The Present that Turned into the Future

Human and Wolf

Everyone was alert once the drums started to play a familiar beat. Those who were there to look, sat. Those who were there for a mate, rose from their places.

The omegas looked (had to look) down. Waiting. Sehun couldn't hold himself and had to peek and see, he crossed looks with Yifan who smiled at him, that made him uncomfortable. He wanted a certain beta, he didn't need an alfa. He went back to look down.

The first person showed up at the center, right in front of the omegas. They all smelled him. Male, eager, .

"It's Jongdae." Kyungsoo whispered to Suho.

"Really?" Liyin asked. She sounded happy and smelled needy. Joonmyeon chuckled.




In any other pack, the alfa would choose first, but since Yifan couldn't care less about mating, he thought other people should find their happiness, right?

Jongdae didn't hesitate, he went straight to kneel in front of Liyin.

"Please, noona, be my mate." He whispered. She smiled between her tears. "Is that a yes?"

"Of course." He got up and lifted her in the air, both of them smilling. A round of applause sounded on the woods. The drums played harder for them.

Now, they could choose before Yifan but couldn't mate yet so Jongdae and Liyin would have to hold a little. Hopefully, only very little.




Another wave of scent attacked them. Female.

Amber took her time before walking to Krystal. They were shy with each other, but Krystal accepted. The drums went loud again.

Another male's scent flew around the air. In minutes, Kyungsoo had in front of him a very nervous looking Lord Ryeowook. He has been a good huyng to him. Joonmyeon smiled to himself. The man was the father of Kyungsoo's favourite student.

Kyungsoo looked at him before accepting and taking the Lord's hand.

Then another scent, a very familiar one to Joonmyeon. Yixing.

He couldn't see clearly what was going on with just one good eye. He tried to relax in order to attract the male, he has done this twice before in his life. He felt eyes on him, he closed his own really hard. And then he smelled it; Jongin... and after, he heard the doctor's proposal and then he heard the younger's small "yes."

He decided to focus on the painting on his skin. It was for the doctor, but what does it matter now? He tried his best to not cry. "Just don't cry." He thought that maybe Kyungsoo was watching and smiled to himself.

Why would he hope? Why would someone like Yixing want to mate a monster like him? Not even all the beautiful outfits and flowers of the world would change that fact. He took a deep breath to ease his tears.




Yifan stood up and everybody gasped. When was the last time he did that? He was coming down from the high stone when Zitao got to the center first, it seems like he didn't notice Yifan coming down. The alfa let it pass. Zitao took his number two option. Sehun looked so happy when Tao got to him.

Yifan finally came down and started to sniff the omegas. Ren was too young, Joy too. But then he stood in front of Naum. And he was just about to kneel when he heard a growl. A growl? He turned. Taemin was kind of daring him? He wanted to fight with his alfa? For Naum? Yifan looked up to see the pleading eyes of Jinki, Taemin's father.

He turned to look at the girl who hid her face, she wanted Taemin. He rolled his eyes at life. He moved aside and let Taemin take her.

There, a humiliated alfa was about to call it quits with the party and send everyone to hell, before he saw Joonmyeon. His friend, Joonmyeon, who was discreetly drying his tears.

Joonmyeon who had his heart broken that night. Joonmyeon who was now very sure that he was never going to be somebody's choice.

His pretty hair with flowers and the clothing. From his point of view, he could only see his good side. Like this, he looked like an angel.

He never felt that way about his friend... but whatever. It was a win/win situation; he was going to mate his best friend, there was no need to pretend and Joonmyeon would have protection for life. He wouldn't say no. Yifan went to him and knelt down.

"What are you doing?"

"You know what."

"Please stop..."

"I know I'm not him... but, think, an alfa's mate gets a lifetime of protection and..."

"An alfa's mate should be the representation of beauty. You will be seen as weak by other leaders, Alfa..."

"But I'm not weak Joon." The scent of Yifan was starting to cloud his mind. "Please, let me be your mate. Stop resisting. You actually can't..."




And he couldn't. Yifan took him and their future just begun.






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2446 streak #1
Chapter 25: "the was great but the love was even better"
as if i haven't said it enough, I LOVE THIS FIC!
even in the final chapter, the strong affirmation of the love they have for each other, from their unlikely mating to Yifan almost going berserk and unable to survive the idea of his mate leaving him... i just love it!

2446 streak #2
Chapter 24: Yifan loving the fact that they have to leave their little pup behind a bit too much lmao... can't get enough of Jun huh?
also when his alpha senses went haywire seeing Jun all dolled up lol he's a er for his mate istg
2446 streak #3
Chapter 21: "'s not that they never say it, but maybe, not enough"
they love each other to the point of no return HUHUHU
also Yifan emjoying being Jun's stress reliever HAHAHA
2446 streak #4
2446 streak #5
you could feel the emotions coming from them... Yifan unable to contain his that he transformed into his wolf and Jun not wanting to lose to everything else again... UGHHHHH I JUST LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!
2446 streak #6
Chapter 18: the closure Yifan needs...
brrrrr... did you feel that tho? did you feel how cold they were to each other? HUHUHU
can't blame Jun since the anger came back, but i do hope they talked abt it instead of spouting hurtful words to each other
2446 streak #7
Chapter 17: Jiaheng getting to exact revenge on thise who violated Suho and wrecked his family... DESERVED!
i feel like they needed that to move on from what happened to them which was incredibly traumatizing
2446 streak #8
Chapter 16: i absolutely love everybody else suddenly getting even a tiny bit meaner to Kris! HAHAHAHAHA DESERVED!

his conviction was what made me believe that giving him a second chance would be worth it... he wasn't confused anymore but he was still willing to consider what Jun wants to happen coz he acknowledges the gravity of his mistake...

"pity me then,!" is still one of my fave lines/scenes in this story
2446 streak #9
Chapter 15: you can feel Yifan's sorrow and regret for the things he did
2446 streak #10
Chapter 14: god the despair when i first read this and i didn't know what's gonna happen next... authornim really did such a good job triggering emotions from the readers, the reason why i am so drawn to this fic... the image of Jun hurting, while actually in labor, the blood, then Jun fighting to stay conscious... UGHHHHHHHHH I LOVE EVERY BIT OF THIS!!!