Of orchards and couple rings


Yunho and Jaejoong spent the best part of the summer travelling France, from Paris to Marseille, through Cannes, and for a while renting a small cottage in a picturesque little town near Bordeaux. The beautiful vineyards and clear skies had an almost intoxicating effect on the two youths, who grew closer and closer by the day.

After knowing the other for little over a month, Yunho was sure that he had fallen in love with Jaejoong. The beautiful man's joy for life and refreshing curiosity made the world more colourful, and by now, Yunho couldn't imagine parting with him.

Walking hand in hand had become a pleasant habit for them. Both Jaejoong and Yunho felt the electricity whenever they did, but neither said anything, reluctant to risk the good thing they had going on.

- So what would you want to do with your life if you weren't a chaebol? Jaejoong asked during one of their sunset walks, late in July.

- Don't know. Maybe something like this, Yunho said, gesturing towards the vineyard.

- What, making wine?

- Not necessarily, just... growing things, working with nature, you know?

- Yeah. It would be wonderful. We could grow peaches and apricots and stuff, and I could have a real studio, Jaejoong said dreamily.

- We? Yunho suddenly stopped. - Are we planning our future together? He smiled at the thought.

- It doesn't have to end here, you know. Jaejoong was suddenly more serious than Yunho had ever seen him. - I'm not sure I want this to just be a fond summer memory.

- Me neither, but won't it-

- No buts. Remember what we talked about. Don't plan the route beforehand. That goes for people too. I believe we met here for a reason, and I'm kinda curious to find out what that might be, aren't you?

- Yeah... Find our own treasures, right?

- Right.

- So... Treasure number four: vineyards. Treasure number five: Kim Jaejoong's lips.

- Huh? Jaejoong was surprised when the taller man leaned down and kissed him gently and sincerely. It didn't take long before he closed his eyes and answered the kiss, which, in all honesty, he had wanted for a long time now.

It felt as if time stopped, and for a brief moment, an image of the two of them in a drama, with the camera panning around them in 360 flashed before Jaejoong's mind, causing him to smile against Yunho's lips.

- What? Yunho asked, lips still connected.

- I just realised how long I've waited for this.

- Too long, Yunho agreed.

That night, they made slow and tender love, not wanting to wait with anything anymore. As they fell asleep in each other's arms, Jaejoong's head resting on Yunho's chest, they promised each other to make their dream of an orchard come true, just like their secret dream of love had come true.


A couple of days later, Jaejoong woke up to a lovely smell. Yunho was making a delicious breakfast, and Jaejoong could feel his mouth watering. Before he could get up, Yunho came in with a tray, carrying the most delicious looking chicken stew.

- Ooh la la, breakfast in bed, Jaejoong smiled. - How romantic.

- Only the best for you, Yunho said, leaning in for a morning kiss before settling on the bed next to Jaejoong.

- I was thinking we'd go into Bordeaux today, Yunho said when they were resting after they'd finished eating. - I want to see all the sights, and I thought we could check out the garden parks.

- Like a date?

- Mhm. I realised we haven't had an official date yet.

True to their habit, they got lost in the city of Bordeaux, and they ended their day with a wonderful dinner at a cosy restaurant overviewing the Garonne river.

While they were waiting for dessert, Yunho pulled a small red box out of his pocket.

- I got you a gift, he said, suddenly somewhat shy.

- Yeah?

- I actually bought it already when we were in Cannes, hoping that I could give it to you one day, and I feel that the time is right.

Yunho took a deep breath. He was nervous out of his mind.

- Jaejoong-ah, will you please wear this couple ring? Yunho asked in one breath, as he opened the box and revealing two beautiful Cartier rings.

Jaejoong felt really overwhelmed when he saw the rings. They were from the LOVE series which he loved so much, and he had never received couple rings before.

- Will you put it on me? he asked, holding out his hand. Yunho gladly complied, after which Jaejoong did the same for him. They kissed, smiling shyly when the other guests started "aww"-ing, thinking it was a proposal.

Which, in a way, maybe it was.


Y'all know which rings I'm talking about

Also congratulations to the boys on their 4000 day anniversary!

As always, comments are love

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i'm in love with this author-shii~~~~so sweet
Kattan69 #2
Chapter 4: Aww...they are really starting their lives together...and their dancing cheek-to-cheek is so sweet.
yunjaemrcnn #3
Chapter 4: Finally! They are living together
Chapter 4: Yayyy yunjae living together..
Neng2ovid #5
Chapter 4: Lovely. Hope their farm becomes successful.
jugt_endless #6
Chapter 3: This story is so lovely.
Simple, but warm ;D
Chapter 3: Awwwww i keep grinning like a fool here..haha hope can keep grinning till the end hehe
phinea2009 #8
Chapter 3: I can't help going awwwwww .... They're so freaking adorable.
beckah #9
Chapter 3: Aww :) I have never grinned so much reading a story. Yunjae!
Kattan69 #10
Chapter 3: Aww.....matching couple rings....congrats, Yunjae!