Unbreakable Love

Human and Wolf

Innocently, Yifan thought that his brother's meltdown was going to remain unnoticed and that they would be able to handle it privately. He was wrong. About a week after Jiaheng and his familly came to Yifan's community, Jinki informed him that the Great Alfa was coming to see what the commotion was all about; how come one of his alfas left his territory and also what was that of the attackers.

Yifan informed both of his brothers, the three of them knew that something was going to have to change and that Jiaheng needed to get his together. The Great Alfa was coming with all his family, his generals, counselors and a whole bunch of people. They needed to prepared.




Jiaheng approached his eldest son who was playing near the river with HanSeok and DaYeol. The three kids stopped in his presence, they knew he was a powerful alfa. XuiHo stood up and held his look to his father, he is angry at him. Jiaheng knows.

"Is that how you greet your father?"

"Good morning, father." Jiaheng looks at him and then he squats down so that he can look at his son in the eyes.

"Look, I got watermelon for you. Do you guys want some?" HanSeok and DaYeol nod. "Do you?" He asks his boy and he shrugs but receives the fruit. The other boys leave them alone.

"Appa cries at night." The child blurts out. Jiaheng swallows hard. "He thinks I can't hear him, but I do."

"I'm sorry."

"Then come back and make him not cry." The boy is seven yet he speaks so well, doesn't sound like a boy. Did he make his son grow up like this?


"You don't love us anymore? SuHengie always asks me about you, he also cries..." even his big eyes, big Suho eyes, are starting to water. Jiaheng feels like a jerk. He does what he can, he hugs him and holds him. The boy cries hard and the father wonders if he has been holding it in for the sake of everybody else. "I can't protect them alone, Daddy..." he sobs. "JiaHo is a baby and a girl and an omega... what will happen if the bad wolves come back, Daddy?" Jiaheng tightens his hold. How can his son think that he can protect them when he already failed to do so? Only a child would have faith in him. He also cries.

"Listen. I love you. I love all of you with everything that I am. I'm not gonna fail you again. If the bad wolves come back, I will protect you and your siblings and your appa. You don't have to worry anymore, okay?" Xiuho nods on his arms. He lifts him up and carries him.




Jiaheng carries his son to Yifan's house. On the way there, his boy turns seven again and tells him everything that they have been doing at their uncle's house. How they baked cookies almost every night and how his Uncle Yifan also plays airplane with SuHeng and how his brother thinks he "doesn't do it like papa" but they play anyway.

As they get closer to the house, he sees SuHeng drinking milk and munching on a cookie. He looks sad and tired.

"Papa!" The four year old screams, throws everything and runs to his father.

"Hey baby!" Jiaheng puts Xiuho down to hug his little boy who clings to his neck. The scent of his son is intoxicating, he is happy. To Jiaheng, both of them smell like cotton candy and home. He sniffs them both, they are his. A baby's giggle wakes him up, he lifts his head from his sons' shoulders and sees Suho with their baby, she is the one giggling and stretching her arms to her father.

Suho goes to deliver the baby but Jiaheng catches him too and hugs them both with his long arms.

"I'm so sorry." He whispers, holding Suho tighter. Neither of them want to cry in front of their children.

"Have you eaten? It's almost lunch time." Suho says while wiping his tears. "Come inside, eat with us." He demands. Jiaheng can't say much because SuHeng is already tugging his hand to go inside.

"Okay, okay..."




That afternoon, the three brothers and the council gathered to discuss the future of Jiaheng's community and what to do about the threat. They agreed on extending Yifan's territory to Jiaheng's, not to share it, but to open the limits a little; to bring Jiaheng's people closer to a piece of land that was around half an hour away from Yifan's community. They also agreed to help build and give Jiaheng's people some shelter until everything was ready. 

They have to wait for the Great Alfa to come and for his final decision, it's just that they didn't want to seem like a bigger mess in front of him.




One more week passes and most of the people of Jiaheng's community are in Yifan's territory. The streets are full with children running, there are more people to take care of.

Joonmyeon, who is now six months into his pregnancy, has more kids in his school and him and Kyungsoo have their hands full.

Baekhyun and Jinki come running to Yifan.

"What the hell?"

"They... are..." Jinki is panting.

"The Great Alfa is here... we saw their cars!"



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2438 streak #1
Chapter 25: "the was great but the love was even better"
as if i haven't said it enough, I LOVE THIS FIC!
even in the final chapter, the strong affirmation of the love they have for each other, from their unlikely mating to Yifan almost going berserk and unable to survive the idea of his mate leaving him... i just love it!

2438 streak #2
Chapter 24: Yifan loving the fact that they have to leave their little pup behind a bit too much lmao... can't get enough of Jun huh?
also when his alpha senses went haywire seeing Jun all dolled up lol he's a er for his mate istg
2438 streak #3
Chapter 21: "...it's not that they never say it, but maybe, not enough"
they love each other to the point of no return HUHUHU
also Yifan emjoying being Jun's stress reliever HAHAHA
2438 streak #4
2438 streak #5
you could feel the emotions coming from them... Yifan unable to contain his that he transformed into his wolf and Jun not wanting to lose to everything else again... UGHHHHH I JUST LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!
2438 streak #6
Chapter 18: the closure Yifan needs...
brrrrr... did you feel that tho? did you feel how cold they were to each other? HUHUHU
can't blame Jun since the anger came back, but i do hope they talked abt it instead of spouting hurtful words to each other
2438 streak #7
Chapter 17: Jiaheng getting to exact revenge on thise who violated Suho and wrecked his family... DESERVED!
i feel like they needed that to move on from what happened to them which was incredibly traumatizing
2438 streak #8
Chapter 16: i absolutely love everybody else suddenly getting even a tiny bit meaner to Kris! HAHAHAHAHA DESERVED!

his conviction was what made me believe that giving him a second chance would be worth it... he wasn't confused anymore but he was still willing to consider what Jun wants to happen coz he acknowledges the gravity of his mistake...

"pity me then,!" is still one of my fave lines/scenes in this story
2438 streak #9
Chapter 15: you can feel Yifan's sorrow and regret for the things he did
2438 streak #10
Chapter 14: god the despair when i first read this and i didn't know what's gonna happen next... authornim really did such a good job triggering emotions from the readers, the reason why i am so drawn to this fic... the image of Jun hurting, while actually in labor, the blood, then Jun fighting to stay conscious... UGHHHHHHHHH I LOVE EVERY BIT OF THIS!!!