays were intimidating that it woke her up. She groaned of pain especially on her head, the thumping sore that was pounding very hard. "Damn. I must have been partying like crazy last night" as she placed her hand on her head and twitched. She sighed and checked her handphone. 5 missed calls. 

"WHAT?! It's 11.28am? I AM SO ING LATE!" she jumped off her bed and went straight to the bathroom to get herself washed, remembering that she has to meet up with Jasmine by 12pm. 


She was looking into herself in the mirror while applying chapstick and sighed. He did not even greet me. I'm pretty sure it's already the same date in Korea. Her phone rang and she looked the caller ID - It's Him. Should I pick up? Stupid Dara, you have been wishing for this, and now you don't want to pick up? 

"Hi." a slightly bore tone from the other line initiated. 

"Oh. Hi."

"How are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks for calling, did YG ask you to call me or something?" I asked wishing that it was his own will, knowing that he already has her. She's probably sitting next to him right now, or fcuk it, they maybe just had the most amazing in the world and she would probably be laughing right now listening to our stupid conversation.

"No." he sounded hesitantly 

Damn, I'm right! She is with him, "OK, if there is nothing to talk about, let's just hung up. I've got things to do here." sh!t. Why did I say that? 

"No, wait! I...uh.. I saw your picture last night." he said. I got dumbfounded and was trying to find the next right word to say to him. This is awkward. We used to be so close and now, I am feeling so awkward around him, "You look stunning, D.. you do. I wish I was there with you to celebrate. And that dress, you finally wore it."

I got stunned and did not know what to say. He continued, "Happy Birthday, Dara.... I miss you." I was so off-guarded and did not realize tears starting to roll down off my eyes. HE MISSED ME. 

"Thanks. I gotta go." I hung up on him and screamed. Why is he doing this? 


She was so confused, isn't he supposed to cheer his girlfriend all the time? Why did he even call her on her birthday? They don't have anything, except that they are in one company. They don't share anything special anymore. She was dumbstrucked and hung her shoulder in defeat. He even remembered the dress. The Hot Pink Dress. Why is Kwon Jiyong doing this? 

Her phone rang and she saw Jasmine on the screen. She immediately took her bag and stormed out of her hotel room and went to the place that they both promised to go to. 


*Jiyong's POV*

I just called her. This is insane. I missed her voice. The sweetest voice I've known to in life. I've been longing for her. When will this stupid contract ends? I seriously can't stand this anymore. 

A loud knock could be heard across the hallway. I am not even surprise to see her storming in and laughed while showing her phone to me. "She's having the time of her life!! GD, she's so over you!" I sighed and calmly said, "Kiko, you don't even know a thing. I just made a call to her" 

Her eyes widened in surprise, "WHAT?! Are you not afraid of the contract we've signed? I could expose it like a lightning, RIGHT NOW!" She was trembling, trying to find the exact word on how to hurt me. But I know she won't. She has her glamour status to be taken care of. I don't even care if there's a million scandals about me. People can write whatever sh!t they want about me. I only have one task, that is to clear everything up to Dara.

"HEY! Are you even listening? With one click on my phone, the whole world would know about us." She threatened me once again. 

"Just do whatever the hell you want. I am so over with this sh!t you're doing."



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Janaky011203 #1
Chapter 2: Please update. This is a good story. I hope you can finish this and they will end up together. Thank you so much. God bless!!
Chapter 2: Update authornim...
abya01 #3
Chapter 2: Omg finally??
greiyz_14 #4
Chapter 1: Please update this story authornim
farahfitri #5
Chapter 1: Update pleasee, i love this kind of story. Based on real life kekeke
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 1: update please
Sugar123 #7
Chapter 1: ahhhhh i thought.... please update....
ssandykwon #8
Chapter 1: Who called her? Omo.
ssandykwon #9
Another heartbreaking story? I hope not. Hihi. Hope you update soon!
Update soon please :)