November 12th, 2014; History remains unchanged (Part I)

November 12th, 2014; History remains unchanged

NOTE: It will be all Dara's POV all the way, unless there is a change in POV it will be informed beforehand. 



I have decided to leave Seoul to celebrate my birthday. My friends are waiting for my arrival.My eyes keeps on falling on that one particular pink leather dress. It has been a year, I have never wore that dress, it was a late gift by someone special. 


I smiled, 'I hope this year, there wouldn't be any distraction like last year.' I took another dresses and packed it in my luggage. I hope this short trip would be worth it seeing all my friends. After packing up all my gears, for the last time I stared at the pink leather dress that is folded on top of all the gears. 


That evening, I received a call from an unknown number, nevertheless I answered it. It was an unexpected call and I got dumbfounded with the threatened voice. I'd decided to go to bed with an unwilling and worried heart. 




With the alarm set, I woke up earlier than I usually am. Looking at the clock on the wall, it is still early 4 in the morning. Once again my eyes diverted to my luggage and smile..what a day to go through. Checking through my phone, I received a bunch of SNS messages. I checked and found out that my boss, YG, sent me a message. I immediately opened it as he knows that my flight is today. It was nothing urgent though, he was just telling me to take good care. I wonder does he even know I am leaving, but well, I hope he is reading out my SNS once I get there. I know how he is very well.


Upon reaching to the land of my second home, I smiled as if I forget all the bad thoughts, seeing all these people of this homeland makes me feel so joyful. Greetings by all the fans makes me feel more than welcome, I waved to them as I go through the hallways, guided by my manager and some staffs to give me updated information about things back at home. 

At the meantimes, I received another call with an unknown ID once again, this time a different caller ID than last night's. I answered it as well but this time, it's from a friend of mine from here. I had an amazing chat and planned to meet her tonight. Upon reaching to the hotel that was reserved by my manager, I unlocked and ped my luggage to unpack and organized my gears. Once again, I was attracted to the pink leather and sighed, should I wear this tonight?

Before anything else, I intended to take a quick rest, busy days ahead and I need to do a planning to see all my favorite people in the least time. I talked to my manager as I sit on the sofa, ''Jjanggmae, I am thinking of going to Palawan and enjoy all the good stuff while in here. So, um, can you do a reservation for me, please?'' My manager smiled, ''Anything you wish. I am just gonna obey and help you as much as I can now.'' 

He seems very weird though, usually he would go and bully me with whatever wits he could, he is very weird. Because of too exhausted to even ask why he is being like that, I just remain silent and sighed, ''Thank you.'' 



Did not realize that my phone was ringing until I woke up, I just inhesitantly answered it. ''Hello?'' 



I was getting ready in the bathroom, almost perfectly all dressed up, stared in the mirror checking my permed hair and make-ups. I sighed and paste a smile on my face. ''All ready, yup!'' 

''Dara-yah. Don't forget to call Chaerin. She reminded me to let you call her once you're here. I'll get you her number in a bit.'' My manager sounded pretty serious from the other door of the bathroom. I sighed and said, ''Alright. Will reach her soon.'' 

CL is always the type to get worried about us, especially myself. I will get back to her, I almost forgot to call her because of all the hectic I get from wherever it comes, I am so engrossed with myself that I even forgot to talk to her. 



That evening she had quite a good time to herself, enjoying every moments she could, thinking about all the joyous stuff and ignoring all the negativity that haunt her on the previous day. Every eyes were laid on her beau and that unique pink dress, a special pink dress. ''You seriously are looking so good, like a Barbie doll, I wouldn't lie, I think I fell in love with you..'' said one of her guy friend. She smiled, ''Thanks! I thought I looked bad today, but to fall in love with me? Stop it, Sam.'' 

More compliments were given to Dara and she could not resist every single one of them, so much of humble of a lady she is. ''HAPPY ADVANCE BIRTHDAY, DARA!'' Greetings by greetings were made continuously, how much blessed was given to this young lady, everyone loves her. There was at one point though, she sat and looked at how the party was going wild and smiled to herself, feeling how much more lucky can she be. Somehow, one thing that occured in her mind, how is he doing? She quickly erased the thought and went to the center and joined the rest of her friends partying and taking good pictures. 

''You definitely gonna have to put this picture in SNS, Dara. You look good, pink dress, so Barbie.'' one of her friends said as she went through all the pictures they took together, ''You really are pretty, if I were a guy I would definitely hook you up.'' she teased Dara. ''Hey, ha-ha, it's not funny alright? I'll post it up, okay?'' she quickly updated her SNS, with a bit of hope that he would see her in the pink dress, wishing that he would feel appreciated that she wore the dress. 

The party was on heat for about another an hour or so, Dara just be seated and enjoyed the environment. With a glass of champagne in her hand, she sipped every now and then with Jasmin sitting next to her, chatting about all the situations.

''So, I heard about it..'' Jasmin stated trying to be calm. Dara looked at her and smiled, ''Heard what?''

''That he is with her, looks very official.. How are you feeling? I mean he never act so silly, but this time it must have hurt you so bad..'' Jasmin trying to feel the empathy. 

Dara just smiled, ''Well, I let it go long ago before. So, no need to be worried, Jas'' 




Back in Seoul.

He was reading through another message that he received. He sighed and feeling so outrageous, thinking when will all these ever end? He remembered agreeing to take some ''romantic'' photoshoot with her, following her orders on unfollowing everyone especially that one highlighted person in his SNS account. Now, all he ever get is cursed words and hatred from her. He even wondered how did he even get into the contract signing with her in the first place. 

His phone rang again. By this moment, he felt like throwing his phone away out of the glass window. He, somehow, held it in and tried to calmly answered the phone call. ''Hello?''

''Yes..I know...just-'' ...... ''Shut up!'' he pulled away the phone and tossed it on the sofa. People are seeing and thought that he was happy with her, how can they not see he is not as happy as he was before. He need things to go back as it were before. He missed her, it's like he haven't seen her for months now, although they were doing several concerts together, but with Kiko by his side most of the times, he can't even glance at her for even one second. 

People are thinking that the so-called 'love story' between Kiko and Jiyong are just the beginning. The things that they don't know are, both of them were and are never dating, it was all just an act for the sake of the contract. It happened in the late 2009, few months after his first mini album was released. He clearly remember those times, the era of truth. He thought he was too stupid for not exposing everything fully. If he was to expose everything, then things like this 'fake-relationship' he is having right now probably won't happen at all.

**For now I can only update this few chunky, just wait a little more..this chapter is still ''ongoing'' , just a few more scenes to go ^^ 


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Janaky011203 #1
Chapter 2: Please update. This is a good story. I hope you can finish this and they will end up together. Thank you so much. God bless!!
Chapter 2: Update authornim...
abya01 #3
Chapter 2: Omg finally??
greiyz_14 #4
Chapter 1: Please update this story authornim
farahfitri #5
Chapter 1: Update pleasee, i love this kind of story. Based on real life kekeke
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 1: update please
Sugar123 #7
Chapter 1: ahhhhh i thought.... please update....
ssandykwon #8
Chapter 1: Who called her? Omo.
ssandykwon #9
Another heartbreaking story? I hope not. Hihi. Hope you update soon!
Update soon please :)